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"Lazy and Foolish Men Still Fail to Realize How Much Unpaid Labor Women Do"

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Even as more and more women enter the workforce, they’re still disproportionately expected to manage household tasks like childbearing and rearing, taking care of elderly or disabled family members, and collecting water and solid fuel — work that’s often devalued precisely because it’s thought to be “feminine.”

I don't think anyone considers these tasks "devalued" simply because they're feminine. They're in a different sphere. I'd also like to see how they're comparing domestic tasks to workforce tasks; how can you equate them financially/monetarily to one another? The article didn't even attempt to explain this, so I'm assuming they have no idea. 

The article also didn't explain what makes men "lazy" and "foolish", so I'm not sure what the title was meant to do other than be clickbait. 

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