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It's very upsetting to see how few ripples can be observed in the wake. But again, people nowadays tend to be less outspoken, less conscious and don't follow through as much.

Indifferent, unable to integrate this new strange world, seems everybody is in a constant state of distraction, 'the lights are on but nobody's at home'. (Or am I just projecting?)


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Same still, though yet another 'glitch in the matrix' not many had picked up on.

Japan had it's own false alarm too. At least they were much quicker.


"TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese public broadcaster NHK issued a false alarm on Tuesday saying North Korea appeared to have launched a missile and urging people to take shelter, but it managed to correct the error within minutes."

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... keeping in mind that 'aliens' are much more 'real' to a large swath of the population. (no disrespect to the Flying Spaghetti Monster neither)

Whoever is responsible in either cases now, it might have just verified the lack of receptivity of the world as it stands, given the relative indifference, consequences.

Perhaps the desensitised (to sense data, logic) times we live in has the explanation going for it, compared with the past... (paradox of choice, Barry Schwartz, Ted talks... there are a few good ones) source 2/4

not long in fact, in 1968 a radio show...

"It became famous for allegedly causing mass panic, although the reality of the panic is disputed as the program had relatively few listeners."

source 3/4

I just want to be instrumental also, in the 'villagers learning better ways of telling the lies from the truths of the Peters in the world. Wolves do exist.'

source 4/4

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