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[Podcast] 4010 Life Long Failure - Call In Show - February 21st, 2018

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Question 1: [2:00] - “There is a scenario where a contract legitimizes initiation of force by a collective of people against an individual. Suppose I live in a condo. The members collectively decided to repair the roof. Every member by this decision is obligated to pay his share of monetary expense of the upcoming repair. I live on the first floor and decided to skip the payment: ‘Screw your roof! it is not my roof, I am not paying for your roof.’ What is a NAP-compatible course of action for the members of the condo that leads to a properly maintained roof? (a) in the situation of the rebelling member. (b) in prevention of this situation. It looks to me as if this conundrum might be used to justify taxation.”

Question 2: [33:18] - “If love is our attraction to virtue, then how can we know what we are attracted to or why if we can’t even really define virtue itself? Perhaps we can seek a virtuous life by avoiding/undoing aggression and vice, but how does that help in finding a virtuous partner? I’m with a girl now that I can see has problems, but is me enjoying time with her mean I’m attracted to some inherent virtue inside her? Or am I blinded by my own problems that I am still trying to fix in myself?

Question 3: [1:56:38] – “My 33-year-old sister, who never had a full-time job and has been unemployed for three years is still living with my parents. My dad is nearly 70, but he's still working 50 hours a week to support my family. My parents haven't done anything that wakes her up. How can I convince my sister that she needs to be independent?”

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