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[Podcast] 3989 Decoding Newspeak - Call In Show - January 31st, 2018

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I'm thrilled to announce that I will be speaking at "A Night For Freedom" in Washington, DC on February 24th. Tickets are now available and I look forward to seeing everybody there! http://www.anightforfreedomdc.com

Question 1: [1:19] - “My question surrounds femininity, and the despised feeling I get when a woman who is feminine comes across my path. I feel like I have to hold the door open for her. It's just someone else's needs before mine, as my needs from childhood were so marginalized. They get what they want while not even trying. I look at women who have their men taking care of them with such jealousy and anger. I want a man to do that for me and not feel like I'm a burden for them or troubling them. I used to beat myself up emotionally for wanting that. I even so much wanted to be a boy so I could be looked at as strong, that I could take care of myself. Or to make myself feel better I would be like the woman who has her man taking care of her can't get the money and is ditsy or is manipulating men cause they turn on the stupid when men are around.”

“It's a torrent of thoughts and emotions, like I'm not pretty enough or that I don't take care of myself enough. I always have dirt under my fingernails. At times when I embrace my femininity I feel in alignment with the truest part of myself. But I worry because work in my mind takes the back burner. I loose my work ethic and all I want is babies and a peaceful tidy home. How do I be so great he can't say no? I am a 29 year old woman who has grown up in the wreckage of third wave feminism. I wish to be more feminine but I despise and am jealous of woman who are. I have been made to carry heavy burdens. If I fully embrace my femininity will I loose my drive, logic, reason and motivation? And how do I become more feminine?”

Question 2: [1:54:30] - “I am a 27 year old female, and my partner of 4 years wants to have children in the next few years. I am committed to him and have no plans to jump ship, but I have deep misgivings about the idea of having children. I was raised in a very isolated and dysfunctional environment by a chronically ill single mother, who herself was severely abused and neglected in her youth. I am deeply aware I am not cut out to be a mother - I am utterly terrified I will unintentionally and unexpectedly behave the way that my mom did. I couldn't live with myself if I screwed up a child. Through listening to the show, I do take seriously what you have said about committed women approaching their 30s needing to think seriously about children, but every time I do, I go cold with terror. Please help, even if for my partner's sake, as I do not want him to waste his life or be put in a terrible position if I turn out to be unfit for motherhood.”

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The first gal in this, Taylor, was very responsive to pushback and really seemed to want to change.

I hope she manages to find a good husband and have a nice happy family, she sounds like a good person who is willing to put in the effort to better herself in a way that will protect her children and her husband!

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