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Before 1970, "hispanic" wasn't even considered a race in USA. But after 1970, everyone that comes from Latin America is automatically considered 'hispanic/latino". Even a Luftwaffe Iron Cross ace like Egon Albrecht ( http://military.wikia.com/wiki/Egon_Albrecht ) will be considered "latino" in USA, since he was Born in Curitiba(Brazil). I an not a national socialism sympathizer, only showing him as an example. Here is an American asking "How come people from Uruguay are white and good-looking?"  https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100613130250AAU61UQ

This photo from Argentina bellow


In fact, if Queen Máxima of Netherlands go to USA using "Argentine papers", he will be considered "hispanic", but if he goes using Dutch papers, now he will be "white". Same for a Asians. Alberto Fujimori will only be considered Asian in USA if he manages to get Japanese citizenship(and that is very hard, even for Japanese descendants). Latin America is not a "homogeneous" place as the majority of Americans think. "But the majority is mixed race", yes, is truth, but they have more native american DNA than DNA from Hispania peninsula, if USA become a mostly mixed race country, consider "anglo" as a race will make no sense too.

The statistics that Steffan uses in his video makes no distinction between a Haitian and a German Descendant that comes from Patagonia.  And if you divide the statistics, by country, Argentinians and Uruguayans, for example is not over represented in welfare and poverty. An example?


* Poverty status. The share of Argentineans who live in poverty, 11%, is lower than the rate for the general U.S. population (16%) and the rate for Hispanics overall (26%).

* Income. The median annual personal earnings for Argentineans ages 16 and older were $30,000 in the year prior to the survey—greater than the median earnings for all U.S. Hispanics ($20,000) and similar to the median earnings for the U.S. population ($29,000).

* Educational attainment. Argentineans have higher levels of education than the Hispanic population overall and the U.S. population overall. Four-in-ten (40%) Argentineans ages 25 and older—compared with 13% of all U.S. Hispanics and 29% among the U.S. population—have obtained at least a bachelor’s degree.

source http://www.pewhispanic.org/2013/06/19/hispanics-of-argentinean-origin-in-the-united-states-2011/


The race relations in South America isn't easy as a "homogeneous mostly mixed race group" too. In Brasil you have affirmative action to protect the majority from the minority. And racism is a serious crime. A Soccer team was kicked out of a competition because a minority between the club fans shouted "Monkey"("Macaco") ( https://sports.yahoo.com/news/soccer-gremio-kicked-brazil-cup-over-racist-fans-003257889--sow.html ) And one girl had his house burned with molotov cocktail and lost his job.


My question is. Why not divide the "hispanic" statistics by country and by race?


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