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[Podcast] 4022 An Honest Conversation With A Mass Shooting Survivor - Call In Show - March 3rd, 2018

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Question 1: [1:54] – “I’ve heard Stefan say numerous times that he doesn’t spank as a form of discipline, whereas I find spanking to be the disciplinary measure of last resort. As a father I am always willing to use nonphysical consequences, redirection, reasoning, and the like before any physical consequences, but as these periodically fail to correct a maladaptive behavior I have found spanking sufficient to do this. My position is that spanking is actually an appropriate form of disciple (again as a last resort) primarily because it teaches a truth about life, namely, that sometimes there are physically painful consequences to our actions. These, if done correctively and not punitively, may get our attention and cause us to change our behavior. I’d love to talk about this with Stefan and get his perspective on the issue.”

Question 2: [56:45] - “The left uses mass shooting survivors as ‘extra credible’ figures to argue their point. I think this is unethical. As a shooting survivor myself, I try not to do the same. Should I stick to those guns, or should I use my “victim” status to trump the argument?”

Question 3: [1:30:30] - “I am the oldest child and only son in my family. My two sisters and I grew up in a single-mother household, and I have seen many of the common negative effects of that environment manifest themselves. I had my "red pill" moment a few years ago and have been obsessively striving towards self-improvement ever since. Given what I now know about the pitfalls of single-motherhood and the importance of positive male role models, I find myself feeling very guilty about not doing much to fill that role for my younger sisters growing up. Of course I began trying to correct that as soon as possible, but I also fear that I have missed the most crucial time period in their lives where I could have made a major impact. Can the older brother effectively fulfill the role left unfilled by the father to any meaningful extent, even if he only becomes aware of the responsibilities of that role after the sisters have entered their teenage years?”

Question 4: [2:24:00] – “After watching your videos on free will and AI I find myself questioning your belief that it would be impossible for machines to one day emulate human awareness and free will. If we hold Darwinian evolution to be true, it points to humans evolving from organisms that did not have free will. But merely an instinct to adapt survive and reproduce. Question: Considering the fact that we evolved from apes with no free will, do you consider it impossible that software designed to evolve and learn via neural network machine learning and reproductive evolution could eventually obtain a concision awareness of itself and gain free will given enough time?”

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man, the spanking call was great. When I read the question I was all kind of angry and hating on the things he said in the question and the way he phrased things. I suppose I was expecting stef to be kind of confrontational too, sometimes he is with spankers, but he was very calm and empathetic and open. ( I did wonder, when he recommended to the caller that he be empathetic to his kid about not wanting to brush his teeth, if he was using the same "tactic" on the caller), and he really had a great conversation and directed the caller to think about things in a lot of different ways.


Absolutely amazing, stef.

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