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"IQ is more important than race" -Stefan


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In the recent video "America's Cuban crisis" Stefan said recently, in regards to his own life, that IQ is more important than race.


That's pretty reasonable and I would agree. But what about in regards to a society, is IQ still more important? If it is what about the bigger picture concepts talked about here like regression to the mean? And what about white cultures, do they even matter? I mean, would it be preferable to live in eastern asia rather than among whites because their IQ is slightly higher? Or by the same logic should immigrants we allow into our country be mostly asian because there are more of them with higher IQ? 



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35 minutes ago, Dad said:

In the recent video "America's Cuban crisis" Stefan said recently, in regards to his own life, that IQ is more important than race.


That's pretty reasonable and I would agree. But what about in regards to a society, is IQ still more important? If it is what about the bigger picture concepts talked about here like regression to the mean? And what about white cultures, do they even matter? I mean, would it be preferable to live in eastern asia rather than among whites because their IQ is slightly higher? Or by the same logic should immigrants we allow into our country be mostly asian because there are more of them with higher IQ? 

 I think his actions and what he's said cumulatively makes his stance obvious (but i might be wrong).

-He has a strong preference for traditional WASP culture minus the child beatings and man-hatred (i.e. he likes the focus on liberty WITH responsibility, nuclear families, free markets, etc.).

-I assume he prefers Whites in general because he's always sticking up for us and notes always it's out of Europe (especially Western Europe, especially England) where all the principles he holds dear finds their cultivation and closest adherence.

-He has never stated any preferences for nor against Orientals (in fact he mentions annoyance towards some of their cultural habits, like women (and sometimes men) hiding what they really think/feel for being "rude", and their general dishonestly polite nature--my words at the end, not his. He hasn't said much about them but he generally doesn't have much positive to say, but nothing strongly negative and always specific, not some overgeneralization or whatnot).

-Immigration-wise he prefers no immigration whatsoever since it's generally a net-negative to the host country and the departing country. Especially for America, which could use a couple generations of limited to no immigration. However if there "must" be immigration he tends to prefer Whites who come from WASPy countries though he's not against high IQ'd Asians, just not strongly for them either. I think (i.e. I don't "know" but I get the sense this is true based on my couple of years listening to hundreds of podcasts) he prefers Whites somewhat, prefers high IQ Whites in general, and especially prefers high IQ people who are rational and willing to reason. He knows Whites are the only group to successfully integrate the culture into itself however so I think he prefers larger numbers of us. Just not at the exclusion of other high/average IQ groups unless they have a huge crime problem or toxic culture (like Islam, which has some decently 90-ish IQ adherent countries but has a lot of the same crap as IQ 70 countries).

Personally I largely agree with him (if my portrayal of what I think his views are accurate). Personally I only care about personality and IQ. For society however I know only Whites can sustain my kind of tribe in the long run, therefore I am very pro-White. He has a lot of empathy and therefore cares deeply for the other races, which might be an age thing since a young guy like me largely doesn't care about other races unless he has a strongly positive or negative experience or ethnic history with them (i.e. I love Japan because I am a huge consumer of their stuff and culture while I hate Islam because of the Migrant Crisis compounded with millennia of bad blood but largely am indifferent to everyone else). 

Note: I only wrote what I THINK Stefpai thinks as far as race/society/culture goes. He appears to be very pro WASP and therefore prefers a White supermajority (i.e. 80%+) and has some temptation towards homogeneity (but not if it must come forcibly via a government) but isn't really a White nationalist since he doesn't really care for race in and of itself but only as it pertains practically towards realizing AnCap. 

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Hi there,

8 hours ago, Dad said:

[...] But what about in regards to a society,[...]

I'm not sure if I understand what your focus in your questions are. (I'm unable to nail down your starting point, base argument)

i.e. 'To do/get, what?... and... Why('s) that (should be) a good thing?'

1. Because the topics you've referenced are part of a composite, organic structure that is (largely) a naturally developed hierarchical system IN MOTION


2. apart from one by one comparing elements, seeing correlations , they also are different on an individual level (yet patterns can be found, plus humans are irrational with emotional and cognitive biases).

Context matters. You then can prioritise, due to having a 'zero argument'; can build a case.

i.e. 1. - Which layer and from what angle of the onion are we talking about? (Is it the same onion?)

i.e. 2. <not mocking, trying to make a point, sorry if I'm butchering the quote a tiny bit in the process>

8 hours ago, Dad said:

But what about in regards to a society, is *having more bottle openers* still more important? If it is what about the bigger picture concepts talked about here like *genetical disposition, personal preference, parenting, state intervention, property rights, scientific method/assessment... *? And what about *tea* cultures, do they even matter? I mean, would it be preferable to live in eastern asia rather than among whites because their *access to bottle openers* is slightly higher? Or by the same logic should immigrants we allow into our country be mostly asian because there are more of them with *bottle openers*?

Furthermore, think about the fact that humans respond to incentives. 

What are the incentives behind your proposed observations? How's that true?

But ultimately, do you believe that the N.A.P. serves mankind and you live by it?


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Ok, I'll try to help nail it down


Starting point...

Stefan Molyneux says IQ is more important than race in personal relationships and businesses. 


Is IQ more important than race as a basis for a country? 


Things you've said that didn't make sense to me...

What are the incentives behind your proposed observations? How's that true?

Things I have no clue why you are asking...

But ultimately, do you believe that the N.A.P. serves mankind and you live by it?


Please try to keep everything as simple as possible or I might take your responses as an act of aggression. 

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5 minutes ago, Dad said:

Please try to keep everything as simple as possible or I might take your responses as an act of aggression. 

Feel free to see into it as you please, however if you make a reasoned argument with proofs that I'm being something else than constructive, I'll certainly attend to the 'reviewing'. (yes, I think it should go both ways. How about that, agreed?)

(kinda surprising that I had to write this down so early on but hopefully it clarifies what standards I believe in. If not, ask away.)

Thanks for the 'format-magic' with colours 'n dots, unfortunately I can't do exactly the same (for now).

15 minutes ago, Dad said:

Starting point...

Stefan Molyneux says IQ is more important than race in personal relationships and businesses. 

Compared to what?

For what desired outcome?

What is the counter argument? Do you know a counter argument?

16 minutes ago, Dad said:


Is IQ more important than race as a basis for a country? 

In what context?

ie. economical prosperity, social cohesion, adaptation to environmental factors... etc. What is that you wish to discuss?

20 minutes ago, Dad said:

Things you've said that didn't make sense to me...

(A) What are the incentives behind your proposed observations? (B) How's that true?

(A) -

Ah, yes. I can be more specific.

I do the things I do to get resources, my incentives are for a better life. (even if I do something seemingly negative, it happens because of an incentive)

Based on...

9 hours ago, Dad said:

I mean, would it be preferable to live in eastern asia rather than among whites because their IQ is slightly higher? Or by the same logic should immigrants we allow into our country be mostly asian because there are more of them with higher IQ? 

I wondered if you knew why...

a. immigration(mostly) is from 3rd world -> 1st, what incentives are at work?

b. why those who are coming being 'accepted', by whom, in what manner, how's the mechanism managed and under what system, the degree of which the people affected have a say in affecting it?

c. what incentive you are referring to when saying "should immigrants we allow into our country be mostly asian because there are more of them with higher IQ?"

ie. If it is a good thing for you to promote that, why do you think ("should") others do so (if you do)?

(B) -

Because if a claim is unfalsifiable, we can't do much with it. Stays an opinion, a preference. Esthetics. Not an argument.

"Things I have no clue why you are asking...

But ultimately, do you believe that the N.A.P. serves mankind and you live by it?"

Because the topic is closely related to the Non Agression Principle and I would like to know your standing regarding it.


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  • 1 month later...
On ‎1‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 10:55 PM, Dad said:

In the recent video "America's Cuban crisis" Stefan said recently, in regards to his own life, that IQ is more important than race.


That's pretty reasonable and I would agree. But what about in regards to a society, is IQ still more important? If it is what about the bigger picture concepts talked about here like regression to the mean? And what about white cultures, do they even matter? I mean, would it be preferable to live in eastern asia rather than among whites because their IQ is slightly higher? Or by the same logic should immigrants we allow into our country be mostly asian because there are more of them with higher IQ? 



IQ is pretty determinant with respect to one's capacity and competency. Race has no bearing since, the individual is what matters. A black male or female could have easily made facebook or airbnb. Someone with really low IQ doesn't have the same luxury. Its comical hearing about "white privilege" whereas, Asians have white males beat in all areas across the board. I loved the Mccinnis trolling on this subject. 


The problem is that, we're letting illegal aliens in with a history of crime, rape, and really low IQ. Its not Asians with high IQ and work ethnic coming in. Its victimhood, free money parade, lower IQ, and a population of crime. What Trump referred to as "shit hole" lol

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On 19/01/2018 at 3:55 AM, Dad said:

In the recent video "America's Cuban crisis" Stefan said recently, in regards to his own life, that IQ is more important than race.


That's pretty reasonable and I would agree. But what about in regards to a society, is IQ still more important? If it is what about the bigger picture concepts talked about here like regression to the mean? And what about white cultures, do they even matter? I mean, would it be preferable to live in eastern asia rather than among whites because their IQ is slightly higher? Or by the same logic should immigrants we allow into our country be mostly asian because there are more of them with higher IQ? 



I believe compassion is the most valuable treasure any human has, regardless of intelligence, but history is hard to argue with and left unattended, or in the hands of the mice, the planet will go to hell all by itself, by chance or on purpose the rodents will always chew the insulation off any cables, by chance or by design, then, there is a massive outcry for the fair and knowledgable cat to come home, therefore it is not Stefan as such to be asked every question, although his replies are excellent,but we all should ask, what can be done from where I am without enraging those that beg to be outraged?then join the forces of a common good to face the arrogant, sneering faces of very ordinary people who force us all to bring our compassion forward, to deal with ths never ending and becoming ever more ratchet like messes they create.

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