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On 12/22/2017 at 2:21 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Are you new here? he has advocated multiple times to wait for the state to fall and even to date down. WORSE, he deems dating younger as being CREEPY. This is not an argument!

Can you source this? Because I've only heard him suggest that the the state won't fall in our lifetimes and that it's an intergenerational change. I've never heard him suggest that we should wait. I've heard him suggest that we should double or triple our efforts in search of the unicorn, but never to wait. Is it possible that you're misinterpreting Stef's assertions? 


On 12/22/2017 at 2:21 AM, meetjoeblack said:

TOP FORM SMV or do not want! Thin/young/attractive + trad!

Ahh, gotcha. 

On 12/22/2017 at 2:21 AM, meetjoeblack said:

I am not sure how active or not active you are. If you are using tinder/bumble or just active having sex with a woman in the west, you should be getting tested every 3months. A buddy just caught the clap. Single moms lol

I avoided apps like Tinder because I heard that it was a hook up app. I recently got it, swiped left a bunch of times, swiped right on a pic of a dog and a blank screen.... It's a fucking cesspool. Deleted after 2 hours. Never heard of bumble, but if its the same as tinder, I'm going to have to defer. I am not active sexually with women at all, virgin. I'd prefer to avoid casual encounters altogether. 

On 12/22/2017 at 2:21 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Google 'all the single ladies" TheAtlantic! There is a series of this shit. I think a combo of low testosterone and dudes being raised by single moms are why so many men are pathetic now a days. Dating cratered SMV and single moms. 

Will do

On 12/22/2017 at 2:21 AM, meetjoeblack said:

I will time Stamp the vid in which Stefan says dating younger is "creepy." Its about as much of an argument as a feminist/liberal screaming racist or misogyny. Huge FDR and Stefan fan but, he missed the mark on this one. 

I've heard him say it was creepy as well. Timestamps are unnecessary. I don't think he said, "dating younger", but rather, "dating significantly young". Like the age disparity between Paul Walker and his 16 yr old gf. A 24 yr difference. 


On 12/22/2017 at 2:36 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Women got game man. don't get it twisted. They put on the act real thick when they want to do so. I am not advocating you drop her. If you are single, continue to approach, and pursue but not at the cost of your purpose in life (whatever that may be). If she has chose abusive LTRs in the past, I question her decision making.

I questioned her decision making as well when I learnt of the relationship. It didn't work out. I don't think that she was putting on an act... or maybe she was... It was later revealed that she wasn't very smart. Apparently I give off the impression of a, "know it all", and "should talk normally because using big words isn't smart and some people might feel dumb if they don't know what the words you're saying means (paraphrasing)". Her harbored resentment was revealed when I introduced the element of a disagreement into our interactions. She escalated and got increasingly abusive. She treated me like I was her abusive adoptive parents. She required that I change all of her perceived faults, while taking no responsibility of any of her actions. In other words, the fault entirely lies with you so change. Apparently one of my faults was using google to define terms. "I'm done talking about this because I obviously can't get through to you and you're making me really angry, Acting like a know it all makes me angry, and annoys me, you use google for basic disagreements"..... "Google knows next to nothing about my field", "you're acting like you know more about my field than I do, you are treading very dangerously"... and after this I suggested that this wasn't the type of relationship I wanted and said goodbye. She just escalated further and lost her shit at this suggestion. Bringing up things I told her in confidence to jab away at me. I then attempted RTR, but fucked up prematurely by reaching a conclusion before waiting for a response by stating that she was acting in an abusive manner (which she undoubtedly was). She viewed my disagreement as the primary problem, when what I was terrified at was her reaction to the disagreement. 


Red flags for le gents (or 1/10 FDR grills). 

She was heavily abused in the past. Now, I thought that she had processed a lot of it because she went through 2 years of therapy. I was wrong. 2 years of therapy isn't enough to deal with a highly abusive past. Stefan required 20 years and he's a genius. 

She didn't want to talk about her prior 11month abusive relationship at all. This is a sign of not processing why she chose him and stayed. And her characterization of the entire interaction was that he was abusive and he was the only one at fault. No personal responsibility in her actions.

Hated talking about her childhood. Meaning, she rarely thinks of it. Therefore, unprocessed trauma. 

Of course, denigrating google sama. 

Viewed a disagreement as the end of the world. She believed that a relationship with a disagreement was an impossibility.

Hated the idea of and attacked me for viewing 66% of her facebook timeline. Even though I had gotten her explicit approval beforehand. Calling it, "stalking". And I then of course posted the legal definition of stalking and asked if this is what I was doing (this most likely annoyed her - but wasn't expressed at the time). 


Total time invested, 2-3 weeks. Integrity is efficient. 

On 12/22/2017 at 2:36 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Every time I thought i found a quality woman, I was red pilled back to reality. Red flags proceeded to emerge. "I only have guy friends." Convos like, "there is this guy friend." And my personal favorite, "friends with ex bf." 

Feels relatable man. Do you mean to suggest that they friend zoned you? What were the red flags? 


On 12/22/2017 at 2:36 AM, meetjoeblack said:

I heard Jordan B. Peterson describe youth as UNTAPPED POTENTIAL. I knew the key is trad, youth, top form SMV, and I just did not know how best to describe it. JBP hits it nail on. When she has choice, when she can be a diva, and ski down cawk mountain, she chooses you. No ambiguity. No abortions and series of stds while running through bad boys. No single mother victimhood.  

Excellent definition. 


On 12/22/2017 at 2:36 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Burn it to the ground my friend. Let it play out. Similar to the same advice all financial experts give on finances; DON'T THROW ALL EGGS IN ONE BASKET!

It's my desire to throw all my eggs in one basket and get married. Of course, in the right basket. 

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On 12/10/2017 at 12:03 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

America, 1776: 2 million people with only 10% (give or take 200,000) people really engaged on the revolutionary side. 700,000 is a big number and we're not looking to take over all the planet, just liberate the minds of a small space  so that they can build a fortress to protect the "shiny city on the hill" and with that possibly inspire the rest of the world to follow suit.

Jesus started with 12 guys. Now there are like a billion Christians. 

Holy shit I totally missed this post. My bad dude (๑´╹‸╹`๑) The Christians weren't against the idea of using violence to advance their aims so....


On 12/10/2017 at 12:03 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

So most people are zombies. So what? Who cares about them? Why not focus on the top 10% of people that go on to do great things like build and sustain businesses, enter the Middle Class (+), start and enrich their families, and perhaps by extension the world? You're not going to find the world-builders on Facebook, Match.com, Tinder, or whatever. They're too busy creating.

Where do you find these individuals then? And I only used Tinder for 2 hours. 


On 12/10/2017 at 12:03 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

I got repelled for the first time when I was 16,  years ago now. I left Communism for Fascism, then came to FDR and left Fascism for Capitalism, and am now an AnCap. It was a very overwhelming journey to realize how wrong I was and how the world really works and how I was a tool in continuing it's corruptive cycle.

Nani! Wait, how did you become a communist? Why were you drawn to the ideology? Why did you then transition into fascism? What did you believe when you were a fascist?


On 12/10/2017 at 12:03 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

I wanted power and feared being alone and therefore wanted to force the world to love me and surrender to me. Very Islamic and very disturbed. 

Why do you think that you had this desire? What was your childhood like? 


On 12/10/2017 at 12:03 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

For example I feel great knowing great men are being born right now and could very well save the world from itself. Also there's the Bulwark of the West: Russia, and there's the rising conservatism of our generation, and also there's the fact that modern times are the best times to live as far as material comforts go. Compare this to WWII and realize how much easier the present demons are to beat and how little we must suffer. Consider how the internet makes it possible for us to become entrepreneurs and how easy it has become for us to escape the established system and compete as the alternative system. This is a world of opportunity and a lot can still be done to prevent the coming storms as well as, if necessary, set up a fallback plan.

This is a convincing case for optimism. How exactly can great men save the world from itself? Galt? 


On 12/10/2017 at 12:03 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

America, 1776: 2 million people with only 10% (give or take 200,000) people really engaged on the revolutionary side. 700,000 is a big number and we're not looking to take over all the planet, just liberate the minds of a small space  so that they can build a fortress to protect the "shiny city on the hill" and with that possibly inspire the rest of the world to follow suit.

The general populous of 1776 were well read, literate, politically active and moderately high IQ at the time. Their neighborhoods hadn't been corroded by multiculturalism and there was a strong sense of a colonial identity. There isn't much of an identity in the current west. 


On 12/10/2017 at 12:03 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

So most people are zombies. So what? Who cares about them? Why not focus on the top 10% of people that go on to do great things like build and sustain businesses, enter the Middle Class (+), start and enrich their families, and perhaps by extension the world?

Are you suggesting that 10% if any given populous know how to critically think, are virtuous and reason from first principles? 

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2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:


Can you source this? Because I've only heard him suggest that the the state won't fall in our lifetimes and that it's an intergenerational change. I've never heard him suggest that we should wait. I've heard him suggest that we should double or triple our efforts in search of the unicorn, but never to wait. Is it possible that you're misinterpreting Stef's assertions? 


Watch his videos again. Truth on Sex/Gene Warfare series/Truth on Single moms/any of the vids on MGTOW!

I am still searching for the time stamp for "creepy" declaration at men dating younger which is not an argument any more then "wait for the state to fail and women need men again. This is not a solution. Just watch his videos. Another guy caught that. We just both don't have time stamps for this piece. 



Ahh, gotcha. 

I avoided apps like Tinder because I heard that it was a hook up app. I recently got it, swiped left a bunch of times, swiped right on a pic of a dog and a blank screen.... It's a fucking cesspool. Deleted after 2 hours. Never heard of bumble, but if its the same as tinder, I'm going to have to defer. I am not active sexually with women at all, virgin. I'd prefer to avoid casual encounters altogether. 


I am sort of getting pissed with this site or mods. My msgs are going through days later. A kid inboxed me recently. furthermore, posts are either being blocked or not going through. I sent you a long msg and its magically not here. 


brb guys, raising some other man's baby! 

2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:


Will do

I've heard him say it was creepy as well. Timestamps are unnecessary. I don't think he said, "dating younger", but rather, "dating significantly young". Like the age disparity between Paul Walker and his 16 yr old gf. A 24 yr difference. 


Which is still not an argument anymore then a obese feminist screaming misogyny. Its not a solution. For the record, I dislike women like that, whores, women that cuck the man that married them plus gave them kids. I dislike plausible deniability. I dislike that fact that most women in the west fail to take responsibility. I dislike single moms and whores (not seeing much of a diff). Then again, I dislike cucks, betas, white knights, blue pill men. Male feminists and spineless wonders. I dislike a good portion of people who cannot think for himself. 

So, at 30, I should date cratered SMV based upon his flawed thinking? Not happening. The last throater I got was from a girl age 21. 

A 1990s car you push off a cliff. its not classic. Cratered SMV is not classy. 

2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:


I questioned her decision making as well when I learnt of the relationship. It didn't work out. I don't think that she was putting on an act... or maybe she was... It was later revealed that she wasn't very smart. Apparently I give off the impression of a, "know it all", and "should talk normally because using big words isn't smart and some people might feel dumb if they don't know what the words you're saying means (paraphrasing)". Her harbored resentment was revealed when I introduced the element of a disagreement into our interactions. She escalated and got increasingly abusive. She treated me like I was her abusive adoptive parents. She required that I change all of her perceived faults, while taking no responsibility of any of her actions. In other words, the fault entirely lies with you so change. Apparently one of my faults was using google to define terms. "I'm done talking about this because I obviously can't get through to you and you're making me really angry, Acting like a know it all makes me angry, and annoys me, you use google for basic disagreements"..... "Google knows next to nothing about my field", "you're acting like you know more about my field than I do, you are treading very dangerously"... and after this I suggested that this wasn't the type of relationship I wanted and said goodbye. She just escalated further and lost her shit at this suggestion. Bringing up things I told her in confidence to jab away at me. I then attempted RTR, but fucked up prematurely by reaching a conclusion before waiting for a response by stating that she was acting in an abusive manner (which she undoubtedly was). She viewed my disagreement as the primary problem, when what I was terrified at was her reaction to the disagreement. 


In the west, any and every time a man says, "quality woman," he is blue pilled and needs to get shaken up. Go read the Rational Male. 

This is not an attempt to take shots or fire at you. JTO called me out via email. I told him I found a "quality woman." Still in her twenties granted mid. She gave her number. She texted immediately. And then came the fuckery. JTO was right. MGTOW was right. I still cannot advocate the take your ball and go home approach but, marriage is beyond laughable in this day and age. 

Women are not in scarcity in the west. Tons of betas and cucks will fot her bills and raise her bastard children despite her cratered SMV. Men (if you dare call them that) will raise some other man's babies. He will play provider cuck male. So, she can ski down cawk mountain and run through bad boys and then fall back on cuck male. 


This woman lack free thinking. Likely, she follows social conditioning. Can't judge her. No responsibility or accountability for her poor choices. Women chase the cawk from alpha males in youth. Seek marriage when it all falls down. 

Paul walker knows of SMV and cratered SMV happens to women in the west at like 23. Bulking season and the milks gone bad. Or as Borat says, vag hang like sleeve of wizard. 






Cavhill maybe 35? 19yr old gf. Dude does it right!



2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:


Red flags for le gents (or 1/10 FDR grills). 

She was heavily abused in the past. Now, I thought that she had processed a lot of it because she went through 2 years of therapy. I was wrong. 2 years of therapy isn't enough to deal with a highly abusive past. Stefan required 20 years and he's a genius. 

She didn't want to talk about her prior 11month abusive relationship at all. This is a sign of not processing why she chose him and stayed. And her characterization of the entire interaction was that he was abusive and he was the only one at fault. No personal responsibility in her actions.

Hated talking about her childhood. Meaning, she rarely thinks of it. Therefore, unprocessed trauma. 

Of course, denigrating google sama. 

Viewed a disagreement as the end of the world. She believed that a relationship with a disagreement was an impossibility.

Hated the idea of and attacked me for viewing 66% of her facebook timeline. Even though I had gotten her explicit approval beforehand. Calling it, "stalking". And I then of course posted the legal definition of stalking and asked if this is what I was doing (this most likely annoyed her - but wasn't expressed at the time). 


Huge FDR/Stefan fan but, the entire "creepy" comment for a man pulling top form SMV is not an argument. 

Stefan argues against pickup but, waiting for the state to fail and women to need men again is the alternative? 

Contrary to Stefan, you next set this girl and you go approach others. She doesn't want to use her head, you replace her with a better woman. Granted, you will likely find more and more of the same. 

2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

Total time invested, 2-3 weeks. Integrity is efficient. 

Feels relatable man. Do you mean to suggest that they friend zoned you? What were the red flags? 


Excellent definition. 


It's my desire to throw all my eggs in one basket and get married. Of course, in the right basket. 

I mean to say, women will flake or ghost. You bang other women. The ones who ghost come back but, you got younger college girls in rotation. Plate spin. 

I don't play the LJBF game. If nothing happens after 3 encounters, I next Set her. I don't talk. I don't call or explain. I simply bother. I switch off. Next SET!


The question you should really be asking is, what is the end game? 

Marriage? LOL in the west? Play homemaker with cratered SMV? With a Whore? 

Red Flag:

Ghosting, flaky, initiates contact, asks about exercising or working out, ghosts. I see her, she bad mouths me to other women (I suspect 99% sure but don't know for sure). She comes around or drunk dials. Monotone. One word answers/texts. Mentions "this guy friend." Mentions, "friends with ex bf." Brags about kill count. Brags about male attention. Has absolutely no understanding of SMV or her declining utility. 

There is no exception to the rules of the game. Women flake or disappear, she is jumping off another guy's dick. Likely several. When she cannot lock him down or he fucks off completely, she starts texting again. 

I came here to find a solution. The reality I am coming to is that, the west is DOOMED. I cannot see how a man in the west can dare marry especially given the laws divorce courts and family court situation. The fact that most women are having unprotected sex, high kill count, abortions, stds, and some pathetic cuck will marry that. No self respect.

I picked up and pulled a girl last summer. I was at a bar. We went out afterwards one time. It began with calls quite frequently. After we went out, it became more sparse, she tried to invite herself over, and just seemed to have quite a bit of dramas. Of course, I wouldn't ever let a woman invite herself over. The idea of turning down her precious golden vagina is hard to believe for most women but, self respect goes a long way. No wife. No live in situation. She would drunk dial. This is a grown ass woman with a salary job behaving in this way. 



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4 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

Holy shit I totally missed this post. My bad dude (๑´╹‸╹`๑) The Christians weren't against the idea of using violence to advance their aims so....

I could say "not real Christians" but wouldn't you say violence in self-defense or in the liberation of neighbors is justified? Copying what historically worked for the most moral idea in history is not a bad way to get AnCap off the ground.



Where do you find these individuals then? And I only used Tinder for 2 hours. 

Probably busy trying to manage their company from a desktop or on-site. If I were actively seeking quality men, I'd look for the guys who are around 20, look very busy yet cool, and ask them why they're busy (or what they're doing). If it's work-related, they're probably going places. If it's college... Well, depends on the degree but much chancier. 

For quality women, they're probably doing what I just described (trying to find the quality men who are busy trying to get ahead far sooner than most).



Nani! Wait, how did you become a communist? Why were you drawn to the ideology? Why did you then transition into fascism? What did you believe when you were a fascist?

First I was introduced to Communism in 8th grade (12-13ish years old I think) and became attached to it for several reasons: 1: I recognized my society was trash (by universalizing my own experience of getting into regular fist fights and be heavily ostracized by those who were physically attacking me. Used to being an outcast). 2: Sought a cozy and easy life as a soldier-like type doing what his benevolent master tells him to (idea being Communism= everyone is middle class and assigned a job based on capabilities) 3: Eventually desired to become the "benevolent master". After reading many books about Communism and Communists I slowly had my fantasy broken away (and was challenged regularly by an Objectivist I was friends with) until I eventually became apolitically cynical.

Then I learned of the migrant crisis, and saw the "documentary" "The Greatest Story NEVER Told" which drew me to admire and want to emulate Hitler (who was portrayed as a saintly figure horribly misconstrued and mischaracterized) and join the Fascistic elements (on the Internet) in a desire to both ethnically cleanse Euro-America of non-Whites and especially the Islamic invaders. I was especially drawn after becoming redpilled by racial realism, anti-White crime, the cuckoldry and high treason of our national leaders, etc. 

Eventually I figured out Hitler wasn't so great after all and was actually evil and terrible. Eventually I learned Fascism wasn't "Nationalism + Capitalism" but "Communism Lite" and by this time was drawn into Stefpai's rigorous search for truth and objectivity which really drew me because I had become so depressed and cynical after making such major ideological shifts in my life.


Why do you think that you had this desire? What was your childhood like? 

I always saw my mother as a benevolent fool and my father as a parasitical conman. Obviously this wasn't/isn't the full story but that's how I saw it and I grew up in daily terror of my drug addict father and my emotionally unstable mother. Life got better when we finally moved (again) and left my father (again. This time the last time he was welcomed back) and my mother sought therapy (which greatly helped) and my father sought rehab (again) which helped him as well (though his life is already a trainwreck given I'm the youngest of a dozen ruined children and the first/only by his third woman). 

I imagine my desire for power came from feeling so powerless and also my early wisdom of recognizing the destructive patters of those older than me and my desire to punish parasites and fools equally. 


This is a convincing case for optimism. How exactly can great men save the world from itself? Galt? 

More like Charlemagne style. Great men have to, at some point, get a group and eventually foment revolution and overturn the existing systems with new ones and bring society to the future without endlessly looking backwards.

Going Galt is what decent men do when powerless. Great men don't give up; they attempt to take the power and use it for good as compared to evil. Like if Hitler was a Free Market NAP guy I think Germany's Third Empire might be the global superpower and human rights leader today rather than a crap-stain of evil and squalor. 



The general populous of 1776 were well read, literate, politically active and moderately high IQ at the time. Their neighborhoods hadn't been corroded by multiculturalism and there was a strong sense of a colonial identity. There isn't much of an identity in the current west. 


Are you suggesting that 10% if any given populous know how to critically think, are virtuous and reason from first principles? 

No. I am suggesting all you need is like a few dozen guys to go around forming groups and have those groups go around rabble rousing and once the mob (or political party) is big enough to become either politically or physically powerful then revolutionary changes become possible. Pretty much every big social change happened this way. 

I'm not a great man and don't value the West, therefore I intend to join the existing great man's (Putin's) Russia and climb the mountaintop with Him (unless I am convinced Russia's worse or no better than the West, or the West is going to avert the oncoming Second Dark Age) rather than risk my and my unborn children's and future wife's lives in trying to start a revolution (peaceful or not, reactionary to the impending Civil War or preceding it) in which the only guarantees are that there are none. 

I would argue Stefpai's a great man because he's attempting a (peaceful) revolution of the Soul and is doing very well relatively speaking. Combine him with dozens of other Right-wing activists and a revolution (though small and peaceful) may be possible and be enough to save society from itself (for the high performing 10%). 


Edited by Siegfried von Walheim
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On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Watch his videos again. Truth on Sex/Gene Warfare series/Truth on Single moms/any of the vids on MGTOW!

You might want to follow this and come back when you've found him suggesting to wait for the collapse of the state. I've probably seen more of his shows than you have. 


On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

This is not a solution. Just watch his videos.

I've watched hundreds of videos and podcasts dude. I've never heard him suggest to wait for the fall of the state. As in, if you genuinely believe that he suggested this, then it's possible that you were hearing what you wanted to hear in order to justify sleeping with low rent women. I've did hear the, "creepy" though so I'm not asking you to verify this. 


On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

I am sort of getting pissed with this site or mods. My msgs are going through days later. A kid inboxed me recently. furthermore, posts are either being blocked or not going through. I sent you a long msg and its magically not here. 

They're most likely being rejected. Had it happen a few times as well. Not here though. 


On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:


brb guys, raising some other man's baby! 

Yeah, this chick is really annoying. "Hurr durr, I want a responsible man this time durr". Random observer: "but aren't you an irresponsible person yourself"? Bree: Pssh, I'm not irresponsible! I just found Mr Wrong and now I'm looking for Mr. Right, DuRrRr

On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Which is still not an argument anymore then a obese feminist screaming misogyny.

Well, I don't think that his argument was that, "they're super young (16), therefore gross". I think it was more of a (paraphrasing), "girls who are this young do not have the ability to reason coherently since their biological drivers are going off the charts". Paul Walker: famous, sexy, rich. As in, it's highly unlikely that a 16 year old would  be able to refuse such an offer. Similar to a 16 year old boy being offered to date and have sex with a supermodel. Would he say no? Unlikely. I don't that his argument is valid. Considering that there are also adults who don't have the the ability to make proper decisions. 

On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

So, at 30, I should date cratered SMV based upon his flawed thinking? Not happening. The last throater I got was from a girl age 21. 

Although, his line of reasoning is faulty in this situation, I don't think he would recommend dating a cratered SMV 30 year old either . In his show, he has suggested the possibility of having children to older bachelors. Men in their 40's and onwards. Meaning, a likely 15+ year gap. I'm not sure of what he would suggest. He likely doesn't view this ambivalence as a pressing concern, which is understandable. 


On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

In the west, any and every time a man says, "quality woman," he is blue pilled and needs to get shaken up. Go read the Rational Male. 


Read a synopsis, sounds promising. 

On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

This is not an attempt to take shots or fire at you. JTO called me out via email. I told him I found a "quality woman." Still in her twenties granted mid. She gave her number. She texted immediately. And then came the fuckery. JTO was right. MGTOW was right. I still cannot advocate the take your ball and go home approach but, marriage is beyond laughable in this day and age. 

I'm mostly evaluating statistics in relation to child rearing. Since Stefan beats his dick to the statistics a lot, a marriage (not necessarily state enforced - although common law will most likely take effect anyway), is the best environment for a child. I'm just following the data. The institution in this era is laughable. More or less Western men playing Russian Roulette with a 50/50 chance of getting their brains blown out. 


On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Women are not in scarcity in the west. Tons of betas and cucks will fot her bills and raise her bastard children despite her cratered SMV. Men (if you dare call them that) will raise some other man's babies. He will play provider cuck male. So, she can ski down cawk mountain and run through bad boys and then fall back on cuck male. 

Uhh, you might be generalizing and caricaturing women a bit much. I don't know how many women are as you've described, but I don't think that they're the glaring majority. Or rather, I don't think most Asian or White women are like this. 


"Preliminary data indicate that 40.7 percent of all 2012 births were out-of-wedlock, which is appalling, and there are vast differences among racial and ethnic groups. Among non-Hispanic blacks, the figure is highest, at 72.2 percent; for American Indians/Alaska Natives, it’s 66.9 percent; 53.5 percent for Hispanics; 29.4 percent for non-Hispanic whites; and a mere 17.1 percent for Asians/Pacific Islanders".

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/360990 


On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Stefan argues against pickup but, waiting for the state to fail and women to need men again is the alternative? 

Except this isn't what Stef was suggesting. He said that the primary reason why women don't look for virtue anymore is because their children can be raised by the state and if welfare were to be eliminated, then the free market would handle male & female relationships again. He's never suggested that you should wait. He did suggest that you should become a shining beacon of virtue, attracting rare quality women through your conspicuous display. 

On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

I mean to say, women will flake or ghost. You bang other women. The ones who ghost come back but, you got younger college girls in rotation. Plate spin. 

I don't play the LJBF game. If nothing happens after 3 encounters, I next Set her. I don't talk. I don't call or explain. I simply bother. I switch off. Next SET!

Oh snap lol, although you did tell me of what a top form SMV looked like, I didn't notice that you didn't list "virtuous" as a requirement. Just, "thin, young, traditional".  I just realized that we're after different things xD I'm a tad autistic. But isn't this a contradiction though? You're looking for a traditional, top form SMV, and yet, you'll only pursue women who sleep with you in the first 3 encounters. A woman who would do this doesn't sound like a traditional person. Isn't your strategy in direct opposition to what a traditional top form SMV woman would want? I can understand the strategy if you simply wanted a thin and young woman, but the traditional element sounds paradoxical. 

On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Marriage? LOL in the west? Play homemaker with cratered SMV? With a Whore? 

Whore: "Disparaging and Offensive. a person who is sexually promiscuous". 


Uhh..... aren't you a whore as well? 

On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

initiates contact

How is a woman who initiates contact a red flag? Never heard of this one. 


On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

asks about exercising or working out

Why's this a red flag?


On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Mentions, "friends with ex bf."

Could you expand on this idea? Why would remaining friends with an ex be a red flag? Not saying that I disagree, simply want your thoughts. 

On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

There is no exception to the rules of the game. Women flake or disappear, she is jumping off another guy's dick. Likely several. When she cannot lock him down or he fucks off completely, she starts texting again. 

Is it possible that you're just exposed to really shitty women? 

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4 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

You might want to follow this and come back when you've found him suggesting to wait for the collapse of the state. I've probably seen more of his shows than you have. 

Are you disputing him saying that? How about him calling it creepy to date younger? You will blatantly discredit yourself with the time stamps. Wear a helmet.


I've watched hundreds of videos and podcasts dude. I've never heard him suggest to wait for the fall of the state. As in, if you genuinely believe that he suggested this, then it's possible that you were hearing what you wanted to hear in order to justify sleeping with low rent women. I've did hear the, "creepy" though so I'm not asking you to verify this. 

So, you didn't see the video. What the fuck is your point? Go watch more videos. Do you dispute him calling dating younger "creepy?"


They're most likely being rejected. Had it happen a few times as well. Not here though. 

Whats your point?


Yeah, this chick is really annoying. "Hurr durr, I want a responsible man this time durr". Random observer: "but aren't you an irresponsible person yourself"? Bree: Pssh, I'm not irresponsible! I just found Mr Wrong and now I'm looking for Mr. Right, DuRrRr

I am chronic people watcher.

It was really telling reading these posts on this page. One post went from "quality" woman. I then went onto say the realities for men in the west with women in the west 99% of the time when they attempt to encapsulate a woman in the "quality" box. It does not end well. Again, really telling.


Well, I don't think that his argument was that, "they're super young (16), therefore gross". I think it was more of a (paraphrasing), "girls who are this young do not have the ability to reason coherently since their biological drivers are going off the charts". Paul Walker: famous, sexy, rich. As in, it's highly unlikely that a 16 year old would  be able to refuse such an offer. Similar to a 16 year old boy being offered to date and have sex with a supermodel. Would he say no? Unlikely. I don't that his argument is valid. Considering that there are also adults who don't have the the ability to make proper decisions. 

I don't know the laws in every state. I think 16 is consent in his state though, I am not advocating that given, its a pretty big dirty bag move in either event. The thing is, a man acquires girl say age 18. Top form SMV. Her weight is not going to decrease from 18 on. Its going upward and given the way women in the west bulk, its going up fast. If you look at pics of women on social media after age 23, its not pretty most times. Like, if you were to equate top form SMV, from my experience, its 18-23. This would fall under the category of "creepy" to Stefan among society. NOT AN ARGUMENT. 


Although, his line of reasoning is faulty in this situation, I don't think he would recommend dating a cratered SMV 30 year old either . In his show, he has suggested the possibility of having children to older bachelors. Men in their 40's and onwards. Meaning, a likely 15+ year gap. I'm not sure of what he would suggest. He likely doesn't view this ambivalence as a pressing concern, which is understandable. 

I want to call in but, before I do, I want the time stamp. It is not so much to cram the point down one's throat boot first. its the fact, he gets condescending on disagreements and rages when people don't time stamp or paraphrase. Context is important. Another user here who is into casual dating caught that point. Neither of us have it time stamped. 

I've seen in the workplace time and time again. She is not like that but, runs through playboy. Crateres SMV and rages in a elevator in some building only all the more when 1) playboy stops calling 

2) when meta male provider grows some balls and starts dating top form SMV

3) when reality sets in and SMV has cratered FOREVER as; her 20s do not grow back!



Read a synopsis, sounds promising. 

I'm mostly evaluating statistics in relation to child rearing. Since Stefan beats his dick to the statistics a lot, a marriage (not necessarily state enforced - although common law will most likely take effect anyway), is the best environment for a child. I'm just following the data. The institution in this era is laughable. More or less Western men playing Russian Roulette with a 50/50 chance of getting their brains blown out. 





I am a huge FDR/Stefan fan which is why I care and tune in. I am in search of a solution. I am in polar contrast to social conditioning, social engineering, and following the beaten path. Everyone including fam or friends could be furious with me but, my pursuit of top form SMV is on the horizon otherwise, I am disinterested altogether. 

Man, its not the 50% problem. Yes, 50% of marriages end in divorce but, 80% are initiated by women. 


According to the National Center for Health Statistics, about 50 percent of marriages in the United States end in divorce, and about 80 percent of the divorces are initiated by women. That 50 percent is often quoted and it is probably on the high side, but it is illuminating that 80 percent of the divorces are filed by the wife.


How many of these women were cratered SMV? Were skiing down cawk mountain? How many of these men were cuck beta male providers? Turning a whore into a house wife? 


Uhh, you might be generalizing and caricaturing women a bit much. I don't know how many women are as you've described, but I don't think that they're the glaring majority. Or rather, I don't think most Asian or White women are like this. 

No offense man but, after your "quality woman" post, you have proven to show error in judgement. 

Generalizing or not, a significant amount of women are skiing down cawk mountain. Are running through dudes and cratering their SMV. I found most white women are like this. Asian women who are 1st gen are less likely but, after 2/3 gen, I found it no diff then white women. "White girl wasted" is a thing. Its normalized for 'sloot gonna sloot.' Single mother victimhood is normalized as is the cucking of men on mainstream television shows (house of cards, Stranger things, HIMYM, Family Guy, Breaking bad, etc). Now, you can argue generalizing or NAWALT (not all women are like that) the same way you can argue that woman is "quality" but, a lack of self ownership, personal responsibility, and accountability are absent. This doesn't line up. 

God forbid, you married this woman or had children with her. #WOULDNOTENDWELL!


"Preliminary data indicate that 40.7 percent of all 2012 births were out-of-wedlock, which is appalling, and there are vast differences among racial and ethnic groups. Among non-Hispanic blacks, the figure is highest, at 72.2 percent; for American Indians/Alaska Natives, it’s 66.9 percent; 53.5 percent for Hispanics; 29.4 percent for non-Hispanic whites; and a mere 17.1 percent for Asians/Pacific Islanders".

Its funny that, if you are a biologist providing stats, its perfectly fine but, otherwise, said stats while factual are deemed racist disputing with an anomaly. 

If women are going to sleep around via tinder or online, why in the fuck would a man risk his resources now or ever?



Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/360990 


Except this isn't what Stef was suggesting. He said that the primary reason why women don't look for virtue anymore is because their children can be raised by the state and if welfare were to be eliminated, then the free market would handle male & female relationships again. He's never suggested that you should wait. He did suggest that you should become a shining beacon of virtue, attracting rare quality women through your conspicuous display. 


Which is why, men need to raise the bar on their expectations in women. If she is a feminist/SJW/non-free-thinker, she should be left where she was found. Until the free money parade exists, marriage is a terrible idea and investment for men. 

A woman was raging about the liability of marriage. WHAT THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK MEN HAVE BEEN HANDLING THE PAST SIXTY YEARS?


Oh snap lol, although you did tell me of what a top form SMV looked like, I didn't notice that you didn't list "virtuous" as a requirement. Just, "thin, young, traditional".  I just realized that we're after different things xD I'm a tad autistic. But isn't this a contradiction though? You're looking for a traditional, top form SMV, and yet, you'll only pursue women who sleep with you in the first 3 encounters. A woman who would do this doesn't sound like a traditional person. Isn't your strategy in direct opposition to what a traditional top form SMV woman would want? I can understand the strategy if you simply wanted a thin and young woman, but the traditional element sounds paradoxical. 

The time of women and children first are over. 

SMV = sexual market value. 

Virtue need not apply. 

I am not talking marriage or LTR. You can seek those encounters all you want. You vet for top form SMV and you red pill the qualities you seek. 

You have tons of fake trad thots like Lauren Southern and others who doll up, who push trad values but, its again hypergamy. The same with republican women vs democratic women. Attractive hypergamous women vs obese green haired women. Its not hard to imagine which wins. Then again, hypergamy is hardwired into female biology. 



Whore: "Disparaging and Offensive. a person who is sexually promiscuous". 


Uhh..... aren't you a whore as well? 


This convo is going nowhere. 

Because everything and everyone is equal correct? High kill count in women is attractive? Cratered SMV is attractive? I return back to your "quality woman." 

Read The Rational Male. 

Learn of plate spinning. If you had options, if you had choice in multiple women, you would not be preaching about a "quality" women. You would just spin plates. Let plates drop and spin more plates. Some flake, ghost, re appear, and you keep spinning.

Since you did not know, MEN AND WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT! Anatomically, we diff as does our period of SMV top form. As does the period of fertility.

Women with high kill count is GROSS AS FUCKKKkKK! Said woman could be pregnant from go. 

A man who has sex, who has choices, who plate spins, cold approaches, is attractive to women. They will never tell you but what the fuck do they respond to?



How is a woman who initiates contact a red flag? Never heard of this one. 


Why's this a red flag?


Could you expand on this idea? Why would remaining friends with an ex be a red flag? Not saying that I disagree, simply want your thoughts. 

Is it possible that you're just exposed to really shitty women? 

You broke up what I said. Asks to workout then ghosts. Attention whore. Its women plate spinning IE skiing down cawk mountain. Becomes cratered SMV and a single mom. How don't you understand that as a red flag?

A man she has had sexual relations with remaining friends? You need explaining on this? 


You don't cold approach. I've approached more women in one week then you have in your life. The vast majority of women are a mess. A married woman trying to get my buddy and I to Eiffel tower her. 


Its cyclical. The options are to wait for cratered SMV to pick you after her best days are over or to throw caution to the wind, to approach, and pursue what you want. On that note, I picked up again last night. You want catch me trying to encapsulate her under the banner as "quality." She is another girl. A western girl. Top form SMV. Maybe she is a gem. I am sure as hell not holding my breathe. #NEXTSET

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On 12/24/2017 at 12:54 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

I could say "not real Christians" but wouldn't you say violence in self-defense or in the liberation of neighbors is justified? Copying what historically worked for the most moral idea in history is not a bad way to get AnCap off the ground.

Although I'm not well versed in Christian History, I can't imagine that its archaic origins had anything to do with self-defense or the liberation of neighbors. Unless by liberation, you mean eliminating apostates and converting other religious populations towards the one true way of Yahweh (a common religious strategy).

Considering the savage imagery displayed in the old testament, it's unlikely that such an ideology led to a NAP minded populous. And of course you could say that Christianity has nothing to do with the old testament. To which I would say that Jesus approved of the Old Testament actions, laws and prophets. And considering the Christian religious wars, I think that it's unlikely that such events were offshoots of a "self defense and liberation" focused foundation. 

And I'm sure that you're aware of the, "no true Scotman's" fallacy. 

On 12/24/2017 at 12:54 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Probably busy trying to manage their company from a desktop or on-site. If I were actively seeking quality men, I'd look for the guys who are around 20, look very busy yet cool, and ask them why they're busy (or what they're doing). If it's work-related, they're probably going places. If it's college... Well, depends on the degree but much chancier. 

For quality women, they're probably doing what I just described (trying to find the quality men who are busy trying to get ahead far sooner than most).

How exactly do you define, "a quality man/woman?" My definition is a virtuous individual. Aren't you associating a quality with career focused? 


On 12/24/2017 at 12:54 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Life got better when we finally moved (again) and left my father (again. This time the last time he was welcomed back) and my mother sought therapy (which greatly helped) and my father sought rehab (again) which helped him as well (though his life is already a trainwreck given I'm the youngest of a dozen ruined children and the first/only by his third woman). 

Uhh, how exactly did this train wreck of a human manage to have 12 children with 3 separate women? I can't square this circle. And I'm glad that you survived this nightmare of a childhood. 


On 12/24/2017 at 12:54 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

More like Charlemagne style. Great men have to, at some point, get a group and eventually foment revolution and overturn the existing systems with new ones and bring society to the future without endlessly looking backwards.

What is Charlemagne's style? Isn't this contrary to Stef's, "revolution through peaceful parenting" approach? 


On 12/24/2017 at 12:54 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Great men don't give up; they attempt to take the power and use it for good as compared to evil. Like if Hitler was a Free Market NAP guy I think Germany's Third Empire might be the global superpower and human rights leader today rather than a crap-stain of evil and squalor. 

I'm confused, are you not an AnCap? What is your political affiliation? 


On 12/24/2017 at 12:54 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

No. I am suggesting all you need is like a few dozen guys to go around forming groups and have those groups go around rabble rousing and once the mob (or political party) is big enough to become either politically or physically powerful then revolutionary changes become possible. Pretty much every big social change happened this way. 

This sounds like what the communists did. Currently reading Demons - Dostoyevsky, and this is an apt description of the actions of the communist revolutionaries described in the book. 

Rabble-Rousing: "an instance or the practice of stirring up the passions or prejudices of the public". 

What prejudices or passions do you believe should be stirred up? What would the ideology of the political party be? What would your ideal revolution look like? 


On 12/24/2017 at 12:54 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

I'm not a great man and don't value the West, therefore I intend to join the existing great man's (Putin's) Russia and climb the mountaintop with Him (unless I am convinced Russia's worse or no better than the West, or the West is going to avert the oncoming Second Dark Age) rather than risk my and my unborn children's and future wife's lives in trying to start a revolution (peaceful or not, reactionary to the impending Civil War or preceding it) in which the only guarantees are that there are none. 

Why is Putin a great man? How old are you currently? 

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On 12/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, meetjoeblack said:

Are you disputing him saying that? How about him calling it creepy to date younger? You will blatantly discredit yourself with the time stamps. Wear a helmet.

On 12/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, meetjoeblack said:

So, you didn't see the video. What the fuck is your point? Go watch more videos. Do you dispute him calling dating younger "creepy?"

I have never once disputed that Stefan called a 24 yr age gap between a 16 year old and a 40 year old, "creepy" (Paul Walker and his GF). This is not the point of contention. What I am disputing is your claim that Stefan has advocated to wait for the fall of the state in our lifetimes in order to find a mate. Or to date down in order to find one. I'm waiting for you verify these claims. I'd like to refer you to this quote. 

On 12/22/2017 at 2:21 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Are you new here? he has advocated multiple times to wait for the state to fall and even to date down. 

I've never heard him suggest either of these 2 things, hence, since you claim that he's done so "multiple times", I'd like a single reference. One is all I need. 

On 12/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, meetjoeblack said:

You have tons of fake trad thots like Lauren Southern and others who doll up, who push trad values but, its again hypergamy. The same with republican women vs democratic women. Attractive hypergamous women vs obese green haired women. Its not hard to imagine which wins. Then again, hypergamy is hardwired into female biology. 

Are you suggesting that traditional women don't have an interest in hypergamy? 

On 12/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, meetjoeblack said:

Then again, hypergamy is hardwired into female biology. 

Well, men are generally also looking for the hottest woman they can attract so.....

On 12/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, meetjoeblack said:

Whore: "Disparaging and Offensive. a person who is sexually promiscuous". 


Uhh..... aren't you a whore as well? 


On 12/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, meetjoeblack said:

This convo is going nowhere. 

Because everything and everyone is equal correct? High kill count in women is attractive? Cratered SMV is attractive? I return back to your "quality woman." 

Quality dodge whore. 

On 12/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, meetjoeblack said:

Learn of plate spinning. If you had options, if you had choice in multiple women, you would not be preaching about a "quality" women. You would just spin plates. Let plates drop and spin more plates. Some flake, ghost, re appear, and you keep spinning.

Hmm, now you're likening women to plates. Interesting. 

On 12/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, meetjoeblack said:

A man who has sex, who has choices, who plate spins, cold approaches, is attractive to women. They will never tell you but what the fuck do they respond to?


When did I suggest that this wasn't the case? Doesn't change the dictionary definition of the term, "whore" though. Might want to google terms before using them ^.^


On 12/24/2017 at 11:30 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Ghosting, flaky, initiates contact, asks about exercising or working out, ghosts.


On 12/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, meetjoeblack said:

You broke up what I said. Asks to workout then ghosts. Attention whore. Its women plate spinning IE skiing down cawk mountain. Becomes cratered SMV and a single mom. How don't you understand that as a red flag?

Not sure if you're new to grammar or not, but I didn't break up what you said, you did with your use of a comma. Are you familiar with the term, "comma"? I mean, you must be. Considering that you used it  4 times in that sentence. 

I'd like to refer you to this Wikipedia definition of the term. 

Comma: "The comma is used in many contexts and languages, mainly for separating parts of a sentence such as clauses, and items in lists, particularly when there are three or more items listed. The word comma comes from the Greek κόμμα (kómma), which originally meant a cut-off piece; specifically, in grammar, a short clause.[1][2


As you can see, the goal of the comma is to, "break up" texts. Meaning, by you using it , you broke up parts of your sentences, creating different items in your list of red flags. Do you understand? Was this too complex of an explanation? Hopefully this made sense ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Of course an individual who doesn't take commitments seriously is a red flag. 

On 12/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, meetjoeblack said:

A man she has had sexual relations with remaining friends? You need explaining on this? 

Yes please ^.^ I also view it as a red flag, simply want it expanded upon and verbalized by such an adept Cassanova. 


On 12/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, meetjoeblack said:

You don't cold approach. I've approached more women in one week then you have in your life. The vast majority of women are a mess. A married woman trying to get my buddy and I to Eiffel tower her. 

You definitely have. Well, the species is a mess. Not strictly women. 

On 12/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, meetjoeblack said:

Its cyclical. The options are to wait for cratered SMV to pick you after her best days are over or to throw caution to the wind, to approach, and pursue what you want. On that note, I picked up again last night. You want catch me trying to encapsulate her under the banner as "quality." She is another girl. A western girl. Top form SMV. Maybe she is a gem. I am sure as hell not holding my breathe. #NEXTSET

Lol, those are your options my guy, not "the options". I'm 21, you're in your 30's ^.^


Wonder if this post meets FDR guidelines. I did call him a whore, which might violate the tos. Even though he technically is one.... oh wells. At the very least he learnt about commas. 

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2 hours ago, A4E said:

The 35ish different red pills I've swallowed, best thing that happened for my life. And I will never go back. (and that is kinda impossible anyway)

Depressing and frustrating in the beginning, but very good in the long term.

Amen to that.


Welcome in the reality, friend.

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On 1/2/2018 at 3:51 PM, ShindouHikaru said:

Can you list them? 

That's quite a lot of work to dig up/remember. So perhaps just start with a few of the most controversial ones that you might not have swallowed.

No humans have been on the moon.

No Jews were gassed to death in german concentration camps. (illegal to talk about in many countries)

A lot of red pills around health...

Teeth can heal themselves with calcium and d vitamin. (ie cod liver oil)

Allopathic medicine mainly makes your health worse, and kills a lot of people every year, due to ie mistakes, but also just 'normal' use.

Most diseases are either preventable or curable with the right nutrition.

There are many effective cures for cancer.

vaccines kill and damage children. And are responsible for many of the more common illnesses that children have today.

No link between HIV and AIDS. No evidence, only circumstantial. (I'm not 100% sure but its not healthy to go around doubting my research)


I remember other ones when I need them.


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On 01/01/2018 at 12:39 AM, barn said:

Amen to that.


Welcome in the reality, friend.

Hi @A4E

Is it possible, do you think that some of those 'pills' were placebo that you swallowed?

I mean, learning is a process and all...

ie. What do you think of the mirror on the moon?


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On 1/3/2018 at 4:45 PM, A4E said:

No Jews were gassed to death in german concentration camps. (illegal to talk about in many countries)

Do you believe that Nazis killed Jews? Or is your point of contention specifically about gassing? 


On 1/3/2018 at 4:45 PM, A4E said:

Teeth can heal themselves with calcium and d vitamin. (ie cod liver oil)

What do you mean by, "heal themselves"? Do you mean to suggest that toothpaste is superfluous? 


On 1/3/2018 at 4:45 PM, A4E said:

vaccines kill and damage children. And are responsible for many of the more common illnesses that children have today.

The human life expectancy has grown exponentially within the past few centuries. Are you suggesting that Vaccinations have nothing to do with this increase? If it's not a result of vaccines, then why are we living longer? 


On 1/3/2018 at 4:45 PM, A4E said:

No link between HIV and AIDS. No evidence, only circumstantial. (I'm not 100% sure but its not healthy to go around doubting my research)

Can you elaborate on this? My knowledge on these 2 things are very shallow. What in particular is a human immunodeficiency virus and Aids? 

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2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

Do you believe that Nazis killed Jews? Or is your point of contention specifically about gassing? 

Yes, and yes.


2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

Do you mean to suggest that toothpaste is superfluous? 



2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

What do you mean by, "heal themselves"?

Repair holes or other smaller damage not caused by ie a dentist drill. See this thread.


2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

Are you suggesting that Vaccinations have nothing to do with this increase?

I did not touch on the efficacy of vaccinations in this thread, and if you are a person who likes to put words in peoples mouth, then I will be less inclined to converse with you.

From my research it does not look like vaccines have any long term benefit for humanity. Maybe a tiny/small short term benefit for individuals against some particular diseases, but that is extremely outweighed when compared to all the other effects of injecting aluminum, anti freeze, mercury, and other toxins into children/people. Also vaccines can give the disease that they are supposed to protect against.


2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

If it's not a result of vaccines, then why are we living longer? 

Things that make intelligent parts of the world live longer:

-Clean water.

-Good food. (variety, quality)

-Good environment. (hygiene, sewage)

The 3 things above results in the body being very able to fight disease, as it is not compromised by other factors.


2 hours ago, ShindouHikaru said:

Can you elaborate on this?

AIDS is a condition where the immune system is compromised, leaving the body prone to attacks from bacteria or viruses. One way to get AIDS is to use certain allopathic medicine/drugs. Another way to get AIDS is to be somewhere with dirty water, bad food, and/or a bad environment. Standard testing for HIV counts white bloodcells, if it is low, then you magically have the HIV virus. There is a documentary called "House of numbers" that goes into detail on this.


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On 31/12/2017 at 10:12 AM, ShindouHikaru said:

I have never once disputed that Stefan called a 24 yr age gap between a 16 year old and a 40 year old, "creepy" (Paul Walker and his GF). This is not the point of contention. What I am disputing is your claim that Stefan has advocated to wait for the fall of the state in our lifetimes in order to find a mate. Or to date down in order to find one. I'm waiting for you verify these claims. I'd like to refer you to this quote. 

I've never heard him suggest either of these 2 things, hence, since you claim that he's done so "multiple times", I'd like a single reference. One is all I need. 

Are you suggesting that traditional women don't have an interest in hypergamy? 

Well, men are generally also looking for the hottest woman they can attract so.....

You want your cake and you want to eat it too.

You wont dispute it but, you want seek out the quote so, go watch some damn videos and post back when you learned a thing or two.


Quality dodge whore. 

Hmm, now you're likening women to plates. Interesting. 

When did I suggest that this wasn't the case? Doesn't change the dictionary definition of the term, "whore" though. Might want to google terms before using them ^.^



Not sure if you're new to grammar or not, but I didn't break up what you said, you did with your use of a comma. Are you familiar with the term, "comma"? I mean, you must be. Considering that you used it  4 times in that sentence. 

I'd like to refer you to this Wikipedia definition of the term. 

Comma: "The comma is used in many contexts and languages, mainly for separating parts of a sentence such as clauses, and items in lists, particularly when there are three or more items listed. The word comma comes from the Greek κόμμα (kómma), which originally meant a cut-off piece; specifically, in grammar, a short clause.[1][2


As you can see, the goal of the comma is to, "break up" texts. Meaning, by you using it , you broke up parts of your sentences, creating different items in your list of red flags. Do you understand? Was this too complex of an explanation? Hopefully this made sense ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Of course an individual who doesn't take commitments seriously is a red flag. 

Yes please ^.^ I also view it as a red flag, simply want it expanded upon and verbalized by such an adept Cassanova. 


You definitely have. Well, the species is a mess. Not strictly women. 

Lol, those are your options my guy, not "the options". I'm 21, you're in your 30's ^.^


Wonder if this post meets FDR guidelines. I did call him a whore, which might violate the tos. Even though he technically is one.... oh wells. At the very least he learnt about commas. 

Dude, you are an idiot. Not shocking you have not seen a vagina in over a decade. LOL

I read over your "quality woman" posts for good measures. You sir are a modern day comedian. LOL QUALITY!

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On 1/7/2018 at 8:23 PM, meetjoeblack said:

You wont dispute it but, you want seek out the quote so, go watch some damn videos and post back when you learned a thing or two.


How in heavens name are you a listener to FDR? Jesus Christ. I don't dispute the creepy claim, I'm explicitly disputing your assertion that Stefan advocates for waiting for the fall of the state before finding a mate. This is explicit in what you just quoted, Jesus.... How are you a listener??? Is this show simply masturbation to you? Do you absorb anything? Have you read, "art of the argument"? Please read it, because you're clearly not learning through osmosis.


On 1/7/2018 at 8:23 PM, meetjoeblack said:

I have never once disputed that Stefan called a 24 yr age gap between a 16 year old and a 40 year old, "creepy" (Paul Walker and his GF). This is not the point of contention. What I am disputing is your claim that Stefan has advocated to wait for the fall of the state in our lifetimes in order to find a mate. Or to date down in order to find one. I'm waiting for you verify these claims. I'd like to refer you to this quote. 

 I am literally disputing your claim that Stefan advocates waiting for the state to fall before finding a mate. Or your claim that Stefan has suggested dating down. Are you trolling atm? Are you willfully misinterpreting my statement? Are you low IQ? I can't tell. 

In conclusion, Stefan Molyneux has never once suggested to wait for the fall of the state before finding a mate. Stefan Molyneux has never once suggested dating down. Hence your inability so cite anything relating to the sort. 

On 1/7/2018 at 8:23 PM, meetjoeblack said:

Dude, you are an idiot. Not shocking you have not seen a vagina in over a decade. LOL

How are you in this forum? Holy crap... Ffs, here's a link to the art of the argument. For the love of Christ read this freakin book! https://www.amazon.ca/Art-Argument-Western-Civilizations-Stand-ebook/dp/B0756QYZ26

Mods, how is he even in here??? I'm 21, are you suggesting that I should have seen a vagina at the age of 10 or younger?? Pedophilia? Are you into child rape? My fucking GOD! How are you in this forum?? 


On 1/7/2018 at 8:23 PM, meetjoeblack said:

I read over your "quality woman" posts for good measures. You sir are a modern day comedian. LOL QUALITY!

She had some quality features, but overall was too crippled by her past to enter the realm of RTR. Her childhood was a hell on earth, yet she wasn't on any drugs, didn't sleep with tons of men (virgin), doesn't drink alcohol or smoke. As in, her coping mechanisms weren't that destructive. She has an interest in reading, history, and things of this nature. She's never heard of FDR, and yet she decided to Defoo from her family of her own volition. She went to therapy for 2 years. She had quality features, but unfortunately, she internalized her abusive parents and didn't know how to resolve disputes. She thought there had to be a winner and a loser, and was determined to have me be the loser. She was of moderate quality relative to the zeitgeist. If she ever does deal with her internalized parents, then she'll become a remarkable individual. 


Also, none of this is an argument. For the love of Christ, here's another link. Please read it! Maybe if you donated you would take philosophy more seriously. 


Edited by ShindouHikaru
mods, this guy has made 300+ posts. How is this possible? He hasn't absorbed anything from FDR. From Stefan, From philosophy. Jesus!
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On 1/8/2018 at 3:37 AM, Will 001 said:

To make the world a better place. If you don't want to take action based on moral principles, that is up to you, but don't try to infect others with your apathy. That is the very least you can do.

Ohh but I do take action. I intend to defoo in the future (when I'm no longer dependent), have confronted my parents about their past abuses, will peacefully parent my future children, cut off ties with my former non-philosophical friends, talk about controversial topics with peeps, etc. I was in a state of delirium when I made this post.

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On 1/6/2018 at 10:11 PM, A4E said:

I did not touch on the efficacy of vaccinations in this thread, and if you are a person who likes to put words in peoples mouth, then I will be less inclined to converse with you.

Also you

On 1/3/2018 at 4:45 PM, A4E said:

vaccines kill and damage children. And are responsible for many of the more common illnesses that children have today.

Uhh, if you make the claim that vaccines kill and damage children, do you not then, "touch" upon the efficacy of vaccines? Is this quote putting words in your mouth? If you claim that vaccines are responsible for the common illnesses of our current era, then aren't you touching upon the efficacy of vaccinations in this thread??? N A N I ! 


Will check out house of numbers and the teeth thread. Thanks for the info. 

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