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Growing up in todays society.


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It seems to me that with the sociology the way it is, it can be quite difficult for people to grow up, and that even in attempts to do so there is a lot of kind of 'social gravity' working against it!

I.e. difficult to get a job, difficult to find a house etc.

Although I think people like Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux have something to offer and would be popular anyway, I do think a part of their popularity in THIS SOCIETY and the specific way it is "manifesting" so to speak is partly to do with this, it is people trying to grow up.

So my question is, what do you think of this hypothesis, do you agree? And what mechanisms are people successfully using, i.e. aware people from single mothers etc. to propertly start to gain some mental maturity.

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On 2/26/2018 at 1:05 AM, J.L.W said:

It seems to me that with the sociology the way it is, it can be quite difficult for people to grow up, and that even in attempts to do so there is a lot of kind of 'social gravity' working against it!

I.e. difficult to get a job, difficult to find a house etc.

Although I think people like Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux have something to offer and would be popular anyway, I do think a part of their popularity in THIS SOCIETY and the specific way it is "manifesting" so to speak is partly to do with this, it is people trying to grow up.

So my question is, what do you think of this hypothesis, do you agree? And what mechanisms are people successfully using, i.e. aware people from single mothers etc. to propertly start to gain some mental maturity.

In a time where truth and reasoning are a rare commodity, people giving it away for free are very likely to get a huge following quickly. People need truth and reasoning, because without it we would not be able to survive. That's the crux of the problem with the Left, they both need and hate objective reality. Their base facts have been inversed, so everything they think is wrong. Murder, rape, theft and assault are not only not bad, they are GOOD things in their minds.

For mental maturity, we need philosophy. We need to know what is real, what is true and what is right in order to live good lives. Self-knowledge is essential to understanding the world around you. I know people who make a lot of assumptions. They draw conclusions, and then try to find facts to back up that conclusion. It never works if the conclusion is just blatantly wrong. They're emotionally invested in conclusions, so they must reverse the facts to support the conclusion. The biggest example of this is single mothers, who believe they have inherent value by existing, and therefore they get to harass, steal, mistreat their children and take away the freedoms of others. It's all about the avoidance of personal responsibility for choices. Do something good, I earned the good results. Someone else does something good, those good results should belong to me. Do something bad, it just "happened". Someone else does something bad, they are the worst person ever. They want something for nothing while also calling themselves the good as a way of justifying their behavior.

The movie Baby Driver portrayed this beautifully. Every time the gang would rob a store, Jamie Fox's character would repeat a mantra along the lines of "That stuff is ours, we're just taking it back", making him the good guy and the people who actually owned the property, evil thieves.

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