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Jordan Peterson runs loops around a feminist reporter

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Two great vids!  Jordan Peterson and Sargon of Akkad at their best!
The first is JP talking to a feminist reporter in Britain.  The second is Sargon's commentary on it.

Definitely worth seeing.



I love the part about the similarities between the philosophies of the trans activists and Chairman Mao.

"The philosophy that is guiding their utterances is the same philosophy".


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2 hours ago, Dr. Dealgood said:

I haven't read his book yet but I just ordered it to find out what he really did say about lobsters....

Unfortunately it has a little bit less peaceful parenting than I'd like. From the section "Minimum Necessary Force"...


I'm still reading.

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21 minutes ago, shirgall said:

Unfortunately it has a little bit less peaceful parenting than I'd like. From the section "Minimum Necessary Force"...

I'm still reading.

Hopefully folks who like Jordan Peterson also listen to Stefpai because, at least as someone who heard and read a lot of data on how horrible it is to use force against one's own children from Stefpai, Mr. Peterson obviously isn't perfect and makes big mistakes like what you're pointing out. 

That being said he IS a genius and I'd take anything else he says very seriously, especially what he said how--as a motivator--to imagine a "Hell scenario" of what (my for example) life would be like if I fail to do what I must within 5 years  versus a "Heaven scenario" of what success looks like. 

Very easily an equal or perhaps even superior to Stefpai, at least as far as debating and speaking skills go and their shared ability to make sound and correct arguments. Perhaps they ought to debate this subject. I'd like Stefpai to school Mr. Peterson a bit so he can rough out his edges.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 26/01/2018 at 5:58 PM, shirgall said:

Unfortunately it has a little bit less peaceful parenting than I'd like. From the section "Minimum Necessary Force"...


I'm still reading.

Yeah it's a shame that not only does Jordan Peterson support spanking--even if it is with the least amount of force/last resort--and that he is very dodgy about his religion. 

But these are minor flaws that get well over shadowed by all the other value he has to bring to self-knowledge, egaltarianism, and overall political commentary. 

I've only skimmed through the titles of each Rule of Life and I am goddamn excited to have the rest of them elaborated more on (the child discipline one I only read the last few pages to see what his thoughts were on spanking).

How far into it are you and what value have you gleaned from it so far?

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On 26/01/2018 at 6:24 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Hopefully folks who like Jordan Peterson also listen to Stefpai because, at least as someone who heard and read a lot of data on how horrible it is to use force against one's own children from Stefpai, Mr. Peterson obviously isn't perfect and makes big mistakes like what you're pointing out. 

That being said he IS a genius and I'd take anything else he says very seriously, especially what he said how--as a motivator--to imagine a "Hell scenario" of what (my for example) life would be like if I fail to do what I must within 5 years  versus a "Heaven scenario" of what success looks like. 

Very easily an equal or perhaps even superior to Stefpai, at least as far as debating and speaking skills go and their shared ability to make sound and correct arguments. Perhaps they ought to debate this subject. I'd like Stefpai to school Mr. Peterson a bit so he can rough out his edges.

While I don't agree with his reasoning toward minimal and least amount of force when it comes to spanking (he eqauted it to a dog bite vs a tiny nip when a dog playfully defends its terrirtory and accidentally causes more harm than intended)--I think he made a good case for how a lot of non-violent actions taken upon children and humans in general can trigger the same pain in the brain anyway.

After all the peaceful parenting stuff I've listened to from Stefan, John Bradshaw, and Dayna Martin to name a few, I still find it impossible and irreedemable to hit my children or the other children in my family. Even if me giving the cold shoulder to a misbehaving child causes stress in their brain, I think that's all I can muster sacrificing on the side of my conscience.

I do hope one day Jordan Peterson does check out the studies on spanking that nearly prove how detrimental it is. (Has it been fully proven or is the evidence seemingly solid enough that it might as well be objective fact by now?).

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