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I finally understand why people hate this show. I just got why it’s not more popular (despite its immense value). This shit completely sets you at odds with society. I just fully realized this after years of listening…. Maybe I’m socially retarded… are we all socially retarded? Readers, listeners, are you socially retarded? I listened initially and remained listening as a result of curiosity and since my teachers told me that critical thought was an important quality. Apparently it was just a prank. How do you cope with the isolation? With the power of hindsight, if you could go back in time and prevent yourself from seeing the abnormalities of the society in which you reside, would you? Why set yourself at odds with society to this autistic degree? 


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Ignorance is not bliss. It is imprisonment and repetition. If I hadn't started listening to this show I would most likely have followed the life of Bill Clinton or John F. Kennedy (especially in the bad ways). FDR in many ways is a Godsend to me. Sure it makes me distant from most people but I was never a social person to begin with. I have always been fairly cynical and am now less so. I am more happy and optimistic post-nlightenment then before when the matrix was shredding my brain apart. 

All in all I love and value FDR, Stefan-senpai, Mike the guy who does lots of research and occasionally steps in, and all the red-pilling it has to offer.

Also given the fact Stefpai's channel has like 700,000 subscribers, 50-100,000 regular listeners, and who knows how many listeners elsewhere, I think the popularity is pretty damn high given 100 years ago he'd be lucky to get a few hundred people (unless he goes the sophist route and get what Hitler called a big crowd--4,000). Thanks to the Internet and his verbal genius, he's able to spread philosophy and salvation in ways Jesus Christ would have died twice for!

Enough about me, where is all this coming from? Sure red-pilling makes people feel queasy at first but at some point you have to harness the information and make it productive and personally gratifying.

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57 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Also given the fact Stefpai's channel has like 700,000 subscribers, 50-100,000 regular listeners, and who knows how many listeners elsewhere,

700,000 subs in a world of 7.5+ billion lunatics. 

57 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Enough about me, where is all this coming from?

POF. I've probably viewed thousands of male and female profiles (I'm a straight male) and the way they choose to advertise themselves is beyond depressing... Cognitive dissonance.... X person claims to want honesty, and yet is heavily overweight and hasn't introspected into why they're overweight. Thus not being honest with the self. I don't think I've come across a single thinker from first principles among them. Dogma, dogma, dogma! it's fucking everywhere. I had heard talks in this show about the abnormality of the current human society... these profiles give a unique insight into the soul, the inner workings of a person, into the species. They're a zombie horde monolith. Reproduction, the most powerful human driver. And the way they choose to advertise themselves... useless hobbies, lacking in virtues, consistency, curiosity, empathy, critical thought, Zombies...


57 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Sure red-pilling makes people feel queasy at first but at some point you have to harness the information and make it productive and personally gratifying.

I red pilled over 2 years ago. It never felt queasy, it felt right. It felt liberating, empowering. The ability to analyze information and not feel overwhelmed by the plethora of sophists.    


57 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

If I hadn't started listening to this show I would most likely have followed the life of Bill Clinton or John F. Kennedy (especially in the bad ways).

Why would you have gone down the path of a sexual predator?


57 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

I have always been fairly cynical and am now less so.

What were you cynical about pre-FDR? What are you currently cynical about? 

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17 minutes ago, ShindouHikaru said:

700,000 subs in a world of 7.5+ billion lunatics. 

America, 1776: 2 million people with only 10% (give or take 200,000) people really engaged on the revolutionary side. 700,000 is a big number and we're not looking to take over all the planet, just liberate the minds of a small space  so that they can build a fortress to protect the "shiny city on the hill" and with that possibly inspire the rest of the world to follow suit.

Jesus started with 12 guys. Now there are like a billion Christians. 


POF. I've probably viewed thousands of male and female profiles (I'm a straight male) and the way they choose to advertise themselves is beyond depressing... Cognitive dissonance.... X person claims to want honesty, and yet is heavily overweight and hasn't introspected into why they're overweight. Thus not being honest with the self. I don't think I've come across a single thinker from first principles among them. Dogma, dogma, dogma! it's fucking everywhere. I had heard talks in this show about the abnormality of the current human society... these profiles give a unique insight into the soul, the inner workings of a person, into the species. They're a zombie horde monolith. Reproduction, the most powerful human driver. And the way they choose to advertise themselves... useless hobbies, lacking in virtues, lacking in consistency, no critical thought, Zombies...

So most people are zombies. So what? Who cares about them? Why not focus on the top 10% of people that go on to do great things like build and sustain businesses, enter the Middle Class (+), start and enrich their families, and perhaps by extension the world? You're not going to find the world-builders on Facebook, Match.com, Tinder, or whatever. They're too busy creating.



I red pilled over 2 years ago. It never felt queasy, it felt right. It felt liberating, empowering. The ability to analyze information and not feel overwhelmed by the plethora of sophists.    

I got repelled for the first time when I was 16,  years ago now. I left Communism for Fascism, then came to FDR and left Fascism for Capitalism, and am now an AnCap. It was a very overwhelming journey to realize how wrong I was and how the world really works and how I was a tool in continuing it's corruptive cycle.


Why would you have gone down the path of a sexual predator?

I don't just mean the sexual part. I mean the power part, the corruption part, the abuse part, and the general politic. I used to be a Communist and was--like the way that expert talked about Kim Ilsung--very relativistic and hugely apathetic to other people. I wanted power and feared being alone and therefore wanted to force the world to love me and surrender to me. Very Islamic and very disturbed. 

Who can say what kind of crazy fool I would have been had I not sought therapy and FDR? Heck, I used Bill Clinton because becoming a Democratic President (which I knew was Communistic in both intent and effective ends) was a goal of mine in realizing my North Korea-esque pseudo-utopia.



What were you cynical about pre-FDR? What are you currently cynical about? 

Pre FDR: Women, men, people in general, government, love, religion, philosophy, honesty, truth, God, (inset other thing here).

Post FDR: Government (especially Europe and America's future) and the 80%.

I'd say I've cleared a lot off the plate and have made internal peace with the world. Especially as far as people and government and the future of the races are concerned. 

I'm also a lot more optimistic and find myself feeling very happy again like I used to before High School when I entered politics (or more precisely started learning about politics and Communism).

For example I feel great knowing great men are being born right now and could very well save the world from itself. Also there's the Bulwark of the West: Russia, and there's the rising conservatism of our generation, and also there's the fact that modern times are the best times to live as far as material comforts go. Compare this to WWII and realize how much easier the present demons are to beat and how little we must suffer. Consider how the internet makes it possible for us to become entrepreneurs and how easy it has become for us to escape the established system and compete as the alternative system. This is a world of opportunity and a lot can still be done to prevent the coming storms as well as, if necessary, set up a fallback plan.

Edited by Siegfried von Walheim
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Hi @ShindouHikaru

Those are strong words directed at yourself and others. (I'm not saying bad/good, only noticing the ferocity)

There are a great many conflicts going on in the 'rationale' you put forward. Many questions too. Curiosity is definitely healthy and essential in my opinion. Before any knowledge can be lived, it has to be integrated. Before integration you need to understand it, that's why critical thinking is so helpful.

Seeing the IS, that's where the truth begins.

If I had to encompass various responses to many of your questions (coping, being part of society, social groups...)

Because I choose to. Wholeheartedly.

I prefer to be my true self, rather than adopt continously a persona to the whims of others and feel the fading away that comes with it. (and I can only love the virtuous, they are the only ones who are real in life so I even feel good to be rejected by someone despicable, devious. Someone who preferred for example that I was someone else.)



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9 hours ago, barn said:

Seeing the IS, that's where the truth begins.

What do you mean by, "the IS"? 


9 hours ago, barn said:

I prefer to be my true self, rather than adopt continously a persona to the whims of others and feel the fading away that comes with it.

Has the red pill ever isolated you? You're currently surrounded by virtuous people. Was there ever a time in which you weren't? How do you find virtuous people? 

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35 minutes ago, ShindouHikaru said:

What do you mean by, "the IS"? 

An ideal to be strived for, people generally call reality and preferably has been stripped of subjective projections.

very good question, let me try to make a good example (using a cliché :turned:)

You walk with your friend in the forest and he points down at the ground, asking: 'What's that?'

you might (ask for clarification first,) then proceed by saying:

- Those are two sticks. Do you know what I'm saying?


- That's two sticks in formation. The letter 'T' or 'L'. Are you familiar with them?


That's part of the forest. Did you mean that?

and so on... but any and all of the above are preferable (if reality is aimed for) than saying:

- Nothing is there. It's all a dream, but be careful it can turn into a hungry pink tiger with shorts and converse sneakers on.

- It's a letter 'O' or 'Q'

- I don't care. Stop asking 'silly' questions. I'm hungry.

35 minutes ago, ShindouHikaru said:

Has the red pill ever isolated you? You're currently surrounded by virtuous people. Was there ever a time in which you weren't? How do you find virtuous people? 

Sure, I answer those questions very often with 101% success. Very simple, really. It's 42.

(jokingly, but respectfully, if interested, have a read of Douglas Adams - The hitchiker's guide to...)

- - - - now, seriously while still being transparent - - - -

35 minutes ago, ShindouHikaru said:

Has the red pill ever isolated you?

This is the 'wrong question' in my humble, humble, very humble opinion.

because that suggests..

I was NOT isolated prior. But I WAS isolated. More specifically I experienced for decades the soul sucking phenomena called 'proximity isolation'.

i. e. - I chose myself various best friends in the past who when it suited them quite happily betrayed me not having qualms about their own morality. I can see all the red flags I had been waiving away, never once looking out properly for myself... and I also know where I learnt that, why I learnt new approaches and having chosen to reborn out of my ashes and seeking red-pills. Thanks, scientifc method, virtuous people shining a light on my way in the dark.

36 minutes ago, ShindouHikaru said:

You're currently surrounded by virtuous people. Was there ever a time in which you weren't?

I am working for your statement to mirror my current reality but I am not complaining with what I already have, knowing what I know. It's like : No more wax-fruits for me, I rather have a small but real sandwich instead and look for ways to find more. If I wasn't, surely eating all that wax would turn me into a mindless doll.

If I was amongst people the opposite of virtuous? Yes, you could say that. Very much you could say that. In fact, that's why I love virtuous people so much. Involuntarily if I might add. Like my favourite colour. I love it, no two minds about it.

What's more important if I'd go back to my previous place/state/scenarios/situation. Or if I would revisit it temporarily because, well, a little bit is ok I suppose. It won't hurt if I..

Honesty, after realising what those situations/people/dynamics were, and how it affected me... no way. It's not possible. Pushing through a square object through a circular hole. Thank reason & evidence it can't be done. Just as an expanded mind can't be shrunk back without damaging it. For that I'm ever grateful.

48 minutes ago, ShindouHikaru said:

How do you find virtuous people? 

I'm going to sound silly but I am being serious. Just wanted to warn you / clarify before you proceed.

My answer is:

Mainly by observing.

Not doing much really, other than existing having virtues internalised and living it.

Very important! Start with this. Forget everything else (don't think of an apple!) but seriously if you asked me to give you the top #1 best and ultimate guide to starting that's guaranteed to work for finding virtue(s).

Develop your ability to distinguish between the presence and absence of virtue. That's it. Make sure you got that right or you won't get any further.



P.S : if you are thinking about asking How's that done? It might surprise you to realise that you are already doing it. Can you guess what do I mean?

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Yes by knowing all of Stef's rational teachings you will get socially isolated and possibly your social skills will suffer. But even before I got the red-pill info and was still living in "socialist thought paradise", my relationships were incredibly shallow. Questions to you:

- Would you rather go back to a mystical/Keynesian way of looking at the world, happily paying taxes and getting completely caught by surprise at the next financial crisis/SHTF or slow Venezuela style decay of societly?

- Would you want to engage in shallow personal relationships where you feel even more lonely but were unable to tell why..?

Practical suggestion, try filtering people online: In the near future I may try this myself: meeting interesting people online via meetup.com, couchsurfing.com, facebook.com, fdrurl.com,... Most of those platforms have to ability to click on groups with similar interests. And instead of just hitting the "LIKE" button when you see a dude's comment, try contacting him if he's in your geographical area or on your list of travel destinations.

No I don't count on finding 100% anarchists from first principle but minarchists can be very dependable people. A friend of mine I met from a previous job is a right wing voter and no fan of importing immigrants. Sure the conversations aren't very philosophical but it can be surprising how many thinking and life style choices you'll have in common.


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16 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

I've probably viewed thousands of male and female profiles (I'm a straight male) and the way they choose to advertise themselves is beyond depressing... Cognitive dissonance.... X person claims to want honesty, and yet is heavily overweight and hasn't introspected into why they're overweight. Thus not being honest with the self. I don't think I've come across a single thinker from first principles among them. Dogma, dogma, dogma! it's fucking everywhere. I had heard talks in this show about the abnormality of the current human society... these profiles give a unique insight into the soul, the inner workings of a person, into the species. They're a zombie horde monolith. Reproduction, the most powerful human driver. And the way they choose to advertise themselves... useless hobbies, lacking in virtues, consistency, curiosity, empathy, critical thought, Zombies...

I have the very same worldview. I was fed from an early age the idea that everybody is unique but are they really? I see the same people over and over again. They say the same things, use the same words, like the same movie, enjoy the same hobbies, etc. You (and I) call them zombies, 4chan calls them normies, Scott Adams calls them moist robots.

Ever since my awakening so to speak I have concluded that the world is made out of 3 types of people: children (the protected class), people, and persons. Culture is a bowl and people are the water poured into it. People conform to societal norms much like the shape of a bowl dictates the form of water. Kids are like ice, they need to be thawed in order for them to be able to take on the shape of the bowl. Persons are like the debris that accumulates at the bottom of the bowl. Time is like a hand that empties the bowl though there's a very good chance the debris will stay in place. The stronger a person is the stickier the debris is and sometimes it can be so sticky it becomes part of the bowl itself thus changing its shape ever so slightly.

I believe it's a linear process: kids become people and people become persons. However not every kid becomes peoples (adults) and not every people becomes a person. Most kids become people, but very few people become persons. Each transition requires free will and, speaking from personal experience, most people actively choose not to become persons/individuals.

19 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

if you could go back in time and prevent yourself from seeing the abnormalities of the society in which you reside, would you? Why set yourself at odds with society to this autistic degree? 

I myself don't want to go back because I have never seen some zombie/normie/moist robot lead the kind of life that I would like to have. I don't hate that type of living, I don't think it's a bad way of living, I just know where that type of living leads to. It's already been tried by countless people before and it will be tried by countless people after. I want to take another path because I'm curious where it would lead, and I know that straying from the common path is also the only way of becoming unwashable debris. In other words I'm taking a chance over certainty.

You also talk about being isolated for taking the red pill. Compared to what? Have you seen blue pillers be connected to each other more than on a superficial level?

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20 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

I finally understand why people hate this show. I just got why it’s not more popular (despite its immense value). This shit completely sets you at odds with society. I just fully realized this after years of listening…. Maybe I’m socially retarded… are we all socially retarded? Readers, listeners, are you socially retarded? I listened initially and remained listening as a result of curiosity and since my teachers told me that critical thought was an important quality. Apparently it was just a prank. How do you cope with the isolation? With the power of hindsight, if you could go back in time and prevent yourself from seeing the abnormalities of the society in which you reside, would you? Why set yourself at odds with society to this autistic degree? 


How are you at odds with society

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18 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

POF. I've probably viewed thousands of male and female profiles (I'm a straight male) and the way they choose to advertise themselves is beyond depressing... Cognitive dissonance.... X person claims to want honesty, and yet is heavily overweight and hasn't introspected into why they're overweight. Thus not being honest with the self. I don't think I've come across a single thinker from first principles among them. Dogma, dogma, dogma! it's fucking everywhere. I had heard talks in this show about the abnormality of the current human society... these profiles give a unique insight into the soul, the inner workings of a person, into the species. They're a zombie horde monolith. Reproduction, the most powerful human driver. And the way they choose to advertise themselves... useless hobbies, lacking in virtues, consistency, curiosity, empathy, critical thought, Zombies...

And you are a thinker?

I would hope somebody who's so "thoughtful" might also have a little empathy. I don't like the way you've shot down almost every person doing online dating, calling them all zombies, putting yourself on top pretentiously proclaiming you're a thinker and everyone else is brain dead, using that to justify why you can't find someone like yourself.

I'm willing to bet that the majority of people who do online dating, don't choose it as much as they resort to it. They are uncomfortable with others, anti-social, or they just haven't had success, etc. They list their hobbies because what they like to do, what they like to spend their time on, it shows alot about their character, if you read into it. On a different note, it just shows what they spend their time on, and something you'll have to deal. Ex. you look at a mechanic's profile who says he spends hours at the track on the weekends. That sort of thing people want to know beforehand. You're going to try and date somebody who spends all week at a job, and then spends half of the weekend at the track. Is that something you're up for? Does that bother you? Do you happen to like cars too and could you join him?

Lacking in virtues and consistency makes no sense to me. If you could explain that some more I could respond.

As for curiosity, most people are content in life and don't question things around them because they're generally (and not superficially) happy. But wanting somebody who is always looking to learn isn't a bad thing, I'll give you that. But I have to tell you that I see "Always looking to learn" or "Always trying to look at things from a different perspective" or some other proverb trying to show analytical thought, as stereotypical of an online profile. I think you're wrong, and that most people have something like that on their profiles, in my experience.

I think you just haven't seen something that displays "your" type of curiosity. Which is to say, you haven't met anybody who has the same political beliefs and is against society. It's like a republican looking at a liberal base and going wow there's nobody here who's trying to help the world. Of course they're not helping the world in the republican's view, he thinks the complete opposite in alot of things.

As for empathy, well I'm not sure you would recognize it.

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8 hours ago, barn said:

Develop your ability to distinguish between the presence and absence of virtue. That's it. Make sure you got that right or you won't get any further.

I can distinguish the presence and ab sense of virtue in an online capacity. Harder to do so from first impressions. Or rather, from visual assessments or brief interactions alone.  


8 hours ago, barn said:

P.S : if you are thinking about asking How's that done? It might surprise you to realise that you are already doing it. Can you guess what do I mean?

Not sure. You could mean that by viewing multiple online profiles, I'm acclimating myself to the zeitgeist, therefore having a greater capacity to distinguish between zombie and non zombies. What are you thinking of? 


8 hours ago, barn said:

(jokingly, but respectfully, if interested, have a read of Douglas Adams - The hitchiker's guide to...)

 Does the book deal with the topic in question?

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7 hours ago, Laforge said:

- Would you rather go back to a mystical/Keynesian way of looking at the world, happily paying taxes and getting completely caught by surprise at the next financial crisis/SHTF or slow Venezuela style decay of societly?

That depends, does having the ability to analyze political and economic climates contribute to overall happiness? I don't know. What do you think?


7 hours ago, Laforge said:

- Would you want to engage in shallow personal relationships where you feel even more lonely but were unable to tell why..?

I certainly would not. Hence why I eliminated the relationships I had with my friends. How exactly would you define, "shallow"? 

Quick scenario. A couple have been married for decades. They only engage in small talk and generally show their affection physically (holding hands, hugging, coitus) and through partaking in fun activities (rock climbing, dancing classes, etc). They are also peaceful parents and ascribe to the doctrines of peaceful parenting. Teaching their children the scientific method and keeping dogma at bay, preparing them for adult life. Now, would you call this relationship, "shallow"? 


7 hours ago, Laforge said:

Practical suggestion, try filtering people online: In the near future I may try this myself: meeting interesting people online via meetup.com, couchsurfing.com, facebook.com, fdrurl.com,...

I appreciate the suggestion. I'll keep this in mind. 


7 hours ago, Laforge said:

No I don't count on finding 100% anarchists from first principle but minarchists can be very dependable people. A friend of mine I met from a previous job is a right wing voter and no fan of importing immigrants. Sure the conversations aren't very philosophical but it can be surprising how many thinking and life style choices you'll have in common.

Does this relationship satisfy you? 

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3 hours ago, Wuzzums said:

Scott Adams calls them moist robots.

xD Certainly never heard this before. What's his theory behind the term? 


3 hours ago, Wuzzums said:

You also talk about being isolated for taking the red pill. Compared to what? Have you seen blue pillers be connected to each other more than on a superficial level?

I have not.... RTR, in your opinion is this the most effective way towards achieving a connection of depth? Are there other resources? Or is RTR the pinnacle of connective interactions? 


3 hours ago, Wuzzums said:

Ever since my awakening so to speak I have concluded that the world is made out of 3 types of people

What prompted your awakening? 

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3 hours ago, GSTARR said:

How are you at odds with society

..... they're mad. They're fucking mad. Their only solution to X is to point guns at people to achieve their ends. Since people don't think and only conform to the scariest guys in the room, any objections to this mad scheme will be punished (economically, socially, physically). They're edging the world closer into hell fire and there's very little that can be done to stop them. Stef advocates talking, reasoning, debate, and yet, for every 1 person who becomes a thinker, there's probably 100 or 1000 or 10,000 to take his/her place. How the hell do you even win such a battle? I avoid thinking of things like this because it's too disheartening, and yet, that bald fuck is still an optimist. Or at least a public optimist. Why?? He's very smart, he's exposed to the numbers, and yet he wears a smile, and actually believes that talking is enough. 

If the very vast majority of the individuals of society can't critically think, and you can, don't you automatically become at odds with society? 

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Before I proceed, let me ask you to describe how do you perceive our interaction? (other than it's bare minimum form)

Are you satisfied? Yes, No? Any suggestions?

How do you perceive my kinda lightened tone? (this is my standard)

I would like to know. Thanks.

8 minutes ago, ShindouHikaru said:

I can distinguish the presence and ab sense of virtue in an online (1)capacity. Harder to do so from first impressions(2). Or rather, from visual assessments or brief interactions(3) alone. 

Well, I don't think that's possible. I'm not saying you aren't saying what you think is true, but let me make an analogous claim... (copying the logic)

(1) 'I can distinguish ponies from Arabian horses on photos but when I am in the stables I can't tell them apart.'

(2) 'I can tell if someone is smiling, but for some reason I am unable to know what the favourite colour of a person is by looking at him/her.'

---- a bit of commentary on the 3rd----

(3) Assessing different types of virtues of different people require different types (speaking, watching them in action, seeing what/how their interaction affects the/their surrounding) and times (at work, leisure, relaxed, excited...) - like I said, a trained observer let's pass no meaningful details, concludes the essence and does it reliably continously.

I don't think assessment is always akin to a 'laser-scanning'... short burst, millimetre precise. However with practice you can achieve a very keen 'eye', because obviously it's sight, accessing memory, empathy, first principles and cultural framework... etc. all together. The good thing is, our brain if we train it will just 'magically' coalesce it into a certainty.

28 minutes ago, ShindouHikaru said:

Not sure. You could mean that by viewing multiple online profiles, I'm acclimating myself to the zeitgeist, therefore having a greater capacity to distinguish between zombie and non zombies. What are you thinking of? 

Nope. Actually, the online world has no value to humans without the majority of existence outside of it.

If you wanted to sabotage a person's personality development, you'd only need to increase the time they spent online compared to living outside of it. Would you do that to yourself? Would you sabotage your own progress? If your answer was yes, speaking with me sort of lost it's value to the both of us.

As an analogy, having never been to the USA but having seen many thousands of pictures of it holds exactly the value of seeing any other thousands of pictures might hold.

Same as with fantasies vs. plans people actually pursue and make an effort in, physically do stuff. One's always going to be static, illusory. I suppose you know which one.

No. What I meant was related to asking questions. Not having questions, doubts. No. Something positive you're already doing as a first step towards virtue. You are actively working on finding answers. It's up to you how you proceed, if you keep going. Only you can do that.

42 minutes ago, ShindouHikaru said:
9 hours ago, barn said:

(jokingly, but respectfully, if interested, have a read of Douglas Adams - The hitchiker's guide to...)

 Does the book deal with the topic in question?

It's a good book. Witty, very entertaining and sci-fi. ('bucket list' grade)

It doesn't specifically speak about your questions, though through satire of various cultural elements it certainly gave me a broader view on social patterns, references to what it means in a sense of being a human, might mean to be an alien...at times I cried from laughter so hard, that I almost fell from my chair.

If you're asking me to choose for you, can't help. Make up your own mind, it will be the right choice I'm sure.



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10 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

xD Certainly never heard this before. What's his theory behind the term? 

He says free will is a necessary and pleasant illusion and people run on algorithms just like computers. Once you know these patterns it's easy for you to exploit them and manipulate people to your will, or how he puts it "persuade people". Though persuasion, manipulation, etc are not apt terms to describe the phenomenon of changing the will of the masses. The correct term is "propaganda" in its original definition as described by Edward Bernays (which is a wide net encompassing both negative and positive aspects). If you don't know who he is all you need to know is that he was Freud's nephew and in his youth at some point he learned his uncle was having money-problems so he decided to make Freud world-famous to fix his finances. He's also the reason why women smoke even till this day, and he did that just as a test.

Stefan has a similar view in that free will is on a spectrum. The least self knowledge you have the more you are controlled by instinct and outside forces. The more self-knowledge you have the less you are controlled by instinct and outside forces. This also falls in line with my "3 types of humans" worldview. Scott Adams has training in hypnosis, and hypnosis is just applied psychology, and psychology is the methodology behind self-knowledge.


11 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

I have not.... RTR, in your opinion is this the most effective way towards achieving a connection of depth? Are there other resources? Or is RTR the pinnacle of connective interactions? 

I don't know but it certainly seems so. Stefan seems successful using that approach and he does lead a kind of life I find appealing (which is what attracted me to the show in the first place). My personal failures in achieving a deep connection weren't because of a flaw in the RTR method per se but the unwillingness of the other person to take the leap.

11 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

What prompted your awakening? 

I read a lot and am curious about most things so in my case it basically just happened.

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14 hours ago, barn said:

Before I proceed, let me ask you to describe how do you perceive our interaction? (other than it's bare minimum form)

Are you satisfied? Yes, No? Any suggestions?

How do you perceive my kinda lightened tone? (this is my standard)

I would like to know. Thanks.

When Stefan does a show or talks to the public at large, it's very easy to follow his train of thoughts, since he actively works to improve the GUI. With you I have to reread what you say and read slowly in order to understand what you're trying to convey. I enjoyed the wax fruit analogy. The post you made here however was significantly easier to follow than the response you made to me in the willpower thread. 

On 12/10/2017 at 11:38 AM, barn said:

Sure, I answer those questions very often with 101% success. Very simple, really. It's 42.

This confused me. I still don't know what you meant by this statement. 

14 hours ago, barn said:

I can distinguish the presence and ab sense of virtue in an online (1)capacity

14 hours ago, barn said:

Well, I don't think that's possible. I'm not saying you aren't saying what you think is true, but let me make an analogous claim... (copying the logic)

(1) 'I can distinguish ponies from Arabian horses on photos but when I am in the stables I can't tell them apart.'

By online capacity I don't mean a visual analysis of their photo. I meant by evaluating how they choose to describe themselves. 

15 hours ago, barn said:

Harder to do so from first impressions(2)

15 hours ago, barn said:

(2) 'I can tell if someone is smiling, but for some reason I am unable to know what the favourite colour of a person is by looking at him/her.'

Strange example, the aesthetics of a favorite color isn't related to being a virtuous individual. Not strictly a smile, but how about the way their posture is aligned? Are their shoulders rounded (lack of confidence)? Do they avoid eye contact (potentially passive aggressive)? Are they quick to interrupt you (a lack of empathy)? A lot of information can be garnered from a first impression.  

15 hours ago, barn said:

(3) Assessing different types of virtues of different people require different types (speaking, watching them in action, seeing what/how their interaction affects the/their surrounding) and times (at work, leisure, relaxed, excited...) - like I said, a trained observer let's pass no meaningful details, concludes the essence and does it reliably continously.

I don't think assessment is always akin to a 'laser-scanning'... short burst, millimetre precise. However with practice you can achieve a very keen 'eye', because obviously it's sight, accessing memory, empathy, first principles and cultural framework... etc. all together. The good thing is, our brain if we train it will just 'magically' coalesce it into a certainty

How did you apply these principles towards finding your friends and your romantic partner (assuming you have one)? What set your friends apart from the majority? Can you cite personal anecdotes? 

15 hours ago, barn said:

If you wanted to sabotage a person's personality development, you'd only need to increase the time they spent online compared to living outside of it. Would you do that to yourself? Would you sabotage your own progress? If your answer was yes, speaking with me sort of lost it's value to the both of us.

Of course I have no desire to sabotage it, but as you're well aware, virtuous people are hard to come by. And interacting online is still more preferable to having relationships with non-virtuous people.

15 hours ago, barn said:

If you're asking me to choose for you, can't help. Make up your own mind, it will be the right choice I'm sure.

Wasn't asking you to decide for me, just wanted to know why you referenced the book. I might read it, already added it to my, "want to read" in Goodreads

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4 hours ago, Wuzzums said:

If you don't know who he is all you need to know is that he was Freud's nephew and in his youth at some point he learned his uncle was having money-problems so he decided to make Freud world-famous to fix his finances. He's also the reason why women smoke even till this day, and he did that just as a test.

Edward's book on propaganda, did you read it? I haven't. Largely because it costs $15 (cad). 


4 hours ago, Wuzzums said:

He says free will is a necessary and pleasant illusion and people run on algorithms just like computers.

I have heard Scott suggest that humans are all irrational. Has he made any caveats to statement? 

4 hours ago, Wuzzums said:

My personal failures in achieving a deep connection weren't because of a flaw in the RTR method per se but the unwillingness of the other person to take the leap.

Likewise... the approach scares a lot of people away... You have my sympathies. And of course, with every attempt there's the paranoid anxiety that follows. 


4 hours ago, Wuzzums said:

I read a lot and am curious about most things so in my case it basically just happened.

Makes sense.

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2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

Edward's book on propaganda, did you read it? I haven't. Largely because it costs $15 (cad). 

There's an audiobook version on YouTube but it's read with a computer voice. Difficult to listen to, made it halfway through, didn't see a reason to continue.

2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

I have heard Scott suggest that humans are all irrational. Has he made any caveats to statement? 

Well a huge warning sign for me is that he hasn't defined rationality. That statement of his is just "word thinking".

What I learned from FDR is how to think like an economist: always look at the hidden costs and benefits. I hold the polar opposite world view, all humans are highly rational. Why do single moms vote for bigger government? To get access to resources. Why does Cenk of TYT, an atheist, advocate for islam? Because his relatives are all muslims. Why do communists want to kill millions of people? Because they hate humanity. Why do fat chics say beauty is a social construct? Because they're hoping it will raise their sexual market value. Why do post-modernists say logic is a social construct? Because they have no arguments. And so on and so forth.

The whole adage of "never attribute malice to what you can attribute stupidity to" is incorrect. If you assume malice from the start you'd be correct in most cases.

What Scott Adams refers to I think is that most people are wrong. Wrong and irrational aren't interchangeable. 

My favorite character from Dune is the villain himself, the Baron Harkonnen. In the Dune universe intelligent technology was forbidden so as a stand-in people use Mentats, super-genius warrior monks. The mentat is the inspiration for the Jedi. They had perfect reasoning, perfect memory, intimate knowledge of all sciences and philosophies, perfect discipline, IQ 200+, etc. The Baron Harkonnen had a mentat himself but there was something wrong with his mentat. He laughed a lot, he was a sadist, had vices, said crazy things; this was the inspiration of the Sith. The Baron's nephew asked him why he kept the broken mentat still, it wasn't as if he provided any sort of service, he was just a broken piece of equipment. The Baron responded that he kept him around as a warning, if he is able to turn a mentat into such a sad creature just image what he could do to a lesser being. The nephew said he was crazy because nobody can outsmart a mentat and that he knew the Baron and that his intelligence didn't even come close to that of a mentat. The Baron laughed and said that outsmarting a mentat is easy, you just give them wrong information. So it doesn't matter how smart you are, with wrong data you will come to wrong conclusions. Corrupt data in, corrupt data out.

Information is key to controlling anyone. With selective information you can even turn Milton Friedman himself into a staunch communist, or Ben Shapiro into a nazi. This is what I think Scott Adams is referring to.

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On 12/10/2017 at 9:12 PM, ShindouHikaru said:

..... they're mad. They're fucking mad. Their only solution to X is to point guns at people to achieve their ends. Since people don't think and only conform to the scariest guys in the room, any objections to this mad scheme will be punished (economically, socially, physically). They're edging the world closer into hell fire and there's very little that can be done to stop them. Stef advocates talking, reasoning, debate, and yet, for every 1 person who becomes a thinker, there's probably 100 or 1000 or 10,000 to take his/her place. How the hell do you even win such a battle? I avoid thinking of things like this because it's too disheartening, and yet, that bald fuck is still an optimist. Or at least a public optimist. Why?? He's very smart, he's exposed to the numbers, and yet he wears a smile, and actually believes that talking is enough. 

If the very vast majority of the individuals of society can't critically think, and you can, don't you automatically become at odds with society? 


Has it ever occurred to you that it's not that people can't critically think, it's that they don't care to?

What changes have occurred that will actually affect the average person's life in the past few years, maybe even since 9/11. None in mine, except for summer water bills in Texas, which can kiss my ass. Harvey will help though.

That's why people don't care. This whole forum seems to not understand that the average american (along with every single person on this forum) could go for decades not reading or hearing about the news and every single day would not be affected. Besides maybe a lack of topics when conversing, they would be just as happy going to work and going back home to their family. It's not that people can't critically think, it's that you have 40 year olds, 30 y/os, even 20 y/os like myself who have lived life long enough (I haven't lived long enough, but seeing my mom's life, and seeing my dad's life, I know this to be true) to know that everything works itself out in the end, and you just have to keep walking through it and do what you think is right. That's all there is to it. I don't believe hellfire is coming, if anything it's already here in certain parts of the world, even here with everything going on in the US over the past couple years. And if it does come, so be it, that will be another step where I do what I think is right.

I'm sorry you have such a morbid view on people, but what it ultimately boils down to is that you look like the guy you see in the movies when you say hellfire is coming, the one who stands on the street corner with a sign saying "Death is coming" or something ominous like that. There's a reason they're mocked. You may have reasoning but to everyone else, who's critical thinking skills may be just as sharp, but coming from a different slice of life, it's complete nonsense that's trying to connect too much. There's also the fact that there's always that person. There is always a group of people pointing to some hellfire in the distance that nobody else can see. And then you have everyone else, who passes by each and every day and watches the group say the same thing, from the time they're a child, till they die.


You become at odds with society when you start talking political views and about hellfire, yes, partially because they don't care and don't believe you, but mainly because you have set your personality far apart from the rest.

See what I'm saying? People will always be put off when you talk about impending doom, but if you get in the right situation, and start talking to people about their views, nobody is going to try and shut you up. They might not debate you, they might feel unprepared for such a talk, but they won't act as stupid as you seem to think they are




Note: I made a paragraph, deleted it on accident, rewrote another, then realized i had the old one copied, so i merged them. If something doesn't make sense in here grammar/syntax-wise I'm sorry

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12 hours ago, GSTARR said:


Has it ever occurred to you that it's not that people can't critically think, it's that they don't care to?

What changes have occurred that will actually affect the average person's life in the past few years, maybe even since 9/11. None in mine, except for summer water bills in Texas, which can kiss my ass. Harvey will help though.

That's why people don't care. This whole forum seems to not understand that the average american (along with every single person on this forum) could go for decades not reading or hearing about the news and every single day would not be affected. Besides maybe a lack of topics when conversing, they would be just as happy going to work and going back home to their family. It's not that people can't critically think, it's that you have 40 year olds, 30 y/os, even 20 y/os like myself who have lived life long enough (I haven't lived long enough, but seeing my mom's life, and seeing my dad's life, I know this to be true) to know that everything works itself out in the end, and you just have to keep walking through it and do what you think is right. That's all there is to it. I don't believe hellfire is coming, if anything it's already here in certain parts of the world, even here with everything going on in the US over the past couple years. And if it does come, so be it, that will be another step where I do what I think is right.

I'm sorry you have such a morbid view on people, but what it ultimately boils down to is that you look like the guy you see in the movies when you say hellfire is coming, the one who stands on the street corner with a sign saying "Death is coming" or something ominous like that. There's a reason they're mocked. You may have reasoning but to everyone else, who's critical thinking skills may be just as sharp, but coming from a different slice of life, it's complete nonsense that's trying to connect too much. There's also the fact that there's always that person. There is always a group of people pointing to some hellfire in the distance that nobody else can see. And then you have everyone else, who passes by each and every day and watches the group say the same thing, from the time they're a child, till they die.


You become at odds with society when you start talking political views and about hellfire, yes, partially because they don't care and don't believe you, but mainly because you have set your personality far apart from the rest.

See what I'm saying? People will always be put off when you talk about impending doom, but if you get in the right situation, and start talking to people about their views, nobody is going to try and shut you up. They might not debate you, they might feel unprepared for such a talk, but they won't act as stupid as you seem to think they are




Note: I made a paragraph, deleted it on accident, rewrote another, then realized i had the old one copied, so i merged them. If something doesn't make sense in here grammar/syntax-wise I'm sorry

You kidding right?

Being apolitical and blue pilled commonly results in the following:

-Unstable marriage liable to end with the man in a shredder or in the Hudson.

-Living in a crime-ridden neighborhood that will inevitably riot and destroy the blue pilled's home and/or business.

-Continuance of the kick-the-can that will result in a very bloody civil war in the coming decades.

-Lack of work (especially if stupid or unskilled) and therefore welfare dependence.

-Shallow/false friends.

Anyone care to name any more?

Saying politics/culture have no effects to the "average Joe" (whoever he is) is like saying politics in the Weimar Republic had minimal effects on the average Franz or, especially, the average Jew who most likely regretted not taking the Leftists seriously.

Of course, the non-voting head-in-the-sand types are largely inconsequential in the long as they are no better (and are often worse) than sheep to be herded either to their slaughter or to their grazing and proliferation depending on the shepherd. 

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On 12/11/2017 at 4:24 PM, Wuzzums said:

Well a huge warning sign for me is that he hasn't defined rationality. That statement of his is just "word thinking".

Good to know, Didn't know that he never defined the term.


On 12/11/2017 at 4:24 PM, Wuzzums said:

The whole adage of "never attribute malice to what you can attribute stupidity to" is incorrect. If you assume malice from the start you'd be correct in most cases.

But this assumes that most people are already knowledgeable enough to act with malicious intent. I don't think that the majority of statists are aware of the nature of the state. Are people aware that supporting foreign aid actually hurts the infrastructure and local businesses of said nation or do they genuinely believe that they're doing the right thing? I don't think that they're acting from malice (intending or intended to do harm). Lazy, virtue signalling, ignorant, but certainly not malice.  


Sounds like an intriguing book. Will check it out. 

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14 hours ago, GSTARR said:

Has it ever occurred to you that it's not that people can't critically think, it's that they don't care to?

What's the difference? Both achieve the same result. 

14 hours ago, GSTARR said:

What changes have occurred that will actually affect the average person's life in the past few years, maybe even since 9/11.

How would you define, "an average person"? 

14 hours ago, GSTARR said:

That's why people don't care. This whole forum seems to not understand that the average american (along with every single person on this forum) could go for decades not reading or hearing about the news and every single day would not be affected.

Are you sure about that? Let's say your average Joe who's been working at X factory for a decade is suddenly out of a job. And this is a result of the Statist implementation of NAFTA? Since Joe was ignorant of the political climate, he didn't acquire other work skills during his employment. Is this not a deleterious effect of the ignorance? 

If Bill Clinton decides to fuck with banks, compelling them to issue lots of subprime loans to minorities, leading to an economic crash. A crash in which 8.7 million jobs are lost, well then isn't this another deleterious effect of being ignorant of the political climate? Are average Joe's negatively impacted by economic recessions in which millions of jobs are lost? 


14 hours ago, GSTARR said:

it's that you have 40 year olds, 30 y/os, even 20 y/os like myself who have lived life long enough (I haven't lived long enough, but seeing my mom's life, and seeing my dad's life, I know this to be true) to know that everything works itself out in the end, and you just have to keep walking through it and do what you think is right.

Well, this idea of everything working out in the end is a relatively new concept.... Most of human history has been, "Oh, look, a minor cut. Guess I'll die". Are you going to verify this claim based on your anecdotal data? 

14 hours ago, GSTARR said:

I'm sorry you have such a morbid view on people,

Sure, it's a bit on the morbid side, but is it accurate? I only care as to its accuracy. 


14 hours ago, GSTARR said:

I'm sorry you have such a morbid view on people, but what it ultimately boils down to is that you look like the guy you see in the movies when you say hellfire is coming, the one who stands on the street corner with a sign saying "Death is coming" or something ominous like that. There's a reason they're mocked.

Well, maybe people should have listened to Joseph McCarthy (crazy guy on the street corner) and expelled the communists from the US Government. Maybe if people had the capacity to critically think and not simply probe for societal acceptability, then they would have supported McCarthy, forced out the communists and prevented Mao Zedong from taking control of China. Would you say that the deaths of 60 million Chinese people is a deleterious effect of the ignorance of the masses? Or is this effect benign? 

Why are they mocked? What is the reason? 

14 hours ago, GSTARR said:

See what I'm saying? People will always be put off when you talk about impending doom, but if you get in the right situation, and start talking to people about their views, nobody is going to try and shut you up. They might not debate you, they might feel unprepared for such a talk, but they won't act as stupid as you seem to think they are

Hmm, you're making the assumption that I talk about an impending doom in a public setting. Why take such a risk with an Orgy Porgy crowd? 

14 hours ago, GSTARR said:

Note: I made a paragraph, deleted it on accident, rewrote another, then realized i had the old one copied, so i merged them. If something doesn't make sense in here grammar/syntax-wise I'm sorry

I noticed nothing of the sort. It made perfect sense. 

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On 12/13/2017 at 7:28 PM, ShindouHikaru said:

But this assumes that most people are already knowledgeable enough to act with malicious intent. I don't think that the majority of statists are aware of the nature of the state. Are people aware that supporting foreign aid actually hurts the infrastructure and local businesses of said nation or do they genuinely believe that they're doing the right thing? I don't think that they're acting from malice (intending or intended to do harm). Lazy, virtue signalling, ignorant, but certainly not malice.  

There are more options available than those you listed. For instance it's no that they believe in doing the right thing, it's that they do what feels "right" to them. It's a vice. People give foreign aid because they want the comfort of not having to thing about people dying of starvation. People who are for foreign aid get peace of mind with close to zero losses. Let me give you an analogy. Let's say your mother is suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Let's say she was a good parent. Leaving her on her own will rack your mind with guilt. Sending her off to a nursing home and getting constant reassurance by the caregivers she's doing splendidly will give you no guilt. So which of these 2 versions is "the right thing" to do? Shouldn't there be a 3rd option there too?

Also if they think foreign aid is the right thing they will donate to a charity. They will take time from their day, do copious amounts of research, open their wallets and donate. Or they will personally get involved with a charity. That's how people act when they believe they're doing the right thing. They don't just talk the talk.

I'm curious if there's a study on the correlation between support for foreign and how much people pay in taxes. Something tells be the relation is inversely proportional. It's infinitely easier to decide what other people should do than what you should do. I think you'll be surprised how hard people double down even when you explain how much harm an action of their does even if it's with "good intentions". Grill someone on foreign aid, if they still support it then they're saying doing harm to others is worth it in order to being able to virtue signaling on twitter.

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On ‎12‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 9:39 PM, ShindouHikaru said:

I finally understand why people hate this show. I just got why it’s not more popular (despite its immense value). This shit completely sets you at odds with society. I just fully realized this after years of listening…. Maybe I’m socially retarded… are we all socially retarded? Readers, listeners, are you socially retarded? I listened initially and remained listening as a result of curiosity and since my teachers told me that critical thought was an important quality. Apparently it was just a prank. How do you cope with the isolation? With the power of hindsight, if you could go back in time and prevent yourself from seeing the abnormalities of the society in which you reside, would you? Why set yourself at odds with society to this autistic degree? 


Its not the norm. I see the value offered so I tune in. I likely wouldn't bring it up in the workplace which is prevalently liberal, women study majors, feminists, SJWs, and women who have cratered SMV. 

JBP brought this up in a discussion on the psychological significance of the biblical series: The one on Sodom. It coincided with the time with the google firing for a memoir. JBP suggested that, you must be able to speak your truth, and if your workplace is Tyrannical the way Sodom was, YOU GET OUT AND YOU GET OUT FAST!

It has to be hard for us. We are going against society, social conditioning, and what is made normative in society. For instance, single mother victimhood, dating single moms, dating cratered SMV, and playing homemaker with the whore who squandered her best days. 

The Bhagavad Gita: "Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil." 

A unfortunate amount of lost souls are found in this quote.

To answer your question, I am not following the beaten path in society which has been set out for me. I will only date a free thinker. I would red pill a good woman seeking self knowledge. I wont raise some other man's baby. I wont allocate my resources to foot the bills when SMV has cratered. Unfortunately, my genes will be weeded out of existence if I do not find said quality woman. I think then I would create a bunch of videos or archive a bunch of books and work more on content creation. 


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On 12/15/2017 at 3:51 PM, meetjoeblack said:

Unfortunately, my genes will be weeded out of existence if I do not find said quality woman. I think then I would create a bunch of videos or archive a bunch of books and work more on content creation. 

How old are you currently? What are your strategies towards finding a quality woman? 


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On 12/14/2017 at 6:13 PM, Wuzzums said:

There are more options available than those you listed.

True, my primary qualm was that you claimed that attributing malice first in most situations was your best bet. 


On 12/14/2017 at 6:13 PM, Wuzzums said:

Sending her off to a nursing home and getting constant reassurance by the caregivers she's doing splendidly will give you no guilt. So which of these 2 versions is "the right thing" to do? Shouldn't there be a 3rd option there too?

Would the third option be to invite her to live with you? 

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14 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

How old are you currently? What are your strategies towards finding a quality woman? 


30. I've been single most of my life outside of short term flings, ONS, FWBs, fuck buddies. I have a middle income job. I am looking at acquiring some more property in the future. I am thinking between now and 35. Most of my energy I am putting towards my start-up. 

My strategy towards finding a quality woman is in complete contrast to what Stefan suggests; that being, waiting for the state to fail, for women to need men which is not a solution. Instead, if shows female nature, that being the chameleon which should be best avoided. I found pickup in 2009. I do not emulate it, no fake mustaches, wigs or magic. I just approach lots of women. I am numb to rejection and blow outs. I spam approach lots of girls. Think "swipe right" @ life. Acquire digits, setup coffee dates, and follow through. If a woman flakes, ghosts or just gets weird, NEXT SET! Wash/Rinse/Repeat!

Its not easy man. I've used tinder/bumble, pof but, it is a cesspool of women skiing down cawk mountain, running through the bad boys, and men who wont give them the ring. It is then plan B when they have cratered her SMV and have children out of wedlock for beta male cuck provider to foot the bill. NOT HAPPENING. Some other beta can do it. I wont. I am not interested in a woman who had a series of STDs, abortions, and is disgusting person. I am not placing my resources on that regardless of what society is pedaling.


I am still trying to figure it out. What I will say is that, YOUTH IMHO is the key. JBP described YOUTH as "UNTAPPED POTENTIALITY!" You want a woman at top form SMV. Not, THE MILKS GONE BAD, BULKING SEASON has kicked off. To be quite honest, i am not sure "quality" exists to the extend we seek. Even on call in FDR shows, you hear of a good looking woman age 19 fucking a loser. You hear about women chasing bad boys with their pussy and we are suppose to put a ring on that lol 


I think the key is going MGTOW without being an actual MGTOW. Have a life that prioritizes the things you deem valuable. All the while you still approach someone you could make space for but, if she is not on point, that space closes, and you have no time for her. On that note, when I was 27, I approached a pretty girl who was slightly younger then me. She was a fuck-wit. Needless to say, JTO warned me of the female chameleon. I did not listen. He was correct. Years later, she drunk dialed me. Me ego wanted to go have sex but, I did not bother because she hit the wall, playboy stopped calling, and she needed to feel special. She can stew in her stupidity. DO NOT WANT! 



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On 12/17/2017 at 12:47 PM, meetjoeblack said:

My strategy towards finding a quality woman is in complete contrast to what Stefan suggests; that being, waiting for the state to fail, for women to need men which is not a solution.

Stefan has never suggested this once. Dafook, Stef has repeatedly stated that its an intergenerational change. As in, the state shan't fall in our lifetimes. Why do you think that this is a solution Stef suggested?


On 12/17/2017 at 12:47 PM, meetjoeblack said:

I do not emulate it, no fake mustaches, wigs or magic. I just approach lots of women. I am numb to rejection and blow outs. I spam approach lots of girls. Think "swipe right" @ life. Acquire digits, setup coffee dates, and follow through. If a woman flakes, ghosts or just gets weird, NEXT SET! Wash/Rinse/Repeat!

Decent strategy. I'm somewhat confused though. Isn't this the strategy that has led to your romantic interactions with the opposite sex being short term flings, fwb, fuck buddies,etc? 


On 12/17/2017 at 12:47 PM, meetjoeblack said:

Its not easy man. I've used tinder/bumble, pof but, it is a cesspool of women skiing down cawk mountain, running through the bad boys, and men who wont give them the ring. It is then plan B when they have cratered her SMV and have children out of wedlock for beta male cuck provider to foot the bill. NOT HAPPENING. Some other beta can do it. I wont. I am not interested in a woman who had a series of STDs, abortions, and is disgusting person. I am not placing my resources on that regardless of what society is pedaling.

Hold on, when you were using these sites, what metrics would you use when evaluating photos and profiles? Like, what in particular would you look for? Also, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, when I looked I just saw a long line of idiots. The male profiles were far more diversified and intriguing. 


On 12/17/2017 at 12:47 PM, meetjoeblack said:

I am not interested in a woman who had a series of STDs, abortions, and is disgusting person. I am not placing my resources on that regardless of what society is pedaling.

Did you interact with people like this? Or rather, are you or have you ever been romantically involved with people like this? 

On 12/17/2017 at 12:47 PM, meetjoeblack said:

I am still trying to figure it out. What I will say is that, YOUTH IMHO is the key. JBP described YOUTH as "UNTAPPED POTENTIALITY!" You want a woman at top form SMV. Not, THE MILKS GONE BAD, BULKING SEASON has kicked off.

What would a top form SMV woman look like? 

On 12/17/2017 at 12:47 PM, meetjoeblack said:

i am not sure "quality" exists to the extend we seek. Even on call in FDR shows, you hear of a good looking woman age 19 fucking a loser. You hear about women chasing bad boys with their pussy and we are suppose to put a ring on that lol 

Are you referring to the girl who ditched her long time boyfriend to fuck a drug addict, and then came back to him and got married? Or is this a different show?


On 12/17/2017 at 12:47 PM, meetjoeblack said:

To be quite honest, i am not sure "quality" exists to the extend we seek

I'm not sure either. I've recently come into contact with an individual who's both honest and empathetic. She was severely abused in the past and has gotten 2 years of therapy. She's definitely open to new ideas, has defoo'd from her adopted family, reads, a fan of shakespeare, interested in history, law. I’m not sure what her capacity for critical thought is though. And she's not aware of the difference between then and than. Which makes me question her intelligence.... then again she has a speech impediment problem so this might be the cause.. She's highly selective when choosing a mate at the moment. She was in a highly abusive 11 month relationship. However, she didn't sleep with him. Despite his frequent attempts. She was on Pof shortly and deleted her account after 2-3 weeks, meaning she disliked the dozens of men who courted her. Meaning, she dislikes the zeitgeist. She's definitely a woman of quality, but the question is, "to what extent". I'm currently 21, she's 20 and it took me about a year and 7 months of online perusing to find someone like her. Aka, hard af to find. 


On 12/17/2017 at 12:47 PM, meetjoeblack said:

I think the key is going MGTOW without being an actual MGTOW. Have a life that prioritizes the things you deem valuable. All the while you still approach someone you could make space for but, if she is not on point, that space closes, and you have no time for her. On that note, when I was 27, I approached a pretty girl who was slightly younger then me. She was a fuck-wit. Needless to say, JTO warned me of the female chameleon. I did not listen. He was correct. Years later, she drunk dialed me. Me ego wanted to go have sex but, I did not bother because she hit the wall, playboy stopped calling, and she needed to feel special. She can stew in her stupidity. DO NOT WANT! 

Did you sleep with her when you were 27? Or did your interaction only go as far as getting her number? 

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On 12/19/2017 at 8:39 AM, ShindouHikaru said:


Stefan has never suggested this once. Dafook, Stef has repeatedly stated that its an intergenerational change. As in, the state shan't fall in our lifetimes. Why do you think that this is a solution Stef suggested?


Are you new here? he has advocated multiple times to wait for the state to fall and even to date down. WORSE, he deems dating younger as being CREEPY. This is not an argument!



Decent strategy. I'm somewhat confused though. Isn't this the strategy that has led to your romantic interactions with the opposite sex being short term flings, fwb, fuck buddies,etc? 


Its revealed female nature. The reality being, very few deserve the ring. Most times, not worth the cost of the condom you use when you factor in child support. 


Hold on, when you were using these sites, what metrics would you use when evaluating photos and profiles? Like, what in particular would you look for? Also, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, when I looked I just saw a long line of idiots. The male profiles were far more diversified and intriguing

. TOP FORM SMV or do not want! Thin/young/attractive + trad!

If not wifey, no ring PERIOD!

On 12/19/2017 at 8:39 AM, ShindouHikaru said:



Did you interact with people like this? Or rather, are you or have you ever been romantically involved with people like this? 

I am not sure how active or not active you are. If you are using tinder/bumble or just active having sex with a woman in the west, you should be getting tested every 3months. A buddy just caught the clap. Single moms lol


What would a top form SMV woman look like? 


What I notice most men do is, they wife up the girl who was skiing down cawk mountain, diva threw teens, and as bulking season kicks off, as playboys disappear and the phone stops ring, captain beta is expected to come rescue her. 


Are you referring to the girl who ditched her long time boyfriend to fuck a drug addict, and then came back to him and got married? Or is this a different show?

Google 'all the single ladies" TheAtlantic! There is a series of this shit. I think a combo of low testosterone and dudes being raised by single moms are why so many men are pathetic now a days. Dating cratered SMV and single moms. 

I watched a cuck the other day followed a 35+ yr old single mom around the gym. I've never seen anything more pathetic in my life. The guy gets angry the sec she shows other men any sort of attention. I would love to shake him up and open his eyes but, cucks would likely want to fight and posture. God forbid anybody ruins his little cherish and disillusions him. 

On 12/19/2017 at 8:39 AM, ShindouHikaru said:

I'm not sure either. I've recently come into contact with an individual who's both honest and empathetic. She was severely abused in the past and has gotten 2 years of therapy. She's definitely open to new ideas, has defoo'd from her adopted family, reads, a fan of shakespeare, interested in history, law. I’m not sure what her capacity for critical thought is though. And she's not aware of the difference between then and than. Which makes me question her intelligence.... then again she has a speech impediment problem so this might be the cause.. She's highly selective when choosing a mate at the moment. She was in a highly abusive 11 month relationship. However, she didn't sleep with him. Despite his frequent attempts. She was on Pof shortly and deleted her account after 2-3 weeks, meaning she disliked the dozens of men who courted her. Meaning, she dislikes the zeitgeist. She's definitely a woman of quality, but the question is, "to what extent". I'm currently 21, she's 20 and it took me about a year and 7 months of online perusing to find someone like her. Aka, hard af to find. 



Did you sleep with her when you were 27? Or did your interaction only go as far as getting her number? 

Drunk dials when playboys stop calling. The ego kicks off. Its like, sure, I can go bang her but, will I catch a std? Is she already preggers? In many occasions I do and other times, I am pursuing someone younger. 

if I wasn't concerned about internet detectives, I would love to share you pics and text convos. 

Been around enough to know, anytime a woman GHOSTS you, she is jumping on the dick. The sec she starts blowing up your phone, she got dropped and looking for a fallback plan. 

One of the best players I know reminded me that girls are turning 18/19/20/21 everyday. It reminds me that, society is cheering women off the cliff. Feminism promotes cratered SMV like no other. Society will demonize a man for dating younger. "Manning up" in society is marrying cratered SMV. 


I saw a link ages ago about Henry Cavhill and his 19 yr old gf. 


Henry Cavill Says His 19-Year-Old Girlfriend Is Mature for Her Age, Reveals He's Dated Older Women Before



Do you need any more visuals for TOP FORM SMV?

Granted, we are not all Henry Cavhill rich as fuck, stupid attractive, and playing Man of steel.

Regardless, the last throater I got was from a girl 21. I am not going to apologize. 


I will time Stamp the vid in which Stefan says dating younger is "creepy." Its about as much of an argument as a feminist/liberal screaming racist or misogyny. Huge FDR and Stefan fan but, he missed the mark on this one. 

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On 12/19/2017 at 8:39 AM, ShindouHikaru said:

Did you sleep with her when you were 27? Or did your interaction only go as far as getting her number? 

I don't even remember but, I do recall, the sec she was nearing 29/30, I was smashing college girls. The text that came threw was one word. It was a bar. Via snap chat, I sent out the college girl text/screen shot. Of course, I am an asshole but, cratered SMV calls and captain save a hoe is suppose to throw on his cape and save the day. 

Nothing angers older women more then them seeing a older man with a much younger top form SMV woman. It feels good man. 


Henry Cavhill is the man. Man of Steel alright. Dating 19yr old top form SMV gf. Sure as hell beats cratered SMV. 

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On 12/19/2017 at 8:39 AM, ShindouHikaru said:

I'm not sure either. I've recently come into contact with an individual who's both honest and empathetic. She was severely abused in the past and has gotten 2 years of therapy. She's definitely open to new ideas, has defoo'd from her adopted family, reads, a fan of shakespeare, interested in history, law. I’m not sure what her capacity for critical thought is though. And she's not aware of the difference between then and than. Which makes me question her intelligence.... then again she has a speech impediment problem so this might be the cause.. She's highly selective when choosing a mate at the moment. She was in a highly abusive 11 month relationship. However, she didn't sleep with him. Despite his frequent attempts. She was on Pof shortly and deleted her account after 2-3 weeks, meaning she disliked the dozens of men who courted her. Meaning, she dislikes the zeitgeist. She's definitely a woman of quality, but the question is, "to what extent". I'm currently 21, she's 20 and it took me about a year and 7 months of online perusing to find someone like her. Aka, hard af to find. 

Women got game man. don't get it twisted. They put on the act real thick when they want to do so. I am not advocating you drop her. If you are single, continue to approach, and pursue but not at the cost of your purpose in life (whatever that may be). If she has chose abusive LTRs in the past, I question her decision making. 

One of my friends models. He is the best player I've ever come to meet but, he won the genetic lottery. He bangs models, wives, gfs, fiances, models, pageant winners, and yes, trolls sometimes too for kicks. When he knocked up a girl, when she mother his child, and so happen to put on a little weight, playboy was at the club swinging his hammer. She no longer looks like a model and has a victimhood narrative. This is classic of western women. 

Chase playboy and when SMV is cratered, she has her victimhood narrative. 

Every time I thought i found a quality woman, I was red pilled back to reality. Red flags proceeded to emerge. "I only have guy friends." Convos like, "there is this guy friend." And my personal favorite, "friends with ex bf." 

I heard Jordan B. Peterson describe youth as UNTAPPED POTENTIAL. I knew the key is trad, youth, top form SMV, and I just did not know how best to describe it. JBP hits it nail on. When she has choice, when she can be a diva, and ski down cawk mountain, she chooses you. No ambiguity. No abortions and series of stds while running through bad boys. No single mother victimhood.  

In the west, you almost need a helmet and mouth guard in the dating realm. Women are initiating domestic violence nearly as often as they initiate divorce. 


Burn it to the ground my friend. Let it play out. Similar to the same advice all financial experts give on finances; DON'T THROW ALL EGGS IN ONE BASKET!

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