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#120db - 120 Decibels - A REAL women's #metoo movement in Europe that addresses rape by immigrants


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Apparently there is a women's activist group in Europe called "120 Decibels" that is what the #metoo movement in the US should be. 120 decibels is what one of those personal alarms produce to ward off muggers and rapists that many women in Western Europe are having to carry now due to the huge influx of immigrants from the middle east. These appear to be strong women dealing with REAL issues like rape instead of the BS in the US where the feminist movement is ironically based on victimhood and weakness.

It might be a great idea for Stefan to connect with these people because women like this give me a glimmer of hope for Europes future.


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Thanks for sharing.

There are currently towns in Western Europe where the fences around people's homes are literally 10cm tall, and people often just don't bother locking their doors. In such places have the EU politicians planted migrant camps since 2015, and the air is changing drastically. I currently work in such an area, and since a few weeks ago, I have been instructed by my superiors to not let my female colleagues go out alone, for there was a rape/murder committed recently. Despite such drastic changes, people have yet to wake up. Especially the women, they have been so spoiled by the welfare state, by wonder woman propaganda and by western men, that their sense of danger and survival has been completely dulled. They go out partying at night, wearing red mini-skirts, blonde-dyed hair, high-heeled boots and such a pretentious attitude towards life that one would rightfully assume they were time-travelling street girls from the 80s. Make no mistake however, as Eastern Europe are going down the same path. Were it not for the veterans of socialism, the millenials would have already committed cultural suicide as well. Let's hope generation-Z turns out alright.

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