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My Successful Uncle Has A New Child: But I Want Nothing To Do With Them: Do I Fear Connection?

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9 minutes ago, SnapSlav said:

I DID say 5% was "being generous" though. I only included the possibility because I can't honestly rule it out, for the same reason I argued that you could've mis-remembered this whole affair. Hell, there have been times where the "Yugoslav wars never happened" propaganda has been so stifling that I even momentarily believed that I concocted every one of those memories of bombed-out buildings and sad moments with family ALL in my head! So it goes without saying, that without absolute certainty- a real bitch of a thing to have -I leave room for doubt. Me saying "5% likelihood, which is generous" is about the same thing as saying "never happened, full stop".

Yeah, probably. 

9 minutes ago, SnapSlav said:


Well, that's more than me, that's for sure! Unless we count the stuff I wrote in a matter of days when I was 8-9... which I don't think is fair, so no... XD

I wrote most of them in a matter of months, spending 5 hours per day both at home and in school writing them. It may actually be dozens, I'm not sure but I still have them in their grimy spiral and marble notebook form.

9 minutes ago, SnapSlav said:


Not sure if we're talking about the same person? Blonde's videos that stick out in my mind are her argument for the failure of civic nationalism, her detailing the genetic history of her lineage and how genes are propagated, and a MULTITUDE of subjects tackling the culture wars. About the only thing "girly" about her channel is that she herself is quite the looker. Oh, and she has a small dog, which is kinda cliche West-Coast Girl, I suppose. But I generally watch her on the Beauty and the Beta podcast (and their weekly live call-in show if I ever get around to it) more than anything else. Since she's the "stop being such a touchy-feely pansy" counterbalance to Matt Christiansen's liberal half of the show, that says a LOT about how forthright she tends to be! There have been VERY few episodes (if any) of that podcast which left me disappointed. I know there was one topic which I was unhappy about their coverage, but I honestly am struggling to remember what it was about.

Generally speaking, the podcast goes like this: Summary of the week's crazy shit. If it's at all polarizing between the two, Matt will take a Sargon-esque liberal deference while Blonde points out that we've seen this damn dance several times already. The rest of the time you'd think they agree on just about everything, except cringe videos, which Blonde HATES and that Matt LOVES to make her suffer through. Except that they actually do disagree on most things, but they have strong respect for each other so they don't usually fight about it.

Well, all this is news to me! I might check her out--I don't want to overdose on news and redpills since I can be a bit sensitive to it--but if it's basically what Stefpai talks about than I'm not that interested because I'd rather hear from a personality I already know more than an unfamiliar one.

But I'm getting bored of listening to FDR for the last 2 years and I have only be listening for like an hour or two per week lately so I could use a new voice in my left ear! 

On the subject of female public talkers, Roaming Milennial caught my attention and while, 2 years ago, I would have vehemently disagreed with her on many issues I am surprisingly finding myself more and more "civic nationalist/alt-light" as I simply value culture over all (in terms of demographics) and while I do not totally disregard racial preference (not in terms of other people having them, rather in having them myself) it is amusing to me how racist I was for a few months after getting redpilled for the first time and how the more and more I learn about the power of Christianity and how the White Man is essentially an unwashed barbarian with Christendom, the more and more I become a "Christian Nationalist" rather than any kind of ethnic, racial, continental, or country nationalist. I mean take Americanism (freedom of speech, free markets, entrepreneurialism, pioneering, patriotism) out of America and I wouldn't care about American anymore even though I have ancestors here for 4 generations at the least! 

But I'm in flux as far as culture vs. race vs. etc. is concerned and don't have strong beliefs beyond Christianity being the keystone of the West and America's founding principles of libertarianism being stuff I really like and cherish. However as a Japanophile who really loves and admires their culture and society, I would really be willing to wage war in their defense while for America's sake I'd only do so if my own life and property was in danger. I don't love modern America, while I do love Japan. I just prefer America to everywhere else because we pretty much live in utopia and most of our issues don't affect most of our everyday lives. I really don't like the trigger-sensitive and hedonistic culture but compared to the uber militant and repressive Islamic culture I really respect what I've inherited. I also am very ignorant of American culture and people outside my own slice of the East Coast and the media, so what I "think is America" might actually be just a small minority of it and the "real America" is actually something I'd truly be willing to die for. I don't know, I don't know when I'll know, but practically speaking I want to find the best slice of the Midwest to plant my roots into as I suspect their highly conservative culture and voting block will jell far better with me than the decaying coastal cities would.

However, yet again, I am very ignorant of my own nation's culture outside of what the media portrays and my own slice of it. I think America might be far more diverse (in terms of culture) than is projected and perhaps one of America's cultures would be far more gratifying and enjoyable for me than others' (like the one around me or on TV). I don't know. I don't know how to find out, but I suspect given all the stats and trends I've learned from FDR that the Midwest is the Last, Best Hope for Western Civilization and America/the Anglosphere in particular. 

9 minutes ago, SnapSlav said:


It's not really about "here's what you coulda said back then, but this is kinda pointless to know about, now". It's more like if you had a cousin who recited the wage gap myth to you in idle conversation, and you'd briefly forgotten all the myriad of ways to shoot that down for the silly superstition that it is, even if you filed them away as someone to part company with, you could be better prepared for the next person that comes along and says the same tired lie that they've been taught to repeat. Sooner or later, it'll be someone that you either take a gamble on, or you already know that they have good wiring but that they've been fed bad data, and it's more than worthwhile to correct them. Sometimes "missed opportunities" with someone else is the reminder to keep yourself brushed up on anti-crazy data/arguments for the next opportunity to come.

Yeah, I get that (at least upon hearing it from you. I totally forget what was on my mind when I responded to what you're responding to), and I might use it later. However I, in general, prefer to have as few connections as possible and in the future would rather live in a place I generally agree with than would have to argue with. I enjoy clashes of ideas only on occasion, not every day all day every hour of the day (not to say you said that; rather to say that's how my life used to be since I live in an uber Leftist city and I can't wait to leave it. Though, credit where it's due, I thank God everyday I live in Utopia because at least I have comfort and solipsism to make up for the ideological and societal mess and degeneracy going on around me).

9 minutes ago, SnapSlav said:

Like the wage gap, the argument about pot prosecution vs coke prosecution is a COMMON fallacy brought up by lefties. You can't be the expert on 100% of the stupid shit they recite, but seeing 50% of it coming will make you look like an intellectual titan... or they'll start the autistic screeching because they instinctively know that they can't win, but they can't admit it. Either way, you win.

Yeah, I can definitely think up situations where this might be helpful. Namely in getting a wife (who I'm sure I'll disagree with a lot until we educate each other or something), getting work partners (as you taught me, they are typically friends who trust each other, therefore I need to be able to argue with them outside work so they can feel more confident in me during work), and living in a community (which I'm years away from living in).

9 minutes ago, SnapSlav said:

The consequence of avoiding the risk of becoming a monster is to let other monsters have their way. Be wary of the abyss staring back, but you have to take that risk to hunt the monsters.

Oh yeah, I get that. I've stared very deeply into the Abyss and it screwed very badly with my head back when I was 17. I'm more interested in living by example and outbreeding them, but I do have an obligation of sorts to out-argue them since I have the ability to do so and once I find a place of settlement it'll be a part of the mutual assimilation process.

However at present, I have no desire to fight battles where I win nothing and only tire myself. I think it's an exercise in futility to argue with people I have different values than and since I am not even sure what my values are and where I stand, beyond freedom of speech and the power of Christianity and the recognition we live in utopia, so I don't think I can really argue against someone when I'm not even sure I agree with their opposite. 

However it's context dependent. Like can I argue with a pro-chocier? If saying "killing babies is wrong" isn't enough, what is? On the other hand I could argue the effects of President Trump's administration rather easily as I'm more familiar with the good and bad and could more confidently argue in his favor as believing bad things about him aren't automatic signs that this person has radically different values than me. However I think at a certain point, like pursuing equality of outcome rather than opportunity, the value differences become present and agreement becomes impossible. 

Having said all this, I must again say that I'm much less sure of my values now than I was 1 year ago and therefore, beyond basic stuff and principles, am not comfortable arguing about more abstract things like drugs vs. incarceration rates and the plausibility of closet racism. I mean I could say "Yo, the Democrats literally were the party of slavery and haven't done jack shit for black people" all day long since I know my history but there are things I don't know about, partly because I have little interest. Like night life and drugs. I'm too kangaroo for rabbit life! 

...PS +3, I know I've repeated myself several times already but in different ways, however I'd like to express my general sense of uncertainty about what's right and wrong in terms of politics beyond principles and the basics. Already in my life i learned that so much of what I was taught was not only BS but the opposite of the truth. Then I learned several times over that the radical solutions to the supposed or true problems are themselves causes of further problems. I feel like I can't offer a solution without also causing an unforeseen problem down the line. And frankly, if I can't be sure, we shouldn't having a public voting system and out to re-establish the monarchy as I think people whose job is to figure this out for a living are far more qualified than 90% of the population--including unsure kids like myself.

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