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FDR Community and Personality Disorders


FDR Community and Personality Disorders  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have a diagnosed personality disorder?

    • Paranoid PD
    • Schizoid PD
    • Schizotypal PD
    • Antisocial PD
    • Borderline PD
    • Histrionic PD
    • Narcissistic PD
    • Avoidant PD
    • Dependent PD
    • Obsessive-compulsive PD
    • I am very sure I have a PD but it has not been diagnosed
    • As far as I know I do not have a PD

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Just curious if there is a greater, lesser or different spread of personality disordered individuals versus the standard population, who are of the mindset of this kind of community (libertarian, conservative, ancap, etc)

My background is in philosophy, psychology and economics. So I do have a hypothesis of what the results might be and if the data says anything interesting I will be happy to share my thoughts.

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A few red flags...

1. the topic itself (negative focus)

2. you yourself haven't voted/professed, (quite reasonable to wonder, why not?)

3. your reputation (-19, could be bad luck?) *update below*

4. 'buy into' (i.e. - to be influenced by a large number of people) ... that's different from 'uphold', 'concluded', 'share virtues'


p. s. (I'm not going to vote, it looks like an insult to the community... Just my opinion)



UPDATE - - - 30.09.2018 - - -UPDATE

It's funny, looking back on this thread... I couldn't have imagined that 7 months later (member since 2016 july, currently 1770 posts) the reputation assigned to my handler on this forum would be influenced from a fairly good standing (around ~+30, sorry don't keep detailed specific records of that just roughly) to straight deep in the other end of the FDR scale (now at -48). All in 2 months time, by most likely through the dedication of a few individuals (1-3ppl) ... Hah.

Since a couple days ago, the daily random downvotes have seemingly ceased, so I decided to add my thoughts here where I used 'reputation' in my arguing against someone's content ... Hah...

My thoughts on this recently:

I wonder...
Has that been part of the calculated 'negative-following' of my contributions for the last 2months (only), or maybe as eluded to someone one day after-a-while, virtuously contemplating some difficult questions about their own probable bias (props for that detail btw, even if I suspect the same individual had been adding, among a 1-2 others, to what's been happening to the handler I've been using)

references chronologically:

and then this:


Perhaps, you could be looking at some form of 'uncontrollable urge' an unchecked weakness? Neither (known bias or uncontrollable urge) makes it acceptable from reason&evidence perspective, definitely not when putting forth arguments. At the same time however, one is a mark of intentional wrongdoing, am I right?! (kinda trivial caveat, still important: no offence to genuine sufferers, in fact; I have been /actually think of this individual (link) and like him 'sky-high', please look into him, his achievements. Well worth of your time, I guarantee you that!!!)

I also noticed all-round upvotes on my debate partners' contributions instead but no/scarcely any downvotes (simultaneously) on their content at various instances, in some threads where I debated someone in a meaningful and respectful fashion opposing their given take (ie. - to name a couple : in science / Uhh Attenborough thread or the first referenced thread below here) ... that made me question, how likely that they got voted for an actual better content (personally, most times I didn't/don't see any non-emotional reasons for it) ? What if the secret votes on the debate partners in fact served the purpose of trying to 'tip the scale' dishonestly as the anonymous voter couldn't make / find counter arguments to my contributions? Isn't that intended distortion of reality? Not good. I'm /will be against it & recommend to everyone to be strongly against for the sake of integrity and knowledge.

Anyhow, I can't tell for certain.(.. not my job or interest to see behind the scenes). There's been a huge uptick of arrows lately from what I assume a few selected, cowardly individuals (IN THAT SCALE, FOR MY CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY, on this forum = approx -80 downvotes in two months, on random content, on a daily frequency), not one argument(1) with any proof whatsoever(2), compared to a year ago for example, if you were here and seen my posts you know that (<-link for both last ones <1,2>, in the first referenced post) That, I'm confident to assert ...

Curious though, (doubly,) as the times we're living in, seemingly mirrors/ points to parallels in this specific topic. Maybe that's why I'm also extra glad I have never voted/don't vote but instead make arguments. Please remind me of this post the day when I get, choose to get the voting option. (Say something like: ' Howdy barn, what's your argument behind the arrows you're using? ' - and I'll know...)

Lastly, I haven't been & I'm not looking for more arrows (be it either or a mixture of both) or any form of restoration. (Mentioning that, apart from slight annoyance there's been no meaningful harm done to my presence on the world's most awesome philosophy outlet on the whole-wide-internets:-p.) Maybe it's because I care for context and contents. The real harm I'm convinced, was self-inflicted by those individuals, to themselves and to a degree disheartening to others with less solid foundations than some of us.

(giggled slightly as I remembered the... )

'People's Liberation Front of Judea'



...don't know whether that's only bad actually (some people choosing to act cowardly). Maybe it's just is. I'm definitely no relativist, however seeing that individual mentioned earlier questioning things in the end makes me wonder if it was at least worth it for him/her/it (online anonymity) ... I dunno. I need to see things in a larger picture, with higher resolution to make my mind up about it. I'm starting rambling so let's end it here...

 (Thanks for reading)

(there had been 2 green arrows at the time of writing this update... don't pay attention to them... that being said, it's really up to you )


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8 hours ago, barn said:

A few red flags...

1. the topic itself (negative focus)

Self knowledge is about knowing yourself, if you fall into these kinds of behaviors you OUGHT to consciously realize you do instead of being confused by life. But if you think self knowledge is only about recognizing the good things about yourself you may be a narcissist. Something to look into.

8 hours ago, barn said:

2. you yourself haven't voted/professed, (quite reasonable to wonder, why not?)

If I voted first, people would know what my vote was. It is supposed to be anonymous. I intend to vote (if I haven't already).

8 hours ago, barn said:

3. your reputation (-19, could be bad luck?)

What does this have to do with the post? Are you simply just trying to poison the well? Said in a southern accent, "We don't take kindly to fallacious arguments around here, boy."

8 hours ago, barn said:

4. 'buy into' (i.e. - to be influenced by a large number of people) ... that's different from 'uphold', 'concluded', 'share virtues'

I said "we" so whatever I said I felt it was ok to use to talk about myself and I don't often go around being disrespectful to myself. Maybe you just get offended easily by semantics.

8 hours ago, barn said:

p. s. (I'm not going to vote, it looks like an insult to the community... Just my opinion)

So self knowledge is an insult. Got it. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint.

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When has Stefan ever been against truth? My question does not change the truth of whether people on here have personality disorders or not. Are you afraid of what the results might be or something? I am asking to the people who up voted the post saying this was an insult to the community. How would attempting to discover truth, in a self knowledge forum, run by a guy who is a believer of truth, be an insult?

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I do have some sort of strange combination of anxiety and sometimes what might be considered schizophrenia. However, I keep these down with will power they are not severe enough to treat. I also react very badly to most medications, even things like paracetamol. So that probably would not work for me.

I do think my inability to absorb leftist beliefs (this is pretty inexplicable because I have been surrounded in most of my life with leftists, as most of us have, but when I was young it was strange I did not adopt them!) is linked to these tendencies. I have an information processing tendency similar to Alex Jones.

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