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YT, U did VAT ??? (open 'wrongthink')


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Hi thinkers and alike,

Imagine my surprise...

Went to a usual content creator and:

1. been greeted with a warning that before I watch "inappropriate or offensive" (so I shouldn't decide for myself, right?). There's two options to choose to go forward YES or OK.

I'm kidding, this isn't windows installer. The options were CANCER or CONTINUE.

Nope, yet again I'm messing with ya.

CANCEL or CONTINUE. (So, you see why it's already fishy...)

2. Then, upon starting the same video a big message box appeared below the video, saying essentially:

° no comments

° no sharing

° no recommended videos

All-right, ok, I get it. Finally YT has decided to lean forward full tilt and get the platform over with, ASAP. I can't blame them for deciding to sabotage themselves.


p.s. [Acting compassionately, perhaps it's better to "never interrupt your _____"]

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Recommend the content providers upload to BitChute. Many are doing so and getting 2,000+ views or if you're Paul Joseph Watson 4,000+ and the numbers are rapidly rising. Loss of income isn't an issue for censored providers and BitChute say they are working on monetisation which will be a big plus when it happens.

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17 hours ago, Ogmios said:

Recommend the content providers upload to BitChute. Many are doing so and getting 2,000+ views or if you're Paul Joseph Watson 4,000+ and the numbers are rapidly rising. Loss of income isn't an issue for censored providers and BitChute say they are working on monetisation which will be a big plus when it happens.

Hi @Ogmios

You're absolutely correct, numbers and accounts(own words) of the people tell the same story. I just thought that they wouldn't go this far, this quickly. It seems as if there are no intelligent strategists amongst those tweaking the algorithms/calibrating departments' attitude.

Or, if there were...Could it be that we're seeing an infection overruling (plague-like) the otherwise just 'clumsy' company?

Like an in-war where some radical factions have achieved a strong enough base to warp the entire mechanism of YT, now causing more trouble than what they were asked to produce?

p.s. [It's almost funny, since one angle to look at it could be, how bad parenting in the early years cause 'uncontrollable' behaviour from the children when they have been brought up without love, reason and principles.]

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It looks like YT put a bunch of uncontrollable children (SPLC) in control of censoring content and freezing accounts. Then said that their new moderators "stumbled" out of the gate as an excuse for the censoring and freezing. Stumbled my ass. They got sloppy in their zeal and got caught. They've been exposed and the world is watching.

I also found I could not share content from certain sites and am concerned that entire libraries are being considered as property of YT instead of their creators, and will be erased.

Historic stuff going down. I'm keeping an eye on it.

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