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[YouTube] Twitter Targeting White Christians for Censorship | True News

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It reminded me a movie called 'Enemy of the State'

link to the description of the movie

Actual quote from the movie (released 1998,... huh, 20 yrs ago)

[...]    Dean: Oh, conspiracy theorists of the world, unite.
    Lyle: It's more than a theory with me. I'm a former conspirer. I used to work for the NSA. I was a communication analyst. Listen to international calls, calls from foreign nationalists. That GPS tracking device we found in your cellular telephone? I designed one of the first models in that series. Fort Meade has 18 acres of mainframe computers underground. You're talking on the phone and you use the word, "bomb," "president," "Allah," any of a hundred keywords, the computer recognizes it, automatically records it, red flags it for analysis; that was twenty years ago. You know the Hubble Telescope that looks up to the stars? They've got over a hundred spy satellites looking down at us. That's classified. In the old days, we actually had to tap a wire into your phone line. Now calls bouncin' around on satellite, they snatch right out of the air.[...]

It doesn't matter what you do for 40 years, you ought to become somewhat good at it. (wiretapping)


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