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War mongering Theresa May


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So, in her infinite wisdom. Theresa has (most probably) decided to blame Russia for the nerve gas doo dab and follow it by poking the... now very well armed... Russian bear


The woman and her globalist chums are clearly cornered. Deadline for Brexit is a year now. Italy is pulling the EU's hand back from giving her an excuse to sell England to the lowest bidder, and Trump's ego did not get offended by her previous attempts at sabotaging the relationship (by whining at him about global warming at the UN).

Also with the Deep State in America not being successful at demonising Russia I suppose the next deep state lacky has gotta do it now.

Anyway, very big event not really covered or talked about anywhere I have seen at least, so far.

You know, I'm pissed enough that recently, I don't feel it would be all that bad if England were wiped out but that's just, you know, cynicism.

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The woman is a moron. A complete, utter, useless moron. Since she's been in power she hasn't accomplished ANYTHING positive. All she's done is done her best to ruin brexit, implement more hate speech laws, imprison and ban more people from entering the UK and piss people off more and more. Straight after the breaking of the russia story there came the news that Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen from Britain First have been sent to jail...for talking about the muslim rape gangs. Then came the news that Brittany Pettibone had been detained just for entering the UK. Then straight after that we now find out about the Telford grooming gang case where more than 1000 girls were raped by muslims over decades. And not a mention in the mainstream media. And instead what do the lying media talk about? The "punish a muslim letters" trying to portray the muslims as victims when at the same time the white natives are getting literally raped by this filthy scum we've let into our country. I'm now so fucked off with the whole situation I'm actually seriously considering leaving the UK. If things don't improve or get worse over the next few years I'm leaving the UK and going to the US. The UK is turning into a real socialist police state and I don't want to continue to live here if things don't improve. If I'm still here in a few years then I'll be voting ForBritain or UKIP. Hell I might even vote BNP seeing how bad the two mainstream political parties are.

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BNP: Red pill moment for me, I remember when I was at high school/College, thinking why is it that everyone on the TV are saying that immigration from Eastern Europe is all great, no negatives. Anyway asked my father and he said maybe the NF or BNP(literally had never heard of them before) are against it, so looked it up on the Internet. At or shortly after that time they were investigating into the Rape Gangs and  Nick Griffin was put on trial for "Hate Speech". Also did the freedom of information request for the MP Expenses. Imo I think they're bought out now and are sock puppets. 

Emmigrating: Anyone with sense and work ethic has left, or is leaving the UK, for greener pastures.... Exempting family commintments or other ties.


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I believe completely Brittany's arrest was timed for this event. Alternative youtube celeb media hasn't talked about anything else for days!

Also Americans for whatever reason don't like criticising the Brits. Rather like how it is sometimes difficult to criticise familiy even if they're being difficult!

Paul Joseph Watson, Nigel Farage, David Icke and Richie Allen are the first people I can think of who have platforms in the UK.

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7 hours ago, J.L.W said:

Also Americans for whatever reason don't like criticising the Brits. Rather like how it is sometimes difficult to criticise familiy even if they're being difficult!


I don't like what they did, and I'm American. That type of behavior is something one would expect from a country like North Korea, not England.

About family: true, criticizing blood members is difficult, but if one doesn't do that, they'd be taken advantage of by them for years. In my situation, I had to go beyond criticizing them; I had to cut them out because I got fed up with their hypocrisy and double-standards while claiming to love me. 

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To be honest this is past time coming. I can't speak to the specifics of this particular nerve agent attack as the details are still being investigated, but this action should have been taken over the Polonium poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko. The Russians were caught dead to rights on that one, and what's worse is I think the British government covered up the murder of the Scientist who developed the technique for detecting Polonium Poisioning. He was found dead with multiple stab wounds to his neck and chest, that the coroner somehow recorded as being self inflicted!?


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There was that Weapons Inspector Dr David Kelly, who commited "suicide". Wrists were cut, but the guy had medical expertise, something about drugs being in his system to coverup the death. The guy had colleagues from the Lancet saying his death was bascially murder.

Nigel Farage car brakes were cut or something.

The "accident" involving Princess Diana. Probably as many conspiracy theories as 9/11, though the one I believe purely on opinion, is that she was killed to coverup her having a baby from a Pakistani GP . The fact she also said, she thought she was going to be killed in a car crash as well. Plus all the judges that kept resigning from doing an inquiry. 

So what if the Russians killed an ex double agent, the guy's hardly... "innocent" (according to May). The daughter as well though, could see reasons either way. What if the Russians were framed? Wasn't Trump calling for Snowden and other ex CIA defectors to be shot? (Is it possible to state it any other way?) 


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6 hours ago, RichardY said:

There was that Weapons Inspector Dr David Kelly, who commited "suicide". Wrists were cut, but the guy had medical expertise, something about drugs being in his system to coverup the death. The guy had colleagues from the Lancet saying his death was bascially murder.

The David Kelly thing was nuts. What man who has four daughters doesn't leave behind a suicide note?

Trumps jumping in on it now... *Sigh*

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Here are two articles on it, the alternative media is starting to wake up!

Zerohedge: Is The UK Manufacturing Its Nerve Agent Case For 'Action' On Russia?


Craig Murray: The Novichok Story Is Indeed Another Iraqi WMD Scam


Second one is from a former UK ambassador!


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So, in her infinite wisdom. Theresa has (most probably) decided to blame Russia for the nerve gas doo dab and follow it by poking the... now very well armed... Russian bear

That's no surprise, frankly. Great Britain and Imperial Russia played the 'Great Game' about control in Asia, now it's the Anglophone World vs China and Russia.

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