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Anybody got links to data for immigration debate


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Hi all, I am looking for links to the actual research that Stef eludes to regarding immigration. I am aware of his data driven presentations on it, but he does not provide all the links to back all those charts that he made. I believe him, I just wish  he would cite his sources better. Screenshots of graphs from his presentation are worthless in debates.

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14 hours ago, soared4truth said:

Hi all, I am looking for links to the actual research that Stef eludes to regarding immigration. I am aware of his data driven presentations on it, but he does not provide all the links to back all those charts that he made. I believe him, I just wish  he would cite his sources better. Screenshots of graphs from his presentation are worthless in debates.


Err... Eh?! I am puzzled.

How have you not found the plethora of data generously provided in the link descriptions, here on the board? THAT elludes me. Don't take it the wrong way, I'm sincerely surprised.

What I did was...

1. went to the debate with Kokesh, checked the description (found)

Immigration Presentations
The Truth About Immigration: What They Won't Tell You


The Truth About America's Survival | Demographics


The Truth About Illegal Immigrants


The Truth About Immigration and Welfare


IQ and Immigration


2. Picked the first, because why not

and found...

Sources: http://www.fdrurl.com/immigration

3. Checked out a few links (they did work)

4. How did you not find the literally hundreds of links?

5. Is your "... the actual research that Stef eludes to regarding immigration." statement a truthful one?


p. s. {It could be that we mean (one of us isn't clear on the concept of..that's all-right.. ) different definitions for 'research' and 'source'. If it is so, I'd be curious to see it.}

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