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[Podcast] 3957 Dating the Unavailable - Call In Show - January 3rd, 2017

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Question 1: [2:47] – “I am a 27 year old white male with a degree in black studies. I have lived in low-income, high-crime African American communities since birth (with very few exceptions), and during college I voluntarily lived in such a neighborhood and babysat for single mothers while also spending time with gang members. During this same time, I also underwent a radical shift away from and rejection of leftist identity politics and social justice dogma, and I ended up doing my senior thesis on gang violence and family dissolution. How can we make libertarian values of ‘rugged individualism’ and private enterprise seem more attractive to people at the low end of the socioeconomic distribution, and black Americans in particular (especially those that have been trained to pursue government-funded subsistence)? Also, how can we simultaneously incentivize and promote family formation in the service of these goals?"

Question 2: [40:31] – “You've hired people, but you would hesitate to hire people today who have lost momentum. You've said that you would hesitate to hire people with college degrees, but you are aware of how weak the job market is. You're aware of the potential for discrimination for being white, so; your solution to all this is to ‘go be an entrepreneur’? Could you explain how this is done? What, in your mind, is an entrepreneur and how can a person suddenly become one with no capital and an unfortunate (in today's society) skin color?”

Question 3: [1:11:09] – “Does being in the position where you either need, or believe you need someone, make it harder to authentically love them? Be it God, or an actual person, does necessity tend to breed contempt?”

Question 4: [1:29:47] – “My friend and I both work in the emergency medical services, I recently had a discussion with him on the topic of anarchy. My friend is a self-proclaimed anarchist and believes that the government is fundamentally illegitimate: taxation is theft, government is immoral, the usual anarchist talking points. I’m as far right as I can be without being an anarchist, call me a libertarian. We recently had a discussion on the non-aggression principle and how it relates to EMS function in society. He recently got a job at a public ems provider, tax payer funded. When I asked him how this affects his beliefs on the non-aggression principle he couldn’t quite defend it. The conversation ultimately evolved into me saying he’s not an anarchist to which he said that he still is- I again reminded him that his entirely bi-weekly pay check was courtesy of my working parents and neighbors who had no say in funding this ems provider. Bottom line, my question is, can someone still be a an anarchist and voluntarily work for a company that thrives off of the initiation of force?”

Question 5: [2:06:01] – “I am a depressed 25 year old woman who has a history of dating and being attracted to closeted gay men and men who are otherwise taken. I am diagnosed as depressive, anxious, and as a vacillator. I am painfully aware of how often I get taken advantage of. I am unable to speak up for myself and instead focus on pleasing others leading me to getting burnt out emotionally and unable to focus on my own wants and needs. What advice do you have for me to being healthy enough to date a good man and stop being attracted to gay or taken men?”

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