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[Podcast] 3992 Married Gay Male Discovers That He Is Not Gay - Call In Show - February 4th, 2018

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Stefan Molyneux will be speaking at "A Night For Freedom" in Washington, DC on February 24th. Tickets are now available, and we look forward to seeing everybody there! http://www.anightforfreedomdc.com

Question 1: [0:55] – "I'm a 27-year-old male who listens to Stefan's content regularly. One of the points I disagree with him on is the role of parenthood, and I believe that I'll be happiest if I never have any kids of my own. I've taken measures to make sure that I won't reproduce including getting a vasectomy at the age of 23. I expect to continue living my life with happiness, value, and purpose, and I don't think that I will regret my choice to remain childfree. However, my mind is open to the possibility that I might be wrong. If a person is capable of having children but chooses not to, are his chances of having a happy and meaningful life truly diminished?"

Question 2: [1:23:49] – “I’m a 20-year-old who is currently a sophomore in college in the US. I've had very good upbringing with very little to no abuse. My father is in the 1% of yearly income and I am extremely well off. Most of my expenses (rent, groceries, college tuition, etc.) are currently being paid for by my parents. I'm grateful that they do this for me and I can see that having them as benefactors enables me to have more free time to obtain new knowledge and skills, as well as save the money I do earn. However, I've had the nagging thought that by accepting their help, I'm hindering my own potential growth by living in such a soft and orderly environment. I understand that many parents want to create a better life for their child they never had for themselves. My grandfather worked to give my father more resources to utilize than he ever had growing up. My father works hard to provide me with even more resources to utilize than he ever had growing up. Is the transference of an increasing abundance of resources from one generation to the next really a keystone piece of creating and optimizing a great life for the next of kin, or does this abundance of resources hinder the progress of the next of kin by failing preparing them for the real world?”

Question 3: [2:20:30] – “I have been married to a man for almost 7 years. I believe I may have entered my gay marriage because of a deep fear and mistrust of women. I found an ease of connection and brotherhood with my best friend that I possibly used to feed my own narcissism in our gay relationship. I believe I also felt an unwillingness to step into the deepest corners of my mental basement to work on foundational aspects of my history. I am deeply saddened that I have stolen seven years of my husband’s life in opportunity loss to find a truly gay lifetime partner, and I fear that I will not be able to surmount twenty-eight years of dysfunction with women of my past to build a virtuous marriage with a wife and children in the future. I have always had sexual attraction to women, and I have dated women, including a largely physical, two-year relationship with one. Please help me to unpack this foundational problem so that I can overcome my fear and move toward the best life for myself, my husband, and a potential future wife and children. I hope that my experience may also be a learning opportunity for others who may be confusing a lack of healthy male connection and a mistrust of women for homosexuality.”

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