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[Podcast] 3976 The Death of White Guilt - Call In Show - January 17th, 2018

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Question 1: [1:19] – “In Death by DACA, Stefan asks a question that comes up in my life often when discussing the topic of America as a nation, culture and Government with anyone: Do children inherit things their parents obtained illegally? Stefan goes on to say ‘Do Bernie Madoffs Children get to keep the profits of his Ponzi scheme? Well, no, I mean, it all has to go back.’ I’d like to ask Stef, who truly owns America? The reason the answer to this question is important to me is that when discussing this topic in my personal life I often find myself unclear of how the European colonialist settlers have a valid claim to America when they acquired the land through initiating coercion against the indigenous people who were already here. I believe that clarifying the truth on this matter will help to bring unity between individuals and create a greater incentive to refrain from using the force of the government to resolve the cultural and political conflicts that are still present in our present society. On a personal level it will give me more confidence when facing the aggression and hostility that this topic can manifest when I’m debating the subject.”

Question 2: [20:10] – “Most philosophers and at least a plurality of scientists (Stephen Jay Gould being one) say that we cannot rationally believe or disbelieve in God. Given social evidence that Christianity (especially when not State sponsored) has led to higher living standards and more freedoms while using non-violent means to curb social excesses, like ostracism, while atheistic States have been many times more brutal than the worst State-Church unions, and the fact that molecular biology and biochemistry have raised more questions than answers regarding origin of life science, could there be enough circumstantial evidence to change your mind?”

Question 3: [39:21] – “I am a 24-year-old woman and I am seeing more and more of my young cousins, 18-21, doing absolutely nothing. These are young men and women raised in middle class, happy homes. They refuse to work, even if they have gone through college or a trade school. My worry is that they will never do anything with their lives despite their intelligence, how do I explain to them the importance of work and economic success?”

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2 hours ago, MMD said:

Question 3: [39:21] – “I am a 24-year-old woman and I am seeing more and more of my young cousins, 18-21, doing absolutely nothing. These are young men and women raised in middle class, happy homes. They refuse to work, even if they have gone through college or a trade school. My worry is that they will never do anything with their lives despite their intelligence, how do I explain to them the importance of work and economic success?”


This was a very powerful conversation. I used to have severe anxiety attacks months before I came to this forum (2 and a half years or so ago) and barely made it out of High School. Before I became anxious and depressed I had "big plans" to become the first Communist dictator of America (or at least a Communist author and advocate). As I ate some red pills and grew more adult responsibilities, I pretty much "overdosed" and retreated into my head and, realizing I couldn't live the rest of my life as a nervous wreck who couldn't even shred 30-something hours a week at a public school and expect anything great and rewarding like having a family or moving up to the middle class.

I sought therapy and self-knowledge with the aid of FDR and have sense improved tremendously. I, needing to make ends meet, job-hunted for the first time a year ago (and landed a "job" repairing technical stuff that paid less than half of minimum wage after a month of "free training") and eventually decided, with the advice of my therapist, to use my writing skills and make a career out of that. 

I had always enjoyed writing novels for fun but it was then I really and truly committed to doing it for my livelihood. I don't want to say more until I have something to sell to the great and wonderful FDR community, but I've definitely come a long way.

Realizing just how bubble-wrapped modern times are and how protected we really are (in the sense that I could theoretically fail at everything and still live comfortably as a welfare whore as compared to a century ago where I'd be lucky to eke out an existence as a bum) and yet how great the opportunities there are for entrepreneurs (THANK YOU INTERNET!!!)... Well, minor worries become ever more minor as I realize just how big and plentiful the world really is. There may be horrible slow-moving disasters but the fact they're slow moving means they will, by virtue of some one or some group, be eventually solved with or without me, and there may be horrible racist barriers to entry for many vocations but the ease in which a man can become an entrepreneur greatly compensates for this.

I encourage every young man navel gazing whilst questioning whether they should "take the leap" or "play it safe" to think about this: 40 years from now, looking back, will you be satisfied with your life if you "play it safe", live as a coward, marry a slut and raise someone else's children, or will you curse yourself for not "taking the leap" and making a successful man of yourself, marrying a good woman, and raising great titans begoten from your loins? I sure as Hell know I'd curse myself if I didn't at least try and fail. Therefore since I'm either gonna succeed or fail (because quitting is not an option), I may as well do my damndest and fight my hardest to both succeed and succeed well. 

The purpose of a man's life is almost always to either be an example of success or of failure. I damn well am tired of failures. I sure love successes. Therefore, in my desire to both be and associate with successes, I am going to strive to succeed and move up to the Middle Class both financially and geographically (i.e. move out of the big city ghetto and into the nice suburbs in the Midwest). 

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In regard to question No1 the premise being a generally false conclusion diverted from an interesting point: can property taken by force ever rightly belong to an aggressor or the subsequent beneficiaries of the aggressor's estates?  Take for example the lands in Britain taken following the Norman Conquest from the Anglo-Saxon aristocracy - especially where there is good evidence from the Doomsday Book of who owned the land before the invasion of 1066 and who their heirs are today.  Nemo dat quod non habet

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