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Mainstream feminism gone viral

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Yet another mainstream interview of a feminist from vagina-cracy of Massachusetts. I’m embarrassed to admit that I used to give money to Public Radio but thankfully the Red Pill cured me of that.


The interview of Gail Dines begins at 52:00 in the link below. She is billed as a “feminist public intellectual”, professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies at Wheelock College in Boston.  (WGBH November 28, 2017)




The key takeaways we can get from her non-stop feminist rant:

  •       Any movement for change has to be women led.  Men need to shut up,  get to the back of the line and do what they are told.
  •       All women earning the minimum wage have been sexually harassed.

  • ·         Women with money need to set up web sites that will be used to “out” men. (Presumably because she thinks there are none out there yet).  Where women can anonymously make accusations without repercussions.

  • ·         The Labor Movement, the Environmental Movement, Civil Rights Movement was actually started as a women’s movement, then when it got mainstreamed, men took it over and ruined it. (Sorry William Wilberforce, Mahatma Gandhi, John Muir, Martin Luther King Jr., etc. … you are all members of the evil Patriarchy).

  • ·         Feminists are men’s best friends!  They are the only group that roots for them!  -- Seriously… that’s a quote! (I should put it on a T-shirt). Feminists refuse to accept the “biological argument” that there is something inherently wrong with men… it’s actually the culture that makes boys boys and men rapists.

  • ·         Parents need to be taught by Dines what pornography is.

  • ·         Women don’t know what they are getting into with pornography. They can’t actually consent to any sex act until they are at least 30.  (30?? Why stop there… how about 75?)

  • ·         Girl Scouts, feminists and Margery Eagan think that all girls should be alienated from their closest male relatives.  Giving one’s uncle or grandpa a hug will risk bringing out his inner pedophile and put your child at risk.

  • ·         The legal system works against women “on every level”.   (I couldn’t believe she said this. Only true ideologues could state this.  Of course the interviewers give her a pass.)

  • ·         Men should be guilty until proven innocent.  (I think she is describing the status quo).

  • ·         The research tells us that women “almost never lie”.  (Ummm… has she ever met one? I’m sure the “research” is from a highly reputable peer reviewed source.)

  • ·         Women have no voice in the legal system.

  • ·         1 in 4 of Dines’ students have been raped.  (Personally I would make a point of avoiding any of her classes… If she is attracting that many rapists I’d suggest she should be investigated for criminal activity. Is she trafficking her own students?).

  • ·         Rape is the safest crime to commit. It’s pervasive in our ‘rape culture’ and goes completely unpunished.

  • ·         Privileged women. Ie: White women, powerful women… can’t run any movement because they work to protect their privilege.

  • ·         There is no such thing as a virgin or a whore.  These are concepts imposed on society by the Patriarchy.  (And there I was thinking that ‘slut shaming’ was almost a thing universally done by women… who knew it was the Patriarchy’s fault?)

  • ·         Hugh Heffner stole the feminist movement. (Wow! Once again who knew?  If he wanted it all for himself why did he have to unleash feminism on the rest of us? That is staggering ingratitude towards all the men who bought copies of his magazines.)

  • ·         Women “have to” dress hyper-sexually because of the ‘porn culture’.  (Female celebs ‘have to’ dress provocatively or they are “invisible”. This is all due to ‘porn culture’. Not liberated, wealthy women doing something because they actually want to.  Kim Kardashian is really a victim of ‘porn culture’. )

  • ·         Hilary Clinton was not supported electorally because of misogyny.  The pervasive anti-female hatred that permeates society was the root cause.  Not that she was an appallingly bad candidate who with unlimited funding, two party elites stumping for her, the mainstream media on her side and her opposing politician bumbling his way through his campaign…. Still managed to lose.  Yeah right… there I was thinking it was all Vladimir Putin’s fault…. Who knew?

  • ·         Men “get it” when they become feminists. 


Well what can be said?  I do indeed ‘get it’ Mrs. Dines.  The pervasive culture in our society is not “rape culture”, no it is feminist dogma that is mainstream.  The non-stop barrage of outright lies, hyperbole and sophistry that she spouts is taking axe swings not just at modern society but the pillars that hold it up.  She isn’t just anti-intellectual and a liar but she is an advocate for a class-based society rooted in injustice. Men are expected to pay the majority of taxes to finance a justice system but we can have no expectation of getting justice from it.  Men need to join with feminists to assist them with advancing their anti-male discrimination and if you don’t then you need to be “outed” as a rapist, misogynist on some anonymous hotline.

The key values of the Enlightenment: Reason, Justice, Individualism, Skepticism.  Feminists like Dines oppose all those things.  I invite comment from other readers and there is so much in this interview that we could touch on. For instance Dines is an author of ‘Porn Land’ which sadly I have not read nor will rush out to buy… talks extensively about ‘porn culture’ as if it was driven entirely by men.  She fails to mention that women consume a vast amount of porn, particularly sexually violent BDSM porn.  Why the double standard?

What else? I think we could also weigh in on the word “privilege”.  I love that word! It’s a single word that constitutes both an argument and an accusation. When I hear it spoken by feminists I immediately assume that the speaker has completely lost their grip on reality.  Any material possession you may have, anything you have achieved, any goal you worked towards, any status conferred on you through you working in a hierarchy can only come because “privilege”.  Not hard work.  Not individual motivation.  Not sacrificing other things in life to achieve an important end.  Nope.  Your rewards were unearned…. Now give me your job you sexist bastard!  Feminists really do have a problem with any merit-based system of rewards.

Many of these topics have been covered in other threads. The feminist sharks have smelt some blood in the water and are circling for advantage. First and foremost, everything is about power with them.  Never let a good media frenzy go to waste!

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This is fantastic news. Its just more female victimhood. Perpetrator one sec and victimhood once reality sets in. Its becoming apparently clear, said types of women will ruin a man's life, make false accusations, and usually enjoy being morbidly obese with green hair. One of my favorite times was the presidential election. A lot of feminists and cunts like Chelsea Handler talked shit @ Trump before doing the water works when reality set in. Classic example of the female chameleon.

TS, I think its important to be aware of the said facts and types of toxic women but, it is pretty evident that anybody that subscribes to victimhood iis far from a free thinker. The same women are quick to cry foul at say pickup which then they can pedal their victimhood but, then we got them watching and reading fifty shades which actually promotes unhealthy sexual behaviors. Of course, if they don't get the ring, they just cry wolf (see the Jhion Ghmeshi court case where women lied under oath before parading out front of a the court for her imaginary hero-cookie). Its pretty toxic. MGTOW can be just as ever bit of toxic the difference being, one is pathological and riddle full of delusion. People care about female validation.

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I don't agree with your assertion that MGTOW is every bit as toxic as Feminism. It doesn't promote victimhood. Unlike feminism I have yet to see any of its followers calling for the mass murder, mass castration or mass incarceration of half of the human population. They promote disengagement and self-actualization unlike feminists' 'man bad' 'women good' narrative.

Probably most fundamental to their philosophical differences is that the feminist ideology is grounded in Patriary Theory which is entirely BS and has been debunked time and again. It is little more than a conspiracy theory and foundational to their belief system. MGTOW on the other hand look at evolution and biology. I've also seen a lot of peer reviewed social science research. As MGTOW is a male movement they are really keen on facts... facts matter. MGTOW is firmly grounded in society the way it is and provide very specific examples of anti-male discrimination. Not some fabricated feminist fantasy. 

You are not the first person to make this claim so I am wondering if you could site some examples of the toxic philosophical similarities. I am genuinely curious.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/1/2017 at 9:17 AM, Dr. Dealgood said:

I don't agree with your assertion that MGTOW is every bit as toxic as Feminism. It doesn't promote victimhood. Unlike feminism I have yet to see any of its followers calling for the mass murder, mass castration or mass incarceration of half of the human population. They promote disengagement and self-actualization unlike feminists' 'man bad' 'women good' narrative.

Probably most fundamental to their philosophical differences is that the feminist ideology is grounded in Patriary Theory which is entirely BS and has been debunked time and again. It is little more than a conspiracy theory and foundational to their belief system. MGTOW on the other hand look at evolution and biology. I've also seen a lot of peer reviewed social science research. As MGTOW is a male movement they are really keen on facts... facts matter. MGTOW is firmly grounded in society the way it is and provide very specific examples of anti-male discrimination. Not some fabricated feminist fantasy. 

You are not the first person to make this claim so I am wondering if you could site some examples of the toxic philosophical similarities. I am genuinely curious.

As a single male, all this #metoo feminism, female victimhood parade, and lack thereof self ownership. Western women and their entitlement, high kill count, predisposition to stds, abortions, divorce, and getting fat as fuck. 


I prefer David Deida's purpose and living at one's edge approach versus MGTOWs take your ball and go home. Its not an answer to the problem IMHO. Then again, what is? I think pursuing younger women, TOP FORM SMV, and red pilling the shit out of her SLOWLY. Its got to be a slow burn. You take up stock gradually until someone stops you. Then you hold go and then you begin again. Its problematic. Women and the government are problematic these days. 

All i can say is that, if a woman is not a free thinker unplugged from victimhood/feminism/sloot gonna sloot, you simply stay clear 

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