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I thought it would be a good subject to discuss. Although this forum is kind of quiet (peeps are probably at work).

I have similarities to this guy except A) I did take the job at Target (KFC) and B) My principle resentment against Lauren Southern is that I see her as a superior being. There are a lot of other quite big differences as well tbf. Perhaps I don't really have similarities to this guy in real terms.

My problem at the moment is partly though utter exhaustion, applying and moving in general is getting difficult... Perhaps I am in 'rut' phase! I'm planning on taking an IQ test soon just for partly... Confidence, but I have often been good at finance/ mathematics so I'm going to look at that.

I recently read in the UK that white working class boys have the worst chances in life.

An emotional issue I have with this is that child traffickers, i.e. the Pizzagate types, are not punished for their crimes yet, people like me and others experience friction/ are penalised simply from small lacks in personal effort, and sometimes not even that. I got irrational and moody the other day for... good reason I think and people started having a go at me.


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  • 2 weeks later...



On 21/01/2018 at 7:10 PM, J.L.W said:

I thought it would be a good subject to discuss. Although this forum is kind of quiet (peeps are probably at work).

I have similarities to this guy except A) I did take the job at Target (KFC) and B) My principle resentment against Lauren Southern is that I see her as a superior being. There are a lot of other quite big differences as well tbf. Perhaps I don't really have similarities to this guy in real terms.

Lauren Southern is a guy as well. :happy: "The Mike Cernovich can go **** OFF. " probably didn't help endear the caller to Stefan. Resentment though against Lauren Southern? Personally some envy(not sure might be admiration) towards, the so called (& personally perceived via the web) good, for being good. 

On 21/01/2018 at 7:10 PM, J.L.W said:

My problem at the moment is partly though utter exhaustion, applying and moving in general is getting difficult... Perhaps I am in 'rut' phase! I'm planning on taking an IQ test soon just for partly... Confidence, but I have often been good at finance/ mathematics so I'm going to look at that.

I recently read in the UK that white working class boys have the worst chances in life.

Do you live in the UK?


Put your shoulder to the wheel.

A Wagoner was driving a heavy load along a muddy road. He came to a part of the road where the wheels sank half-way into the mire, and the more the horses pulled, the deeper sank the wheels. So the Wagoner threw down his whip, knelt down and prayed to Hercules the Strong.

“O Hercules, help me in this my hour of distress.”

But Hercules appeared to him, and said: “Tut, man, don’t sprawl there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel.”


Guess you can either.
1) Spin your wheels.
2) Build a bigger wheel.
3) Put your shoulder to it.
4) "The Big Ask." a) Diety version, b) Human version

On 21/01/2018 at 7:10 PM, J.L.W said:

An emotional issue I have with this is that child traffickers, i.e. the Pizzagate types, are not punished for their crimes yet, people like me and others experience friction/ are penalised simply from small lacks in personal effort, and sometimes not even that. I got irrational and moody the other day for... good reason I think and people started having a go at me.

A thought that I have is that if you compare yourself to sick/Evil people, are you yourself not poisoned by that idea?


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Wow, this was two weeks ago! Free Domain forum seems to move a little slowly.

The background of this piece has changed for me personally.


"The Mike Cernovich can go **** OFF. " probably didn't help endear the caller to Stefan.

I find the MC's a bit of a dweeb. I was following him on twitter and he was talking about paedophilia, he kept saying 'you need to write to this company to tell them to take this image down' and I said 'What image?' and he said 'I've taken it down' and I said 'Well if you've taken it down people aren't going to know what the company said and how are they going to write in'. Then he blocked me!

The only people on twitter that block me are leftists with few exceptions!

Mr Super- tough Gorilla Mindset blocked me over that! I get that he has kids and it is a sensitive spot, for someone with kids, but I do think we are challenged to some extent to live by our principles!

But as far as I could tell the caller had no legitimate problem with Cernovich that he could express. I wonder if Stefan would have responded differently to that if it was expressed differently!



A thought that I have is that if you compare yourself to sick/Evil people, are you yourself not poisoned by that idea?


I think it is good to think of child trafficking etc. For several reasons. I had some traumatic events previously which are just healing now. Seriously, I had to stop music for three years because I was so traumatised! But during this time I have spent a lot of time on social media in the outskirts of society and I do find victims of that situation can really communicate with you in that spot. I would like to perhaps do something in that area as a career/ job! Either in law enforcement or therapy.

I do though stay away from thoughts of Islam after reading the Qur'an. That's one scary book!

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On 1/21/2018 at 1:10 PM, J.L.W said:

I did take the job at Target (KFC)



On 1/21/2018 at 1:10 PM, J.L.W said:

My problem at the moment is partly though utter exhaustion, applying and moving in general is getting difficult... Perhaps I am in 'rut' phase!


What are you working on to keep your energy up? I totally get the 'rut'. In my experience, it usually means its time for a change. Are you still at the KFC? Able to leave soon?

On 1/21/2018 at 1:10 PM, J.L.W said:

I recently read in the UK that white working class boys have the worst chances in life


Remember that these stats are generalizations - they don't account for individual circumstances. Don't let something that isn't about you discourage you. Probability doesn't determine outcomes, it reports on outcomes. Be a part of changing the statistic!

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3 hours ago, J.L.W said:

Wow, this was two weeks ago! Free Domain forum seems to move a little slowly.

The background of this piece has changed for me personally.

I find the MC's a bit of a dweeb. I was following him on twitter and he was talking about paedophilia, he kept saying 'you need to write to this company to tell them to take this image down' and I said 'What image?' and he said 'I've taken it down' and I said 'Well if you've taken it down people aren't going to know what the company said and how are they going to write in'. Then he blocked me!

The only people on twitter that block me are leftists with few exceptions!

Mr Super- tough Gorilla Mindset blocked me over that! I get that he has kids and it is a sensitive spot, for someone with kids, but I do think we are challenged to some extent to live by our principles!

But as far as I could tell the caller had no legitimate problem with Cernovich that he could express. I wonder if Stefan would have responded differently to that if it was expressed differently!

I think it is good to think of child trafficking etc. For several reasons. I had some traumatic events previously which are just healing now. Seriously, I had to stop music for three years because I was so traumatised! But during this time I have spent a lot of time on social media in the outskirts of society and I do find victims of that situation can really communicate with you in that spot. I would like to perhaps do something in that area as a career/ job! Either in law enforcement or therapy.

I do though stay away from thoughts of Islam after reading the Qur'an. That's one scary book!


Stick with alex jones, he's been the most constant.  Lack of energy is usual a consequence of low mitochondrial output (small mitochondria), you should exercise regularly.     Maybe sign up for antifa and get in some cardio - probably could find plenty of traumatized people there to talk with.

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2 hours ago, Ethan Ferris said:

What are you working on to keep your energy up? I totally get the 'rut'. In my experience, it usually means its time for a change. Are you still at the KFC? Able to leave soon?

No I'm not working at KFC (all the English people left when a Polish woman took over the place!) I'm working somewhere else now. An interview was cancelled today I was thinking of maybe going part time in my present job and moving into sales part time. But no such luck. I applied for jobs for about four hours the other day (literally four hours no exaggeration) and applied for a few others but no luck. Other than that interview.

23 minutes ago, grithin said:

Stick with alex jones, he's been the most constant.  Lack of energy is usual a consequence of low mitochondrial output (small mitochondria), you should exercise regularly.     Maybe sign up for antifa and get in some cardio - probably could find plenty of traumatized people there to talk with.

Thankyou good sir! I have a question for you... Have you taken a non internet supervised IQ test and if so... Could you reveal your score?

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3 hours ago, J.L.W said:

Wow, this was two weeks ago! Free Domain forum seems to move a little slowly.

The background of this piece has changed for me personally.

I find the MC's a bit of a dweeb. I was following him on twitter and he was talking about paedophilia, he kept saying 'you need to write to this company to tell them to take this image down' and I said 'What image?' and he said 'I've taken it down' and I said 'Well if you've taken it down people aren't going to know what the company said and how are they going to write in'. Then he blocked me!

The only people on twitter that block me are leftists with few exceptions!

Mr Super- tough Gorilla Mindset blocked me over that! I get that he has kids and it is a sensitive spot, for someone with kids, but I do think we are challenged to some extent to live by our principles!

But as far as I could tell the caller had no legitimate problem with Cernovich that he could express. I wonder if Stefan would have responded differently to that if it was expressed differently!

Imho the caller was willfully blind. "Coffee with comment" also looked like a really bad attempt at a rip off of some of the stuff of Scott Adams, but without the subtly.  

I don't know about not living by your principles because you were blocked from commenting. I had some recent posts on this forum not approved, so what, do a King Kong Empire State protestation. 

Hey but at least you got principles(higher self), kind of all aesthetics & analog for me, something I'd be interested in learning to change or discover. If an animal is sick, kill it or quarantine it. Virtue of Selfishness, my arse.

3 hours ago, J.L.W said:

I think it is good to think of child trafficking etc. For several reasons. I had some traumatic events previously which are just healing now. Seriously, I had to stop music for three years because I was so traumatised! But during this time I have spent a lot of time on social media in the outskirts of society and I do find victims of that situation can really communicate with you in that spot. I would like to perhaps do something in that area as a career/ job! Either in law enforcement or therapy.

I do though stay away from thoughts of Islam after reading the Qur'an. That's one scary book!

Yeah I guess raising awareness is important, so many people in the dark, whether there willingly is another thing. Processing the information probably not a bad thing either if done carefully. Having people to relate to probably a good thing as well, personally I'm pretty devoid of empathy, not so good when it comes to acting(as in making decisions) or relating to people tactfully sometimes/often.

I think it would be a great thing to really want to help other people, not just for them, but for a persons own well being.

I remember sitting next to an ex-muslim on airplane to Bardufuss in Norway. Was kind of panically, so I changed seats so he hasn't sitting in the middle, I didn't mind. Told me he got shot in the leg, also said about Qu'ran not being the most easily understandable book... "Preys with the beard of a goat or something." Kind of random mentioning it I guess. Also bought me a beer, nice guy.

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51 minutes ago, J.L.W said:

No I'm not working at KFC (all the English people left when a Polish woman took over the place!) I'm working somewhere else now. An interview was cancelled today I was thinking of maybe going part time in my present job and moving into sales part time. But no such luck. I applied for jobs for about four hours the other day (literally four hours no exaggeration) and applied for a few others but no luck. Other than that interview.

Thankyou good sir! I have a question for you... Have you taken a non internet supervised IQ test and if so... Could you reveal your score?

No.  ASVAB correlation would put it somewhere above 140, but I know someone else who supposedly also was in the 99 percentile, and I estimated her IQ around 125-135.  Also, I've encountered plenty of brain damage since then accumulating in a general decrease of 30% in multiple metrics (typing, n-back, etc).

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20 minutes ago, J.L.W said:

No I'm not working at KFC (all the English people left when a Polish woman took over the place!) I'm working somewhere else now. An interview was cancelled today I was thinking of maybe going part time in my present job and moving into sales part time. But no such luck. I applied for jobs for about four hours the other day (literally four hours no exaggeration) and applied for a few others but no luck. Other than that interview.

One thing I've heard is it's not that they'll necessarily work any harder, but more that they are higher in agreeableness and will do the work anyway even if the proper tools and equipment aren't to hand, as well as keep their mouth closed if something goes wrong. Claim back National Insurance. 6 People to a room illegally to save on rent.

"Why I was wrong about Brexit". Alright for Stefan to say when he's not living in an area whose population has basically doubled, and English is a minority language in many areas. Still one of a few people actually commenting on meaningful things. Even semi-skilled work like lorry driving is paid at national minimum, driving a vehicle that can potentially do major damage and qualifed for far less money abroad.

Still if I could move to America I'd probably do the same, speak English English and exclude American English. All being said have gotten on better with many eastern europeans then other English and other Europeans, Kublai Khan like fantasies about former greatness of British industry.

Despite England being the first country to industrialise, English people are innately lazy apparently, guess we'll just have to have slavery again, oh right it's already here.

Not necessarily that mass tribal conflict is not an issue either. MGTOW must be recruiting big time in my area.

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16 minutes ago, RichardY said:

One thing I've heard is it's not that they'll necessarily work any harder, but more that they are higher in agreeableness and will do the work anyway even if the proper tools and equipment aren't to hand, as well as keep their mouth closed if something goes wrong. Claim back National Insurance. 6 People to a room illegally to save on rent.

Not necessarily that mass tribal conflict is not an issue either. MGTOW must be recruiting big time in my area.

'higher in agreeableness' is code for 'willing to be bullied'. There was a Spanish girl that used to talk to them like dirt. She was one of the nicer ones! I really liked her and it seemed to me it was just her culture. When a Spanish woman has a go at you she expects you to shout back if she oversteps the mark (but she does not expect a girl to hit her that's over the line). The English polite rule following and this behaviour do not work well together.

Stupid managers who use shouting as their go to behaviour prefer immigrants that will tolerate that. English people will not tolerate shouty behaviour for long. They expect others to be as polite as they are. The previous manager was a Chinese guy that was just charming and everyone worked for him, his fundamental flaw was being unwilling to delegate or ask people to work harder than they were. I suspect this so called 'laziness' of British people is being unwilling to work for, and disrespecting of stupid people/ managers.

The team leader was an English guy at KFC who used to work repetitive 12 hour and longer shifts. But, in the larger sense, I probably could not comment on the Englishmans work ethic. It is a bit rarer to see women working hard in those jobs but they definitely make up for it in the NHS.

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2 hours ago, J.L.W said:

No I'm not working at KFC (all the English people left when a Polish woman took over the place!) I'm working somewhere else now. An interview was cancelled today I was thinking of maybe going part time in my present job and moving into sales part time. But no such luck. I applied for jobs for about four hours the other day (literally four hours no exaggeration) and applied for a few others but no luck. Other than that interview.


Glad you are still active and chasing new opportunities. Is there anything in your personal life to keep your energy up and rejuvenate you after long job hunting sessions? A hobby, passion, or partner? Or are you super into your current job?

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3 hours ago, Ethan Ferris said:

Glad you are still active and chasing new opportunities. Is there anything in your personal life to keep your energy up and rejuvenate you after long job hunting sessions? A hobby, passion, or partner? Or are you super into your current job?


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3 hours ago, Ethan Ferris said:

Glad you are still active and chasing new opportunities. Is there anything in your personal life to keep your energy up and rejuvenate you after long job hunting sessions? A hobby, passion, or partner? Or are you super into your current job?

My god I do not know how the moderating system works here but it is definitely efficient. Even if I don't quote the relevant post I am responding to it stopped me posting to one specific person. Waiting for 'moderation'.

Thanks for asking. I like my current job but, due to dysfunction on both sides, it is socially difficult. So much so that I am growing tired of that aspect of it and have no particular connection to the place so may as well go somewhere else if the pay or skills are even slightly better. Even though everything is OK officially, everyone says hello etc. and stopped doing what they were doing previously and refusing to speak to me. Unofficially, things are still a bit weird, and this sort of thing grows tiring over the long haul.

That might sort of course. But it's almost exactly a year I have been there, so I don't see patience as an ally.


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3 hours ago, Ethan Ferris said:

Glad you are still active and chasing new opportunities. Is there anything in your personal life to keep your energy up and rejuvenate you after long job hunting sessions? A hobby, passion, or partner? Or are you super into your current job?

Ok I wasn't allowed to post again. Took a long time wording that one right.

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3 hours ago, Ethan Ferris said:

Glad you are still active and chasing new opportunities. Is there anything in your personal life to keep your energy up and rejuvenate you after long job hunting sessions? A hobby, passion, or partner? Or are you super into your current job?

I have found diary writing to work! Lol. Strange but true and music only if I'm not too down. I need to follow Petersons advice and tidy my space, and make sure I have food in etc.

Hit the right spot this post did!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 08/02/2018 at 9:06 PM, J.L.W said:

I find the MC's a bit of a dweeb. I was following him on twitter and he was talking about paedophilia, he kept saying 'you need to write to this company to tell them to take this image down' and I said 'What image?' and he said 'I've taken it down' and I said 'Well if you've taken it down people aren't going to know what the company said and how are they going to write in'. Then he blocked me!

Cernovich just blocked Gabs Andrew Torba...

Says it all!

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