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Placeholder until I can find the article again (stupid browser isn't  )

Would like to know if it has been posted before  (or if this is the wrong area to post such things)

My apologies if this is a bit sensitive to some readers here.. You unfortunate have live the  with many of these marxists and anti anti-White forces directly. OYu elites invite them , and they act to stir up your 


The parents emigrated from  (a  shithole if there ever was one... made from stolen land at that)... the dictator in power there is an old guard Communist figure who is also sympathetic to Islamist causes [and  perhaps financial backing].. [for info, look up the Amoudi terror arrest (by the FBI) in 2005].. so  these ideas she espouses may run in her family,  additionin the party line in her native country for decades (apple not falling far from tree)



{eDIT: Foudn mor einof for the mbmers here (hope you are enjoying todays show as welll.....can't currently get it to load on my set up, so wil lhave to listne whenever it posts)






I will try and find more links and more bio info when I have free time...

Maybe should drop this spoiled brat in Russia (or maybe Ukraine  :devil: :angry:)  or any country where the descendants of thos ewho had to suffer for her beloved "idea" may dispose of her properly..

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More on the Al-Amoudi terror case


Copy pasted from Wikia (I here by declare that I am only quotuign ortions of article under Fair Use and that none of this is used in a proprietary or illegal way by my)

Born in Eritrea, Abdurahman Alamoudi immigrated to the United States in 1979 and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1996. In 1981 he founded the Islamic Society of Boston. From 1985 to 1990, he served as executive assistant to the president of the SAAR Foundation in northern Virginia.

In 1990 Alamoudi founded the American Muslim Council. The following year, he established the American Muslim Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Council (AMAFVAC), whose purpose was to “certify Muslim chaplains hired by the military.”

During the 1992 presidential election cycle, Alamoudi courted both the Democratic and Republican parties. When Bill Clinton emerged victorious, Alamoudi increased his donations to Democrats. He went on to serve the Clinton administration as an Islamic-affairs adviser and a State Department “goodwill ambassador” to Muslim nations.

In 1993 the Defense Department certified Alamoudi's AMAFVAC as one of two organizations--along with the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences--authorized to approve and endorse Muslim chaplains. Among the chaplains endorsed by Alamoudi's group was James Yee, who eventually would be arrested in 2003 on suspicion of espionage.

In March 1993 Alamoudi disparaged the federal government for the "flimsy" evidence it had used as a basis for arresting Mohammed Salameh, a suspect in the World Trade Center bombing of February 26. Samameh was later convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

In 1995 Alamoudi helped President Clinton and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) develop a presidential guideline entitled “Religious Expression in Public School,” which established a legal justification upon which the ACLU could file lawsuits restrictingChristmas celebrations and removing Nativity scenes from public schools.

Alamoudi made numerous controversial statements during the 1990s and early 2000s, including these:

  • In 1994 he said: "Hamas is not a terrorist group.... I have followed the good work of Hamas."
  • In March 1996, Alamoudi said he was "honored to be a member of the committee that is defending" Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) founder Musa Abu Marzook, who in 1997 would be deported from the U.S. because of his Hamas-related activities. "I really consider him to be from among the best people in the Islamic movement," Alamoudi added. "Hamas ... and I work together with him."
  • In December 1996, Alamoudi told a meeting of the IAP: “I think if we were outside this country, we can say, ‘Oh, Allah, destroy America,’ but once we are here, our mission in this country is to change it.... You can be violent anywhere else but in America.”
  • In October 2000, Alamoudi attended an anti-Israel protest outside the White House, where he proudly declared himself "a supporter of Hamas" and "a supporter of Hezbollah.” (For video, click here.)

As President Clinton's second term drew to a close in the late Nineties, Alamoudi sought to ensure that his own access and influence at senior levels of the U.S. government would continue even if a Republican were to capture the White House in 2000. To cover that possibility, Alamoudi provided some $20,000 in seed money (in checks drawn on a Saudi bank account) to help conservative activist Grover Norquist establish an organization called the Islamic Free Market Institute in the late 1990s.

In 2000, Alamoudi illegally began making regular trips to Libya, where he met with government officials to discuss strategies by which they could create “headaches” for Saudi Arabia.

In January 2001, Alamoudi attended a conference in Beirut with leaders of numerous terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad. 

In June 2001, Alamoudi was a guest speaker at a Northern Virginia conference where senior Islamic militants from throughout the Middle East were gathered. Many of the speakers denounced the “Zionist entity that aims to destroy the Muslim ummah [community].”

That same month, Alamoudi attended a briefing on President Bush's faith-based initiative, and the White House invited him to the post-9/11 prayer service on September 14th at the National Cathedral in Washington.


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