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Rebuttal to claim made by Stefan in FDR3077


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In FDR3077 Stefan makes the claim:

If there were cases of actual wrong doing by the police where the police are exonerated for killing someone due to racism, then these cases would be front and center rather than the false stories that they are choosing to report on instead.

Would they? I believe I have heard Stefan make this claim in other places as well. Stefan is now speculating as to the motives of the media for reporting falsehoods. Since we are speculating about motives, I have an alternative theory:

Suppose the motive of these false reports were divide and conquer. Would it make sense to report obviously true stories of police racism? If you report the true story, then everyone rational is going to agree that racism is a problem and there will be unity. However, if you trump up a false story, the rational people are going to oppose such a story and be lumped in with racists. So, reporting a true story about racism is uniting. We can see this with the civil rights movement starting in the 1950’s. Television showed what racism really looks like and rather than dividing, it united whites with blacks because they were both abhorred by what was actually going on. Now, suppose instead of showing blacks sprayed with firehoses for protesting
or being arrested for trying to eat at a restaurant, the media showed false examples of racism and then tried to hold them up as true examples of racism while intentionally ignoring or even burying the true examples? Would that divide or unite people? My point here is that maybe rational people are being manipulated more than we think. Maybe there really are plenty of true examples of police racism but they are not being reported because the media has a divide and conquer agenda and reporting true examples of police racism would unite people rather than divide them. Any thoughts?

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Yeah, and most people are intellectually lazy, unfortunately. I see it all the time. Three word posts on Facebook get a million responses while elegantly written and content rich several paragraph posts get ignored. Either people tend to prefer quantity over quality or they are just lazy.  

Another example, someone posts a well written article on Facebook and rather than commenting on the article, people prefer to comment on the headlines.

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15 hours ago, soared4truth said:

Yeah, and most people are intellectually lazy, unfortunately. I see it all the time. Three word posts on Facebook get a million responses while elegantly written and content rich several paragraph posts get ignored. Either people tend to prefer quantity over quality or they are just lazy.  

Another example, someone posts a well written article on Facebook and rather than commenting on the article, people prefer to comment on the headlines.

This is why video has become the essay format of choice now.

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