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The Universe is the creator

Baby Turtle

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This is not meant in any way to convert anyone. But I choose to express my feelings in this forum.

I take great comfort in my belief and I wonder if others would/do too.

I strongly believe that simple is always better. I have researched every known religion throughout history. In the end I came to my own conclusion.


The Universe is The Ultimate Creator.

We are all within it and it is within all of us.


That's it. Simple right? :)

I don't need any further labels beyond this. 

What sent me on my quest for knowledge was:

All of the open infighting between all of the religions throughout history. Even Christian sects arguing amongst themselves.

The question: Why should I buy what you're selling? So if I give money to your church that will save my soul? O.o

Wait GOD wants my money? For what? GOD wants us to worship him but why, why would your GOD need to be worshipped?


Now I do not discount that there are many good words of wisdom in all of the religious texts throughout history, in fact nearly all of them share similar words.

Don't kill, Don't Steal, Be good to each other.. All of the common sense things that I believe we are all born knowing.


My knowledge is free for anyone who wishes to receive it.


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1 minute ago, Baby Turtle said:

Go outside Look around. Do you really need anymore knowledge than this to understand your connection to everything else?

I dont know what this means? Go outside, see theres stuff there, therefore ...?

It still doesnt explain your 2 statements from the previous post? What does it mean to be the ultimate creator? What does it mean that its within us and we are within it? What does it mean that we are connected to everything else?

What conclusions can we draw from this? 

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41 minutes ago, Baby Turtle said:

This is not meant in any way to convert anyone. But I choose to express my feelings in this forum.

I take great comfort in my belief and I wonder if others would/do too.


All matter no matter how small or large is part of the universe. It's all made of the same stuff.

All things are created by the universe, because of it, within it.


Why would you need a conclusion?

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1 minute ago, Baby Turtle said:


All matter no matter how small or large is part of the universe. It's all made of the same stuff.

All things are created by the universe, because of it, within it.


Why would you need a conclusion?

Are you saying that you have no conclusion to what you are saying? Why are you making these statements, other than that you want me to see something significant , or otherwise draw some conclusion from them?

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Look I believe that every person has the right to believe whatever they want.

This post was meant to provide a little bit of insight for people who may want to know more about me.

If you REALLY want me to provide links to video Request them via Private message.

I specifically expressed the purpose of this thread in my original post.

1 hour ago, Baby Turtle said:

This is not meant in any way to convert anyone. But I choose to express my feelings in this forum.

I take great comfort in my belief and I wonder if others would/do too.

If you want links to information I will private message them to you but this is not the point for this thread.

I take NO responsibility for the consequences of videos that you watch. It is your choice to request them and to watch them.

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1 hour ago, Baby Turtle said:

1. This is not meant in any way to convert anyone. But I choose to express my feelings in this forum.

2. I take great comfort in my belief and I wonder if others would/do too.

3. I strongly believe that simple is always better. I have researched every known religion throughout history. In the end I came to my own conclusion.

4. The Universe is The Ultimate Creator. We are all within it and it is within all of us.

5. That's it. Simple right? :) I don't need any further labels beyond this. 

6. What sent me on my quest for knowledge was: All of the open infighting between all of the religions throughout history. Even Christian sects arguing amongst themselves.

7. The question: Why should I buy what you're selling? So if I give money to your church that will save my soul? O.o

8. Wait GOD wants my money? For what? GOD wants us to worship him but why, why would your GOD need to be worshipped?

9. Now I do not discount that there are many good words of wisdom in all of the religious texts throughout history, in fact nearly all of them share similar words. Don't kill, Don't Steal, Be good to each other.. All of the common sense things that I believe we are all born knowing.

1. I like to do that too.

2. You should be suspicious if you are so comfortable in your beliefs. 

3. I am a sucker for simplicity as well. Complex reality clearly has to be optimised for our cerebral video card. Video cards are not created equal though.

4. In school, I used to do a lot of calculations in my head, for which my teachers deducted points reasoning "I am not scoring your answers, I am checking your process. And I cannot do that if you don't write it down. In science, everything needs to be written down."

5. e=mcc seems simple enough. Doesn't mean we get it.

6. What's wrong with infighting?

7. Yeah? So what did they say?

8. So what did they say?

9. Here I know you haven't been outside the Judeo-Christian bubble. No. The ten commandments were never common sense, but in fact revolutionary when they were first introduced, and are still uncommon in the world outside Christendom. When a buddhist tells you not to kill, he means something entirely different that is lost in translation as he tries to convey it to you, unless you know ancient sanskrit of course. Priests study ancient Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic and Latin because they need to know what exactly the writers meant to have said, and they cannot do that only knowing modern English. What seems to be completely common sense to you is not directly translatable to other cultures. Your wisdom may still retain some of its original meaning if I put it in French or Dutch, but will sound hilarious no matter how I would try to say it in any of the easten languages for example.

Here is an exercise to prove my point. Ask your friends to define the act of "STEALING". You may notice that even amongst people with the same native language as yours, you cannot come to an agreement. Then learn Japanese and ask people in Japan. (I do mean LEARN it; not the way americans "learn" Spanish.)

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Just now, Baby Turtle said:

This is not meant in any way to convert anyone. But I choose to express my feelings in this forum.

I notice that you're new here, welcome :happy: 

Just FYI, the culture of this forum is a bit different to what you may have envisioned it to be. See, we're used to making arguments in these threads rather than expressing feelings which is why we're struggling to make sense of your statement as an argument. As Stefan Molyneux once said: "Not an Argument". However, that doesn't de-legitimize your feelings in any way, all it means is that there is no point in expressing them. How is anyone supposed to gain anything from that? 

My question for you is this: What do you want to get from expressing your feelings on this forum? What's the motive behind the action?

Anyway, good luck on your quest for knowledge!

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When I express something in the effort of helping to wake people up they often get confused.

I understand that you are confused. Most people are.

I don't know what you believe in but imagine this.

What would happen if everyone decided to believe 2 simple FACTS?

  • The Universe is The Ultimate Creator.

  • We are all within it and it is within all of us.

These are facts.

Do you think there would be any need to believe in a GOD that was created by man?

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1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

Here is an exercise to prove my point. Ask your friends to define the act of "STEALING". You may notice that even amongst people with the same native language as yours, you cannot come to an agreement. 

This is not accurate. Pretty sure that every person who speaks English knows that STEALING is the act of taking something that does not belong to you.

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11 minutes ago, Baby Turtle said:

When I express something in the effort of helping to wake people up they often get confused.

I understand that you are confused. Most people are.

I don't know what you believe in but imagine this.

What would happen if everyone decided to believe 2 simple FACTS?

  • The Universe is The Ultimate Creator.

  • We are all within it and it is within all of us.

These are facts.

Do you think there would be any need to believe in a GOD that was created by man?

You still havent explained what these "facts" actually mean

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4 minutes ago, neeeel said:

You still havent explained what these "facts" actually mean

T h e y   m e a n  e x a c t l y   w h a t    t h e y   s a y   t h e r e   I s   n o   h I d d e n   m e a n I n g .

T h e y   j u s t   A R E

d I d   y o u   l o o k   I n   y o u r   m e s s a g e s ?


t h e   s p a c e s   a r e   b e c a u s e   t h e   f I l t e r   I s   b l o c k I n g   s o m e t h I n g

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6 minutes ago, neeeel said:

You still havent explained what these "facts" actually mean

T h e y   m e a n  e x a c t l y   w h a t    t h e y   s a y   t h e r e   I s   n o   h I d d e n   m e a n I n g .

T h e y   j u s t   A R E

d I d   y o u   l o o k   I n   y o u r   m e s s a g e s ?


t h e   s p a c e s   a r e   b e c a u s e   t h e   f I l t e r   I s   b l o c k I n g   s o m e t h I n g

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39 minutes ago, Spladam said:

What do you mean by "learn"? Even though it is off-topic, it would be nice to know.

In relation to languages? 
A language is inseperable from the manner in which the native speakers think, feel and act. You don't have to do all that yourself, but you have to understand how and why they are the way they are.
When you stumble upon a foreign concept that you know to be non-translatable into your own culture, that's when you know you are learning.

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36 minutes ago, Baby Turtle said:

T h e y   m e a n  e x a c t l y   w h a t    t h e y   s a y   t h e r e   I s   n o   h I d d e n   m e a n I n g .

T h e y   j u s t   A R E

d I d   y o u   l o o k   I n   y o u r   m e s s a g e s ?


t h e   s p a c e s   a r e   b e c a u s e   t h e   f I l t e r   I s   b l o c k I n g   s o m e t h I n g

They are just Deepities

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no not deepities because they actually are both profound and true.

  • The Universe is The Ultimate Creator.

  • We are all within it and it is within all of us.

all things are created from and within the universe since the beginning of time.

All things that exist within the universe have always existed in one form or another... The energy that composes the matter that composes my body for example.

I am composed of matter that has been absorbed by eating plants and animals.

Those plants and animals fed on matter that used to exist as something else

Once upon a time all of the matter that everything on the whole earth is composed of, including you, me, everything existed in another form.

But it all existed. since the beginning.

Knowing that everything and everyone is part of one whole is so profound.

It is more profound than believing in something that may or may not be true and that can't be proven or disproven.

You can't prove or disprove the existence of god

Isn't it better to believe in something so simple and profound that we are all just part of one whole which is the universe?

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When I express something in the effort of helping to wake people up they often get confused.

I understand that you are confused. Most people are.


This is one explanation. The other one is that you are confused and that your method of delivering your message is poor.

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Isn’t the universe inanimate? Wasn’t the universe created? Isn’t the creator of the universe, the creator of everything inside?

Isnt our Solar system created from the rubble of a star, UberSun, that died and exploded billions of years ago? Didn’t that star create everything we need for life, the Sun, the Earth, the moon... our uranium fused in that final explosion, our planet’s iron core... Our carbon and oxygen It’s earlier exhalations. The universe is too big to care for us. It doesn’t even know we exist. 

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