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Social engineering of men in the western world


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I wasn't sure in which category to write this in. I'm a biochemist student and I work as a pharmacy technician to pay for my studies. I am seeing a growing and alarming pattern in the health system that I would qualify as social engineering. I will put my idea forward and then explain myself. I believe that health professionals, with the governments and the pharmaceutical companies, have been altering the behavior of the western people for at lease 3 generations. Before you dismiss this, saying I'm a conspiracy nut, let me state 3 arguments:

- The baby boomers have been receiving' for most of their lives, constant prescriptions of benzodiazepines. So much so, that the majority of them are hooked on those drugs. Most of the research that has been done on the topic is not openly talked about. There is little funding to show its adverse effects and usually dismissed under the argument that they are old drugs that we try to avoid using these days and that the patients are already hooked on them so we are basically trying to make their lives more comfortable. In the case of self destructive patients and patients with anxiety, we measure the pros and cons. But people who work in pharmacies who see these patients every months, we see the side effects. These patients dont reason very quickly, they also have a weird reasoning. There is a nihilism to them. They dont worry about things that they really should worry about. And I want to make a parallel. These patients are pro big government. They are pro open borders. They are pro socialism. I think it is not too far fetch to think that a drug that is created to deal with anxiety would prevent people from feeling anxiety about the government's decisions.

- My generation takes a lot of antidepressant medication. And most of these patients are girls. The boys receive a lot of Ritalin and Vyvanse. All of these drugs play on the mechanisms of dopamine and serotonin receptors. These chemicals regulate your mood, energy, your sex drive, everything. Look at my generation. They play computer all day. They drop out of school. They have no faith in the future. They avoid the opposite sex. They have low energy and are overweight. And they have absolutely no will to defend their way of life. 

- A growing trend I see is doctor informing the mothers that it is better to use powdered milk instead of breast milk to feed their babies. These formulas are soy base. This produces a large amount of estrogen in the baby's system. It is mostly harmful for boys. These hormones compete with testosterone. Paul Joseph Watson has made a very good video about #soyboy. I think everyone should watch it. I believe that doctors are deliberately trying to remove male dominant behavior, in our society, at a very young age.

If you think I'm a conspiratard, that's fine. I am just stating what I have observed. And I believe we should explore this question, because doctors have been doing this shit for about 70 years now. And there is a correlation to be made with the slow downfall of our civilization.

Thank you for listening

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The baby boomers have been receiving' for most of their lives, constant prescriptions of benzodiazepines. So much so, that the majority of them are hooked on those drugs.

Do you have a statistic for that?



These formulas are soy base.

Which products are predominantly soy based? I looked up major brands and the main ingredient is processed milk powder. Also, if you think about it for a few seconds, replacing cow milk with soy doesn't make sense. You would have to add lactose that doesn't exist in soy milk. If you have to add lactose you might as well use cow milk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@GatoVillano I don't think you're a conspiratard. I took anti-depressants and birth control for years, starting from a very young age, and will never touch that stuff again. I had some depression issues and those two things were the medical solutions. The major caveats: the anti-depressants are terrifying and generally throw someone with depression into psychosis, and the birth control pills make women into totally different humans. I took them throughout my entire college years and felt literally no interest in men. When I stopped taking them I instantly noticed the attractive guys around me and got a boyfriend. I think it changes women's preferences for the men that they surround themselves with. 

I would go further, though, and say that the engineering isn't just with pharmaceuticals. It's also the food and water. Even a lot of the vegetables are weird now and there's so much crap in the drinking water that I wouldn't be surprised that they're using that, too. 

I haven't heard of doctors pushing formula. Most of the pediatricians I have known really encourage moms to breastfeed their babies. The milk molecules in soy and cow-based formulas aren't the easiest for babies to digest, but the human breastmilk populates the baby's intestines with sugar for good bacteria growth, delivers tailored water and fat ratios for the baby, and releases oxytocin in both the mom and infant. Most MDs I know are all about that. 

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Thank you for your response.

I'm sorry for what you had to go through and I hear this all the time. People start an antidepressant treatment because of a difficult moment in there lives and then they are stuck on this medication. The doctor did not explain to them that it will take at lease a year to quite this drug and if they stop too quickly, they will have permanent damage to their brain. So patients tell me that, when ever they lower the doze, even slightly, they start to sweat and tremble. Some are unable to function without it. 

As for the baby formula, I do see a trend. But you are right, there are some good doctors. I dont know if it is one generation of doctor that is more drawn to push for the formula. We would need to do a study to see the effect of the formula, containing soy, on boys. but I dont think I would get any funding to do that research. Unless I would get public funding through a go fund me. Because, right now I see information going both ways. This resembles the studies on methylphenidate, also called ritalin. Some say it has no long term effect, some say it lowers the brain size by 10%. I believe that everyone is hiding the results because the pharmaceuticals companies would lose too much money.

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Excellent resource for useful solutions to address modern chemicals in the food problems: Beyond Wellness Radio. You can subscribe to it on any podcatcher.

It's two functional doctors (look up that term) who get on a call and discuss a health issue, what can cause it, and how to deal with it by looking at the body as a system of integrated systems. They are practically broken records when it comes to gut, thyroid, and adrenals. Most health problems are gut problems, and after gut problems, most health problems are thyroid or adrenal problems. The chemicals in the food and water mainly attack these things, and if you get them in working order again, your body can deal with and remove the toxins in our environment much better.

I also love getting information from Dave Asprey, though he's more of a metadata kind of guy (reads data from other places and tells it to everyone). The guys on Beyond Wellness Radio are actual doctors testing and prescribing what they're talking about.

RSS: http://justinhealth.libsyn.com/


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On 12/30/2017 at 12:00 PM, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:

Excellent resource for useful solutions to address modern chemicals in the food problems: Beyond Wellness Radio. You can subscribe to it on any podcatcher.

It's two functional doctors (look up that term) who get on a call and discuss a health issue, what can cause it, and how to deal with it by looking at the body as a system of integrated systems. They are practically broken records when it comes to gut, thyroid, and adrenals. Most health problems are gut problems, and after gut problems, most health problems are thyroid or adrenal problems. The chemicals in the food and water mainly attack these things, and if you get them in working order again, your body can deal with and remove the toxins in our environment much better.

I also love getting information from Dave Asprey, though he's more of a metadata kind of guy (reads data from other places and tells it to everyone). The guys on Beyond Wellness Radio are actual doctors testing and prescribing what they're talking about.

RSS: http://justinhealth.libsyn.com/


Thanks. I will look into a lot of this. I freak out quite often about what all has happened to our food supply. I think it's been the cause of lots of health issues in my own life so far and in the lives of people in my family. 

Reminds me of a guy I knew when I was younger. He had gotten hooked on rX pills and was trying to put himself through a detox, and kept saying that he could never fully detox because even the water was tampered with. 


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Anytime I see people either dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" by a critical crowd, or someone trying to defend what they're asserting by saying "I'm not a conspiracy theorist", I'm reminded of a comment made in some video in some program about some thing said by somebody, and none of which I can remember. But the comment was something along the lines of this: "It's not a conspiracy, but it's a series of converging conflicts of interest." Essentially, many times the things that are lambasted as being "conspiracy wacko fantasies" are actually recognition of negative feedback loops, or converging interests, or something that isn't so much a sinister conspiracy, as much as a terrible series of unintended accidents made by people who had no idea what they were doing... but thought that they did.

Soy products leading to a massive health epidemic was by no means social engineering, any more than contractors were conspiring to kill off their customers by installing asbestos in their buildings in the 30s through to the 50s. Most of the time, the market generates a demand for a product, only for us to realize WELL after the long-time acceptance of that product, that the product is actually bad- or even dangerous! Cigarettes were popular for decades without anyone so much as suspecting that they had deleterious effects on ones health. It wasn't a conspiracy, just a society-wide mistake in choices. Now more people know the harmful impact of smoking, and some choose to do it anyway because of the benefits in spite of the negatives, and others choose to avoid it specifically because of knowledge of the potential harm. Soy this and soy that and soy those aren't deliberate measures to turn men into effeminate betas and destabilize the nuclear family... even though consumption of these products is leading to hyper-feminization of people resulting in excess negativity and social breakdown. These are just products that flooded the market which we are now learning have very severe drawbacks and are responding to in kind.

Another example of non-conspiratorial-but-not-healthy food-additives is fluoride in the drinking water- if you're a fan of Info-Wars you're no doubt VERY familiar with this claim. Supposedly a chemical known to cause brain damage is being pumped into our water supply to dumb us down. The reality is there is a superstition attached to fluoride that it helps prevent cavities, so it's added to water for that very reason. Rhinos are threatened because of the black market for their horns specifically because so many Chinese falsely believe Rhino horns are miracle panacea that can cure many things such as illness to sterility. The sad truth is that there are plenty of "well-informed" people in the west who are anything but, and just as subject to superstitious beliefs, and act according to those mistaken ideas. The good news is fluoride is EASY to filter out of your drinking water, and even if you don't, it takes a TON of ingestion of the stuff to start to see any lasting damage. No conspiracies here.

Baby formula is just the natural response from a culture that wants to detach its women from their nurturing roles. It's not a fiendish plot, but a conscious decision by individuals to provide a service that can replace a mother staying at home. They had the best of intentions, but they were grievously wrong. It wasn't a conspiracy though.

Bottom line, there's bad stuff out there, and the more we know about it so we can make better-educated decisions, the better off we'll be! But these things aren't part of any conspiracy. Just people making bad decisions... not to downplay the pivotal role in bad decisions bringing down civilizations, though. By all means, take these problems seriously!

Bilderberg, on the other hand, NOW we're talking conspiracies...

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I will agree to an extent, the men are being trained outside of their biological foundations. Men are protectors and are prone to not put up with B.S. so the feminization starts early, where boys are punished worse for striking back at an individual who was aggressive towards them. Further more Jung got it right the most common element in society is and must remain that of the hero construct. While single mothers generally produce men made of stone (another growing problem with baby bomber, especially those whose only life consisted of tearing down tradition) these men must confront both the their individual shadow 1. of knowing their are capable of doing both good and harm to anyone who may deserve it, and 2. they must overcome the anima projections that cause the distress that these single mother created. A society has no place for feminism (unless we should consider real suffrage such as the right to vote, or women speaking against a country that truly does not value women like Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and many others).

But back on the boys being punished for boys, they are naturally curious and desire learning through experience. You cannot expect boys age 5-12 to sit in a room 8-10 hours a day and listen to a dimwitted teacher drone on about the most irrelevant things in life. So the ADD and ADHD diagnosis go up through the roof because the business of supplying band-aids to address a problem makes more money than addressing a societal problem. To make matters worse (an example here is math teachers) who the hell in their right mind would desire to calculate what is cheaper 300 pounds of cantaloupe for 500 dollars or 2.234 tons 2,045 dollars. It is irrelevant because the person teaching already sees the relevance in life but creates a teaching environment geared towards remembering and regurgitating rather than the importance of such equations.

So at least in my experience society said you are a man and punished you for being or trying to achieve becoming one. The society caters too much to victims and not enough to reason. So if a callous fuck-it will teach society a lesson let them learn because the only thing that proves time and time again is the example of history. Sadly if it should come to society in ruins then people will wake up (a not so big if anymore.) 

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