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I have been thinking of some things for a while. Civilisation started in Sumer, then Babylon, then Egypt, Then Greece, Then Rome, Then Europe, Then America. We can see a pattern here. Aside that whites were the founders of all these nations, each and every one of them fell and the next flourished. We know that traveling long distances was not easy in the past and we know that people migrated between those empires. We know that some Greeks and Egyptians moved to Rome. We know that Italians moved to different parts of Europe. We know that Europeans funded America. We can now assume that Sumerians moved to Babylon and that Babylonians moved to Egypt. Many of these empires existed during the same time period. Can we assume that the high IQ population were able to realize that their civilisation was going to shit and decided to move to a younger more promising civilisation before shit hit the fan. And, can we assume that the exile of the high IQ class prompted the downfall of the previous empire. I do not have a master in history like Stefan, but, we do see this phenomenon happening during our time. I see a lot of Europeans moving to Canada and at a faster rate. We have seen this happen in Venezuela when the working class was taxed to death, 2 million people fled the country.  

Let me explain why this question is so important to me. I’m a biochemistry student, and I plan to start a family pretty soon. But I’m seeing the west collapsing. If I am to plant my seed somewhere, I want to make sure that my descendants will be able to thrive. You do not plant your crops next to an active volcano even if the soil seems fertile at the moment. You know that in the near future, your crops will be burned.

So here is my observation. I’ve talked to a lot of people in my city and all around the country. I have come to the conclusion that we could easily fix the problem and prevent the collapse of our civilisation, but that the people are too stupid, too indoctrinated, too lazy and too cowardly to prevent the fall. I give my present country about 10 years max. Then it will be Venezuela 2.0. Stefan would say at this moment that we have to reach out and change people’s minds. But I’m looking at it in a pragmatic way. It’s basic math.

-          We live in a democracy.

-          The majority wins the vote.

-          Very few of us are willing to make changes.

-          Our government is importing massive amount of third world migrants.

We have to come to the conclusion that we are outnumbered. When such a scenario occurs the logical solution is to adopt a survivalist mode. We need to encourage the people who love freedom to move to a country where they will be able to wait out the storm. During that time, Canada will fall into chaos. It will be ugly. But the right people to rebuild will have survived and will return after the storm. They will return after the socialist government has collapse. Lets be honest. The only way you can remove a socialist government is to allow it to crash (which it does inevitably).

Please, let me know your thoughts =)

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7 hours ago, GatoVillano said:

Please, let me know your thoughts =)

Would you be staying in Canada (doesn't really matter where you are) if you had the means to create a bubble around and preserve your values?

If the west is at free-fall, in the midst of all the available knowledge people won't move a finger to absorb, think =

a. Does it matter where you move if every place could get corrupted?

b. Is there a lasting inoculation against corruption (because high intelligence doesn't seem to do the trick)?

- - - those are some of my personal dilemmas by the way - - -


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6 hours ago, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:

Regarding the interpretation of the development of civilizations and the saving of the West, I wrote an article during the Trump election here:

What I Learned in School and the Battle for Western Civilization

Also check out The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quigley.


Would you like to add a value proposition or reason to read?


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1 hour ago, barn said:

Would you like to add a value proposition or reason to read?


Sure thing. A practical definition of civilization (or at least a good start), as well as a description of the fundamental forces at play in civilizations. Understanding the fundamentals can help us make better decisions and help us have more hope for saving Western Civilization, which has been on the brink of ending itself multiple times in the past and has recovered.

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3 hours ago, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:

Sure thing. A practical definition of civilization (or at least a good start), as well as a description of the fundamental forces at play in civilizations. Understanding the fundamentals can help us make better decisions and help us have more hope for saving Western Civilization, which has been on the brink of ending itself multiple times in the past and has recovered.

Sold :thumbsup:

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8 hours ago, barn said:

Would you be staying in Canada (doesn't really matter where you are) if you had the means to create a bubble around and preserve your values?

If the west is at free-fall, in the midst of all the available knowledge people won't move a finger to absorb, think =

a. Does it matter where you move if every place could get corrupted?

b. Is there a lasting inoculation against corruption (because high intelligence doesn't seem to do the trick)?

- - - those are some of my personal dilemmas by the way - - -


Who said I would not move a finger. I have been debating, having discussion and trying to wake up people all around me. I have worked very hard to influence the Brexit vote and the election of Trump. I have joined the Canadian conservative party and became a volunteer. I have called people trying to bring information to them. I have challenged people and it has influenced my personal relationships. I have stuck my head out at university at great risk for my career. 

I believe that you have missed my argument. So I will simplify it:

- The waste majority of Canadian are uninformed, they do not wish to be informed and they are please with the way the country is going down the drain.

- The national dept has increased by 250 billions since Trudeau got in office.

- We have lost significant liberties, especially regarding freedom of speech.

- The average tax paying Canadian pays around 43% taxes.

- Companies are leaving Canada and career opportunities are diminishing radically. This will increase. We will see the same pattern that happened in Venezuela. People will leave because they find more opportunities in other countries. This will make taxes increase much faster.

- We might reach a point where taxes are 80% or more in a decade. 

- Canada will not be able to get loans anymore, this will lead to a complete collapse.

- The Canadian government will prevent people from leaving the country in hopes of saving the socialist regime.

You understand that, if I want to create a family, this is a bad bet. My offspring might live under an oppressive regime and they might even die. This would mean genetic death of my bloodline. 

What I am proposing is to save what we can in order to rebuild a free society. In order to do that we need to export the freedom loving people in a safe place. The socialists will die out. And then we can come back and reclaim Canada without any fighting.

Its only logical

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Hey there,

I'm not sure why you wrote this. Would you be so kind as to highlight the part or quote directly where I stated 'you wouldn't move a finger' ? I never said anything like that to my knowledge but perhaps if you showed me I could understand why you thought that. Cheers.

27 minutes ago, GatoVillano said:

Who said I would not move a finger. I have been debating, having discussion and trying to wake up people all around me.

For this:

9 hours ago, barn said:

a. Does it matter where you move if every place could get corrupted?

and this

9 hours ago, barn said:

b. Is there a lasting inoculation against corruption (because high intelligence doesn't seem to do the trick)?

I am still curious of an answer... Only if you are interested replying to. No problem if you don't. I prefer speaking about the same thing if that's ok.



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Hi Dylan,

Good stuff!

People like you, who put the effort in :

- proper delivery (convincing, tone)

- essentials (no distractions)

- setting up the argument (connection)

- personality (I heard YOU)

Make want to consume more history, slowly chiseling away false prior beliefs such as 'history is boring' or 'it's all about the dates and names' and my personal favourite 'it's all relative and nothing meaningful can be extracted therefore'.

Thanks for contributing to the rumbling that shook my world!


16 hours ago, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:

Regarding the interpretation of the development of civilizations and the saving of the West, I wrote an article during the Trump election here:

What I Learned in School and the Battle for Western Civilization

Also check out The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quigley.


Isn't it nice you DID A VIDEO (huge thanks, as I could listen to it while following the steps) more power to you!


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Canada has enough natural resources to support a way bigger population (36 million and counting) than it has currently. Yeah the temperature falls to -50c in extreme cases, yet they can grow grapes in British Columbia. A lot of people that homesteaded the western provinces are descendents of Ukrainians that were persecuted in the USSR.

I know when I was backpacking in Canada at the time of the "M.P expenses scandal" in the UK, that the corruption in the Canadian senate was way worse than the UK. The wages in Canada are better than Europe for the most part, but property prices are insane and regulations are probably as bad or worse than in Europe. I heard that a lot of the cost in BC to do with housing is getting hooked up to the utility companies which have a monopoly. I think one of the longest traffic jams I've ever seen is coming out of Vancouver on the way to kelowna. Also I thought it was funny how expensive cheese is in Canada, kind of random but they had adverts in the cinema as well saying to support Canadian dairy. Many smaller communities got messed up from logging quotas, and Alberta got screwed recently by the "environmentalists". The East Provinces I don't know much about only that they screwed up their fishing industry. The centre provinces I think only have like 100,000 people on the books, I've heard that Europeans sometimes go "missing" in the middle provinces probably a high demand for labour, but then there is also the mosquitoes to eat you alive. 

Could go live in a Hudderite or Mennonite community "Be living in an Amish Paradise". :thumbsup:

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2 hours ago, barn said:

Hey there,

I'm not sure why you wrote this. Would you be so kind as to highlight the part or quote directly where I stated 'you wouldn't move a finger' ? I never said anything like that to my knowledge but perhaps if you showed me I could understand why you thought that. Cheers.

For this:

and this

I am still curious of an answer... Only if you are interested replying to. No problem if you don't. I prefer speaking about the same thing if that's ok.



I'm not sure what you are asking

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