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[YouTube] Jordan Peterson and Cathy Newman Debate: An Analysis

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There's a lot to take away from the video but the most appealing to me was how Jordan B Peterson kept his composure, and actually listened carefully what was being said and their implications...contrary to his partner in the 'debate' (probably he kept reminding himself the lack of validity, the mere 'feels' charge of the comments made by Cathy N. each time she said anything)

His body language also was masterful (not saying he acted, but..) appearing relaxed mostly at the same time radiating authority with conviction while providing arguments with reason and evidence. I am more than sure that he expected most of the 'inquisition' style questions, again that level of preparation clearly was absent for the other side(as so well put by Stefan M., Tim P., Sargon and many many more thinkers).

The 'Gotcha' moment although is a clear sign of victory over ideologues, I believe more importantly made many viewers rooted in false beliefs get nearer to actually reconsidering if this well-spoken, serious looking man... is in fact a likeable, sympathetic person, perhaps not as evil as the propaganda tries to make him seem. At least he's been very respectful and DIDN'T INTERRUPT continously, like Cathy N.

(Jordan B Peterson imo has 'planted some serious oak seedlings that'll grow to become majestic trees, overreaching the bushes of the fearful feminist swampland', the best time is now to help more waking up [internet]

All he needed to do was:

° do his homework

° be honest

° listen carefully

° integrity with reason & evidence )


The video is 'educational' (especially because it's civilised as usual from J. B. P., role model material) , everyone should watch it, share it, discuss it...


p. s.

Oh, one small addition about the fake news afterwards; how the fallout was reported and how the actual truth compares (source) to it.


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