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Brittany Pettibone --- UK.


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Before we begin I'd like to say hello to Her Majesty's Loyal Police Force and congradulate them on crushing their own souls in the service of globalism/ Satan.

The Gateway Pundit: UPDATE: US Conservative Activist Brittany Pettibone Is Being Held in London’s Colnbrook Bypass Prison as Political Prisoner [Link]

This is the place:


It is actually a prison not just a police station! How much longer is she going to be held?

So, I live in the UK, a little over an hour outside london. I have extra time because of ridiculous workplace problems (fought off by an excellent Union I might add), so I am now part time and having worked the temporary full time gives me a small amount extra of disposable income. But as far as I can tell there is nothing I can do. I know not a single right- leaning free- market (and free thinking) person out of my acquaintances or friends (Antifa is rife in my town, intimidated a previous mainstream right MP in a way that made him uncomfortable, death threats etc.)

I don't know any groups that are doing anything with this, protests or anything. I literally cannot think of a single person that can influence this situation in any way. My MP is incredibly globalist pro EU left wing "human being". So I come to the rational conclusion I am powerless here?



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Nothing of significance can be done in the UK, on a National scale. Individually, sure there are always people you could help.  

Youtubers well they can be shutdown, the election of Donald Trump probably bought them 4 years + maybe....

Didn't you say you were thinking of joining the police force? seeing them as servants of Satan probably not compatible with that.

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36 minutes ago, RichardY said:

Didn't you say you were thinking of joining the police force? seeing them as servants of Satan probably not compatible with that.

Must be someone else. I am a type 1 diabetic not medically fit to go into any emergency service or army.

Alas it was a jest, although I do quite seriously think this post will be seen by them.

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Mostly Americans on the forum, I think, though there are also Germans and British. Interesting to hear different things from other other people in UK, yeah must have been some other guy, that mentioned wanting to work in the police.

An ever expanding pit of hell it seems to me in society.

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Hi thinkers and alike,

A highly informative breakdown of the UK's treatment of the issue regarding prevention of free speech, from Styxhexenhammer666. (has been on the show a few times already, Christmas special too)

People in the UK should watch it, until they have the opportunity.

.... and so, the interview was made soon after. (obviously, not in the UK)

Perhaps they(gov) wanted to raise their(couple) status.

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The irritating thing watching this outrageous debacle is that Brittany and co, and many others aren't "right-wing," they're thinking individuals with opinions.  They aren't anti-Muslim, racist or anti anything else remotely detrimental to anyone.  They want to understand the truth of matters.  They're truth tellers, imperfect true, but that's life.  Brittany & co, and most definitely Stefan Molyneux make brilliant observations about the human condition.  Right and Left are largely irrelevant but the truth is not.  Meanwhile, UK mainsteam-media panders, lies and patronizes.  I've even noticed I'm often better informed than many Brit MPs who seem lost in the swamps of the BBC and Channel 4, which obviously reiterate CNN's and some other US networks mind-numbing bs.

The argument for me is getting to the truth about what's actually going on.  That's all I ask of news.

Restricting and imprisoning of Brittany & co has equivalents to Soviet and Maoist oppression, for which even the Russians and Chinese have contempt.  Always, always, those who imprison truth tellers of any kind are remembered by history with contempt.

Shame on those in the British Government who instigated this outrage against good, honest people.

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Referencing my other thread here I do think May is trying to start an argument with Trump on this, trying to sabotage Brexit.

He knows this I think and perhaps thinks the most strategic thing to do is to not allow her to do so.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/12/2018 at 5:33 AM, AllanN said:

Restricting and imprisoning of Brittany & co has equivalents to Soviet and Maoist oppression, for which even the Russians and Chinese have contempt.  Always, always, those who imprison truth tellers of any kind are remembered by history with contempt.

The trouble with this (obviously) is that it comes well into the future, in retrospect. The UK seems to be embracing all this thought-police stuff because it fought off Socialism in the past, it was not a Socialist state in the past. As the modern saying goes, the strongest anti-Communists today used to live under Communism. The Russians and the Chinese may have contempt for these acts now because having lived under the death camp called Communism, they know just how evil it is from firsthand experience, and meanwhile those who fought it, like the British, have begun to forget.

Then again, the leaders of the Socialist sinking ship that is the EU is Merkel's Germany, and they were CERTAINLY members of a Socialist state, but perhaps the problem with them is that most of the people who lived it are dead, whereas there are still many who lived during the Soviet Union before its collapse in the late 80s?

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Not so much retrospective, although I definitely agree with your observations.  I mean, besides Pettibone, Southern and Sellner's plight, the thought police are in action right now.  In the UK, certain divisions of the Police state categorically on Twitter: "we are watching you."  They don't mean they're watching thieves, rapists, those planning massacres or child molesters, they mean they are watching ordinary people who dare write thoughts, which in their opinion are "offensive."

I say, certain divisions, not all, notable is the Met Police which have a division of police watching Twitter posts.  Meanwhile figures show violent crime in London has risen dramatically.  But I mean, really, FFS, their money masters in the Saud don't realize that the UK public aren't retarded, much as they underestimated the US public who voted for the only honest man around, Trump.  Yet still the media smears itself with lie after lie.  Dumb and dumber they still don't get it, even as the Soviets didn't get it.  Facts and truth cannot be suppressed.

But yeah, SnapSlav agreed, it's swings and roundabouts as you incline and for the exposés of tomorrow I can't wait :)

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I attended the Speakers Corner event but didn't stay after it became clear since Tommy had no microphone I couldn't hear him. I actually wanted to hear the content of the speech I wasn't turning up for moral support. But perhaps I should have been!

The police wandered around like they had no clue what they were doing.

On the way up I was reading through the lyrics of 'The Chimes of Freedom Flashing', by Bob Dylan. A song of which I think would have a lot of impact now.

We did actually almost have socialism before Thatcher. It was just stopped before it could really slide. No one owned property before Thatcher.

I did email my local MP about it, this was his response (It was a very polite response otherwise and I did follow up with 'it seems to me' sort of responses on the nebulous definition of 'hate'):

My emphasis:



Thank you for contacting me and sharing your views with me.

Unfortunately I am unable to comment on the specifics on this individual case which is a legal matter.

However, I’m happy to let you know my views more generally, which are that I believe we must strike the right balance on this issue. Freedom of speech must absolutely be protected, but this cannot be used to incite hate or violence against others.


Stefans interview with Tommy was very good.

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1 hour ago, J.L.W said:

We did actually almost have socialism before Thatcher. It was just stopped before it could really slide. No one owned property before Thatcher.

No private ownership is one thing, and it's certainly a core component of Socialism which strives for total collectivist ownership. But Socialism is still a very different beast from that one thing, and the UK may have dipped and dabbed in a few aspects of it (I've heard Tony Blair's administration described as "Socialist" recently) but it never fully embraced the utopian zeitgeist. Canada is a good example of this kind of situation. It has many socialized systems, and it's one of the better examples of the horrors of "creeping socialism", in that it's growing more and more socialist. But is it right now, or was it ever, at the state that the Soviet Union had arrived at anywhere between the 1920s to the 1970s? Not really.

Granted, that doesn't mean I wish to defend the UK system, especially with these latest revelations and the conviction of Count Dankula (ironic, considering his expressed Communist leanings) adding more and more crap to an already nasty list. I really liked watching the videos of the debates from Thatcher's days, because it's so alien to what I'm used to, but that's about it for my appreciation of British governance. XD

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1 hour ago, SnapSlav said:

No private ownership is one thing, and it's certainly a core component of Socialism which strives for total collectivist ownership. But Socialism is still a very different beast from that one thing, and the UK may have dipped and dabbed in a few aspects of it (I've heard Tony Blair's administration described as "Socialist" recently) but it never fully embraced the utopian zeitgeist. Canada is a good example of this kind of situation. It has many socialized systems, and it's one of the better examples of the horrors of "creeping socialism", in that it's growing more and more socialist. But is it right now, or was it ever, at the state that the Soviet Union had arrived at anywhere between the 1920s to the 1970s? Not really.

Granted, that doesn't mean I wish to defend the UK system, especially with these latest revelations and the conviction of Count Dankula (ironic, considering his expressed Communist leanings) adding more and more crap to an already nasty list. I really liked watching the videos of the debates from Thatcher's days, because it's so alien to what I'm used to, but that's about it for my appreciation of British governance. XD

OK, so more specifically, before Thatcher the English working class used to go to a job owned by the government, drive a car owned by the government and live in a house owned by... you guessed it... The government.

The Unions were a strong presence in all workplaces and you had to be a part of the Union if you worked and you had to strike if they told you to strike. Unions had unelected leaders and no fixed terms.

Those on the highest income bracket were taxed something like 70% and a lot of them left.

The problem came when coal was shipped in from South Africa at 1/20th of the price, so the coal companies that were ammassing debt, started to take more and more government subsidies and any threat to remove them, i.e. fire the workers, was met by Union protests... This lead to what was called 'the winter of discontent' which was characterised by society starting to break down because Unions kept striking, although there were no people breaking into the zoo to eat the animals because it had not got that far yet, it is deep in the English psyche of anyone who lived through that time.

The only reason it didn't get that bad was because England is richer than most countries, and it has good creditors and it found oil at just the right moment, so the left wing behaviours didn't bite into the nations backbone too hard. But it was still socialism.

This is probably why the left, left; like the Communist left, has not had any real successes in English politics in the last few decades. Like you said Tony Blair was a cultural Marxists and highly loyal to the EU and mass immigration. But they did not tax the rich or do anything openly left wing.

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