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What Women Actually Want in a Man

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On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 5:24 PM, HasMat said:

Morality and social dominance are about as polar opposite as possible. Dominating others is an act of aggression.


There are social hierarchies were morality is a metric of social status, but this is a case of 2 things coinciding, not morality actually causing female desire.


I think morality and social dominance are extremely highly negatively correlated.

You are probably correct with respect to a NAWALT; the sort you give the ring to but, this is far from the mark if you were to quantify the data based upon successful outcomes dating as a man. Search any archived forum post for men treating women well and being moral only to get cucked, cheated, divorced, and ran through divorce/family courts. 

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On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 12:50 PM, Elizbaeth said:

Woman are all innately hypergamous. If she claims there is not the least bit of hypergamy in her more animalistic instincts than she’s just lying. But. Women aren’t walking she-apes. Some women have moral compunctions and compassion and values outside of pure animal sex drives. 

Hypergamy is not as evil as it seems. It just is. It’s only evil when it’s paired with a woman without a conscience. Just like a man desiring youth and fertility is not evil in itself. It’s only evil if he does evil things in the name of youth and fertility. 

Hypergamy comes out of desperate times. Babies are soooooo demanding. Sometimes I can hardly clean the house (pretty simply stuff) because they’re just too needy. That’s modern times, and I live in a comfortable house with appliances and plenty of food and tons of help. If I had not chosen someone a little older, with a good career and a house and a lot of money already saved, how could I possibly have been able to do my job? 

Now imagine that there’s no electricity, no ready food amounts, and I have small, demanding, terribly needy creatures that hobble and limit my abilities to go out and provide and protect. My job is to keep danger from them - at cost to me - and to ensure their survival and health and development. I need someone to keep the wolves and the cold away from me, because I’m busy keeping it away from the babies. I need someone to bring me food because I cannot leave these babies to go out and hunt it. The alternative to this arrangement almost always ends in the babies suffering.

Hypergamy is as dangerous to men and men’s desire for youth and fertility is dangerous to women. Empathy and life-long, monogamous commitment is the way for both to work together. There really is no other way. 

I commend you on your rational and well thought out response. 

Hypergamy is not evil in and of itself but, nor is male nature and the desire for younger/thinner/hotter women top form SMV. Turn on the tv and we will be bombarded by female victimhood paraded without recourse all the while demonizing masculinity. Meanwhile, we have fifty shades, diaries of a morbidly obese woman coming out later this week. Never are we to ever second guess or question female nature and or sexuality? I remember the Julien Blanc incident, man getting kicked off planet fucking earth. While I do not advocate his behavior. The real question shouldn't be why is said male acting like a savage and going full retard. The question should be, why are women reciprocating to caveman behavior? Why are women getting wet for savages?

When I was a blue pill man, I couldn't imagine the reality of being not married, wife, children, and white picket fence. A dog lol I've unplugged and acknowledge that life is not so basic nor a linear process. 

Its double edge sword no doubt. I can see your perspective. The thing is, when in the west, women seek resources, and homemaker lifestyle, its usually at the tail end of SMV versus top form. With that, I continue to pursue youth which pisses women off esp those my age or much older. Hell, I even heard Stefan describe dating younger as "creepy," which isn't an argument anymore than a feminist screaming misogyny or racism. 


As time has gone on, I have evolved as my eyes have opened, and I've unplugged from the Matrix. Maybe one day, I settle down but, the oldest I would consider to date atm is 23/24 (tops). If a woman is not dedicated, no LTR ambiguity while in her youth, I am content with Netflix and chill. I've spent enough time in government education and in the workplace over the years to see female nature, hypergamy, and I've put my foot down.


I've learned to set boundaries. For instance, I only date feminine women. I don't date low sex drive/not in the mood, doesn't give blow jobs. I don't date women with kids. I don't date feminists or SJWs. 


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On 2/12/2018 at 6:15 PM, meetjoeblack said:

Hypergamy is not evil in and of itself but, nor is male nature and the desire for younger/thinner/hotter women top form SMV. Turn on the tv and we will be bombarded by female victimhood paraded without recourse all the while demonizing masculinity. Meanwhile, we have fifty shades, diaries of a morbidly obese woman coming out later this week. Never are we to ever second guess or question female nature and or sexuality? I remember the Julien Blanc incident, man getting kicked off planet fucking earth. While I do not advocate his behavior. The real question shouldn't be why is said male acting like a savage and going full retard. The question should be, why are women reciprocating to caveman behavior? Why are women getting wet for savages?

It really is a good question - the one about why women get turned on by brutish, caveman behavior. Honestly, it's been hard for even me to figure out. One of the best things about me discovering the Red Pill community was getting some insight into my own feelings and behaviors. In the absence of a "good man," - a man who is sage and careful and attuned and diligent and capable of passionately loving a woman and being the hero of Truth and Justice that every girl wishes for - well, in the absence of that, really all that's left are brutes and wimps. If I'm gonna go through the misery of pregnancy, possible death in childbirth, extreme vulnerability of both myself and the baby in the early years, then I'm not going to get excited about a guy who will probably let us all lose. I'm probably only going to be attracted to a guy who will be rough and dominant enough to make sure that me and the baby don't die.  An unhappy existence with a jerk is better than no existence with a wimp. And after having my two kids... dude. Nothing red pilled me more than pregnancy and babies. Everything now makes perfect sense. 


On 2/12/2018 at 6:15 PM, meetjoeblack said:

When I was a blue pill man, I couldn't imagine the reality of being not married, wife, children, and white picket fence. A dog lol I've unplugged and acknowledge that life is not so basic nor a linear process. 

It's not such a linear process, especially for a man. If there is still a small part of you that would like this, someday, you do have the luxury of being able to physically have children at an older age. 


On 2/12/2018 at 6:15 PM, meetjoeblack said:

Its double edge sword no doubt. I can see your perspective. The thing is, when in the west, women seek resources, and homemaker lifestyle, its usually at the tail end of SMV versus top form. With that, I continue to pursue youth which pisses women off esp those my age or much older. Hell, I even heard Stefan describe dating younger as "creepy," which isn't an argument anymore than a feminist screaming misogyny or racism. 

Yeah, most of the women I see settle down to husband and kids at the tail-end of the SMV. It's true.

I really don't see anything wrong with you pursuing youth per say. You get more "mileage" out of a younger girl. I guess the rightness/wrongness of it depends of what your goal is. Are you just using them for their youth and beauty, like a gold digger would use a man to pay for dinners and expensive gifts, or are you hoping to find a good relationship? I think Stefan described dating a younger woman as creepy because his criteria for a good partner is more than just SMV, and I think he doesn't see much that a too-much younger woman can offer besides her sex appeal. 

On 2/12/2018 at 6:15 PM, meetjoeblack said:

I've learned to set boundaries. For instance, I only date feminine women. I don't date low sex drive/not in the mood, doesn't give blow jobs. I don't date women with kids. I don't date feminists or SJWs. 


Just a thought - if you're looking for a long-term, potential marriage partner, it may actually work against you to try to get them to put out while dating. Not white knighting women on this one. I know TRP community says that if a woman thinks your Chad enough she'll drop her panties instantly. Maybe she will, but I doubt a woman who just surrenders to the hottest Chaddiest guy she comes into contact with is really marriage material. I think when guys find a girl who is always DTF they think they've hit jackpot, and that this behavior will continue through their whole marriage lives. I don't think that's true at all... I think, if a woman is high sex-drive from the get-go, she'll probably resent you, deep down inside, later on, for taking something so valuable from her with so little thought to the real cost. And if you want a mutually loving, tender, passionate relationship, and you're dating a women who is interested in the same, she will probably want to know what type of man you are and what they future holds if she is with you as a couple, before having any sort of sexual relationship. I actually don't think it's very feminine for a woman to have a high sex drive. That's a man's thing, in my opinion. 

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6 hours ago, Elizbaeth said:

It really is a good question - the one about why women get turned on by brutish, caveman behavior. Honestly, it's been hard for even me to figure out. One of the best things about me discovering the Red Pill community was getting some insight into my own feelings and behaviors. In the absence of a "good man," - a man who is sage and careful and attuned and diligent and capable of passionately loving a woman and being the hero of Truth and Justice that every girl wishes for - well, in the absence of that, really all that's left are brutes and wimps. If I'm gonna go through the misery of pregnancy, possible death in childbirth, extreme vulnerability of both myself and the baby in the early years, then I'm not going to get excited about a guy who will probably let us all lose. I'm probably only going to be attracted to a guy who will be rough and dominant enough to make sure that me and the baby don't die.  An unhappy existence with a jerk is better than no existence with a wimp. And after having my two kids... dude. Nothing red pilled me more than pregnancy and babies. Everything now makes perfect sense. 


It's not such a linear process, especially for a man. If there is still a small part of you that would like this, someday, you do have the luxury of being able to physically have children at an older age. 


Yeah, most of the women I see settle down to husband and kids at the tail-end of the SMV. It's true.

I really don't see anything wrong with you pursuing youth per say. You get more "mileage" out of a younger girl. I guess the rightness/wrongness of it depends of what your goal is. Are you just using them for their youth and beauty, like a gold digger would use a man to pay for dinners and expensive gifts, or are you hoping to find a good relationship? I think Stefan described dating a younger woman as creepy because his criteria for a good partner is more than just SMV, and I think he doesn't see much that a too-much younger woman can offer besides her sex appeal. 

Just a thought - if you're looking for a long-term, potential marriage partner, it may actually work against you to try to get them to put out while dating. Not white knighting women on this one. I know TRP community says that if a woman thinks your Chad enough she'll drop her panties instantly. Maybe she will, but I doubt a woman who just surrenders to the hottest Chaddiest guy she comes into contact with is really marriage material. I think when guys find a girl who is always DTF they think they've hit jackpot, and that this behavior will continue through their whole marriage lives. I don't think that's true at all... I think, if a woman is high sex-drive from the get-go, she'll probably resent you, deep down inside, later on, for taking something so valuable from her with so little thought to the real cost. And if you want a mutually loving, tender, passionate relationship, and you're dating a women who is interested in the same, she will probably want to know what type of man you are and what they future holds if she is with you as a couple, before having any sort of sexual relationship. I actually don't think it's very feminine for a woman to have a high sex drive. That's a man's thing, in my opinion. 

Funny thing is I thought most of this was obvious. If I'm looking for a whore can I really be surprised that I can't find a housewife? 

If I'm looking for a housewife aren't I retarded for basing my decision making on whether she's easy to screw while simultaneously worshiping men? If that's not a recipe for repeated disaster I don't know what is. 

I don't mind a woman with a high sex drive; I mind a woman that puts out and can't wait till marriage. 

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23 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Funny thing is I thought most of this was obvious. If I'm looking for a whore can I really be surprised that I can't find a housewife? 

I think the mindset should be a little different. You don't want a housewife, you want the mother of your children. It's not about what she will do for you, it's about what you will accomplish together.

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On 2/20/2018 at 7:17 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Funny thing is I thought most of this was obvious. If I'm looking for a whore can I really be surprised that I can't find a housewife? 

If I'm looking for a housewife aren't I retarded for basing my decision making on whether she's easy to screw while simultaneously worshiping men? If that's not a recipe for repeated disaster I don't know what is. 

I don't mind a woman with a high sex drive; I mind a woman that puts out and can't wait till marriage. 

From what I’ve seen/heard from the Red Pill community, the way the screen for potential LTRs is to start off “spinning plates,” aka having openly non-committed sexual relationships with a few steady girls, then “promoting” the girl they like best to the coveted LTR position. From what I understand, a good LTR “proves” that she can be a good girlfriend by putting out immediately. If she puts out immediately and often and performs well, then it means she wants to please you and you are Alpha. I think a lot of this is reactionary to men being powerless and denied sex in marriage.

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On 2/21/2018 at 8:17 AM, shirgall said:

I think the mindset should be a little different. You don't want a housewife, you want the mother of your children. It's not about what she will do for you, it's about what you will accomplish together.

That sounds right. Ultimately the purpose of marriage is children, and I'd love to have as many as I can financially afford :laugh:

On 2/21/2018 at 2:04 PM, Elizbaeth said:

From what I’ve seen/heard from the Red Pill community, the way the screen for potential LTRs is to start off “spinning plates,” aka having openly non-committed sexual relationships with a few steady girls, then “promoting” the girl they like best to the coveted LTR position. From what I understand, a good LTR “proves” that she can be a good girlfriend by putting out immediately. If she puts out immediately and often and performs well, then it means she wants to please you and you are Alpha. I think a lot of this is reactionary to men being powerless and denied sex in marriage.

Sounds like an incredibly stupid and suicidal plan. "I will find my waifu by looking for a toilet!". I mean women who put out are trash by definition. Now I'm no MGTOW or whatever so I don't know what they really do but given how most of them are single I'm not sure I care about what they do given they don't have a record of success. 

The best way to screen for a wife is to actually pay attention to her and she if she has these two wondrous traits: empathy and reasonableness. Empathy can be detected by how she acts (like does she care if, hypothetically, she made me wait? Does she assume she's paying for her part of the dinner?) and reasonableness as well (like if we're having a real disagreement does she hyperventilate or does she think about what I'm saying and come up with a case to counter mine? And if I'm right, does she concede? And if I'm wrong does she look to see if I'll concede?). Intelligence is also extremely important but I think having the previous two plus speaking good English hints well to intelligence.

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On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 12:50 PM, Elizbaeth said:


Its unreal to be the sort of man that self reflects, is digesting a series of FDR, reading Jung, and listening to JBP but, coming across a series of low hanging fruit. A lot of single moms, sluts, low status women, and essentially, tyrannical aspect of the feminine. If I was not concerned about being banned here nor risk of my anonymity, I could upload screen shots of married women propositioning me. To say, it is terrifying would be an understatement. A woman cheats and the man wants to use violence on the other man regardless of his awareness or lack there of the situation. In the given predicament, she said, "my husband is out. Come over." There was absolutely no ambiguity there. Moreover, when a man turns down a woman's golden vagina be it she is married, in a LTR, fat or just not attracted to her, all hell is raised. Nasty messages, messages on social media (fb/IG/other), and a series of shit talk to other women to discredit my character. I've witnessed this on multiple occasions. 

Again, Julien Blanc went full retard and I disavow his behavior and actions. The apology vid on CNN was comical at best. Still, the question isn't WTF are you doing to women? Why are you doing this? The real question is, WHY ARE WOMEN GETTING WET FOR THIS?

Fifty shades is one of the biggest movies and books for women. The behavior is not healthy and if male, she can comeback with false abuse or even rape accusations. If I were to go as far to say, #MeToo

IMHO is a big shit test. If ALPHA, you give zero fucks about female victimhood. You simply just pull girls and date younger. A young player I know was banging a middle age woman. He found a younger, hotter, thinner woman on the right side of her 20s, top form SMV. Do you want to know what happened?

Middle age woman freaks the fuck out that her golden vagina has been replaced. She stalks him, makes a scene in his work, and makes false accusations. Fortunately for him, he kept text messages, emails, nudes, vids, etc to cover all his bases. This man is pretty savage and karma will bite him in the ass sooner or later. If I were to guess, I suspect her is a sociopath. Still, again the question isn't lets demonize said male. Said male is getting laid. Women attempt to curb his savage behavior with pussy bombing him. It doesn't end well and needless to say, a woman's 20s don't grow back. Cratered SMV leads to female victimhood on steroids. 


Care to elaborate on "EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE?


On ‎2‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 1:28 AM, Elizbaeth said:

It's not such a linear process, especially for a man. If there is still a small part of you that would like this, someday, you do have the luxury of being able to physically have children at an older age. 

I know. I had a older woman go on a tangent about the assumed value a older man has. I cringe at my beta self days as a teen. I've been red pilled into oblivion and learned gradually. As I got older, I noticed I dated more, I watched as younger women took notice of me, and actively pursued. I definitely want this but, I want trad and I think that boat has sailed a long time ago. 


Yeah, most of the women I see settle down to husband and kids at the tail-end of the SMV. It's true.

I wont play that game. If not top form SMV, I am not interested. 

I dated a pretty woman on the tail end of her SMV last summer. She was rather thirsty at dinner. After a bit of wine, her pain-body, ego kicked off, and I noted a reality that my blue pilled self doesn't want to see. That if this woman was on the peak of her SMV, she would be out partying, twerking, and going home with dudes that wont give her the ring. Catching STDs and the alphas that ran through her during her best years creating all sorts of traumas; CAPTAIN SAVE A HOE is expected to put it back together, give her kids, and then cucked when she cheats later. 

My genes will be weeded out of existence before I indulge in said predicament. The key IMHO is youth and if a woman wont allocate that time during her peak, I am not interested. 

I lost her number. She called me out and I wished her all the best. 

On ‎2‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 1:28 AM, Elizbaeth said:

I really don't see anything wrong with you pursuing youth per say. You get more "mileage" out of a younger girl. I guess the rightness/wrongness of it depends of what your goal is. Are you just using them for their youth and beauty, like a gold digger would use a man to pay for dinners and expensive gifts, or are you hoping to find a good relationship? I think Stefan described dating a younger woman as creepy because his criteria for a good partner is more than just SMV, and I think he doesn't see much that a too-much younger woman can offer besides her sex appeal. 


I want to find that time stamp. Eventually, I want to call FDR. I firstly want to thank him for opening my eyes. Secondly, for unplugging me from the matrix. Thirdly, for helping me put this abstract puzzle in life together. I disagree with him on the creepy part. Also, with pickup. I don't think sitting back and waiting for a woman to pick me is the answer though, I don't think much of that nonsense is the answer either. It takes a lot of balls to approach a woman at work or wherever not inebriated or in a altered state via drug use. 

To answer your question, I suppose there is definitely ego involved there, my masculine brain craving that but, from a realistic perspective. If I am going to give her children, risk half my shit (not to insinuate I am rich by any stretch of the imagination), the best way I can maximize my success is to find her on the right side of 20s not the tail end when baby rabies begins kicking off. 

Out of curiosity, when did you get married?

On ‎2‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 1:28 AM, Elizbaeth said:

Just a thought - if you're looking for a long-term, potential marriage partner, it may actually work against you to try to get them to put out while dating. Not white knighting women on this one. I know TRP community says that if a woman thinks your Chad enough she'll drop her panties instantly. Maybe she will, but I doubt a woman who just surrenders to the hottest Chaddiest guy she comes into contact with is really marriage material. I think when guys find a girl who is always DTF they think they've hit jackpot, and that this behavior will continue through their whole marriage lives. I don't think that's true at all... I think, if a woman is high sex-drive from the get-go, she'll probably resent you, deep down inside, later on, for taking something so valuable from her with so little thought to the real cost. And if you want a mutually loving, tender, passionate relationship, and you're dating a women who is interested in the same, she will probably want to know what type of man you are and what they future holds if she is with you as a couple, before having any sort of sexual relationship. I actually don't think it's very feminine for a woman to have a high sex drive. That's a man's thing, 

Its food for thought. I appreciate it and to be blunt, you are the sort of woman I want to find in the dating world. Rational, not pursuing career at the cost of your children, self-reflecting (mentioned comments or behaviors with husband before), and essentially trad in a not so trad world. I cannot see myself getting married or even being serious until mid to late 30s at best. It is definitely not what I had in mind growing up but, it is pretty savage in the dating world. 

I've found, if after 3 dates, there is nothing sexual going on, I just move on. Spin plates. Single. Act like it. Talk to lots of women. See who I have chemistry with. Repeat until no longer single and unmarried. Its been a while ride. I never knew it was this difficult and despite the access through dating apps, tinder/bumble/pof/cold approach, it is no cake walk. 

In this #METoo weaponized feminine society, there are certain things if said, male is crucified. There is feminist jargon, don't need a man rubbish but, if man talked like this about women, he is a hater and a bunch of crap. You can't tell her what to do. And she is a proud single mom/feminist/SJWs. So, I've learned to set boundaries. 


I don't date single moms. I wont raise some man's child. I don't date feminists. I am turned off by women with low sex drive. If a woman has a toxic mood, she doesn't have to go home but, she is not welcome at my place. 


Your point on wimpy men is spot on. Believe me, I've learned the hard way about setting boundaries, and having absolutely no compromise for them. 


How has things been going with your marriage? Children? What specifically red pilled you and opened your eyes? I work with quite a bit of women. Many are my friends and if they had to do over again, most would prefer to be a stay at home mom. its funny how that maternal instinct kicks in thereafter despite the social engineering and brain washing but not before they get their over priced education and run up student debts. Something they cannot declare bankruptcy on. 



It is always good talking to you. I hope things are going well. I will consider what you said on my next date lol


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Hey @meetjoeblack. That was some post. There’s something wrong with the formatting when I read it - the lines of then text are overlayed on one another - and it happens no matter when I’ve logged in. However, I still think I can make out most of what you’ve typed. 


It sounds like you’ve been burned one too many times. I think it’s great that you have boundaries. I really think that you’re placing too high a value on SMV, though. A pretty face/body has very little value as a mom. Trust me. I used to really prize my looks and sometimes still struggle with feelings of vanity, but after “crossing over” to the Mom life, looks don’t do squat. No one cares what I look like at 3 am with spit up on me and that weird yellow baby poop running everywhere. I don’t sleep very much so I always have bags under my eyes. I do eat healthy and try to get in a 7 min HIIT workout (my children don’t nap at the same time, so 7 min is about all I can manage to focus on a workout) each day, so my weight is pre-pregnancy, but again, no one cares. My kids certainly don’t care what my waistline is. They want me to hold them and talk to them and be patient and engaging. If I want to shower they’re in there with me. My life is currently kids, cleaning, cooking, and changing diapers. My looks are the very last thing that anyone cares about, and it is not looks that will do a good job of raising my boys and it is not my looks that makes my husband love me. I really cannot stress enough how ultimately unimportant “hotness” is. Youth and beauty are not bad things, but they often distract people and we confuse them for something of actual value. If you’re looking for someone to love, or a possible wife, I would go at it like you’re wanting to fill a job position. Wife/mother is a job. High SMV does not = good worker. I think you should have boundaries and standards. You sound so smart and like you really want a relationship. But I would raise your standards to encompass a whole lot more than baggage-free and high SMV. A pretty face is pretty empty if there is nothing behind it. Make sure she csn get her hands dirty. See if she puts others before herself without breaking her own personal boundaries. See if she can be truly empathetic and actually listen, and make sure she doesn’t lie. I say a woman with a high sex drive is unfeminine because when women are sexually aggressive it totally takes away from any real connection and openness, and while it feeds a man’s ego to think a hot girl desperately wants the D, it robs him of his chance to be the man in the relationship and relegated him to a boy who lets the women steer and from whom he is willing to take without giving in return, which the woman will eventually pick up on and resent. It’s not a recipe for long term happiness. 

The dating world is harsh, and ugly, and if I wish I had had a matchmaker when I was younger whom I trusted to make a good choice for me. I hated dating and always felt fake and uncomfortable and unsure about what the name of the game was. In the end I ended up using OKC online dating. It worked very well for me. At that point in my life I had just gotten out of a 1.5 year relationship with a guy (an Egyptian Muslim, at that - my road to being Red Pilled is quite the story), knew I wanted to get married and have kids, and wanted more control over who I was meeting. I was meeting tons of guys in real life, but they were nothing I wanted to date. I set up a profile and after two days had two dates lined up, the second being my husband. I told him that night that I was looking for a husband, wanted to homeschool, and then we two stepped for a few hours and that was that. The night of my date with my husband I deactivated my profile. Easy as cake. 

What red pilled me? Lots of things. I was pretty liberal when I was younger. I was a Lit major who hung out with the art crowd, and worked as an au pair after college for some international creds. I came back to the US and began working in elementary schools - at this time I only wanted the money - and discovered a few things. I realized I loved teaching, and that I hated schools. I started doing an art program in a Title I school with a large Arabic population, and got really involved with the families. I invited them over for dinner and would spend extra time with the kids helping them with English and their homework, and I would help their parent with their ESL classes and with finding jobs. I was interested in the language and learning about them - I met Arabs from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, both Coptic and Muslim. I learned many things. The fathers of the families I tried to help were utter dogs. I had to severly cut ties and stop all help, even to their children, because they assumed my aid and involvement meant I was inviting sexual attention. I had to quite literally fight off the grandfather of a Pakistani boy I was tutoring. I dated a Sunni Muslim who was from near Cairo, and then discovered the double standard Muslims have for lying to those outside their faith. It’s crazy, because I later learned he was 7 years older than what he told me, he was attached to a high-profile military family, and already had two wives  - one in Egypt and one here in the US as his immigration anchor. That was an eye opener and a shock, and you can speculate all you want as to the reasons for why I was so blind. Anyways I got a firsthand lesson in immigration dangers. 

I had a special bond with the little boys and they always seemed to be punished in school. It was always the smartest boys, too, that got into so much trouble. That was sad. I had some little boys who would ask me if I could be their mother. They were constantly yelled at, reprimanded, and drugged, and I remember lookin around me and thinking that it was such a shame. Some of the teachers were there because they passionately wanted to help the kids. Most weren’t. But the teachers who cared and who wanted to make a difference were so effectively hobbled by the environment that there wasn’t much they could do. The injustice and cruelty was just too interwoven into the structure of how education is. I began to dream about having my own kids and homeschooling them, and giving them true freedom (even though I barely had an idea what that actually was). 

My husband introduced me to Men’s Rights and reddit/TRP while we were dating. I had never heard of it before, and ended up reading lots and lots of the posts. I might have denied any of the red pill stuff if it weren’t for the way I had seen little boys treated in schools.  I found Molyneaux on a link in a post on that subreddit. 

Things are going quite well in my marriage lately. I’m happy with what we’re doing. We’ve had some big conflicts and I felt like we handled them in a way which I think brought us closer. We’ve been reading Peterson’s 12 Rules For Life together, and it’s a peaceful, intimate, relaxing way for us to ask more questions. I think we still have lots to do, but I am feeling hopeful and much more relaxed about the direction we’re going in. I have felt very appreciative lately of him, and thankful that our commitment was strong and we decided to face things and work it out rather than run away. 

My kids are good! I was concerned about tantrums with my oldest, but I’ve adjusted my approach to his naps and it seems to have really helped. My baby is fat and squishy and he giggles at everything, and it’s the sweetest thing in the world. Babies are so smart. 

So... that’s my novel. There’s probably tons of typos in there but it is what it is and it is probably still legible. 

Take care! 


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On ‎2‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 10:44 PM, Elizbaeth said:

Hey @meetjoeblack. That was some post. There’s something wrong with the formatting when I read it - the lines of then text are overlayed on one another - and it happens no matter when I’ve logged in. However, I still think I can make out most of what you’ve typed. 

I know. So, there is something wrong with the forum. It signs me out after like five minutes and my entire message is lost so, I copy pasted it back in otherwise, it would have been lost entirely. 


It sounds like you’ve been burned one too many times. I think it’s great that you have boundaries. I really think that you’re placing too high a value on SMV, though. A pretty face/body has very little value as a mom. Trust me. I used to really prize my looks and sometimes still struggle with feelings of vanity, but after “crossing over” to the Mom life, looks don’t do squat. No one cares what I look like at 3 am with spit up on me and that weird yellow baby poop running everywhere. I don’t sleep very much so I always have bags under my eyes. I do eat healthy and try to get in a 7 min HIIT workout (my children don’t nap at the same time, so 7 min is about all I can manage to focus on a workout) each day, so my weight is pre-pregnancy, but again, no one cares. My kids certainly don’t care what my waistline is. They want me to hold them and talk to them and be patient and engaging. If I want to shower they’re in there with me. My life is currently kids, cleaning, cooking, and changing diapers. My looks are the very last thing that anyone cares about, and it is not looks that will do a good job of raising my boys and it is not my looks that makes my husband love me. I really cannot stress enough how ultimately unimportant “hotness” is. Youth and beauty are not bad things, but they often distract people and we confuse them for something of actual value. If you’re looking for someone to love, or a possible wife, I would go at it like you’re wanting to fill a job position. Wife/mother is a job. High SMV does not = good worker. I think you should have boundaries and standards. You sound so smart and like you really want a relationship. But I would raise your standards to encompass a whole lot more than baggage-free and high SMV. A pretty face is pretty empty if there is nothing behind it. Make sure she csn get her hands dirty. See if she puts others before herself without breaking her own personal boundaries. See if she can be truly empathetic and actually listen, and make sure she doesn’t lie. I say a woman with a high sex drive is unfeminine because when women are sexually aggressive it totally takes away from any real connection and openness, and while it feeds a man’s ego to think a hot girl desperately wants the D, it robs him of his chance to be the man in the relationship and relegated him to a boy who lets the women steer and from whom he is willing to take without giving in return, which the woman will eventually pick up on and resent. It’s not a recipe for long term happiness. 

Beta In my teens. Found pickup. Learned to approach a lot. Saw a pattern of behavior. For instance, girls who I knew back in college or high school would kill to be with me now that they spent their best days being some guys booty call. If I didn't think for myself, I could have shoe horned myself into a situation with women on the tail end of their SMV and or raising some other man's baby. No thanks. I rather be single. 

I respect you more for the sacrifice you make. I like Stefan's advice here about how women use to be tough. You sound old school. 

One of the things I have noticed is the lack of sex a lot of married men have. Many a times, these women were freaky in their youth when younger and long before kids. Furthermore, a lot of the women replace their former diva ego maniac display picture with their kid. If you look for pictures, you can barely recognize the person with all the weight they put on. 

I dated this girl. Years ago. She was a complete space cadet. Also, she was shady and the type that would try to flirt with men or be buried face first into her phone. No doubt trying to get male attention. Needless to say, I stopped seeing her, and met a younger girl. Years later, I saw her, and she has gained well over 100lbs. Shocker, a single mom. Her twitter posts online equate to men being bad and something along the lines of being a victim. Comical. 


The dating world is harsh, and ugly, and if I wish I had had a matchmaker when I was younger whom I trusted to make a good choice for me. I hated dating and always felt fake and uncomfortable and unsure about what the name of the game was. In the end I ended up using OKC online dating. It worked very well for me. At that point in my life I had just gotten out of a 1.5 year relationship with a guy (an Egyptian Muslim, at that - my road to being Red Pilled is quite the story), knew I wanted to get married and have kids, and wanted more control over who I was meeting. I was meeting tons of guys in real life, but they were nothing I wanted to date. I set up a profile and after two days had two dates lined up, the second being my husband. I told him that night that I was looking for a husband, wanted to homeschool, and then we two stepped for a few hours and that was that. The night of my date with my husband I deactivated my profile. Easy as cake. 

My buddy that found himself someone wifey-like, educated not only in the formal sense but, is worldly and cultured. Moreover, she is dedicated to him and they met on the much earlier side of 20. My buddy was saying, he thought 26 was about a good age for him. I told him I would go even younger and said 24 though, if she were 23, I am not complaining. 


What red pilled me? Lots of things. I was pretty liberal when I was younger. I was a Lit major who hung out with the art crowd, and worked as an au pair after college for some international creds. I came back to the US and began working in elementary schools - at this time I only wanted the money - and discovered a few things. I realized I loved teaching, and that I hated schools. I started doing an art program in a Title I school with a large Arabic population, and got really involved with the families. I invited them over for dinner and would spend extra time with the kids helping them with English and their homework, and I would help their parent with their ESL classes and with finding jobs. I was interested in the language and learning about them - I met Arabs from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, both Coptic and Muslim. I learned many things. The fathers of the families I tried to help were utter dogs. I had to severly cut ties and stop all help, even to their children, because they assumed my aid and involvement meant I was inviting sexual attention. I had to quite literally fight off the grandfather of a Pakistani boy I was tutoring. I dated a Sunni Muslim who was from near Cairo, and then discovered the double standard Muslims have for lying to those outside their faith. It’s crazy, because I later learned he was 7 years older than what he told me, he was attached to a high-profile military family, and already had two wives  - one in Egypt and one here in the US as his immigration anchor. That was an eye opener and a shock, and you can speculate all you want as to the reasons for why I was so blind. Anyways I got a firsthand lesson in immigration dangers. 

Did you have a promiscuous streak before your husband? I found, liberal, arts major, women's studies, feminist, SJW tend to fall into this category. There was a group I recall pushing "men are rapey" yet, the ring leader was cheating on her bf. On tinder with a fiancé. I know people say not to talk religion or politics on dating but, I completely disagree. If a woman is any of the above, I am not interested. Peterson talks about cleaning your room rather then mas revolution and cultural Marxist. 

Its interesting as to what is acceptable in some cultures. I also found it interesting the culture of the 50s and present day. 


I had a special bond with the little boys and they always seemed to be punished in school. It was always the smartest boys, too, that got into so much trouble. That was sad. I had some little boys who would ask me if I could be their mother. They were constantly yelled at, reprimanded, and drugged, and I remember lookin around me and thinking that it was such a shame. Some of the teachers were there because they passionately wanted to help the kids. Most weren’t. But the teachers who cared and who wanted to make a difference were so effectively hobbled by the environment that there wasn’t much they could do. The injustice and cruelty was just too interwoven into the structure of how education is. I began to dream about having my own kids and homeschooling them, and giving them true freedom (even though I barely had an idea what that actually was). 

Zlatan Ibrahimovic was told to sit down, stfu, and do his hwk. He went onto be one of the greatest strikers of all time in soccer/football. If he followed that beaten path and didn't think for himself, the world would have been robbed of his talent, and he would have missed out on millions of dollars. Not shocking he cannot sit still. 


My husband introduced me to Men’s Rights and reddit/TRP while we were dating. I had never heard of it before, and ended up reading lots and lots of the posts. I might have denied any of the red pill stuff if it weren’t for the way I had seen little boys treated in schools.  I found Molyneaux on a link in a post on that subreddit. 

Things are going quite well in my marriage lately. I’m happy with what we’re doing. We’ve had some big conflicts and I felt like we handled them in a way which I think brought us closer. We’ve been reading Peterson’s 12 Rules For Life together, and it’s a peaceful, intimate, relaxing way for us to ask more questions. I think we still have lots to do, but I am feeling hopeful and much more relaxed about the direction we’re going in. I have felt very appreciative lately of him, and thankful that our commitment was strong and we decided to face things and work it out rather than run away. 

My kids are good! I was concerned about tantrums with my oldest, but I’ve adjusted my approach to his naps and it seems to have really helped. My baby is fat and squishy and he giggles at everything, and it’s the sweetest thing in the world. Babies are so smart. 

So... that’s my novel. There’s probably tons of typos in there but it is what it is and it is probably still legible. 

Take care! 



Peterson is good. I think he is bringing people back to traditional values. I feel like he is very much so blue pilled. He has changed my life for the better. Have you checked out his personality test? Worthy of try. Just do so when you have the time. I rushed it a bit. 

Similarly, I feel like Stefan has red pill awareness but, is still purple pilled at best. Still pushes marriage and I just don't see it not anymore. 

Are you and your husband planning any trips this year? I think couples need to make that time and explore. The kids were a by product of the relationship. I think couples mistakenly forget this important fact. Moreover, you get what you give. 

I don't know your husband but, I am already saying he did it right based upon the efforts and time you are putting forward. The fact that you see the value in it all. Making the time and working at it. You both got skin in the game. I feel like it is what is so wrong with dating and marriage these days because of the laws, the court systems, and the common theme of cucking. 


What is the biggest takeaways you had from your relationship? Lastly, what was it that made you marry him and have children with him?

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edit, correction:

"Never ask a woman what she wants, why, because half the time she doesn't know." quote from my wife.

That means that their wants are largely adaptable according to the prevailing logic of whatever system in which they are enmeshed, or are considering becoming enmeshed.  Personally I've come to categorize women into three divisions: ladies, woman and whores, which isn't strictly categorical but there's mixtures of all in each, although that doesn't mean that there isn't, absolute lady; absolute woman; absolute whore.  I'm not stating that whore is bad, only the nature of her proclivity.  Neither am I stating that lady is the optimal disposition for females, but again, only that they are categories.  Which is which, lady, woman or whore is a big problem for men, if men have even realized such categories exist.  The categories are also a problem for many females who without realizing flit from type to type according whim, weather, or the logic of the system in which they are enmeshed.

The logic of Stormy Daniels is probably a good example of the confusion that some females suffer: Daniels shouted to the entire world from the highest mountain about her supposed whoring with Trump, which could ruin her reputation.  Daniels illogical statement confirms her confusion about her categorical position.  Trump actually enhanced her whorish reputation, but Daniels instead supposed herself a lady with a corresponding reputation to protect.  I suspect Daniels' illogical stance was inclined by the prevailing logic of the system in which she is enmeshed, and probably, money influenced that logic.

During the US Civil War a town occupied by the north had a problem with the southern ladies flashing themselves at the north's soldiers, a grave insult.  The northern general in charge of that town put up a notice stating that any lady flashing herself would be considered a whore and arrested as such (the language used at the time was more arcane).  The sign immediately stopped the ladies flashing themselves at soldiers.  That example makes more evident perhaps, the mental divide, then and now, between ladies and whores.  Whores in those times were ten-a-penny.  Succinctly, the common soldiers of that time were offended by ladies flashing their private parts.  Therefore the categorical difference between lady and whore in those times was common knowledge.

Females are females, well of course not.  Below the three categories are proverbial mountains of difference, so defining precisely what females want is impossible.  A man therefore, or even females so inclined, should know what he wants himself.  His knowing will attract a female to become enmeshed in his system, and one can only pray he's deduced for himself the right female.  I mean, don't mewl and dither around females who only have half a clue what they want.  Be a man and reach for the sky.  Sure, being a man was never easy, it's loneliness, blood and war, but it always was.  Whores in their many forms sustain that suffering until the glory of a woman appears with her succour of love and warmth.  Rarer are ladies but they too exist.  So men, grab your balls and get marching.

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I think it can depend upon the particular woman and her age.

At 61 and female, it's not so much even a want factor as in a deeper personal relationship or marriage. It's more of a what exists in an everyday relationship with a man that is unique when compared to a relationship with another woman. This is what I've found:

1. Logical point of view over emotional. Especially when problem solving.

2. Intelligent conversation and the ability to look at things from more than one perspective.

3. A sense of humor and a quick wit. Ability to quote Monty Python, is a plus.

4. A spirit of exploration and adventure.

5. More common ground in shared interests such as gaming, playing drums, and building things by hand.

Now, it's not so much that there aren't any women who possess these qualitiies, it's just that finding them is very rare.



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Modern women want men to put them first. They want men to chase them but not too much. They want men to have a social life and go to the gym or do sports but not too often. 

Being a good father I don't think is very high up on women's lists these days. I think dressing well and caring about appearance is higher up on the list for modern women. 

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On 12/20/2017 at 10:40 AM, Ninja said:

As someone who did not develop a penis, I would sum up what a woman wants in relation to every aspect of a marriage/relationship in the word 'security'. 

Without security a woman's work is never done. Biologically, woman need a sanctuary where they can create more humans. If a woman feels the threat of needing to flee or abandonment she will be neurotic and distressed. 

You know what they say, 'happy wife, happy life', well, you keep her happy with consistency so that she can be free to nurture what she loves, namely, consistency. 


Old post, but i feel the need to address this one in particular. I used to believe that security is what a woman wanted most. I went full white knight, worshipped the ground they walked on, etc, etc. I also did a pretty good job of looking like a provider. I'll admit, at the time i was young, and so were the women, but after getting cheated on enough times, i learned that it doesn't work. My current relationship has been going on for about 10 years, now. She's constantly and irrationally terrified that I will leave her on a whim (and no, i'm not trying to ride this to maintain my own security, as i've actually tried to give her some), and it's the longest relationship i've ever had. Women want security, but once they have it, they often won't respect it. In a weird way, when women find what they want, they find it's not enough. They need to value you enough to fear loosing you, or they'll take advantage of the security to look for an upgrade. It's anecdotal, but it's my experience, anyway. This is how scumbags bag the hot babes they have no business with: neggging. Basically, if you're within reach, but really difficult to have and/or maintain, you're the extent of her level, so she's foolish to look for an upgrade.


As for the other posts, you really have to question your own morality. If you truly value conservatism, spreading your seed without instilling your values only adds to the ranks of your political opponents. Hump and dump, without pregnancy, also gets those easy lefty women further and further invested in the anti-men propaganda, as well: no man wants them, other than to bang, thus men are evil. For doing it, you become the cited justification for the poisonous breeds of feminism.


So my advice for my fellow men is simple: just as women who have trouble have to lower their standards, settle for someone who knows you're out of their league. They have no way to upgrade, so they won't cheat. Don't let them get in any position to simply marry you, pop out a kid, and have a divorce and nail you for child support. Make them work for the divorce: odds are they are going to want more than just your paycheck in addition to theirs, and get proof that they're the ones at fault for the divorce: far increases your chances of getting the kids, yourself, which you can turn around and sue her for child support to afford a baby sitter. If you can prove she's unfit and unsafe to the kids, she can't have the children, but if you can show that you have a family member or someone who can watch the kids while you work, the judge will probably let the child with you as opposed to foster care, but you must make sure you prove first that she's unfit. If a woman knows this is how you'll play, she'll either not get married, or she'll not try to divorce you/cheat on you unless you are a truly horrible person: she will want her kids.

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