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Shit my "friends" post on Facebook, and my rant


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A guy I'm friends on FB posted this: http://goodfullness.net/domestic-violence-victim-took-photo-day-one-year-last-photo-heartbreaking/?utm_source=unbounded&utm_tracking=324&utm_medium=Social


And here's my rant after sharing on my wall:

This is such a steaming pile of horse shit I can't even believe anyone would buy this nonsense!
Suffering from domestic violence, like it's an airborne pathogen or something(???) and woman has no moral agency in the situation, nor the ability to FUCKING LEAVE!!!
Please spare me this bull-crap! And the 80% number is BS; it's more like 50/50, but guess what? 99% of the time when cops get called, it's the man getting the ride to the station, EVEN IF HE CALLED THE COPS FOR HELP!
Nice try, I guess #MeToo is getting a bit worn out already, heh?

One other thing, the video looks fake as fuck. And anyone who has seen a real female victim of domestic abuse knows they do everything to hide it an lie about about it, not fucking plaster it all over the internet! Ask me how I know. What a pathetic tear-jerking joke!

Two other thing... I shall now bravely go where no straight man has gone before... and ask one simple question: why is nobody talking about rates of domestic violence in homosexual relationships? Especially lesbian relationships? I'll tell you why: because the numbers ain't pretty! But this hit peace is supposed to make us hate straight men even more, and that's how you know this is feminist bullshit propaganda.

P.S. I am not denying there are scumbag men who beat women; I've met thousands of men in my life and only came across ONE who did that, exactly ONE. But this one sided shitting on men needs to stop. The problem of domestic violence affects men as much as women. I'll leave a video in the comments once I find it if anyone cares to take a listen...

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'Beastbook' is less than healthy for humans. Add to that the manipulation, censorship factor of the platform and the overabundance of attention craving individuals' warped contributions...

Less than 'not good'.

Have you thought about closing your account there?

People used to talk face to face much more before. (chuckles.. while I'm typing this..) Plus all the other alternatives out there.. Just saying.


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There was actually an *update* disclaimer saying it was not real and no women were harmed. Fake news. Especially if that wasn't mentioned from the get-go. Good response. Probably fell on deaf ears but hopefully it gave some like minded folks some good ammo and something to think about.

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A few things which come to mind after reading this is #1: The women who genuinely do suffer from domestic violence probably feel a real kick in the ovaries when attentions seekers make up stories about being abused. #2: The statistics are a lie, nowhere is there anyone speaking up and out against the fraudulent statistics except for folk in our own community. Maybe you guys in America have people on Fox news speaking out about it, but even then nobody really listens except for folk like ourselves. #3: Why would anyone feel the necessity to put their entire reputation & image on the line for a few hours or days worth of internet fame? What has gone wrong in their lives and head to make them do such a stupid thing to themselves?

It's been said a million times and I'll say it again: WHY DOES NOBODY CARE ABOUT THE MEN WHO GET ABUSED?

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11 hours ago, Spladam said:

A few things which come to mind after reading this is #1: The women who genuinely do suffer from domestic violence probably feel a real kick in the ovaries when attentions seekers make up stories about being abused. #2: The statistics are a lie, nowhere is there anyone speaking up and out against the fraudulent statistics except for folk in our own community. Maybe you guys in America have people on Fox news speaking out about it, but even then nobody really listens except for folk like ourselves. #3: Why would anyone feel the necessity to put their entire reputation & image on the line for a few hours or days worth of internet fame? What has gone wrong in their lives and head to make them do such a stupid thing to themselves?

It's been said a million times and I'll say it again: WHY DOES NOBODY CARE ABOUT THE MEN WHO GET ABUSED?

Because men (especially Christian White Men) are a voting minority and are easily cowed to vote in the direction of the other more threatening groups. Basically in our Republic the nice guys finish never.

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Most women actually prefer men who will beat them, although not badly per se. Many girls will say like "F you" to you and if you do nothing they will be like "You would let me talk to you like that? What a cuck, you won't even hit me". Then if you don't hit them they will cheat on you. If you do hit them, they will be even more into you than they were before. This is why they stay, they want a relationship like this. So don't be a white knight beta. If a man is actually abusing her (beating her in a way that is too much or may actually kill her), she will leave, women are not helpless.

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On ‎12‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 9:03 AM, mvorbrodt said:

A guy I'm friends on FB posted this: http://goodfullness.net/domestic-violence-victim-took-photo-day-one-year-last-photo-heartbreaking/?utm_source=unbounded&utm_tracking=324&utm_medium=Social


And here's my rant after sharing on my wall:

This is such a steaming pile of horse shit I can't even believe anyone would buy this nonsense!
Suffering from domestic violence, like it's an airborne pathogen or something(???) and woman has no moral agency in the situation, nor the ability to FUCKING LEAVE!!!
Please spare me this bull-crap! And the 80% number is BS; it's more like 50/50, but guess what? 99% of the time when cops get called, it's the man getting the ride to the station, EVEN IF HE CALLED THE COPS FOR HELP!
Nice try, I guess #MeToo is getting a bit worn out already, heh?

One other thing, the video looks fake as fuck. And anyone who has seen a real female victim of domestic abuse knows they do everything to hide it an lie about about it, not fucking plaster it all over the internet! Ask me how I know. What a pathetic tear-jerking joke!

Two other thing... I shall now bravely go where no straight man has gone before... and ask one simple question: why is nobody talking about rates of domestic violence in homosexual relationships? Especially lesbian relationships? I'll tell you why: because the numbers ain't pretty! But this hit peace is supposed to make us hate straight men even more, and that's how you know this is feminist bullshit propaganda.

P.S. I am not denying there are scumbag men who beat women; I've met thousands of men in my life and only came across ONE who did that, exactly ONE. But this one sided shitting on men needs to stop. The problem of domestic violence affects men as much as women. I'll leave a video in the comments once I find it if anyone cares to take a listen...

Well, there is a man named Jon Coppanhaver (pardon spelling) aka War Machine. Former UFC fighter. 


This dude got cucked by a porn star Kristy Mack. He beat the fuck out of the man who cucked him along with the whore. While I am not advocating this, the life sentence he got is just beyond absurd. He is definitely a head case. 

No man should give a woman that much power over him. of course, we never hear about the man he beat to death but we hear the pedaling of female victimhood. Nothing about cucking, being a whore, and actually getting put in her place. She is still alive. If this was a middle east, she would be stoned to death. In the west, women get their victimhood pageant, and beta males pandering. I remember white knights saying they would fight this mma fighter. DELUSIONAL WHITE KNIGHTS. 



TS, why the fuck are you friends with a cuck? Women initiate divorce about as much as they initiate violence in LTR domestic violence. Now, I repeat, I do not condone any man beating a woman but, even the best man with any sort of spine would go nuts if he caught her cucking him. I pray to never be in that situation. I've become more inundated with Carl Jung, with Jungian psychology, and the shadow. I've also indulged in psycholodelics, shroooms, and DMT. In doing so, I've come to face my shadow. 

Similar to what JBP said of human nature and Nazi(s), we are all capable of doing evil. We have that capacity. God forbid any man is in the cuck situation. Something all the more common. I would pray to never be in that situation and pray that a man be strong enough to have restraint and not weed her disgusting ass out of the gene pool (even if she deserves it). 



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20 hours ago, Spladam said:

It's been said a million times and I'll say it again: WHY DOES NOBODY CARE ABOUT THE MEN WHO GET ABUSED?

They don't. Society does not care nor do MOST WOMEN. Don't need a man rubbish until of course, now she does. War breaks out or refugees are sexually assaulting women like in Germany a few years ago. Suddenly, its female victimhood time. 

Update me on your exp from three approaches a day when consist for a few months. 

Note: when a woman ghosts you, she will say, "I was busy" or some excuse. The reality being, she jumped off some dude's dick (ex bf, alpha/playboy/dude who wont give her the ring). The reappearing act is you being a fallback. Do not bite. Monkey branch onto her friends or find younger, top form SMV ALWAYS!

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