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Psychological issues between beautiful and more plain looking girls.

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I remember going on a more female forum a while back and they were saying loads of things about men, then in casual conversation I mentioned a bit about my perception on women and they all got really defensive and started saying new age crap about everyone being equal.

And also to put a slightly lighter but still with a heavy psychological/ intellectual element to it on this forum!

Differences I notice with attractive girls and more plain looking girls. There are variations here with different kinds of attractiveness (body, facial etc.) but in general:

The attractive ones are very very direct, they have to be very careful with their attention because men are very easily hurt by it; while the not specifically attractive are very indirect. This can go as far as pretending they don't remember you and other things like this in a very obvious way.

The very attractive ones often can't accept not being right, whereas the other type often can accept this, hence the attractive one will get in more trouble, and the other type strategically protect themselves. The attractive ones from a young age are simply never told 'no' and especially from a guy.

I have heard it said that the attractive ones cheat more but this does not seem to be the case. I would say it's 50:50. The whole r/ K/ thing would state inferior genotypes would be more involved with hookup culture and hence, most likely cheat more in relationships.

What does everyone else personally notice with these type? Or other general insights that might be interesting?


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2 hours ago, J.L.W said:

What does everyone else personally notice with these type? Or other general insights that might be interesting?


Rollo T. IMHO seemingly gets it bang on with the female imperative and solipsism. It would seem, there is a predisposition with skiing down cawk mountain, running through CHAD(s) when on top form SMV. Once she has cratered her SMV, once bulking season has kicked off, the milks gone bad, its white picket fence + good girl shtick to rope in some beta male cuck provider. Of course, the stats for divorce, for women initiating, and dragging a man through the court systems coincides with the cock carousel, high kill count, and as Stefan has always said, you do not date a single mom. 

I came to FDR forum to find a solution. IMHO, I have yet to find a solution for the current predicament. Western women are pretty toxic. 

We live in a feminine gynocentric society. A absurd amount of men have had their lives ruined in divorce and family courts. Male resources are extracted the moment a woman unleashes the dogs of the state. In many of the cases, a dude's little cherish spent her thiner/hotter/younger days jumping off the dick. Present day woman squandered her SMV chasing playboy with her vagina cheered on by a society that pedals you cannot judge her but, that manning up is giving her a ring and turning a whore into a house wife. 

I think the gene warfare/truth on sex/single mom podcasts depict the climate of things. I found a ton of value from Stefan and FDR. We disagree on the matter of cold approach, of approach an abundance of women, having CHOICE, and then, picking from said choice versus waiting for a woman to pick you. I also disagree on dating younger; Stefan declared this as being "creepy." No more an argument that a feminist screaming rape culture or misogyny. Its not an argument. 

I heard Dr. Peterson describe youth as "untapped potentiality." I could not quite articulate "youth" in the same manner. I am not hyper verbal the way this man is. He hits it NAIL ON IMHO. With respect to dating, YOUTH IS THE KEY. A woman is at the peak of her sexual market value (SMV) while YOUNG. Come at me when young, thin, hot, attractive, and in high sex drive. Its usually a party phase women run through CHAD(s), are sexually open, they enter the epiphany phase of the baby rabies, fertility, biological clock due to a variety of factors (friends are married, playboys stop calling, after sex, men are distant, the calls come but, the amount of orbiters are in decline, crows feet, increase in weight, friends have kids and got the ring, etc). 


In 2018, the game has changed. Marriage in the west is dead. What is left is a corpse of once upon a time. No man with options and resources is risking all he has on raising some other man's baby, on bulking season, on baby rabies, and a woman who has squandered her SMV into a crater. Stefan and Peterson are correct about casual sex, about marriage, and many a things. Then again, both men are blue pilled, are married, and are following that beaten path. So be it. 

If a woman is not at the height of her sexual market value, young, thin, and attractive, she is Netflix and chill material. I have boundaries set for myself. For instance, I don't marry western women. I don't date single moms. If a girl doesn't out after three encounters, I next her. If she online dates, she is Netflix and chill material. If she has social media ass pics, she is a attention whore, and pound town material. Not wifey. if she has low sex drive, she has outstayed her welcome. 


We live in a society that pedals in a one way flow toward a female imperative. Women have a biological strategy. Her genes are hypergamous in nature. Male nature is to spread his seed. Both sexes fail to overcome their biology and typically follow it blindly. The same woman in baby rabies mode puts out not because she likes or loves a man. She is seeking her baby so, the man who was never good enough for her during her best years acquires access to suit her biological desire now. 


I haven't figured out a solution but, I know the key is somewhere in there with youth. If a woman not dedicated without question or any form of ambivalence during youth, next her. 


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Holy hell.

Normally I would not want to badger my own thread too much but I thought I'd respond to that since it is so long and intense.

You definitely are describing women as unthinking automatons. Devoid of variety, individual thought, learning ability etc.

I would say there is a dysfunction in that many women whom are 'of age' and beautiful, do not agree with leadership roles sometimes. I had a female manager recently that was brilliant but many other times they seem to not suit a powerful position because they want the man to be more powerful than them, so they try to manipulate people to get him to ask her out or whatever and this goes wrong, because it includes other people. Also, womens desire to always be right comes from that emotional energy that comes from looking after a child (they get over it a bit after that sometimes). If you think about it when she looks after a baby through to 5-6 years old she is always right in a sense. In the workplace they are thrown into they just don't have a function, or more correctly, in the technical sense they do have a function but THEY ARE VERY UNHAPPY. You get these beautiful and/ or neurotic slightly vampire like creatures floating about.

I can't relate to your dating standards just as they are. My interests have always been compelling enough that I don't mind not having a girlfriend and I have an extremely good discipline of my sex drive. You can be more careful in the area if little you isn't making the decisions.

I know an early 20's girl whom I'm sort of growing closer to, I have not labelled this yet (friend, girlfriend etc.) neither do I know if I will have a choice of label (either way). The interesting thing is is how she changes a persons perspective with her responses, causing a person to re- evaluate things. Bit of a hermit apparently, thinker. Anyway, against this sort of person it is very hard to hold these sorts of neurosis. People just are at the end of the day. The same goes with female family members. The young sister I have talked about elsewhere I have seen her before she was able to hide her psychology. Thus it is insightful to how women think. How some of them for instance go for the 'nice guy' that they are not suited for for a while and have to come to terms with their own real selves.

I find womens ongoing tussle with carnality interesting. How part of them wants a muscly brute beating another man to a pulp and also, part of them cannot abide that in the slightest.

Have you tried just trying to make a woman happy over a long period of time and seeing what happens?

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You mention Stefan and Peterson.

Definitely an interesting element to this discussion

I take all of what Stefan says but definitely have my own slant on it. For instance, I've been dealing with a 'workplace tussle' at the moment, I will leave it like that because it is starting to develop into a legal element. What I have found is how good the Unions are, in this and other disputes. I have lost some of my naivety in regards to business. Do I believe the free market solution to be the best still? Possibly, not definitely. I believe the workplace law is a great help. So I am still evaluating Stephs ideas on that.

Peterson is a bit more about individual psychology than global issues. On women I do find that everything Stef says is relevant but I would not want to actually be overly aware of it in my everyday dealings with women. I think he also has a similar view since he has positive views on women with his daughter and wife. That it is a bit like 'these are the pitfalls, but this is not life' kind of thing.

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