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Something like Parent Effectiveness Training but for Dogs


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I remember trying to find it and stumbling on nothing. Basically, the idea was to make the dog part of your tribe and cooperate. They had a lot of psychology and boasted to have great results.

I put it in self-knowledge because if you read what is offered online it's like a typical book about parenting: do that and YOU will feel good. Basically, people don't want to show empathy the just want to bribe their way in. I see it as entirely self-serving and psychopathic in some sense.

I find that there are some books on body language that tune our primate mind to understand what exactly the loud beast wants to say. Does anyone by chance know anything about that?

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On 5/8/2018 at 10:27 PM, Copper_Heart said:

Hi @barn , @MercurySunlight!

Thanks for the answers. I will look into Cesar today. I remember hearing about it one of the Tom Woods show many years ago, but I didn't save any bookmarks. I guess I will start with Milan and then I will find it through related stuff.

You're welcome.

One thing to keep in mind, is what Cesar does is more along the lines of Social Learning and direct communication to create social harmony and a dog which is safe to be around. His work builds upon the relationship between a dog and their human social group rather than focus on teaching specific tasks or tricks. This doesn't mean that training methods cannot also be incorporated into his philosophies. 

A lot of what he teaches is about how our behavior affects our dog. Our behavior can cause our dogs to feel secure in our presence simply through our confidence and how we direct the activities. Often, I see people get into trouble when they spend their time reacting to what their dog is doing, rather than the other way around.

I recently opened a thread to discuss Cesar's Philosophies vs Behaviorism in more depth, which you might find helpful: 


Good luck in your research and let us know how things are going.

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