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Nightmares. How do I make them stop?


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I quit my job a week ago. I was supporting a proprietary industrial control system that was, as of six months ago, going to be phased out.The job was turning out to be a dead-end. 

This job represented a big change in pay and I was able to squirrel away alot of money in savings. This job also was teaching me new skills and entrusted alot of customer relation aspects to me to figure it out and make it work. I liked that aspect and received regular feedback that I was able to satisfy customers while resolving complex technical issues with out-in-the-field technicians.

The company troubles started when the founder of died. A few days after he died, the R&D dept. (for our next gen controller) was axed. They had just finished final testing and were about to start field testing with clients who were willing to participate. I can not make business sense of the timing. After this happened our engineers and higher up managers basocally stopped coming into work except for a couple of days out of the week. Things were looking really bad and our customers were starting to stop engaging with my company. It seemed like this company was nearing the end of the road, everyone knew it but nobody would talk about it or address the problems with the company. We woukd always get the fake corporate double speak of "great changes" and "just about to turn the corner" while doing nothing different or having a plan of recovery.

Anyways, months ago I let my boss know that I was looking for new employment and my boss surprised me by saying he was as well but not to tell anyone. I said I would let him know when I found a new job.

Well things kept deteriorating and people started getting petty and stressful. Every molehill was a mountain. I finally had to quit because the stress was way too much. Now Im getting nightmares about conflicts between my old boss and a different nightmare of being stuck in Japan due to a massive volcanic eruption.  


How do I make these stop? Im already under alot of stress and its very difficult to have a normal sleep cycle. I need to study and focus because I would like to make my resumé look better with some technical certifications.

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Hi @Rummycat

Ugh... Recurring, that is a challenge. It must be affecting your daily life. Though, at the same time an opportunity for growth too (there's a reason for its piercing through).

What have you found so far, while meditating over it? (any unexpected thoughts while exploring your recollection? Has anything clicked, made you more certain so far?)

[I was surprised to not see any guesses from you...as of: probabilities, specific questions... etc. Only "How to make it stop?" What do you think why that is?]

1 hour ago, Rummycat said:

. I was supporting a proprietary industrial control system that was, as of six months ago, going to be phased out.The job was turning out to be a dead-end. 

Am I rightly noticing you taking agency, stating responsibility for a decision in a scenario that was probably doomed from the get-go, only unsure how quickly?

1 hour ago, Rummycat said:

This job represented a big change in pay and I was [...] with out-in-the-field technicians.

Wow! That must have made you feel alive, proud, productive, useful, hard-pressed, challenged on a constant basis. (Did you enjoy it, overall? Had you been seeking something like it, prior?)

1 hour ago, Rummycat said:

The company troubles started when the founder of died. A few days after he [...] fake corporate double speak of "great changes" and "just about to turn the corner" while doing nothing different or having a plan of recovery.

 Ouch. Lots of dishonesty, sawing the seeds of mistrust, confusion, everyone for themselves. (especially anxiety provoking if one's blessed with a few more I.Q. points than the average)

1 hour ago, Rummycat said:

Anyways, months ago I let my boss know that I was looking for new employment and my boss surprised me by saying he was as well but not to tell anyone. I said I would let him know when I found a new job.

" Thunder-strike on a sunny day. "

" Last nail in the coffin. "

Fearing getting sacked pre-emptively turns unexpectedly into pity, then into cold realisation of the suspected lurking monster? (If so, I can relate.)

1 hour ago, Rummycat said:

Well things kept deteriorating and people started getting petty and stressful.

3rd person observer? (Interesting, because you must have been feeling through the whole thing.)

Where's the 'flight' mechanism? Were you petrified, hearing distant echoes of...?

1 hour ago, Rummycat said:

I finally had to quit because the stress was way too much.


Had to?

That looked bad from the start, got expectedly worse throughout and have been (as per the description) pretty much a free ride through a 'hell themed fun fair' with real zombies and maybe I'm possibly even downplaying it. Geez!

Say, I could only ask two questions bluntly (with respect of course and only because I really hope you gain value in the process)

A. Is it possible that you had been consciously placing yourself into harms way?

B. Guilt? Anger? Unprocessed shock?


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4 hours ago, Rummycat said:

Well things kept deteriorating and people started getting petty and stressful. Every molehill was a mountain. I finally had to quit because the stress was way too much. Now Im getting nightmares about conflicts between my old boss and a different nightmare of being stuck in Japan due to a massive volcanic eruption. 

This is interesting I got an almost identical dream recently. In meaning not in exact symbology.

I was talking to what seemed like a co worker who was saying that he was surprised I was working more at my current job because he expected me to leave because the people there are so immature. However, a storm was coming so we had to go in and so I could not go to other local businesses to find a job. Then when I went downstairs there were children tied up and one of the workers was a mother and appreciated the time to speak to her child for a few seconds in her 'daycare' experience.

I think some dreams are unuseful and even so much so they can seem a little malevolent and I don't know either way on this one. This dream does not impinge on my life though.

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1 hour ago, barn said:

Hi @grithin

What do you think about the effectiveness of taking painkillers to a rotting tooth?

Secondly, would you be inclined to stick with the dentist that recommends such an approach?

Pain killers (NSAIDS in general) have multiple potential negative effects, especially depending upon your genes.  Have you tried electroshock therapy?

Personally, I find sucking on ghost pepper powder sufficient for removing attention from minor pain annoyances - you'll have the added benefit of increased blood flow to the gums.

Most dentists are horrible.  For more than a decade studies have been around that show baking soda based toothpaste works better than fluoride, and yet, I haven't encountered a single normal dentists who knew this.  Fortunately, market demand has led to a new set of dentists called biological dentists.  Unfortunately, they are rather pricey.

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21 minutes ago, grithin said:

Pain killers (NSAIDS in general) have multiple potential negative effects, especially depending upon your genes.  Have you tried electroshock therapy?

Personally, I find sucking on ghost pepper powder sufficient for removing attention from minor pain annoyances - you'll have the added benefit of increased blood flow to the gums.

Most dentists are horrible.  For more than a decade studies have been around that show baking soda based toothpaste works better than fluoride, and yet, I haven't encountered a single normal dentists who knew this.  Fortunately, market demand has led to a new set of dentists called biological dentists.  Unfortunately, they are rather pricey.

Hi there,

I'm guessing my 'message' went 'overhead'.

Say, you re-read my post with the focus on 'no treatment of the symptoms alleviates the root cause', might put it in a completely different light.

i.e. Nightmare = symptom


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14 minutes ago, barn said:

Hi there,

I'm guessing my 'message' went 'overhead'.

Say, you re-read my post with the focus on 'no treatment of the symptoms alleviates the root cause', might put it in a completely different light.

i.e. Nightmare = symptom


Indeed, in my seeking humor your post did go over head.  Perhaps if I had read your response to the OP I'd had known that  you were playing the psychologist and had a vested interest. And, perhaps there is a deeper reason for the nightmare, but it is some times the case that chemical imbalances owing to diet in combination with stress are sufficient to cause issues.  But, I suppose I have found my comedy after all with "Secondly, would you be inclined to stick with the dentist that recommends such an approach?" - all yours.  

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My, oh, my... Am I a psychologist?... hardly...

Had I been 'playing' anything?... If you asked me, I wasn't.

All my intentions (as far as I can recall, identify) were just 'that', perhaps taking the lighter approach... possibly.

Thumbs up, man! It's just that, a clear cutting observation.

All good,


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