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[YouTube] What Pisses Me Off About The Philadelphia Superbowl Riots

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MP3: https://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3988/what-pisses-me-off-about-the-philadelphia-superbowl-riots

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/fdr-3988-what-pisses-me-off-about-the-philadelphia-superbowl-riots

After the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl, the city of Philadelphia descended into riots, drunken chaos and property damage as a means of celebrating the victory of their favorite sportsball team. Stefan Molyneux looks at the history of the historically Democratic city, why the left has a much shorter time preference than those on the right and what these riots illustrate on a grand scale.

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As a Philadelphian raised by a single mom since the age of 5, I am definitely feeling the weight of this presentation. I am sure I have higher than normal cortisol since I know my emotions are easily swayed and not easily controlled without me actively trying to reign them in. I'm sure my testosterone is higher than my peers, but I doubt so high as the men that came generations before me.

What can I do to help myself? Is the solution chemical or practical? For now I'm just making sure I'm being productive so I can eventually escape this Leftist cesspit. 

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