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Hahahahaha...hahaha...hehehe...Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee when I watched this. In all probability, I would have experienced a nasal deployment of such magnitude, it would have covered my monitor and shorted out my keyboard.

That's awesome!

I have seen the video about arachnids on LSD. But this take on it is great.

Question? Re: The spiders on marijuana, how did they deal with the munchies while laying in their sticky hammocks?

Good one, Barn.

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Hi @MercurySunlight

Um.. I stumbled upon your latest message just now, as it didn't have my handler's mentioned (@),plus like you I haven't subscribed for notifications on this thread... yet.

Skidboot...(sure, glad I could) A fine hound, when I first saw the videos (story 'n all, after I had seen the one I linked here) it kinda made me teary so I thought, I was only going to post the 'fun bit' here, but yeah... 'Time waits for no man' or dog for that matter. It's the order of things. Sorry, just ramblin'... Btw, I'm also partial and take sides with breeds such as this one (especially with 'shoes'):


(subjectively) Now, regarding Morgan F. I kinda still like what he does (professionally), it's just... it happens quite often to me (don't know if you have had that, probably yes) when I see some of the actors speaking in a casual conversation, no prior preparation... night and day. Others (a few) are instead, rather more 'chiseled', make me like them even more...funny video, nevertheless.

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