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Individuation Station

You were but a single cell, 
a grain of sand in a desert,
a lone star in a great galaxy, 
but yet you contained all the code
to unlock the mystery of whole..

Your sublime isolation, your minute perfection,
Reaches out to me across the void like a radio tower, 
Built of ancient crystal;
Reflecting the universe in microcosm. 

You have separated from the crowd, 
and freed yourself from the vain trappings 
of the here and now;

Yet you came back into the cave,
To lead others towards the light. 
Not as a dictator, but as an exemplar. 

In you, I glimpse something rare and behold something honest. 

Your feet may be pulled by the communal gutter like ours, 
But your gaze looks down from an alpine summit, 
which it gently goads us to scale.

My love for you is my love for my own utmost possibility,
flecked with the protectiveness of mutual vulnerability.
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