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If a girl is working for money she's not working for love. I think you're wasting your time and sticking your neck out to be chopped. If you want love, look for it directly. I don't know how to get that beyond theory so I'll let someone else speak. But I can definitely tell you that you're not going to get it at work and trying can not only be suicidal to your career but also to your mental health. 

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13 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

If a girl is working for money she's not working for love. I think you're wasting your time and sticking your neck out to be chopped. If you want love, look for it directly. I don't know how to get that beyond theory so I'll let someone else speak. But I can definitely tell you that you're not going to get it at work and trying can not only be suicidal to your career but also to your mental health. 

When I first went to my workplace I was, very obviously, too traumatised to go looking for girls. I could not even play music.

So when a girl there appeared to show me a lot of attention, a non pleasant attention really but still attention, I have thought of her a lot.

But it's been months now, I've asked her out, and she seems to think life is this ginormous game and is a 'psychological infant' to do these sorts of things now.

However, I'm still not actually focused on getting a girl. My social life has been shot to pieces, and I don't think I'm going to get anywhere with online dating. (Where girls have loads of options and all sorts of demands about the kind of job they want you to have etc.)

Seriously as well I don't know why a sane person would want a girlfriend. I go to great lengths to discipline my sex drive that are largely successful and are habits I have formed over years now, and when you aren't chasing sex your perspective is different. You can pick and choose more. The girls don't like it at all this is them:

Girls: I want guys to chase me and make me feel special.

Also Girls: I will put in complaints to my mummy manager at the slightest provocation and try to destroy his life if he does that.

After the same Valentines girl 'accepted my message request' late yesterday after not having done so when I added her on facebook months ago I blocked the main girls that work there that I have interacted with. Some of the new ones are anti the first clique.

I wanted also to find somewhere to bring this up politically. I'm sure if I went on the BBC (English) and read out the emails between us and subsequent complaint people would agree with my interpretation.

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37 minutes ago, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:

Throw their shit tests back in their faces and you won't be able to stop them calling you.

Did you get that from Tony Robbins? Or a train station poster?

I don't want to have to deal with management for little things said on facebook, that's not something I want to spend my life doing, so deleting them off facebook is a good thing to do and at this point, all it has been is shit tests, for months, about a year even going back further.

I am at least applying for new jobs.

I did answer the other comment, it didn't go through but it was a bit personal and wordy.

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16 hours ago, J.L.W said:

When I first went to my workplace I was, very obviously, too traumatised to go looking for girls. I could not even play music.

So when a girl there appeared to show me a lot of attention, a non pleasant attention really but still attention, I have thought of her a lot.

But it's been months now, I've asked her out, and she seems to think life is this ginormous game and is a 'psychological infant' to do these sorts of things now.

However, I'm still not actually focused on getting a girl. My social life has been shot to pieces, and I don't think I'm going to get anywhere with online dating. (Where girls have loads of options and all sorts of demands about the kind of job they want you to have etc.)

Seriously as well I don't know why a sane person would want a girlfriend. I go to great lengths to discipline my sex drive that are largely successful and are habits I have formed over years now, and when you aren't chasing sex your perspective is different. You can pick and choose more. The girls don't like it at all this is them:

Girls: I want guys to chase me and make me feel special.

Also Girls: I will put in complaints to my mummy manager at the slightest provocation and try to destroy his life if he does that.

After the same Valentines girl 'accepted my message request' late yesterday after not having done so when I added her on facebook months ago I blocked the main girls that work there that I have interacted with. Some of the new ones are anti the first clique.

I wanted also to find somewhere to bring this up politically. I'm sure if I went on the BBC (English) and read out the emails between us and subsequent complaint people would agree with my interpretation.

Read Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Don't bother with women until you're sorted out personally.

And there are fundamentally 3 reasons to want a woman:

1: Sex.

2: Children.

3: Because she's a genuinely lovable person.

Most settle for number 1; some go for number 2; a handful dare for 3; I aim for all of the above.

That being said I'm not "aiming" really given I'm focused entirely on my own education and career. If I'm not ready for marriage I am not ready for women in general outside work and stuff like that.

My penis is "off" until I flip the switch to "on" (or when fapping lol but you get my point, right?). 

Copying me might not work for you if you're older than 20 and this and that or that and this, but if you're young and have the time you ought to work on yourself first. And based on what you wrote above you're needy. You are attracted to a bad girl because you want someone to fill a void you haven't recognized. Right? I might be wrong, but that's my first thought and until you've gotten to a point where you realize you don't "need" anything beyond food and... sleep? Then you realize everything else is varying levels of wants and can become happier and more confident and etc. etc. etc. 

Of course I'm still following my "diet book" so I can't show a great "after" yet. But I'm fairly confident going into "Monk Mode" is the right way to go early on.

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Yeah, that was my original plan but then I had to stop doing music four years ago which has recently come back. I was absolutely unable to 'work on myself' because of that personal situation.

Before the girl threw attention at me I literally didn't know she existed, which was what made her originally angry.

Now I'm just trying to leave and letting it ride. Next job I will be more careful out the door with girls. The problem I had was that when I first went there I tried to be nice to them.

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