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Those who rule over you... (be aware!)


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Hi thinkers and alike,

Many of you probably have noticed the trend the world is being driven towards by our fellow men & women (and attack helicopters, can't remember the others).

"If you want to know who rules over you, all you need to do is just look at who you are NOT allowed to criticise."

I mean videos from

Count Dankula

"update #1"

"update #2"

"update #3"

+ bonus (about Scottish Art gallery, a state funded video)

"You Can't Fight A Painting"

Tim Pool


In the recent developments regarding the case of a guy who imo unfairly got targeted to be made a precedent, namely Count Dankula, unsettling mechanisms of state power are being uncovered. Moreover, as in Europe there hasn't been a similar case, the court's ruling will be immensely important in similar cases (oh, yeah! as it's aimed at people who are critical of being unfairly prosecuted... there'll be more... much more.) in the future, we could be looking at people getting disenfranchised of the European culture(if that's even possible for some) as a whole at a growing pace. And I'm not talking about edgy memes or territorial scandals...

How would you like to live in a world, where 3 out of 4 people you know (family too) could report you to the authorities for 'wrong think' but not just that, you would have zero chance getting any sort of 'innocent until proven guilty' judiciary process as the verdict would already  have been made. (Reminds me of the (link) Cardassian law. Sci-fi. Well,... actually, is it?! I'm not sure anymore.)


P. s.

Have you read (link) 'Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago'


(link) 'George Orwell - 1984'

or seen the movie by

(link) 'George Lucas - THX 1138'


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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone just down the road from me ( a few miles tbf) was arrested for eight anti Muslim facebook posts and is now in jail! The offending posts were from a few years ago! The police were actually diligent enough in prosecuting this to have gone through a backlog of facebook posts!

I would have been reported a long time ago I cannot contain the crazy! I do not add people on facebook because my blogs/ youtube videos and no doubt, aggressive arguments at stupid points would not be recieved well. With any luck, if Q Anon and Mega Anon for instance are correct, we could be seeing the normies have to re- evaluate things rather than us!

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  • 2 months later...

For the love of all that's fine and dandy, people of the 'rainy aisles' WAAKE the fiddlestick UP!

(Here's a really good video from Styxhexenhammer666)

Appologies for the coarseness, but it's important! Very.


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By the by... IN SPAIN, there's a similar case with Josep Miquel Arenas, 24, the artist (rapper) known as Valtonyc.

p.s. (Although, I'm in a sense more puzzled since many tabloids had basically printed in letter what he took for a ride in 'speech'. Dystopia.)

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This just in...a new protest is being organized by the leaders of the indoctrinated and brainwashed young SJW's to take away our freedom to own pug dogs. Seems it's been determined that by taking away our pugs, they will end all comedy material coming from those who can still have a laugh at it all.

Next, they will track down all members of of the NPA (National Pugowners Association) through their registries and confiscate these evil, furry little bastards.

It is recommended to download all of your favorite "Hitler Rant Parodies" now, before a pug creeps in there and causes them to be banned by the YouTube Comedy Police.

That is all.

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Hi @MercurySunlight

Imo, the more people are exposed to variety, the best they 'ken' keep a level head. The reason why nobody turns 'blue' associating malaria with 'funky smelling air' is thanks to dissemination of 'knaledge;)(ref.'here in my gara..') in tandem with seeking reason&evidence.

The 20% is always ahead of the 80%.

Culture requires that, if we don't allow it... not good.

"When trying to sort out if someone is a controlling Cluster B type, just try telling them "No".

Or give them a choice and see their standing with taking responsibility for things, being truthful.

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Pretty sure the boat has started sailing over the edge of the world already it's a bit too late to turn it around imo so it's best to do your self help stuff and build your family ties or ties to a group who will help you in these dark days to come. That sun in the horizon is setting now and there's not much we can do about it but survive the night.

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3 hours ago, ofd said:

Have you Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - 200 Years Together?

Not yet. 

(It isn't an unlucky coincidence that there's no full translation 'still' into English, but there are German and French versions. Almost like, it's being 'regulated'.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi thinkers and alike,

scre*YouTube has switched gears and is currently in a semi-open manner purging channels. It's achieving it through putting pressure on MCNs (multi-channel networks), it seems like. (well, ... apart from shadow banning, throttling, fla... etc)

° Youtube Blacklists Offensive Comedy and News Creator - The Youtube Purge Redux

Downward spiralling just got a lot faster?

Minds accounts opened reaching new records?

What once seemed to be a good idea for joining an MCN for extra benefits recently has just vanished / evaporated. Is it, that MCNs, while keeping to their business interests above their partners',... meant to the recently axed channels, including 'wearechange dot org' they were left with no options?

Third parties, still must adhere to what the company says, is that why they rather sacrificed those channels, that's it?

Could this soon be the reason for us to watch the FDR videos (presence already there) on minds dot com?

Some are predicting pooTube won't be around for much longer, have they alienated enough, have they created enough of instability ooor there's more outrageous actions they plan to implement to further increase their velocity in falling ?

What's the reason for the crazy parallels between the demise of fecebook and pooTube? Has the tech world gone in-sane?

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The faaaar reaching claws of Patreon or Content police, depending on how you look at it.

Stefan Molyneux must have heard about it, Owen Benjamin has been on the show / at the event.

Not good.


Edited by barn
typo - name
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It's not the finger but what's it pointing at...

Yes, a tree fell. Not as loud or striking as some would expect. But I say this to you, humbly. Questioning...

Can you hear the innumerable saplings growing, even more seedlings extending deep roots?

I can't.

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  • 1 month later...

It can become reality within less than a month :

Oi! Have you got license for that link?! I don't remember you having paid tax on that!!!

In a nutshell, 'how alternative voices on the Internet are going to vanish, like they've never appeared'... NewSpeak anyone?

° Watch Dave Cullen' s video #DeleteArt13


° Saving the Internet, or not.


° article 2

° article 3


It's telling, how again, major legislation is being prepared to be rolled out in a nick of time, especially as summer is approaching...

While it seems it's designed to remove certain opinions coming from Europe, it IS going to affect virtually and in real, everyone, though only negatively if you are for free-speech.

p.s. (They left the EU 'on', would someone be so kind and 'turn it off', please?)

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On 3/29/2018 at 9:17 PM, JDMTheGreat said:

Pretty sure the boat has started sailing over the edge of the world already it's a bit too late to turn it around imo so it's best to do your self help stuff and build your family ties or ties to a group who will help you in these dark days to come. That sun in the horizon is setting now and there's not much we can do about it but survive the night.

I agree. Take a look at history, after the fall of ancient Rome in particular. Europe spent the next 1300 years of their history in violence and poverty. The nation states of Europe (all owned and run by barbarians) were spending their efforts on trying to re-unify the old Roman Empire through violence and religion. 

If anyone wishes to survive the night, look into the history of post-Roman Europe. Learn about who survived, who died, and why.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 04/20/2018 at 7:46 PM, barn said:

scre*YouTube has switched gears and is currently in a semi-open manner purging channels. It's achieving it through putting pressure on MCNs (multi-channel networks), it seems like. (well, ... apart from shadow banning, throttling, fla... etc) 

Computing Forever, Dave Cullen, a guest on the show...

yep, he's recently received the 'Dear John...' letter after 4yrs of being in a contract... The MCN btw isn't not Canadian... although who knows why they chose to drop Dave, they haven't explained it to him other than 'we're doing this 'n stuff...'

'Interesting' times the Internet is looking forward to... or at least what's left of it...

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On 06/19/2018 at 11:30 PM, barn said:

'Interesting' times the Internet is looking forward to... or at least what's left of it... 

With the vote on the Directive on Copyright in the Single Digital Market taking a huge 'inter-realm' leap towards implementation... details here

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A huge thanks goes out to Sargon of Akkad! Thank you Sargon!


This video is aimed at anyone other than the power elite.

Events taking place are marking an important point in the time-line of the Internet, ramifications are uncertain but nevertheless critical, far-reaching...

(btw, it simply is, no hype or exaggeration... given that you care for free speech.)


FIND & CONTACT your MEP here


° sources

( until they can be linked )


For a deep, multiple-perspective breakdown, I think it was highly recommendable that you watched the Freedomainradio video, titled:

" [YouTube] The Biggest Threat To The Internet As We Know It | Article 13 "

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On 6/8/2018 at 1:52 AM, Spladam said:

I agree. Take a look at history, after the fall of ancient Rome in particular. Europe spent the next 1300 years of their history in violence and poverty. The nation states of Europe (all owned and run by barbarians) were spending their efforts on trying to re-unify the old Roman Empire through violence and religion. 

If anyone wishes to survive the night, look into the history of post-Roman Europe. Learn about who survived, who died, and why.

Go read Tragedy and Hope.  Apparently there are managed efforts to take down the US.  Taking down the US is not for regression, but for replacement with countries that follow more controllable/socialist models.  

The trending reaction of self benefit (make no efforts towards improving society but rather towards self and family surviving) is probably the situation described behind "the only thing it takes for evil to flourish".  This isn't some "The Postman" society rises from the embers fantasy.  It's an endgame, your lineage won't continue.

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Hi @grithin

(For clarification's sake...)

11 minutes ago, grithin said:

Go read Tragedy and Hope.  

The book and which author supposedly had a great influence on Bill Clinton and conspiracy theorists around the world?

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7 hours ago, barn said:

Hi @grithin

(For clarification's sake...)

The book and which author supposedly had a great influence on Bill Clinton and conspiracy theorists around the world?

This book: https://www.amazon.com/Tragedy-Hope-History-World-Time/dp/094500110X

Societies, brotherhoods, corporations make long term plans.  These tend to be excluded from the common teaching of history leaving the naive graduate of the mind that things just happened.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi thinkers and alike,

In short: Infowars's 'puff', gone from 'Screwtube'. Please refer to your preferred sources on the details.

It would be nice if FDR could have a chat with Alex Jones, but it might mean stretching things too far... it's a crazy world we're living in, a mental fog ladden freakshow with seemingly endless supply of extras... I wish, other aspects than technology had evolved alongside the last hundred of years or so human history. Maybe we just got a lot closer to 'the great equaliser'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi thinkers and alike,

Philosophy and taking principles got a lot more tangible for a few million people in the world I guess, not that (probably) many of you will be surprised but here it is... the ominous 'knock on the door'

It's from here (steemit) by none other than Stefan Molyneux

and I quote:

"Within 24 hours, my YouTube channel has received two community guidelines strikes - likely as a result of a mass flagging campaign - and is now on the verge of total deletion.

Please respectfully contact Team YouTube and alert them to this injustice.

"Almost immediately after returning from a speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand, and after getting my final all-clear cancer checkup, the YouTube strikes against Freedomain Radio - the world's most popular philosophy show - began.

Apparently, I had "violated community standards" by publishing a short video last year entitled "The Death of White Males," which discussed the decline in life expectancy for white males, in part due to the opioid crisis.

The next day, Wednesday, I awoke to another strike, this time for a discussion I had with UK journalist Katie Hopkins. Now, as I write this, two other Freedomain Radio videos have been set to 'Private' by YouTube and locked. One was called "What Pisses Me Off About the YouTube Child Sex Scandal," and the other was a chat I had with Tom Golden, a psychotherapist and the author of “Helping Mothers be Closer to Their Sons: Understanding the Unique World of Boys” and “The Way Men Heal.”

I have poured 12 years of my life into my YouTube channel, with thousands of videos, hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and hundreds of millions of views. In particular, I am proud of promoting Peaceful Parenting, convincing countless parents to stop hitting their children, and start negotiating instead.

As it stands, I am unable to publish to YouTube for two weeks. Today my channel hangs by a thread and could be destroyed at any moment. Whether it survives is not up to me, since I have always striven to tell the truth. The future of philosophy is now up to YouTube, and it is up to you.

You can help me, Freedomain Radio, philosophy and the world by letting YouTube know what you think. Please do so firmly, politely and respectfully by contacting @TeamYouTube.

This is a time for community action. YouTube is making a terrible mistake, but it's not too late to save philosophy. Please act now - tomorrow may be too late."


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/excuse me moderation, this is more important /

Posted on St ee mit by Stefan Molyneux a few hours ago...

 "Within 24 hours, my YouTube channel has received two community guidelines strikes - likely as a result of a mass flagging campaign - and is now on the verge of total deletion.

Please respectfully contact Team YouTube and alert them to this injustice.

"Almost immediately after returning from a speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand, and after getting my final all-clear cancer checkup, the YouTube strikes against Freedomain Radio - the world's most popular philosophy show - began.

Apparently, I had "violated community standards" by publishing a short video last year entitled "The Death of White Males," which discussed the decline in life expectancy for white males, in part due to the opioid crisis.

The next day, Wednesday, I awoke to another strike, this time for a discussion I had with UK journalist Katie Hopkins. Now, as I write this, two other Freedomain Radio videos have been set to 'Private' by YouTube and locked. One was called "What Pisses Me Off About the YouTube Child Sex Scandal," and the other was a chat I had with Tom Golden, a psychotherapist and the author of “Helping Mothers be Closer to Their Sons: Understanding the Unique World of Boys” and “The Way Men Heal.”

I have poured 12 years of my life into my YouTube channel, with thousands of videos, hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and hundreds of millions of views. In particular, I am proud of promoting Peaceful Parenting, convincing countless parents to stop hitting their children, and start negotiating instead.

As it stands, I am unable to publish to YouTube for two weeks. Today my channel hangs by a thread and could be destroyed at any moment. Whether it survives is not up to me, since I have always striven to tell the truth. The future of philosophy is now up to YouTube, and it is up to you.

You can help me, Freedomain Radio, philosophy and the world by letting YouTube know what you think. Please do so firmly, politely and respectfully by contacting @TeamYouTube.

This is a time for community action. YouTube is making a terrible mistake, but it's not too late to save philosophy. Please act now - tomorrow may be too late."

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It appears, the president of the country where most social network companies are based at is 'cranking up' on pushing back against 'wrongthink'.


"  Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices. Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen. They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others…….  "

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 18, 2018

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi thinkers and alike,

Those who rule over you (by force), especially over at the 'Five Countries' can't stand/they would like to diminish individual freedom even in the realms of personal privacy.

{as in: The Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand}

That's why they're pushing for in-built backdoors for encryption technology.

Sure, nevermind that when the NSA came forth (they had to) about their leaked, stolen hacking tools it was regarded as a major threat... seriously, they think people haven forgotten about it?

Not kidding. This would be the end of crypto in general, apart from the major introduction of new, never before seen levels of dystopia.


° the push ("Statement of Principles on Access to Evidence and Encryption")

° NSA hacking tools stolen/leaked/both

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  • 2 weeks later...

If S. D. Attenborough (population control activist) hadn't produced 'pornographic' material, Owen Benjamin wouldn't have gotten stripped of his live-streaming option?

It's probably best if you listened to Owen Benjamin explaining it, I might have misunderstood the mechanism 'ScreYoutube' is operating under at. You decide.

Hopefully he gets his live streaming option back, comedians pretty much rely on that economically and him being restricted... wait a moment, could it be...


other ref. :

S. D. Attenborough - uhh.. (population 'matters' dot org)

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