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My 2 pence


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My Mother, was just amazing, 4 foot 9 but as tall as any man, and after my equally amazing Dad died, of a stroke, in our kitchen, I was 10, She was victim of other men, awful men, but She hit me,not even a hit, a brush of Her hand brought me out of me stupidity, only once, creative Souls explore in a mad style to the other, I had skimmed a big 50 pence and bought massive amount of sweets, the first time I had stolen money, a crossroads for any kid, and a lesson learned for me, my Dad told me of His days in the merchant navy and sparked my imagination every time, and I would, shpuld have been ok, however, born into a socialist place, the rule was/is,nobody likes anyone who has natural talent, not just 'dont like',but search and destroy, so parenting can be the way, just not in these socialist quarantine camps for the destruction of anyone who is good at anything, everyone the same, the water table mark they force is a true mediocraty, if that is a word, because it does exist as a place, coming to a town or city near you. Our parents are the greatest gifts and we must consider it as the upmost honour to have known and have been loved by them.

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Well consider this, we all are subject to the awful forces of this place, alone or in a small group is hard but can be dealt with, however, when these minds gain control of ultimate power, they can do what they wish, with anyone, in any way, anytime, but always far beyond the ideas of evil their victims know, if your parents, behaved in a way you saw as a ignorance of what it was you expected and your rights as a Son, then I would also check out the pressures your parents suffered, maybe it broke their reality with the sheer scale of the deprivation  they endured, then ask yourself, what would it take for me, to go that way?, is there a force applied to me that can take from me a thing that would cause me to forget myself? I dont believe anyone can be born bad, you take your cues from your atmosphere, I do know that I cannot know the life you had, but that you are so unhappy to me, says you were given all the tools in your life , albiet very young, maybe by your parents or the church or something has guided you to know, for sure that up until here, you know something went wrong, the culprit is another thing I wouldnt take a guess at but with me?my youth, was destroyed by actors of the lefts policies, any good idea can and will usually be used by awful people to feed their inner hell, and they cannot get enough, like drug addicts, and I have experience in many areas, and was in a hard core punk band and temptation, in all of its degrees, can only be resisted if we are string in body and Spirit, I do feel your question but with most things, we only see the obvious culprit, not the hidden hand moving the narrative, hooe that clears up my comments, and thank you so much for yours! And anything else I can try to help you with I will, I had a real bad time as a kid, our task is maybe to avoid any other new Souls to the world dont have to suffer the same.

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  • 2 months later...

Its not really clear what you are saying, but it sounds like a variant of "They were doing the best they could with the knowledge they had" or "Well, they had bad childhoods too"

You didnt really answer my question. Why do I still need to consider it an honour?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am suffering from a bad education and a siege mentality neeeel, I'm not complaining, it's simply the way the cards were given to me, I have had to learn to play by simply watching those who looked like they had it going on,

I won't complain though and maybe choose better where I comment , 

I am a refugee from facebook, 

But thank's for you comment

I was saying that as they, your parent's, mine and everyone's who have fallen in our eye's,they may have had it bad also?, you survived and so did I, maybe for different reason's but my comment meant that we were at some point really wanted, this was a different time when I was born and all was well, sort of, , and life fuked them over also?,

To blame a person for the coercion of a society controlled by people that just wanted to corrupt and destroy all that was good and true, which we all see now as some rabid political destruction, Is for me a bit easy?, ad since I made that comment my illusions, were destroyed in an event that was the perfect storm, I did it alone and I am glad, but I can see your point also, personal experience's have so many variables and there fore it was a maybe naive comment considering, if you feel that way I cannot have any influence on what you know? , only give my idea's and comment with only my life as a guide.

I wasn't giving any thing other than my personal idea's based on my non Molyneux-ed mind, that mind was my folly, I just hasn't met anyone honest to the point of, " I must say this and break this illusion you have" type of correction.

The male's in the west are either cucked or brutal, I think so. I don't have much to do with the world .

I hope I am a bit more understandable, I am a bit strange in my construction of sentence's I admit, 

But I can see you point and have explained I think in some way that you might get my reasons.

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Sorry, that still doesnt explain why I should consider it an honour.


I mean, I can understand that they had it bad, but it still doesnt automatically follow that I should be honoured to know them. You have no idea of the motivations which caused your parents to have children, or whether things were really well at that time. 


Its not about blame. Its about honesty, love, care. When we were children, could we claim that we were having a bad time, and thats why we "misbehaved"? No, that wouldnt have swayed my parents, so they cant use that excuse either. 


I dont know what you mean by "non-Molyneux-ed mind", are you implying that I am brainwashed or cultified?

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Oh, in relation to your idea I think you are brainwashed by Stefan?, no, I was referring to myself in that, around 2 months ago I experienced a real fundamental shift in what I think and it was a better way and I found it by reading Stefans PDF's, I dont think I am brainwashed, but I went through a sort of hell for around a month, and as a side note, all the people who were ok with me, flayed me alive over and over again during this period,

I had a real problem to overcome and they just tried to push me off the edge, 

When the chips are down you will find how many friends we have I think.

So I meant me, again confusion

I wont make anymore comment here.

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Hi @Foolmetwice.

I'm wondering, why the countless 'handler', created topi title and background changes (seen at least 3 complete occurrences i. e. - (1+1+1)*3), alias 're-vamps'?

You're not the only one, I've seen a small number of people, minority do the same. Being curious if that's ok with you...


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