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Religion and Voting - UK


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I was reading the art of the argument and Stefan mentions that most atheists vote left and religious individuals vote right. Knowing Stefan is North American centric, I wanted to check what the stats were for the UK as it didn't quite match my experience.

From some initial searches on Google I could only find the following analysis:


While the numbers are slightly lower than the USA and I was surprised that the figures for Catholics where roughly even and non-religious wasn't quiet as dire as in the states. However, my jaw literally dropped when I saw the chart for who Muslims vote for. 

Interestingly, I'm a anteist who is also an anarchist/capitalist so I'm one of the exceptions when it comes to the atheist political beliefs. I can therefore fully understand the concept of 'just being a Muslim doesn't mean your a socialist/leftist' argument. Incidently, I'm also Scottish which overwhelmingly vote left, so dispite their despicable policies I've always been immensely grateful for the English who have kept the Conservatives (right) a viable party. So, I'm in a weird position of, similar to the 20% of Muslims who don't vote for left, having to justify that I don't support socialist policies due to my background while also having the burden of challenging my fellow countrymen on their political beliefs.

That being said, the Scottish population is unlikely to explode in size anytime soon and change the political landscape in a meaningful way however with the growth of Islam/Atheism and Christianity declining I'm struggling to see any situation where political debate and the exchange of ideas are not simply smothered by overwhelming numbers at the polls.

Other than pointing out this fact (which I didn't know before) I've not really come to any conclusions about what it means or how to even begin to try and change Muslim and to a lesser extent non-religious people's minds towards liberty I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts.



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But you knew already what you wanted, so no other ideas are needed, other than those that are more correct by logic,or those that are understood only by force, I will take logic over force all day long, you are master of your destiny,( I'm trying not to sound like a car ad here), and if you follow your path of choice, and it turns out bad?, then there are 2 factors to consider, 1, you were misguided or just plain wrong, or 2: the deck was stacked by others and you had failed at the start but would have never known,forced  to fail is actually the confirmation you were seen as someone who would have triumphed, they must fake and lie, to preserve their illusion,

  and for any minds who are flaky regarding their spirituality? then they would probably become followers of anything at all if it were the fashion,try only focus on those that dont ask for help but you yourself see as needing a hand,,and be aware they will try to reject your help, but careful but be also aware of how your presence may seem from their eyes, and also, you dont need advice from me! but you did ask for comments, I hope I didnt misread you post and if  you see my comment as anywhere near the feedback you required.

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On 02/22/2018 at 3:49 PM, Rue said:

[...] Interestingly, I'm a anteist who is also an anarchist/capitalist... [...]

Sorry, you're a what? Who's haven't decided between anarchist OR capitalist?

Indeed. Interesting.

p.s. (probably typo-rmageddon)

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