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Cernovich vs Paul Nehlen

Marshall B

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Did anyone read Mike's blog post on Medium about Nehlen. It struck me as a kind of retarded in many ways but the guy is smarter than me so I'm trying to find out where I could be wrong. I like Mike and have never really disagreed with him on anything. He does a little too much talking about himself/self promoting but that doesn't bother me. It works and he's a god damn work horse. Enough explaining sorry.

If you're a believer in the "never punch right" method this isn't good for you. I liked Nehlan's argument on endorsements being overrated and should be a thing of the past. I also get not endorsing someone but to do this public disavowal shit seems unnecessary and almost feels like you're pandering to the leftists. 

Or is Nehlan that toxic? If so I guess I understand the play. If he's 3 steps ahead of the general public in "wokeness" and deemed to edgy for the moment I get that but I didn't think so.

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 Hi @Marshall B

The article you're referring to can be found here.

I wouldn't call myself a Mike Cernovich fan, because what I had seen him doing consistently is delivering good arguments. Some of which are not particularly my taste but since those arguments stand on their own, I tend to keep listening on and have a respect for his material. Like you said, I also am OK with him doing promotion... the man's got a brand and he's a very successful businessman, more power to him. Plus, I like courageous and hardworking individuals.

To me, the article mentioned is within what he's about, and appears to me as general 'housekeeping' as in 'why people aren't talking about this more?'.

He certainly understands how to draw attention and has the supporting track record to backup his claims regarding people's optics on social media...(me thinks). Plus it's so nice to see, when he tells you upfront what he's about to say and just gonna hammer it regardless the opposition it might create. (which I think is part of his efforts in raising awareness, only natural)

I wasn't sure why would you see his article as..

6 hours ago, Marshall B said:

It struck me as a kind of retarded in many ways but the guy is smarter than me so I'm trying to find out where I could be wrong.

Could it be that you forgot to realise that he's speaking to his audience / leveling with his audience while at the same time trolling a bit? (The man has style)... or for a completely different reason?

Do tell.


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The central argument of the article is that posting about reading Culture of Critique makes you as immature as a teenage boy.

That is exactly the kind of Jewish reasoning that Culture of Critique references. Highly recommend the read.

Glad we have ((( Cernovich ))) to serve as a glaring example of why the evolutionary group survival strategy known as anti-semitism exists (more on that in the Culture of Critique).

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16 hours ago, barn said:

Could it be that you forgot to realise that he's speaking to his audience / leveling with his audience while at the same time trolling a bit? (The man has style)... or for a completely different reason?

I just didn't see any arguments. So it's house cleaning because that book is too edgy? Why the need to house clean and not just avoid it? 

Are we not his audience? Who exactly is his audience. Trolling who? 

Im glad it's not being talked about.

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Hi @Marshall B

32 minutes ago, Marshall B said:

I just didn't see any arguments.

Ah, ok.

33 minutes ago, Marshall B said:

So it's house cleaning because that book is too edgy?

No, I don't think so.

34 minutes ago, Marshall B said:

Why the need to house clean and not just avoid it? 

Good question, I can't answer that.

34 minutes ago, Marshall B said:

Are we not his audience?

Yes, we are certainly part of his audience.

35 minutes ago, Marshall B said:

Who exactly is his audience.

Exactly? I am not sure if anyone can answer that, I'm afraid.

36 minutes ago, Marshall B said:

Trolling who? 

It's just an assumption but perhaps everyone 'who's feather got ruffled while reading the article'.

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