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Body language and peoples belief systems.


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I think, the thing that has changed recently in relation to me and Stefans teachings is that I have heavily internalised what he has to say. My own expression of the principle of 'not initiating force' is clearly there, I understand on a deep level the difference between those who are kind of r selected, kind of parasitical; and those that are not, regardless of political wing they subscribe to! I am careful for members of our so called "fairer sex". Although I know that term refers to their clear physical beauty, I often use mean the term "fairer" as ironic and to do with the justice linked sense of the term.

Although I need a constant input to satisfy my intellect, it is really getting uncomfortable with the pure randomness of my monetary inflow deciding how much to give to whom and when. To whom as well, so many options! Anyway, that's beside the point. One of the other video makers I really appreciate is a woman called Bombards Body Language that often uses the term 'belief system'.

I have difficulty dealing with everyday people sometimes not understanding why they are behaving the way that they are. As she summarises, when people are stuck in a belief system they cannot take in any additional information that threatens that belief system. That they always believe they are right. For someone like me, a somewhat closeted intellectual perhaps, having a model to understand people like that really helps me to understand why they are not taking the common sense approach that seems obvious to me that they should take.

Also perhaps the 'Dunning Krueger' effect ... It is difficult for me to consider that because it seems a little unpleasant, but I have been driving myself mad with the imagined competencies of my opponents. Repeatedly wondering why, if they are not to take the common sense approach (withdrawing from a weak and potentially very dangerous position), they are not using more effective manipulation tactics.

Are there any other real world or otherwise interesting thinkers that anyone would like to discuss?



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"Real world interesting thinkers" for me actually are the 'fairer sex' a term which you say is an irony.  Well yeah, intensive body care surely contributes to 'fairness,' although perhaps many Feminists could be considered an exception in that regard.

I've found that women can be useful in self-diagnosis once the woman in question understands your objective, and you're not what she considers a threat, and you have no ulterior motives, and that you can convince her that the question you're posing is actually the question you're posing.  Then of course there are her motives and whether she's preoccupied.  Answering your questions, what repercussions could she suffer?  Usually once she's determined you're not what she considers a threat; have no ulterior motives and she ain't busy, can be bothered, will suffer no repercussions, she will answer your questions.

The next problem is she may not want to offend you with the truth as she sees it.  First she may want to consult her associates and acquaintances, which she will do later anyway, and by several women's minds you will be dissected in great detail and conclusions drawn.  Women, I have learned, are splendid receptacles of information, among other things, something like databases, and if you can find those with whom you can communicate, the parallax views they offer are often fascinating. 

The Dunning Krueger effect is a tempting delusion for those with low self-esteem and other impairments but if you know about it and realize it is an impairment to your intellectual life then I would suggest talking to people, even besides women and explain yourself -- again with the object of getting their opinion of you.  Interaction is often like looking in a mirror and people will reflect you and often explain their opinions of you, if so persuaded.

The Sciences are obviously inculcated with The Dunning Krueger effect if "The Big Bang Theory" TV program has any credence.  The Scientist characters listen to themselves and create for themselves illusory worlds in which they deem themselves intelligent.  And yet, intelligence they don't yet understand.  If they did then the Sciences would make artificial intelligence.

Otherwise, interesting thinkers as you say, are in my experience people who've done interesting thinking and have the ability to relay their thoughts verbally, or in writing.

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