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Most women I meet aren’t interested in guys who don’t have lots of money.

A friend who has a fairly well paying professional job, was dumped after engagement when she found out precisely how much he made.

I never desired to be rich, but as an engineer, can’t find work and running around doing odd jobs, trying to cover expenses, never taken a penny.

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A good woman who is actually good wants a good man.

A good man is at least these 3 things: he possess a stable source of income, enough for 5 in a middle-class home and neighborhood; he is/will be available to take an active role in the raising of children after the age of reason and lastly; can be counted upon as a sturdy, rational, and dependable individual.

I don't know what kind of women you or your friend are dating. I think others have established how many women seek far more than they are worth. However I think if you keep bumping into them you're searching in the wrong place and/or doing it wrong. However I do think you'll struggle to find a good woman if your source of income is in flux and cannot be relied upon to sustain a family in a middle-class environment.

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7 hours ago, Jsbrads said:

Most women I meet aren’t interested in guys who don’t have lots of money.

The reason you meet women interested in money is because women aren't interested in men, only in what men can do for them. That is, not having character and depth, women can't see the depth in men, so they only see the surface, the immediate usefulness of men in a variety of manners. Money is the easiest measure of his overall usefulness to her, but being sexually attracted to him is also part of his usefulness to her.

I've closely observed married housewives "behind the scenes" as a minor, gone on many dates, talked to sex workers, been on hookups, and studied the nature of women at a philosophical level. You will see more of the same behavior from women. They are strongly drawn to the money, as it is very useful in a highly technologically developed network of cities so they can pursue satisfying their desires, which very rarely involve men themselves in a significant way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I met my boyfriend ten years ago, back then he didn't have anything than a mattress on the floor, and on our first date we grilled sausages on a bread toaster. He wasn't rich, but he was honest and loyal to truth, even when it hurt people he knew, that was what i fell for. It isn't impossible to find a partner who doesn't care if you are rich at that moment, but i think it is very rare. My parents was extremely rich, but never happy, in fact money issues took my fathers life, we where much happier when we where poor/average. I think many women romanticize being rich, but if you love your partner you would rather be poor than to miss any time you could spend together. I believe you find a suitable partner while doing what interest you, it is very import to share an interest, usually the interest that is most important to you. That is just my thoughts, Best of luck, and do not give up :)

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6 hours ago, Birdiefly said:

I met my boyfriend ten years ago, back then he didn't have anything than a mattress on the floor, and on our first date we grilled sausages on a bread toaster. He wasn't rich, but he was honest and loyal to truth, even when it hurt people he knew, that was what i fell for. It isn't impossible to find a partner who doesn't care if you are rich at that moment, but i think it is very rare. My parents was extremely rich, but never happy, in fact money issues took my fathers life, we where much happier when we where poor/average. I think many women romanticize being rich, but if you love your partner you would rather be poor than to miss any time you could spend together. I believe you find a suitable partner while doing what interest you, it is very import to share an interest, usually the interest that is most important to you. That is just my thoughts, Best of luck, and do not give up :)

What was your parent's reaction when they heard about your boyfriend's financial status? I wonder if most rich people have a default belief that if you are broke or close to that and you are already in your 20s, then you are most likely a failure, not only financially but also in all major aspect of your life. Shorter, someone whom and whose life is not good enough for someone who is well-off to get into a relationship with. 

Was your first reaction one of initial distaste that gradually evolved into a positive view or were you curious and non-prejudiced from the very beginning? 

You seem a pleasant and virtuous person :) Thank you for the input in the thread. 

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Nemesis Resident Evil 3 :)

Kind of random, but I was in Merida (Spain) recently, originally founded as a settlement for Roman soldiers by the Emperor Augustus. Anyway visited the Ampitheatre and Roman Circus whilst I was there. On one of the plaques it mentioned that Gladiators would prey to Nemesis to come back on the same foot they entered the arena on. Interesting seeing some of the symmetry and conscientious design of some of the Roman mosaics in Merida.

The Roman Circus was heavily related to time, 4 teams(4 seasons) 7 laps(7 days of the week). Apparently team preference was related to colour a lot. Blue was Senatorial, Green was prefered by everyday people. Guess you could be colour blind. Remember Stefan saying in a recent video "It's like Muhammed Ali said, The Green Bird flys with the Green Bird, The Blue Bird Flys with the Blue Bird". The key perhaps being personality(Just say to people: I am the key master. Are you the Gatekeeper?:thumbsup:) I guess failure would be something like off of "enemy of the gates" where the russian commisar guy gets shot at the end or just not caring anymore, an existential void.

I guess you could bribe a girl with stuff, just like a woman could seduce a man, but is that really dating?

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On 1/26/2018 at 1:26 AM, Jsbrads said:

Most women I meet aren’t interested in guys who don’t have lots of money.

A friend who has a fairly well paying professional job, was dumped after engagement when she found out precisely how much he made.

I never desired to be rich, but as an engineer, can’t find work and running around doing odd jobs, trying to cover expenses, never taken a penny.

Don't think money makes it any easier. I make bank and I have a hard time finding the right woman. If a woman just wants someone with money she is trash, kick her to the curb. You get the honest response from women, I get liars saying they don't care about my money. So you can think of that as one less headache to deal with.

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On ‎2018‎. ‎02‎. ‎10‎. at 10:35 AM, Birdiefly said:

I met my boyfriend ten years ago, back then he didn't have anything than a mattress on the floor, and on our first date we grilled sausages on a bread toaster. He wasn't rich, but he was honest and loyal to truth, even when it hurt people he knew, that was what i fell for. It isn't impossible to find a partner who doesn't care if you are rich at that moment, but i think it is very rare. My parents was extremely rich, but never happy, in fact money issues took my fathers life, we where much happier when we where poor/average. I think many women romanticize being rich, but if you love your partner you would rather be poor than to miss any time you could spend together. I believe you find a suitable partner while doing what interest you, it is very import to share an interest, usually the interest that is most important to you. That is just my thoughts, Best of luck, and do not give up :)


I have to support your anecdotal evidence by my anecdotal evidence. At some point a stack of anecdoatal evidences have to become statistics, right?

if I hadn't met my mother, I wouldn't believe there were women who didn't care about money. My mother had begun supporting herself when she was 18, so she is clearly not fiscally illiterate. She then devoted years of her life studying, spreading the Truth basically for free, because her target audience was dirt poor. The she married a man who was essentially a beggar in the beginning, but had a backbone of steel... Which evidently was what attracted my mother.

I think Jsbrads is complaining about modern western women, which is completely fair, as in my estimation, western women are indeed mostly trash. There are however quality women, and I think you are willfullly ignorant if you don't know where to look for them: Church (or Mosque in fact).
I don't know your values, maybe you claim to be an intellect-worshipping humanist, or a secular liberal; then I would say you have no reason to complain about your options, since these women are your product. In a society without an absolutist moral code, there will be no moral absolutists.

Without abstract values, people opt to tangible values, which are material, and all which are measured by money.

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10 hours ago, Jsbrads said:

Aware of that, doesn’t help me as I get older, all alone, I am now suffering depression.

There is a difference from being alone and feeling lonely. Being solitary and alone does not by itself cause depression. The feeling of loneliness is irrational attachment to be in the company of others.

That is why the other comments from other people on this thread are gaslighting, saying that it's your fault that you don't find a woman (the same gaslighting would be true if you were looking for male friends) - it's a cruel argument like kicking a dog that has already been kicked.

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Hi @eschiedler

Would you mind expanding a tad bit on,

18 hours ago, eschiedler said:

The feeling of loneliness is irrational attachment to be in the company of others.

Where I'm looking at this particular quote from is the fact that humans (to the most of them) are social beings incapable of substituting to the full entirety human interactions and their acompaniniing properties; not even with virtual reality. Whether it is 'whatever', it still constitutes to a basic human need, independent from the mind, though not completely unaffected by it to a certain degree.

Therefore, loneliness is a rational and a logical result. (can be unfortunate, empathised with while ultimately it is a hard coded need for better or... in this case, (temporarily I hope) for the worse.)

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Reply to @barn

I had a bit of trouble with the quotes, so I hope you get the reply, but here goes:

Yes, it is critical to have a clear definition of the concept "rationality" or "rational." This is so important, that it is not a semantic game at all, as I am sure you would agree that it goes to the very heart of philosophy. We might debate the meaning of rationality for hundreds of texts and could consider it a useful exercise. So the question becomes, where to start?

There are two meanings of "rationality" that contrast each other highly in this example. The first is that to be rational is to be logical or to have logic appear in consciousness. The second is to choose between two possible states. These are not the same whatsoever.

Let's say that I predict more pleasure from strawberry ice cream to chocolate ice cream. If I must choose ice cream and these are my only two choices, I might choose strawberry up to a certain cost premium, say up to $1 more for the strawberry. I can make these choices instinctively and other people would choose between those two ice cream flavors and a cost premium based on their instinctive preferences. I didn't choose in any way to make strawberry more pleasurable to me than chocolate. I don't have any control over how my body feels pleasure from the tastes. So it is not ultimately based in rationality although of course I appear to make a choice. The choice seems to appear to me and to others the choice seems to appear. As this choice is made entirely by a conceptual model of the physical, empirical realm, no choice was made in the second meaning of rationality that follows immediately below.

The other main type of idea of "rationality" is abstract logical thinking, which arrives at truth that is independent of personal preferences of ice cream, feeling of loneliness, etc. - other such feelings. That is because the logical truth is independent of time and is true outside of empirical experience since it remains in abstract thought. No personal preferences are possible in logical thought. In fact, to extrapolate further, it is true, derived from the fact that we have consciousness, that thinking rationally is abstract logical thinking and can be nothing else.

If we don't agree that these are two different types of "rationality", then we won't come to agreement on my explanation that wanting pleasure from the company of others, and being sad and disappointed in not getting it leading to depression, stems from irrationality. I suspect one reason that we may remain in disagreement is that you argue that the body is in the physical world and strongly influences people's minds. There is no question that the body is part of the causes of mental states. But that argues that the physical world is really objectively there and that we can find all the causes that act on the mind from our measurements of the body and the physical world's effects on the body, in other words, that a scientific model of the human body and it's effect on the mind can be found. But that ignores the more direct philosophical route that consciousness appears and gives a direct path to truth. It's what makes us human after all. And the physical world appears only in consciousness and nowhere else, by logical argument. The world IS logic and we can simply stay in the mind and find what is true. We do that by thinking philosophically. A philsopher, focusing on logical truths, would never become depressed.

What might this mean in the example of loneliness and depression from such a state:

Let's say that we want to cure depression from loneliness. We could statistically determine that most people will be "cured" and not commit suicide or continue in pain if we give them specific types of social engagements. We couldn't entirely control this process. We wouldn't be able to certainly arrive at a state of constant pleasure for the patient - pleasure derived from appropriate social engagements. That'll fall apart again when their social life changes and they might very well be back to depression since they are swinging between their physical preferences and focusing their mind to arrive at an abstract, logical truth, which would be timeless.

Because of my reasoning, I consider it rude to offer someone only temporary relief, an ability to enjoy pleasures off and on that might slip away from them, when I can offer them permanent relief. Now it is an entirely other matter to argue why people can't think logically and rationally. It negates not one bit the moral necessity to offer them the guidance to think logically and rationally.


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I feel lonely because despite some really nice friends, who are often busy but do take time to meet and chat with me, I go home alone. The loneliness isn’t daunting every night, but cumulatively it is troubling and sometimes it is daunting.

I know a few women who grew up poor and they seem to be the least embarrassed and the most transparent in their desire for financial standing. The rest are verbal enough to clothe their desire in terms like ambitious, professional, stable, etc.

I’m nearing my 40th birthday and I want kids. I’ve been poor my whole life. 

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 Hi @Jsbrads

Allow me to be straightforward and know that, I do hope you turn things around if that's what you want.

Neither of the posts had any questions in them. Nor did they reveal how you'd been / how you're trying to turn things around (if you are). Have you noticed that? Why do you think that is?

Now, based on the above (and from other posts you made recently), I'm drawing the hazy conclusion... which might be completely off and / or erroneous...

(1) Assertiveness and speaking your mind to provide the things you want/need in life might have been substituted for passivity in your past (by _insert person here_) ,

(2) hence your observation currently on not seeing otherwise desirable results.

(3) Besides, missing the integration of SELF-responsibility (e.g. you had chosen to not do assertive stuff, and yet there's no mention of it... or I've not noticed it.) .

Fleshing it a little bit out, the narrative

On 01/26/2018 at 7:26 AM, Jsbrads said:

[A] A friend who has a fairly well paying professional job, was dumped after engagement when she found out precisely how much he made. 

seems to support the idea of 'not worth...' it's simply false and what's worse, supplemented with your descriptions of your own reality such as,

On 01/26/2018 at 7:26 AM, Jsbrads said:

{B}  as an engineer, can’t find work and running around doing odd jobs, trying to cover expenses, never taken a penny   


11 hours ago, Jsbrads said:

[C] I feel lonely because despite some really nice friends, who are often busy but do take time to meet and chat with me, I go home alone. 

are designed (me thinks) to paralyse, stop you in your tracks and remove your ability to influence your reality.

What if I were to suggest that :

[A] - The friend.. - Had chosen a gal who wasn't into him in the first place; he did no proper vetting...the relationship wasn't based on honesty, virtues... perhaps he even avoided the establishment of such norms pro-actively (=that's my strong suspicion) .

Doesn't that re-formulate your original statement in a 180° fashion?

That's better/desirable if truth is preferred, right?

{B} - "as an engineer, (I) can't.." - other engineers do seem to be finding jobs, while I don't deny that this had been your experience, I'm certain you see the obstacle you're raising for yourself...

i.e. 'I'm one of those engineers who isn't doing something right / doesn't want to do certain things, and as a consequence currently-until now my approach has been unsuccessful.

This is what I did...[_insert description_]

-> Any ideas on, what I should do better/more?'

(Would be a healthier assessment, wouldn't it?! I'm recommending this because self-empathy tells me it's a good approach and seeing how you formulated it, made me want to share in hope that it also 'clicks' for you.

Is it any help to you? )

[C] - "going home alone.." - The logic seems to be 'not good' here.

° If I'm not mistaken, friends don't usually go home together after taking time to chat, hanging out.

° a romantic relationship is sexual in its core nature, friendships aren't... is it possible that you are mixing the two?

° unless a man is looking for '->that' specifically(->women doing the asking), generally & naturally it's the other way around ; he has to 'convince/work on' making the woman wanting to finally give in / give him what he wants.

° Women can't & won't respect Men if they don't act assertively. Eventually they'll lose interest, look down on the unassertive men. (Supported by biology too.)

Would you be interested to experience '->that' in a romantic relationship? Is this a preferable scenario for you (->women doing the assertive part)?

p.s. < I have seen this others do as well... If the topic is of importance to you, why you aren't following it, marking the rubric 'follow'? Just thought that was strange. >

Edited by barn
if the formating is still off (bold, ALLCAPS..) it isn't me.
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1 hour ago, Jsbrads said:

I feel lonely because despite some really nice friends, who are often busy but do take time to meet and chat with me, I go home alone. The loneliness isn’t daunting every night, but cumulatively it is troubling and sometimes it is daunting.

I know a few women who grew up poor and they seem to be the least embarrassed and the most transparent in their desire for financial standing. The rest are verbal enough to clothe their desire in terms like ambitious, professional, stable, etc.

I’m nearing my 40th birthday and I want kids. I’ve been poor my whole life. 

How old are the women you are talking to?

What kind of physical shape are you in? Say 1-10, 1 being like obese and 10 being super ripped body builder 6pack.

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15 hours ago, Jsbrads said:

Late 20s-mid 30s, 7-8 tho currently losing a few extra pounds.

If you're 7-8 shouldn't you basically have girls & women asking you out instead? 9 being like hollywood grade, 10 being like a "Greek God" (Probably homosexual or Bisexual). 5 being Average.

5-6 Trump. (is old though)
6 Alex Jones
6 Fat Stefan. 7 New improved version. 
7 Mike Cernovich
7-8 Paul J Watson
8 Lauren Southern
9 Milo. 

Note: Thinking general level of attractiveness, rather than fitness per se. Trump imo is overweight (USA)so more 4-5, on appearance, although if the guy functions on minimum sleep, 7. All subjective, I guess opinions differ widely, didn't Stefan say recently about correlation with attractiveness and IQ.

Though I think attractiveness varies a lot by region, sometimes can kind of pick out various pheontypes, bit like keeping chickens. Have a cousin with Latvian/Nordic ancestry looks a bit like Lauren Southern.

Being an Engineer even if a poor one, couldn't you just go about the problem statistically? Gather information about where various women you'd like to date hang out. Go from there. Just randomly approach women on the street ask what they like (probably a better method), bit like off the movie Groundhog day. If you're embaressed just move to another area. Or do a matchmaking service?

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On 1/26/2018 at 1:26 AM, Jsbrads said:

Most women I meet aren’t interested in guys who don’t have lots of money.

A friend who has a fairly well paying professional job, was dumped after engagement when she found out precisely how much he made.

I never desired to be rich, but as an engineer, can’t find work and running around doing odd jobs, trying to cover expenses, never taken a penny.

As a women, obviously the financial situation of a man is a plus but it is not the only thing and certainly not the most important one. I think the only requirement as for finances is that a man is able to provide for his own person and if ever his wife gets sick or something, he needs to be able to step up and provide for her and the family. I think it is more about the CAPACITY of a man to make money than anything else. And plus, a good woman will look at a man's morality, intelligence etc... more than she will at his finances. If a man is intelligent he will always find a way to make money and be a man. It's important for a man to be proud and have the desire to be able to provide for his own but that doesn't mean being a millionaire. It simply means making enough to provide and having the ambition and desire to. Ambition is a big plus for a man. Women like ambitious men. 

Hope that helps.

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Julia Most gals don’t get to know me. I have friends who know how hard working I am. My past performance, or my current status is often all they feel they need to project my future earnings. I don’t fault them for it, seems logical to me.

Smart In today’s world which gal isn’t career oriented? I know a kindergarten teacher who is fairly picky. 

Rich LoL, categorizing men is hard, but I definitely think PJ Watson is higher, and Milo lower. Much higher than Alex Jones :’D

Hard to be objective but I think I’m higher than Mike Cernovich.

I’m 6 foot, broad shoulders, muscular but not bulky, I’m definitely the type for some gals. A few times I’ve noticed gals noticing me, but I know I can be oblivious often too. One gal in college was crushing on me hard, really pretty too, but I never noticed, a friend mentioned it to me once after college and we had a laugh when I said I didn’t notice.

I go to social gatherings as often as possible. Some have hefty door charges and serve free drinks, but I don’t drink and have little disposable income. At one free event, I just walked up to a gal and had a great conversation, she was very into me at the time, now she doesn’t want to date. I don’t know what the reason is with this gal. It may be financial, but I can’t confirm, “not her type” is all I got.

Match makers it’s all about the dollar bills y’all. The gals are free to ask her what my financials are like and they share that freely and turned around and told me the gals don’t want to marry someone poor. Often friends who want to set me up, say they know a nice gal but she is picky about money.

A friend is now trying to set me up with a gal, he promises she doesn’t care about money. We will see.

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 Barn Lots to chew on. If you recall, you have commented on my post Finding a Job in Misc section. It may make sense to segregate these two subjects despite a certain amount of crossover and intermingleness.

Passivity sounds like something I need to work on. I am capable of explaining myself successfully without questions and clarification, but it seems that many of my attempts at communication revert more to the reverse. I know my ability to handle complex 3D interacting parts, even in comparison to other engineers, but I find words and sentences daunting and sometimes what I try to communicate isn’t always clear to others (ambiguity on my part, etc.)

thanks, didn’t know about the follow option. I have been following manually.


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esch About my feelings of loneliness.

I don’t see loneliness as a problem, but more as a symptom of a different problem.

I value a relationship with a good woman. I want to give to others and I have concluded long ago, a family/children is the best environment for that desire to give.

I have volunteered my time in the past and continue to volunteer when I can. Sometimes my time and effort is appreciated, sometimes not. Sometimes I am told I am not needed, sometimes it is implied. I enjoy working hard, and have had jobs where certain work needed to get done and I stayed late and worked really hard to complete the work and felt indispensable even tho my bosses didn’t always feel that way or express the same, it still created happiness and purpose for me.

I would love to be able to independently generate that feeling of completion and perhaps sometimes I do here, reading economics, philosophy, etc.

I think now I have read every word above, and I appreciate everybody’s contributions.

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On 02/12/2018 at 11:38 PM, eschiedler said:


Reply to @barn


If we don't agree that these are two different types of "rationality", then we won't come to agreement on my explanation that wanting pleasure from the company of others, and being sad and disappointed in not getting it leading to depression, stems from irrationality. I suspect one reason that we may remain in disagreement is that you argue that the body is in the physical world and strongly influences people's minds. There is no question that the body is part of the causes of mental states. But that argues that the physical world is really objectively there and that we can find all the causes that act on the mind from our measurements of the body and the physical world's effects on the body, in other words, that a scientific model of the human body and it's effect on the mind can be found. But that ignores the more direct philosophical route that consciousness appears and gives a direct path to truth. It's what makes us human after all.




Think about riding a bicycle. Didn’t we learn to perform the individual steps, then meshing them together appropriately, leading up to finally pedalling around joyfully, not falling off? But the proof of concept goes even further, in social settings we could pass on this knowledge to those who needed it, unless we choose to not do so.


Ramifications (each speaks of parenting):

Those who’d never heard of bicycles will have a hard time grasping the description of how 'cycling' is achieved, feels...etc.

Learning to do it on our own…even more illustrative... Having a highly experienced instructor vs. a saboteur.

Living in a place where bicycles and roads for riding are abundant vs. in the mountains(no need,can’t) or low-tech civilization… Australian aboriginals (hard to implement, missing technological links).

Compare what the first bicycles consisted of vs. today’s nano-carbon-electric-razor-coffee making rides with a ‘fluxus condensator’.


p.s. (on a reality based note, not addressed to only you - if you don't, use a helmet when riding a bicycle and indicate before turning, please. Pretty please. )

Edited by barn
p.s. UPB when cycling
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Hi Jsbrads,

19 hours ago, Jsbrads said:

Barn Lots to chew on.

I agree,

... perhaps I should say there's absolutely no expectations or push from me (I don't intend to, if I do/did please let me know so I can review what I said/say) , also I can imagine how it might seem a whole bunch of composite things for you. I think, it's OK to see it as such,it can happen.

19 hours ago, Jsbrads said:

If you recall, you have commented on my post Finding a Job in Misc section. It may make sense to segregate these two subjects despite a certain amount of crossover and intermingleness.

Gotcha. I see no reason not to do so.

19 hours ago, Jsbrads said:

I am capable of explaining myself successfully without questions and clarification, but it seems that many of my attempts at communication revert more to the reverse. I know my ability to handle complex 3D interacting parts, even in comparison to other engineers, but I find words and sentences daunting and sometimes what I try to communicate isn’t always clear to others (ambiguity on my part, etc.)

In case you were interested (in the future, maybe, one day, if preferred) to discussing why I have my cognitive 'dissonance-y' sense tingling about how you describe your communicative ability, feel free to bring it up, enabling a conversation on it, eventually.

19 hours ago, Jsbrads said:

thanks, didn’t know about the follow option. I have been following manually.

I had thought it would benefit you doing so, perhaps I was wrong. Sure, no probs.

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5 minutes ago, Jsbrads said:

Let’s talk about the communication, another post? In Misc

Currently, I'm open to several ways of communication:

- another thread

- pm / email

- even smoke signals but I would advise against it as it not just credits the AGW movement but is gonna make me smell bad.

... I defer to you on this one.

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On ‎1‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 1:26 AM, Jsbrads said:

Most women I meet aren’t interested in guys who don’t have lots of money.

A friend who has a fairly well paying professional job, was dumped after engagement when she found out precisely how much he made.

I never desired to be rich, but as an engineer, can’t find work and running around doing odd jobs, trying to cover expenses, never taken a penny.

I have been at cold approach for quite a few years. Dating is a cesspool of entitlement, sluts are everywhere if your a Chad(s) at the top of the dominance hierarchy, and resources definitely do not hurt. Its women running through the top percentile of man when sexual market is in their favor. Its white picket fence and baby rabies time at the tail end. When her best days are over, your resources are required to suit her little agenda, and narrative. 

With tinder, bumble, social media, women are spoiled for choice, have a constant dopamine spike in the form of a like, male orbiters, and ego boosting. Its when bulking season kicks into overdrive, when that waist gets thick, when the male attention begins to decline, when her formerly spoiler for choice in the dating market begins to dwindle, and men that use to beg for her attention smash and disappear for weeks at a time; suddenly DESPERATION HOUR HITS HOME!


Lets say I approach a hundred women. I will guestimate a 33% conversion into numbers (for argument sake; sometimes more sometimes less). Of that 33%, lets say, a third from that flake, another third I date who ghost me later, and a third I hookup with. Even after, some of these girls will ghost, have boyfriends, disappear for the bigger better prize, some will be on the rocks in a relationship or folded engagement, LTR drama of some sort. Its fucked. 

Do you understand just how miniscule the portion is even with mass approaching? Swiping right on tinder, lots of hogs, lots of women posting pics from high school or their freshmen year of college, during their best days, and when the scale was much nicer. What you begin to realize is that, women have a monopoly on the dating world, and when SMV craters, she has daddy government + the court system + family courts in her pocket. Meaning, she can cry foul, gets the SJW support on social media removing any ownership of choosing a better mate, father of her children, acquires the victimhood pageant, and resources from the welfare state or extracting male resources before jumping on tinder to ride the cawk carousel with the "proud single mom" bio. 


I came to FDR to figure this shit out. I am a huge fan of Stefan and the podcast series; anything from gene warfare, truth on sex/single moms, MGTOW, and dating in general. Thus far, I have found very few who offer much in the advice here though, there are several with bang on advice. Keep searching. I tried the RooshV forum, several pickup forums, and a variety of others. 

The conclusion I have come to is that, MARRIAGE IN THE WEST IS DEAD. It is there for cucks, betas, and dudes into raising some other man's baby with a woman who is moments away from bulking and has spent her best years as a booty call. I think content from Jordan Peterson is bang on though, if I were to be critical, he is a blue pill man, and swears by marriage regardless of the fallout or the men he has worked with that had their lives destroyed because of a nasty divorce. 


TS, approach lots of women, swipe right on tinder/bumble, VET A GOOD WOMAN. ACQUIRE CHOICE. MEANING, PICK FROM THE SELECTION. NO FROM SCARCITY. 

If you have no choice, beggars cannot be choosers. You want choice. I recommend going into the free market and win. Easier said then that. The bottom line is that, if I was rich, I would never date every again, and I would spend my days romping abroad. As I put together a project I am working on, I am extremely aware of the distraction that is the female imperative. That being, skiing down cawk mountain when thin/young/attractive. Run through dudes. When SMV craters, its time to play homemaker. 

Cucks are lining up. Despite all the value I got from FDR/Stefan, I disagree with his point on "CREEPY" at dating younger women. BS! 


If a woman is not young/thin/attractive, YOU DO NOT DATE OR GIVE HER THE RING. Let some other cuck do that. During her best years, come at me or do not bother. Netflix and chill until then. 

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On 2/19/2018 at 2:44 AM, Jsbrads said:

Smart In today’s world which gal isn’t career oriented? I know a kindergarten teacher who is fairly picky. 

Most. The thing is, women used to get wifed up and preggo by age 16. So they never had to even think about entering the work force or caring for themselves financially. Then over time with feminism and other societal forces, 16 became 18, became 22, became 30. So if nobody is going to wife you up by age 18 or so, then you either stay home with your family or you go to college. Obviously they want to go to college instead of sit home under their parents roof. 99% of women at age 18 are ready to be locked down. They don't care about a career. Once they go to school for 4+ years and invest time and money into the career they damn sure want to see it through to some level of achievement thus age 30, we skipped the whole twenties basically instead of a slow progression.

Date girls around age 18 who live at home or who go like part time to community college. I guarantee they would love a man who had his own place and a car and could afford to have a child, they will not expect you to shower them in money or clothes or jewels or make tons of money. Its not all fun and games, there are challenges but nothing is worth more than a virtuous woman, and the older they get the less virtuous they get, with the exception of when they get really old but I dont think you want to date women who have woken up from their delusion who are now 40, do you?

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1 hour ago, Jsbrads said:

Just heard a survey.

Women rate more 80% of men as below average attractiveness. And I’m roughly an 8 :(

Sorry bud, for pointing it out...

Attractiveness is the least (if) your problem in my humble, humble, humble opinion.

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On ‎3‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 4:11 PM, Jsbrads said:

Just heard a survey.

Women rate more 80% of men as below average attractiveness. And I’m roughly an 8 :(


I post thst link before on this site. Women not men are the ones with the fucked up expectations but, as gatekeepers of sex esp when on top form have choice. It changes over time. If you read Dr. Helen Smith's book Men on Strike, it depicts the fucked up landscape. One way flow of education that caters to girl power despite male academics in decline for the past 50yrs, court system pedals victimhood, divorce laws play to women, and reproductive laws again all play for women. 

Mr 8, you got time on your side. A woman hits the wall, you date younger even if Stefano calls it "creepy," and you acquire top form SMV. A woman trades in her youth, or you next her. 

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