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Who is shooting for their own platform?


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I have never thought about this much particularly. But recent events and what I want said is not being said.

I saw Dylans videos (poster here)! I have not seen much from anyone else... Anyone think about this?

I started a channel on some things but the area was very specialised and very far beyond most people in its area (a specific new age subject) I added some commentary that got some views but few videos got over 100 views.

In order to actually gain a proper platform I'd have to potentially do music, which I am good at and people like me for, I could also put my face on youtube and just talk about social issues, I did not put my face on there before but that's what people like to see. I don't think I'd get very far with this though.

What do you all think on this? Do you have or want your own platforms? Something to say?

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Yea, I think as many people should do platforms as possible. Obviously it's not for everyone, but here's my reasoning why:

Particularly in the realms of politics and philosophy, there are a lot of people who are simply not interested in the topics. However, there are people who are interested in you. You have friends and family who are going to listen to you because you're you, not because of the topic. This can get them to think about the topic and become interested in it when they otherwise never would have thought about it.

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Yes, that reminds me of a hairdresser I was talking to recently. She had a great sense of humour but I asked her if there was any politics she was into and she was blatantly anti Trump saying that it was not good to have a mad man negotiating with Kim Jong Un! *sigh*. I did make a small point against this that Trump had written 'The Art of the Deal' but I doubt that went in. You know how belief systems can be!

But when I mentioned my genuine fear of this war trajectory and how I remembered what things were like at the Iraq war, she completely took it in. Because these are real emotions, something she can connect with. Weak anti Putin conspiracy theories cannot stand against this especially since even if they are true, in the intelligence community life is cheap. That's a good thing, it's so we don't have wars happening when one person is killed in a very dangerous occupation.

Man I'm fuming. Anyway, I think those emotions can cross the boundary of belief system. A kind of genuineness, and like you said another thing about this is it's the person themselves that others connect with!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not shooting any videos yet, but I do have a platform myself.  However, my platform is for designing a Campaign Setting for Table Top Role Playing Games.  It's in a periodical form that I publish over at DriveThruRPG.  (Pay what you want, so you can get it for free.)  I don't know if links are allowed here, otherwise, I'd give the link out to the issues I have thus far.

The periodical is of me putting up ideas that I'm brainstorming for like-minded kindred souls (usually in the D&D creative community) to kick around.  The most recent issue that I'm writing now, however, will have some philosophy content that got started elsewhere in this forum.  I've been an avid follower of Stefan and Jordon (Peterson) and their reasoning has bled over into my own work.  (I'm curious, has Stefan ever wondered if The Argument could be used in a Creative environment?)

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43 minutes ago, DavidFoxfire said:

I'm not shooting any videos yet, but I do have a platform myself.  However, my platform is for designing a Campaign Setting for Table Top Role Playing Games.  It's in a periodical form that I publish over at DriveThruRPG.  (Pay what you want, so you can get it for free.)  I don't know if links are allowed here, otherwise, I'd give the link out to the issues I have thus far.

The periodical is of me putting up ideas that I'm brainstorming for like-minded kindred souls (usually in the D&D creative community) to kick around.  The most recent issue that I'm writing now, however, will have some philosophy content that got started elsewhere in this forum.  I've been an avid follower of Stefan and Jordon (Peterson) and their reasoning has bled over into my own work.  (I'm curious, has Stefan ever wondered if The Argument could be used in a Creative environment?)

You most certainly CAN post links and I wish you would do so more (like in your signature) since I had a hard time finding you on DriveThruRPG (I skimmed in a full preview your 5th edition and was... impressed by a certain rabbit class I'd probably lol a lot with...). 

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