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[YouTube] The Truth About Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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I enjoyed the podcast and also noticed some feminist / social marxist themes in the movie that Stefan didn't mention, possibly because they were more overt than some of the themes he touched on.

Unless I'm mistaken, everyone in the First Order was white and male. So you have the white male villains oppressing the multiracial rebellion and the rebels have a predominantly white female leadership. As Stefan has mentioned in a previous podcast, Rey bests or matches Kylo Ren in every encounter despite her total lack of training and his years of training with Luke Skywalker and Lord Snoke because she's a girl and apparently women are better than men at everything, even when lacking training and expertise. So we have the theme of the oppressed multiracial minority rebels who must be saved from the white male First Order by the white females (Rey, Leia, and Vice Admiral Holdo). In addition, Luke Skywalker, who was the hero protagonist in the early films, has proven once again that white males can't be trusted even when they start out with the best of intentions. It was also interesting that Luke, the straight white male, had to be sacrificed in order for the multiracial rebels to survive. Not only did he have to sacrifice himself to atone for his sins, but he was finally at peace after doing so. Straight, white males are called upon to fall on their sword to redeem themselves for all the evil they have perpetrated against minorities and women by virtue of their straight, white maleness, and one would surmise, their toxic masculinity. Only then will everyone, including the straight white males, be at peace.

Hope I didn't ramble on too long. 

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25 minutes ago, kwsoonerdoc1 said:

I enjoyed the podcast and also noticed some feminist / social marxist themes in the movie that Stefan didn't mention, possibly because they were more overt than some of the themes he touched on.

Unless I'm mistaken, everyone in the First Order was white and male. So you have the white male villains oppressing the multiracial rebellion and the rebels have a predominantly white female leadership. As Stefan has mentioned in a previous podcast, Rey bests or matches Kylo Ren in every encounter despite her total lack of training and his years of training with Luke Skywalker and Lord Snoke because she's a girl and apparently women are better than men at everything, even when lacking training and expertise. So we have the theme of the oppressed multiracial minority rebels who must be saved from the white male First Order by the white females (Rey, Leia, and Vice Admiral Holdo). In addition, Luke Skywalker, who was the hero protagonist in the early films, has proven once again that white males can't be trusted even when they start out with the best of intentions. It was also interesting that Luke, the straight white male, had to be sacrificed in order for the multiracial rebels to survive. Not only did he have to sacrifice himself to atone for his sins, but he was finally at peace after doing so. Straight, white males are called upon to fall on their sword to redeem themselves for all the evil they have perpetrated against minorities and women by virtue of their straight, white maleness, and one would surmise, their toxic masculinity. Only then will everyone, including the straight white males, be at peace.

Hope I didn't ramble on too long. 

Nope, that was right to the point. And that is the point of it all, isn't it?

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The movie was very confusing for me because it had a lot of foreshadowing that didn't really play out at the end.

Like the casino planet. Hackerman explains to Finn that the world is not the good guys (Rebels) vs. the bad guys (First Order). It's shade of gray and not picking a side and not killing your fellow sentient being leads to prosperity and peace as evidenced by all the wealth and peace on that planet. They basically got thrown out not because they weren't upper class or whatever, they were thrown out for breaking some parking violations. So this little plot element was playing through my mind when Rey and Kylo Ren were having an "out with the old, in with the new" type of chat. I literally thought they were gonna join forces in secret because  game theory. It established that it was the nature of the Force to always be a conflict between the two sides so the only way to win is by joining forces. Meaning Rey is going to lead the rebellion, Kylo Ren the First Order, both these sides will duke it out as they always did with Rey and Kylo being secret allies and keeping the collateral damage to a minimum. This was the only way the rest of the galaxy could live in peace, you control the warring factions on both sides.

This makes sense on both a phylosophical level, and on a SJW trying to dismantle everything about Star Wars level. It plays on both sides. Normal people get a lesson in game theory, SJW's get to get rid of the whole Jedi/Sith dichotomy.

The 3rd movie could've been also really interesting if this were the path they had taken. For instance Rey and Kylo achieve relative balance, the 2 factions are still at war but neither side gains one inch on the other the result being peace for those not taking part in the conflict. But the force is the force and it's going to give birth to new Jedi and new Sith that would put Rey and Kylo's delicate balance in danger. So the 3rd movie could be Rey hunting down new Sith and Kylo hunting down new Jedi. Or maybe the other way around, the new guys find out about the pact and Rey is hunted by Jedi and Kylo by Sith. Imagine all the lightsaber duel possibilities. The possibilities are endless but I guess we're going to see the same old child story redone over and over again in perpetuity.

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