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Religious experience


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I was wondering what you guys would say about this.

I had a feeling of the presence of God.   I had not been in contact with my daughter for over 6 years.  So I told this presence that if he is real, have my daughter contact me.   About 5 days later, I noticed that my daughter contacted me.

Any comments?

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Hi @elzoog

The title says "religious" while there's no objective proof supporting it, other than your word which I don't intend to minimise or negate in any fashion. I have to take your word for it, now.

Your description of your feeling, is something that resonates with experiments done on people's brain, achieved by the stimulation of a specific area. It was a long time ago but I recall something with the temporal lobe (Lobus temporalis, which part i don't remember) and fairly strong magnets. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm mistaken.

Regarding the passing of time, the lack of communication/closeness... That's a really long time to not speak to your daughter. For her to not want to speak with you.


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3 hours ago, elzoog said:

I was wondering what you guys would say about this.

I had a feeling of the presence of God.   I had not been in contact with my daughter for over 6 years.  So I told this presence that if he is real, have my daughter contact me.   About 5 days later, I noticed that my daughter contacted me.

Any comments?

Taking you at your word, I'd say your experience should be personal to yourself.  For you it's proof of something - a presence, as you said, and according to your knowledge you named that presence, God.  Personal to yourself because the majority of mankind only have a primitive idea of anything beyond their noses.  By some you'll be mocked by others praised, and others won't give a rats.  Those who've had similar experiences have thought themselves mad; doubted themselves and even said it was God, while some were mad and some were sent mad.  Sure, there are people who'd love to advise you.  People have made careers out of being advisors: church, science and others.  But I think most are only useful at offering clues, often of their own naivety.

True religious experience is the fringe, the edge, the unknown.  Accept it and move on or look deeper, the choice is yours.

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It is obvious to me that your subconscious is telling you it thinks your daughter is important. FYI, I agree with your subconscious.

unfortunately we aren’t prescient, despite how it may sometimes feel that these things are. The is a system in our mind which uses these stimuli when confirmed to remember and when disconfirmed to forget.

But what does that mean for life? When something Big happens, pay attention to what message you are getting, speak it over with friends, try to figure out what is troubling you and try to resolve it. I think our brains tie up processing power when we don’t resolve issues as they come dampening our ability and energy. 

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22 hours ago, Jsbrads said:

It is obvious to me that your subconscious is telling you it thinks your daughter is important. FYI, I agree with your subconscious.

unfortunately we aren’t prescient, despite how it may sometimes feel that these things are. The is a system in our mind which uses these stimuli when confirmed to remember and when disconfirmed to forget.

But what does that mean for life? When something Big happens, pay attention to what message you are getting, speak it over with friends, try to figure out what is troubling you and try to resolve it. I think our brains tie up processing power when we don’t resolve issues as they come dampening our ability and energy. 

The problem with your analysis is, my relationship with my daughter has been an ongoing problem for many years.  So if the subconscious is telling me "my daughter is important" it is telling me something I already knew. 

The BIG difference is this time, the experience seems to have caused something externally (i.e. my daughter contacting me). 

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Okay, say you changed someone's reality with your thoughts alone.

2 hours ago, elzoog said:

The BIG difference is this time, the experience seems to have caused something externally (i.e. my daughter contacting me). 

The question to me, isn't how do you know, but

Why it 'didn't work' before?

Given, that...

2 hours ago, elzoog said:

So if the subconscious is telling me "my daughter is important" it is telling me something I already knew. 

You had tried to show her that. You did, right?

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Hey Barn,

Something happened a couple of days ago in my introduction thread while we were having a conversation.

The day before said conversation I had an impulse to look up an old poem I wrote entitled "Pretending To Be Human". During our conversation you used the phrase "pretending to be humans". Now, I don't recall hearing or reading anyone else use that particular phrase before.

During our conversation and over the course of a few days, we were also making a lot of Twilight Zone references.

Not attributing any of this to any kind of religious experience. But, I did find this very interesting.

Is puzzlement...

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23 minutes ago, MercurySunlight said:

Hey Barn,

Something happened a couple of days ago in my introduction thread while we were having a conversation.

The day before said conversation I had an impulse to look up an old poem I wrote entitled "Pretending To Be Human". During our conversation you used the phrase "pretending to be humans". Now, I don't recall hearing or reading anyone else use that particular phrase before.

During our conversation and over the course of a few days, we were also making a lot of Twilight Zone references.

Not attributing any of this to any kind of religious experience. But, I did find this very interesting.

Is puzzlement...

And someone who keeps a close eye on the shadow, I encourage you to delve deeper (perhaps?) into what it has to say. Meco system exploration?

"Remember to tie a rope to... " - What is most memorable for me.

p. s. <I looked up 'Lestat', and... it's frost roses, charged air... to put it mildly. Perhaps a Zeppelin bend ought to do it... I just looked it up :cool:>

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Elzoog, first, let’s be candid, your daughter called five days after your feeling. Not 30 secs after.

I mean no disrespect, but my mother is positive her dreams are true too. Especially that time she dreamed my aunt, who was 9 months pregnant at the time, had a baby. My mother probably dreamed that same dream every night for 11 days, but she only remembered the dream that preceded the phone call that her sister gave birth.

I am sure I have experience similar synchronicity and attributed to intuition and intelligence, what is more similar to random firing of neurons and is atrociously unreliable statistically speaking. We don’t remember how often we forget our wrong intuitions :/

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I would say telepathy rather than "religious". 

I realize that telepathy is yet unproven, but I find no reason to believe that it might not be proven in the future. We already know that the earth has magnetic fields. Some animals communicate and navigate in ways that are related to the magnetic field of the earth. It is not that big a stretch to look for individual magnetic fields around humans. People report seeing "auras" but that is not enough. And so there are studies being done. The people doing the studies will be disparaged and laughed at until it is proven and becomes common knowledge. This is simply how it works. There is so much that we do NOT know about human beings. I suggest there is a whole lot yet to be found. 

Having said that, full disclosure, I've studied metaphysics and the mind at an institution that stresses "try this for yourself" and "practice this technique" so it's not just "blindly believe me". I'll be using that education here.

It was certainly my experience that there are many capabilities of the mind and brain that have yet to be fully developed. Mental exercises and practice can increase your ability in certain areas according to your talent. The problem is that it requires hours and hours and hours and hours of dedicated practice to see consistent results. Who can keep that up for very long? I'm not a researcher. I just want to live a better life. Anyway, while it is not possible to just "read minds", the possibility that it may be a mental skill that can be developed in the future is very real for me and many others. I no longer put in the effort to develop the skill but retain the memory of the experiences. I use what I did learn to acquire greater self awareness and self knowledge.

I had many experiences similar to what you describe. Based on my education and personal experience here are my thoughts.

Focus and attention on a person has the potential to create a magnetic field and/or electrical signal similar to radio waves (Obviously not proven yet, but see article below). I have had experiences with an actual "feeling" such as you describe and subsequent pseudo-confirmation of the feeling with physical contact from the individual (though I did not test her and God). Because the skill or mental ability is not fully developed, and in fact is quite rudimentary, consistency is impossible. Hence, when someone says I think I'm telepathic and the response is, "read my mind right now" failure is pretty much ensured.

Some things that affect the experience are intensity of emotion, depth of focus and concentration, willingness and openness to receive communication, and prior mental and/or emotional "connection". I kind of mushed that together. Specifically, there is a transmitting mind and a receiving mind. The transmitter must be focused and emotionally engaged. The receiver must be open to receiving the "message". It helps tremendously if there has been a previous connection as a mental pathway has already been created. An interesting phenomenon is that receptivity is something that requires a lack of force -- a conscious lack of force but not passivity. Think of the interaction between male and female lovers. One exhibits aggression or initiates the interaction, the other must be open to receiving -- though not passive. This gets really complicated and, as I said, requires a lot of self awareness and lots and lots and lots of practice. But sometimes we naturally fall into it.

The time delay is the real fly in the ointment. Especially in the situation you describe. There is an emotional difficulty between the participants. Therefore, there is hesitation to follow through on the thought (the thought was yours). This is an interesting mental state because it can also be the cause of the intensity of the original thought communication that gave it motion (emotion) in the first place. After the emotion wanes, the call can be made (or in your case, received) with relatively better emotional control. In the end, time delays cause doubt. I refer back to the "read my mind right now" challenge. It just doesn't work that way in our present state of self knowledge. I trust that some day in the future that it will. But that will take lots of research and then acceptance and then teaching from a very young age in order for it to become a "normal" experience of being a human. 

IMO, there is nothing religious about your experience. There is a strong desire to communicate on one end (yours) and a very open mind on the other end that desires to receive the communication (hers). The hypothetical electromagnetic connection has a pathway and makes the connection. At this point in our evolution, the connection is made willy-nilly when certain conditions come together so it looks like magic or a religious experience. 

My advice is to not focus on the experience so much (except to note that it happened). The message is the point and continuing your efforts with your daughter is the important thing. No one outside of you is telling you or her to do anything. You are simply aware of your thoughts. Acting on your thoughts is what is important. Next time, instead of making it the responsibility of God or your daughter, you might just call her and tell her you were thinking of her. Maybe that would be hard for you. Based on what you describe it is likely. You want to talk to her, but give the responsibility for the choice to God and her. That's going to create the kind of emotional tension that just might create a subconscious communication. Again, it looks like magic, but it is not. 

Part of the problem with "psychic" abilities is just what you are describing. You look for someone or something else to tell you what to do. You look to something other than being responsible for your own thoughts and emotions. You work from the premise that there is some mysterious force that knows more than you about who you are and what is best for you. Wrong. If these abilities do exist, they exist to extend our ability for autonomy and responsibility for our lives and the choices we make. They exist to assist in our personal self awareness and/or self knowledge. 

I know that was long but the subject is a complex and difficult one. I hope something here helps you or others in understanding your personal responsibility for your life. Don't give it away to religion and/or superstition. 


p.s. not dissing religion here. I go to church myself though not particularly religious. It has a place in my life. It guides but does not control. 

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I totally agree without prior evidence that two people having sex entangle their magnetic fields. But not two people standing two or three feet away? Let alone further?

As to any sort of telepathy, large claims and all. Russians did huge studies hoping to find something, they came up with nothing. That isn’t proof. But it ain’t nothing. 

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On 3/11/2018 at 12:54 AM, barn said:

Okay, say you changed someone's reality with your thoughts alone.

That's my point.   If it was merely my thoughts then why did it create that effect?



Why didn't it work before?


Maybe it's because it was only my thoughts before.


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On 3/11/2018 at 3:43 PM, Jsbrads said:

Elzoog, first, let’s be candid, your daughter called five days after your feeling. Not 30 secs after.


Except that I did tell the spirit to do it within a certain period of time.   It was one day late, but still...


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3 hours ago, elzoog said:

Except that I did tell the spirit to do it within a certain period of time.   It was one day late, but still...


I’m not calling you a liar. Memory is very malleable. Even had your memory told you she would call at 10:45am on Monday, and she called exactly then, it would not indicate anything. If there is such a thing as telepathy or a prescient experience, this isn’t it. 

Sorry to hear of these troubles. Wish y’all the best. Think about your situation, chat about it with friends and here’s to hoping you find more peace. 

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3 hours ago, elzoog said:

That's my point.   If it was merely my thoughts then why did it create that effect?



Maybe it's because it was only my thoughts before.


Hi @elzoog

Thinking about what could be the most valuable contribution I might have, that could be of actual utility for you...after the thread have been up for a while, several posts later... etc.

(It's only my perspective, feel free to disregard it. Though I hope you give it a second thought.)

Looking for 'an' answer and 'the' answer are two completely different endeavours, while seemingly both deals with 'answers', they result in opposite life choices.

It is my current view that the topic and the responses it generated, for some reason isn't sufficient to encourage you to step out of a perspective that you had arrived in, when starting the thread.

What to do next?

I don't know.

I tried responding to your last reply earlier on, but I'm unsure and in doubt...

So, I hope you receive a fair compensation for what you had worked, what you are working for.




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On 3/19/2018 at 1:26 PM, elzoog said:

The daughter's mother wants her to have nothing to do with me.

I think you may have missed my point. Perhaps I should have said, "No one outside of you is telling making you or her to do anything." Regardless of what you ask for, regardless of what her mother tells her to do, regardless if God speaks to her, in the end, she will make the choice to contact you or not. You and she may act as if life is controlled by the other or her mother or someone else, but that does not make it true. That describes the victim/oppressor relationship, the co-dependent relationship, the "my life is dependent on what other people do and I have no control" relationship. 

There is a reason that believing in free will is empowering. Without it, you are simply a victim of circumstances your entire life with no power to make a difference either way. So far in this thread you have given over your power to prayer, God, your daughter, and her mother. From the very beginning of the thread you were trying to get her to call you rather than you taking charge and calling her. That is obviously my interpretation of words on a board and please forgive me if I have misunderstood. 

May I suggest you step up to the plate and do what you want to do with your life regarding your relationship with your daughter? Take the other circumstances into consideration, certainly. But act. You are in charge of you. Let go of needing to control and be controlled. 

Have your read Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life? 

Again, my apologies if I have misinterpreted. Peace be with you always. 

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On ‎08‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 12:31 PM, elzoog said:

I was wondering what you guys would say about this.

I had a feeling of the presence of God.   I had not been in contact with my daughter for over 6 years.  So I told this presence that if he is real, have my daughter contact me.   About 5 days later, I noticed that my daughter contacted me.

Any comments?

5 days is a bit of a reach for my answer, but since I know telepathy to be real, --- no proof, don't ask, --- I would say that your mind reached out and found hers and that that is what prompted the contact.




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