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Second 1000 point drop of the DOW... Is the big one coming/ now?


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After black Monday the Dow actually plunged the month after, not following that day.

Any comments? Do people follow the stock market?

How do you think this will effect those regular people that are reasonably intelligent but don't pay attention to current events?... Do you think they will have a sudden flourish of fear when they hear of this through an MSM outlet.

Also MSM is calling this a "healthy pullback". How long, if it does continue to tumble. Before they have to acknowledge it is serious? Perhaps when the first bank or big corporation goes belly up!

Or when someone like Trump says something!

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According to the Wisemen this was foretold by the disastrous interventionism and "quantitate easing" (into the anus I imagine) of the Obama Administration. Since I expect our anuses aren't quite penetrated enough to really constitute a "withdrawal" from the Statist cocaine, chances are things will get worse before they get better. The President might cuck up the economy for a few years to ensure his re-election and perhaps to kick the can to whoever comes after him. Especially if that person is a Democrat.

Personally since my income is derived from people who are readers having expendable income this isn't a big deal. However those who work for others, especially in the labor and  business entrepreneurial world, will most likely have . a hard time so I'd recommend investing in whatever's good now to protect against inflations and crashes.

Edited by Siegfried von Walheim
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