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Female Supremacy on the march, Alphas on the front, Cucks on the run

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Stefan argues to wait for daddy government and the state to fail. For women to need men again. This is not an argument nor a solution. 

If not Trad, GTFO!

I am not saying i wont take a throater, I wont blow on her face but, i sure as fuck am not playing the LTR game with western women. Its not happening. I am not raising the alpha male's baby. I am not dating cratered sexual market value. 

The ring is a joke these days. A very few select amount of women deserve it. When you factor in the way bulking cycle happens magically after getting married, how the throaters disappear, and how suddenly, she has low libido thereafter, its not a smart decision in the west. It has not been for sometime not to mention the fallout, the extraction of male resources, and the series of tyrannical entitled women. 


In other news, a woman age 18 aged for my facebook add. Meanwhile, some woman more my age is shaking her ass in the bar, daughter is left at home with her hubby, and she is drunk dialing men. #MONOGAMY #CUCKOLDRY #BETAMALES #NOSPINE

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On 12/10/2017 at 12:37 PM, WasatchMan said:

I know, not an argument, but some tasty red meat for the lulz.  Please share if you find this entertaining.  I am not trying to become a big YouTuber, but this takes some time to put together so it would be nice if people could see it!  Thanks in advance!  Cheers!

Something about this "always believe women" meme strikes me as women transferring the belief in them that their male relations would normally have, to their daddy government.  Government should always believe women in this idea.  Cue ropes and shotguns.  Imagine the savings!  No more trials, no more judges and prisons, just a lynch mob, a pussy hat, and some dumb schmuck who pinched a woman's ass on a dare.

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On 12/14/2017 at 8:06 AM, meetjoeblack said:

I am not saying i wont take a throater, I wont blow on her face but, i sure as fuck am not playing the LTR game with western women. Its not happening. I am not raising the alpha male's baby. I am not dating cratered sexual market value. 


I agree with this on principle, but I also ask myself - is it worth gritting my teeth and dealing with the spoiled brats who LARP as women in today's society in order to help advance my genetics and heritage into the future.  I am a man in his early 30s, decent shape/attractiveness, and a six figure salary, but this is a legitimate question for me. I have been through it, I have seen how women try to cuck you as their eyes wonder to the low class alphas who have replaced real men and it has made me step aside from it all for the time.  But the drive for a family is still there - my instincts gnawing at my despair.

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On 12/14/2017 at 9:32 AM, Donnadogsoth said:

Something about this "always believe women" meme strikes me as women transferring the belief in them that their male relations would normally have, to their daddy government.  Government should always believe women in this idea.  Cue ropes and shotguns.  Imagine the savings!  No more trials, no more judges and prisons, just a lynch mob, a pussy hat, and some dumb schmuck who pinched a woman's ass on a dare.

 Always believe in women = female supremacy.  It must be mocked, ridiculed, and opposed where-ever and whenever it raisers its authoritarian blade to the soul of Western Civilization.  We are a culture who developed a legal system under the principle that it is better 10 guilty people walk free then 1 innocent person suffer, that people are innocent as a matter of course and high bar of evidence is needed in order to change that.  We are watching it circle the drain over men's fear of a women's scorn.

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16 hours ago, WasatchMan said:

I agree with this on principle, but I also ask myself - is it worth gritting my teeth and dealing with the spoiled brats who LARP as women in today's society in order to help advance my genetics and heritage into the future.  I am a man in his early 30s, decent shape/attractiveness, and a six figure salary, but this is a legitimate question for me. I have been through it, I have seen how women try to cuck you as their eyes wonder to the low class alphas who have replaced real men and it has made me step aside from it all for the time.  But the drive for a family is still there - my instincts gnawing at my despair.

30 as well. Not quite as old as you. My income is not quite as high either but, I am working on it. I have a house. I want to get another. I wont move a girl into my place ever. If I ever found a good woman to settle with, I would get a place together, acquire a prenup if ever married, and pursue that life. Otherwise, I would seek short term flings, no strings attached, and or setup camp abroad. 

I am a huge fan of Stefan and FDR but, there is no solution provided. Waiting for the state to fail and for women to need men again is not a solution nor an argument. God forbid we got to war, the women can be on front lines. I wont go out on a limb for one that is not my wife. I am not playing that game. Beta male genes seek the NAWALT, white picket fence, and a dog. I think man needs to evolve to that next phase of consciousness. Seeking to explore consciousness, self knowledge, reason, and evidence. I question, if I do not marry and have a family, what will I do with my life? 

I admit, I am not sure. I think traveling, starting a business, and seeking a life worth remembering is a great start. 

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On 12/14/2017 at 11:32 AM, Donnadogsoth said:

Something about this "always believe women" meme strikes me as women transferring the belief in them that their male relations would normally have, to their daddy government.  Government should always believe women in this idea.  Cue ropes and shotguns.  Imagine the savings!  No more trials, no more judges and prisons, just a lynch mob, a pussy hat, and some dumb schmuck who pinched a woman's ass on a dare.

Men need to band together for stricter false rapey accusation laws. Women who are actual victims of rape should be the spokes person in implementing said laws. I am against the use of force the way force is used to extract male resources for female cucking. I do feel strongly that the laws need to sentence life time in jail without parole for women who make up false accusations. Buyers remorse, not getting the ring or being bitter playboy stops calling is not rape. 

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7 hours ago, meetjoeblack said:

Men need to band together for stricter false rapey accusation laws. Women who are actual victims of rape should be the spokes person in implementing said laws. I am against the use of force the way force is used to extract male resources for female cucking. I do feel strongly that the laws need to sentence life time in jail without parole for women who make up false accusations. Buyers remorse, not getting the ring or being bitter playboy stops calling is not rape. 

I caution anyone against proposing Draconian sentences, because it creates a ripple effect in the justice system, to the point where stealing a pack of gum is punished by amputation of the thief's hand.  Some people might approve of that, but I don't want to live in a society that is horrifically punitive.  Better that women who falsely accuse get automatically charged with slander and dealt with that way.  If slander laws need beefing up that's another consideration.

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14 hours ago, Donnadogsoth said:

I caution anyone against proposing Draconian sentences, because it creates a ripple effect in the justice system, to the point where stealing a pack of gum is punished by amputation of the thief's hand.  Some people might approve of that, but I don't want to live in a society that is horrifically punitive.  Better that women who falsely accuse get automatically charged with slander and dealt with that way.  If slander laws need beefing up that's another consideration.

I hold to my post. If a woman trashes a man's life the way the women did with Jion Ghmeshi and a series of others, Tucker Carlson falsifying rape accusations, they should be jailed for life. Until this shit is punishable, women will continue to pedal this victimhood parade all because she is mad or did not get the ring which is not argument. The worst part is the white knights that come out in defense of said pieces of shit. Hitler was evil. Stalin is evil. Women who falsely accuse a man of rape are evil. The middle east would stone said women. While I wont advocate that, they should be jailed, and the key throne away. 

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1 hour ago, meetjoeblack said:

I hold to my post. If a woman trashes a man's life the way the women did with Jion Ghmeshi and a series of others, Tucker Carlson falsifying rape accusations, they should be jailed for life. Until this shit is punishable, women will continue to pedal this victimhood parade all because she is mad or did not get the ring which is not argument. The worst part is the white knights that come out in defense of said pieces of shit. Hitler was evil. Stalin is evil. Women who falsely accuse a man of rape are evil. The middle east would stone said women. While I wont advocate that, they should be jailed, and the key throne away. 

If the penalty for rape is death (which I recommend), do you think false accusers should be put to death?

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On 12/17/2017 at 2:22 PM, Donnadogsoth said:

If the penalty for rape is death (which I recommend), do you think false accusers should be put to death?

I am not advocating for either. I am advocating tougher laws for both rape and for false accusations. If a man is put to death for a rape, the same should follow for false accusations. 

I am thinking a life time in prison would be a perfect for both scenarios. Then again, prisons are over populated and tax dollars are being allocated toward said stupidity. 

An "eye for an eye" philosophy would weed the gene pool from a lot of fuckery. 


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9 hours ago, meetjoeblack said:

I am not advocating for either. I am advocating tougher laws for both rape and for false accusations. If a man is put to death for a rape, the same should follow for false accusations. 

I am thinking a life time in prison would be a perfect for both scenarios. Then again, prisons are over populated and tax dollars are being allocated toward said stupidity. 

An "eye for an eye" philosophy would weed the gene pool from a lot of fuckery. 


You must agree, however, that it is possible to fail to convict a rapist on numerous grounds, and so the accuser should not automatically be convicted of false accusation in those cases.  The rapist may get off on a technicality, or for lack of evidence, or is just living inside "a reasonable doubt".  Should we then prosecute their accusers, who deserve a fair trial just as must as the man accused of rape is?

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When you discuss rape (and "rape"), you ought to define what you are talking about. There is a big difference between having sex with a girl where it is somewhat mistaken or unclear, maybe even a girlfriend or someone you are dating, maybe she changed her mind half way through or at the last second but it wasn't communicated that great, or even if it was its still very different THAN taking a gun and beating a random woman on the street and telling her you will kill her if she doesn't do what you say. What about statutory rape where one party is 17 and the other is 18? That is illegal in some places you know. What about female rapists? Are they also to be served the same penalty? What if they are super hot? lmfao

I am just saying, one ought to not just say "I support the death penalty for rapists", we have no idea what you are talking about.

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Thanks for the goad to clarification, smarterthanone.  I was referring to violent rapes, the gun-to-the-head sort.  At the other end of the spectrum would be your 17/18 statutory rape example.  The law can figure out the punishments along the spectrum between these two extremes.  I recommend violent rapists be put to death.

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13 hours ago, Donnadogsoth said:

You must agree, however, that it is possible to fail to convict a rapist on numerous grounds, and so the accuser should not automatically be convicted of false accusation in those cases.  The rapist may get off on a technicality, or for lack of evidence, or is just living inside "a reasonable doubt".  Should we then prosecute their accusers, who deserve a fair trial just as must as the man accused of rape is?

Women are pedaling their victimhood. This whole Me too equates to female victimhood. If we use the Jion Ghmeshi court case, its a classic example of cratered SMV women 40+ hypergamy chasing male 50 + who is banging out women in their 20s. Cratered SMV cannot get the ring from the alpha males. They then rage and make up false accusations. Of course, they then parade out front of the courts as though they were collecting an award. 

Get it? She makes false claims. She gets the pity party from society to play into her victimhood not to mention, the white knights, betas, male feminists, and cucks with low testosterone. 

If you accuse rape, that being, the use of force for sex, said male should be executed. Women need to be held accountable when making these false accusations. I am terrified of being in the shoes of this men. Worse, men do not step up, rage or show any sort of spine for false accusations. Furthermore, the lack of women, femininity or any outrage for disgusting female behavior is a reason why more men are going MGTOW or just having casual encounters. 

Declarations of "creepy" aimed at men dating younger is not an argument but, a pretty damn good solution in contrast to waiting for the state to fail and women to need a ATM male again. 

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